All Saints Messenger.” Our vision: Becoming a Ministering Community in Mission. Welcome to all who attend services today. Visitors please make yourselves known to the clergy and pick up a welcome leaflet. Please join us for morning tea after both services. 11th January, 2015. The Baptism of our Lord. 8.00a.m. Holy Communion. Hymns: 547, 494, 245, 705, 209. Presider: Rev. Kesh Govan. Preacher: Rev. Kesh Govan. 10.00a.m. Service from Data projector Presider: Rev. Kesh Govan Preacher: Rev. Kesh Govan. _______________________________________________ Prayer of the Day. Let us pray to boldly confess Jesus as Lord and Saviour. Eternal God, at the baptism of Jesus in the river Jordan you proclaimed him your beloved Son, and anointed him with the Holy Spirit: grant that all who are baptised into his name may keep the covenant they have made, and boldly confess him as Lord and Saviour; who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen. 1st Reading Genesis 1: 1-5 (Pauline Hockings) The story of creation emphasises how God creates order from a watery chaos and separates light from darkness. Psalm 29. (PB 248) Hymn to the God of the storm. 2nd Reading Acts 19: 1-7 (Sylvia Deering) (Carmen Rigon) Paul explains how baptism in the Holy Spirit is necessary as well as John‘s baptism of repentance. Gospel Mark 1: 4-11 The baptism of Jesus. Today’s Intercessions. Almighty God and Father, Your Son Jesus Christ has promised that You will hear us when we ask in faith; receive the prayers we offer. Our Father, we pray for the leaders of our nation. We have placed them in their positions of authority; so please lead them that they function in all things for the wellbeing of the people of this nation. May they rule with justice, compassion and fairness for all. Father of all… Receive our prayer. Our Father, we pray for our parish clergy and ministry leaders. We thank You for each one, and commend them to Your guidance, that Your purposes will be fulfilled in them and through them. This morning, we especially bring before you our youth ministry leaders, asking that You would empower and equip them so that this new year may be a time of growth and expansion. May they lead young people to be faithful disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ. Father of all… Receive our prayer. Our Father, we commend to Your fatherly care, all who mourn the loss of loved ones, and all who are experiencing sorrow, sickness, discouragement or any other trouble. We especially remember those who mourn Joan Edwards and Mary Nichols. Give to them such an awareness of Your love and compassionate presence that they find the peace that passes all understanding. Father of all… Receive our prayer. Hear us Father, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen. Next Sunday, 18th January, 2015. Second Sunday after Epiphany. Readings: 1st Reading 1 Samuel 3: 1-10 Psalm 139: 1-5, 12-18 2nd Reading 1 Corinthians 6: 12-20 Gospel John 1: 43-51 Questions to ponder Samuel: When have I said, ―Here am I‖ to God? Corinthians: Do I glorify God in my body? John: What can we learn if we ‗come and see‘? Ministries for 18th January, 2015. Ushers 8.00a.m —Colleen Furner 10.00a.m —Glenys Parker. Servers 8.00a.m —Val Morris Crucifer– Bob Grant. 10.00a.m —Piper McCleer. Readers 8.00a.m —1st reading + Psalm–Audrey Henshaw. 8.00a.m — 2nd reading + Intercessions—Richard Harris. 10. 00a.m — 2nd reading—Vicki McCleer. 10.00a.m —-Intercessions—Peter Rallings. Chalice 8.00a.m—- Val Morris, Bob Grant. 10.00a.m—- Beryl Howard, Vikki McCleer Counting 8.00a.m.—- Richard Harris, Thelma Wynn. 10.00a.m.—-Janelle Tolhurst, Christine Lilly Morning tea 8.00a.m — Athleen Harris, Wendy Smith. 