Sacred Heart Catholic Church 2140 N. Cedar Avenue Everyone is Welcome Bienvenidos a Todos Fr. Alex C. Ignacio, Pastor Rev. Mr. Robert Sesma: Director of RCIA Rev. Mr. Tom Ognibene: Pastoral Care Coordinator Office Manager: Kelley Aviles Director of Religious Education/YM: Kathy Alegria CCD Spanish Coordinator - Esmeralda Hernandez Director of Environment: Edna DeLuca Wedding Coordinator: Inez Castro Lectors & Eucharistic Ministers: Cecelia Lingenfelter Altar Servers Coordinator: Debi Cooper Ushers Coordinator: Florensio Espinosa Music Director: GeeGee Villarama Finance Council Chairperson - Mike Chavez Parish Ministries Council Chairperson - Cliff Cooper Spanish RCIA Coordinator: Antonio Alas Sacred Heart Helping Hand - Ted & Connie Borges Altar & Rosary Society: President: Cecilia Herrera 645-0168, Meeting: 1st Wednesday of Month@ 6:00 p.m. Knights of Columbus: Grand Knight: Walter Brown 473-9478, Meeting: 3rd Tuesday @ 7:00 p.m. Italian Catholic Federation: President: Mike Caglia 360-8332,Meeting: 4th Wednesday @ 6:00 p.m. Guadalupe Society: President: Lydia Ledesma 241-4867, Meeting 1st Monday at 6:00 p.m Charismatic Prayer Group: Every Thursday @ 7:30 p.m. held in St. Mary’s Room. Spanish Prayer Group: Every Friday @ 7:00p.m - held in St. Mary’s Room Men’s Prayer Group: Every first Tuesday @ 7:00pm held in St. Joseph’s Room (JUST SOUTH OF CLINTON ON CEDAR) Fresno, CA 93703-2697 Phone: 559-237-4121; FAX: 559-237-0122 E-mail: Website: OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 4:00pm Liturgical Schedule: Weekday Masses: Monday through Friday at 8:00a.m. Wednesday: Communion Service 8:00a.m. Saturday: Vigil Mass at 4:00p.m. Sunday Masses: 7:00a.m. - Early Risers Mass, 9:00a.m. - Family Mass, 11:00 a.m. - Children / Life Teen Mass, 1:00 p.m. - Charismatic Mass. Horario de Servicios en Espanol: Misa Diaria: lunes, miercoles, jueves a las 6:00p.m. y viernes a las 5:45p.m. Misa de Domingo a las 5:00p.m. Hora Santa: jueves a las 6:30p.m. a 7:30p.m. - en la capilla Adoración Eucarística Nocturna en la capilla cada cuarto sabado a las 8pm hasta 5am Domingo con Misa. RICA: Rito de la Iniciacion cristiana de Adultos: martes a las 6:00p.m. en St. Martha’s Kitchen. Grupo de Oracion: Viernes 7:00p.m.-St. Mary's Room Reconciliacion/Confesion: Viernes - 3:45p.m. - 5:15p.m. Educacion Religiosa: Las clases son en espanol los viernes de 5:30p.m. a 7:00p.m. en St. Patrick’s Room Reconciliation/Confession Friday’s - 3:45p.m. - 5:15p.m. Eucharistic Adoration: Friday’s: 8:30 a.m. to 9:30a.m. 4th Saturday from 8pm till 5am on Sunday-Spanish LifeTeen EXALT every 1st Tuesday 6:00p.m.-7:00p.m. Every Tuesday in English 6:00p.m. - 7:00p.m Every Thursday in Spanish 6:30p.m.-7:30p.m. Baptisms: First & third Sunday is for baptism in English. The Second Saturday is for baptism in Spanish. Weddings: By appointment, six months advance notice. Religious Education Office: 237-4121. CCD Classes: in the Activity Center on Sundays - 1st grade-8th grade, 9:30a.m. to 12noon. Concludes with Mass. Confirmation/Life Teen Youth Program: Sundays 11am2pm: Includes Mass at 11:00a.m. RCIA: Thursday’s 7:00 p.m. St. Patrick’s Room Welcome! We extend our hands and hearts in Christian fellowship to you here, celebrating with us, whether long time residents or newly arrived in the Parish. If you would like to register as a MEMBER or UPDATE your personal information, please fill out this section and return it to the Parish Office or drop it in the collection basket. Full Name/s....................................................................................................Phone......................................... Address.........................................................................................City...................................Zip...................... ____New Member/s ____Send me Sunday Offering Envelopes ____Update Address Information ____Moving, remove me from Church mailing list Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time October 5, 2014 Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God.— Philippians 4:6 As usual, today’s first and third scripture readings are obviously related, with the second continuing one of Paul’s Letters—these days, the Letter to the Philippians. The vineyard stories from Isaiah and Matthew both talk about evildoers coming to a bad end. In Isaiah, it’s the vineyard itself that produces “wild grapes” instead of the crop the owner dreamed of and worked for. So it will be “trampled” and “overgrown with thorns.” In Matthew, those to whom the owner leased the vineyard destroy the dream. So the owner “will put those wretched men to a wretched death and lease his vineyard to other tenants” (Matthew 21:41). Yes, if we reject divine love we come to a bad end. And with all this talk of the unfaithful being trampled and thrown out, it’s consoling to hear Paul’s message to the Philippians, who were by no means perfect. “Have no anxiety at all,” Paul said. “Then the God of peace will be with you” (Philippians 4:6, 9). The sacrament of penance has a long and difficult history. The Church sometimes struggles with how best to be faithful to the image of an all-forgiving God. Once a very public rite with publicly visible participation on the part of the penitent, it became in time a very private matter. By the fourteenth century, when a prayer of absolution and a laying on of hands was still required in sacramental confession, theologians were saying that even that was too much liturgy. All that was required was confession itself, and the sacramental words Ego te absolvo, or “I absolve you.” In 1614 the Council of Florence tried to flesh out this bare skeleton, requiring that if possible the priest should wear a stole, that the confession should be in church, and that there be questions about the person’s state in life, occupation, and last confession. This is the first time the Church recommended that the penitent and priest be separated by a grill, thereby eliminating the ritual laying on of hands once so central to the sacrament, substituting the priest’s raised right hand in blessing. This is the rite that remained in force until the sacrament became the subject of very stormy debates at the Second Vatican Council, leading to a major reform in 1974 that is still only partially received. PLATE COLLECTION / COLECTA September 28, 2014 $ 4,851.00 Religious Education Building $1,209.00 TODAY’S SECOND COLLECTION - Building Fund UPCOMING COLLECTIONS Oct 12, Helping Hand Oct 19, Propagation of the Faith/World Mission Sunday Oct 26, Religious Education Support Please use your Offering Envelopes Por favor, use sus sobres de ofertorio PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK Por Favor recen por los enfermos Thelma & Bob Jones, Pat Martin, Annette Hardinger, Sylvia Lowe, Bobby Mata, Gay Hock, Daniel Silverman, Jeanette Cserna, Gina Romero, Leonard Pavy, Dorothy Lindgren, Dominic Rossi, Angie Sousa, Angie Saldivar, Steve Borges, Cathy Andrews, Kayl Micheal, Ruth Cazares, Frances Figuera, Eugenia Vasquez