10.00a.m — Leonie Lund, Help wanted. Welcomers 8.00a.m — Harrie Furner, Sue Tate. 10.00a.m — Ed Parker, Leonie Lund. Brass Elva John. Weekday services at All Saints. All services at All Saints are public acts of worship open to everyone. Tuesday Evening 5.00p.m. Prayer for Healing Service. (in recess until 20th January) Wednesday Morning. Holy Communion 10.00a.m. A simple service with hymns only if a musician is present. Prayer Requests Thank you for your care and your faithfulness to prayer. A reminder that if continued prayer is needed for any person or circumstance, it is important that the request is written in the Prayer Request Book for January. Prayers for those in need.... Leanne and Andrew McNeill, John Drain, Jenny Way, Valda Lang, Colleen Mate, Pat Missen, David Grant, and Simon as he faces an uncertain future. Prayers for those who mourn.... We pray for those who mourn Joan Edwards especially Peter and for those who also mourn Mary Nichols, especially Don. Prayers for our Parish Ministry and Mission Aftershock Ladies Night Blessing of Back Packs Blokes Night Family Night Clergy contact 4981 1839 Rev‘d Kesh Govan: Office: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. 10a.m.- 2.00p.m. email: Website: Phone/Fax 4981 4839 Saintly Messenger Contributions to: Please email items in Microsoft Word or Publisher-Arial Font 18 by 12 noon Wednesdays. Thank you for your generosity Offerings for the 4th January Offerings $ 1,819.30 Total Offerings $ 2,300.30 Direct Giving (Average) $ 480.00 Donation (Votive Candles) $ 100.00 $ 133.40 Candle Offering $ 1.00 Missions Direct Giving to All Saints It is a simple matter to set up a regular direct transfer from your bank to All Saints account, rather than by the plate. All Saints bank is Westpac and the Branch number is 032533. All Saints Account Number is 110487. Usually this is all the information that is needed by your bank or building society to begin direct giving. You don‘t have to give your name but please indicate as ―Direct Giving‖. What’s on @ All Saints and in the Community? Dates for your Diary. January Friday Saturday Friday Saturday 16 17 23 24 Ladies Evening 7pm - Church Family night 5pm - Dutchies Blokes event 7pm - Sally Tavern Blessing of Backpacks It is with a note of sadness that I inform you of the passing of Hilda Edwards, a regular worshipper at our 8am Sunday service. Hilda's funeral will be held at All Saints on Tuesday 13th January at 10am followed by morning tea. Please phone Maggie 49811466 if you wish to assist with catering. Rev'd Anne Friday 16th from 7pm @Church Come and relax, enjoy some fellowship, drinks and nibbles. We are going to dabble in making our own skin products. Fun guaranteed quality unknown! There will be a small cost to offset the cost of providing the ingredients. Please remember to invite a friend, neighbour or someone new to the area :) Family Night Saturday 17th from 5pm @ East Dutchies Beach (toilet end). This is a night for everyone – we are family – BYOE and enjoy great company at one of our beautiful spots. Again please invite friends along for the evening, it‘s all about the fellowship. Blokes Night – working title Friday 23rd from 7pm @ Salamander Tavern A chance for the men to get together and have a social drink and get to know one another through good old fashioned fellowship. Ok men, this is now over to you! Blessing of the Backpacks Saturday January 24th On behalf of Reverend Kesh, the Ministry Team and everyone at All Saints a huge thank you to all the wonderful people who did all the catering for the Christmas services. Thank you so much for all your hard work. I was off sick and unable to attend the Christmas services but I have heard great reports that the Christmas cake and drinks were greatly appreciated and added a lot to the welcoming atmosphere. Thank you all for your generosity of spirit. Helen Helen Wright, team leader for welcoming and hospitality Annual General Meeting Reports A reminder to all those who present reports for the AGM paper to start thinking and preparing your report for 2014. Your report will need to be presented for printing by the end of February. Electoral Roll In order to be eligible to vote at the AGM people must be on the Electoral Roll. To be on the electoral roll means to be 18 years of age, to be baptised, to declare you are a communicant member of this Church, have signed the electoral roll, and regularly attending worship. Green electoral roll forms are available in the church foyer. People who are on the roll have been notified by email or letter. Prayer for discerning people for Resourcing Team God of mercy, We ask You to raise able servants, who will use the gifts You have given them. May our Parish seek and find people You would have serve as Wardens, Parish Secretary, Parish Treasurer, and members of the Resourcing Team. Help us to take on the responsibilities You give us with joy, humility and determination. Amen. I’m being brave and doing the World's Greatest Shave! Hello Everyone, I have decided to SHAVE my HAIR for a CURE of cancer!! Sunday the 18th of January 2015 at 3pm, Duke of Wellington Hotel, New Lambton. Recently, I have had the absolute pleasure of caring for incredible people and their families dealing with one of life‘s hardships, Cancer. All of the beautiful and amazing people I have had the opportunity to look after have touched me sincerely. I want to do something minor, in comparison to what people living with cancer are experiencing and shave my hair for them. Please sponsor me, to help people and their families living with cancer. The Leukaemia Foundation is dedicated to care and cure of patients and their families living with blood disorders. Your donation will help: Research to improve treatments and find cures. Provide free services including emotional support. Education programs and information to help people live with their Disease. Transport to and from hospital for treatment. Access to fully furnished, ‗home away from home‘ accommodation for regional families requiring to relocate to the city for treatment. Today, 31 Australians will get the news they have blood cancer. 60,000 people are going through this in Australia right now - please sponsor me and help me reach my goal. Get behind my shave now! RegistrationID=555023#&panel1-5 Love Kiralea (Teague) xx All Saints Pantry. We‘ve helped many people over the year and helped stock hampers for Christmas. Without your donations, many people would be truly hungry. Thank you so much. Let‘s restock. We have a good supply of tinned tomatoes, but Long Life milk, snack pack fruit, tuna in oil, savoury biscuits, coffee, braised steak and onions and other meals in a tin are always appreciated. Kesh and the Ministry team have decided to remove the bookshelf in the foyer. The books on the bookshelf are free to anyone who would like to take them. MELBOURNE FLOWER SHOW With Port Stephens Friendship Group 5days/4nights Tues 24th March to Saturday 28th March 2015 Tour Cost $895pp/ts Travel to Melbourne –own arrangement and cost Further details see Richard Harris ALL SAINTS' ANGLICAN CHURCH DIRECTORY (As at December 2014) GROUPS & ORGANISATIONS All Saints Op Shop Yacaaba St. Nelson Bay Managers Val Morris Yvonne Duffy BayGaps Wednesdays 10.30-12noon Leonie Lund term time 4982 6490 Cursillo Parish contact 4981 2471 Parish Magazine Parish magazine published weekly. Deadline noon Wednesdays. Editor Chris Palmer Val Morris 4981 2471 4984 3838 Publishers Lynne Whittingham Rhonda Bryan Toni Wein 4984 7920 4981 1578 4981 1722 Proofreader Lynne Whittingham 4984 7920 Printers Helen Miller Esma Kane 49811420 4984 3095 Evangelism COURSE Coordinator Barb Hayes 4984 7346 Fundraising Coordinator Maggie Dominey 4981 1466 Hall Bookings Administrator Evelyn Buckworth 4981 4537 HOME GROUPS Co-ordinator Chris Palmer 4020 5221 JaM Leader Catherine Govan 4981 1839 Legal Aid 2nd Wed of each month Val Morris 4981 2471 Men’s Dinners Coordinator Don Bourquin 4984 3982 Music 8am Sunday 10am Wednesday Organist/s Lynne Whittingham Zelma Chalmers 4984 7920 4981 2393 Music 10am Sunday Musicians and Singers Verina Rallings June Mitchell 4984 6587 4981 2677 Mothers' Union 2nd Friday 9.30 am Catherine Allaire 4984 6294 Cuppa and Chat Fri 9.30am-11am In recess In recess Parish Fellowship Get together 3 monthly Anne Lye 4984 7056 Playtime Thursdays 10-12noon term time Catherine Govan 4981 1839 Seniors 1st and 3rd Mondays Warrick Lilly 4981 1680 Website Administrator Warrick Lilly 4981 1680 Whist Saturday once a month Heather King 4981 2055 Women’s Dinner Twice a year Barb Hayes 4984 7346
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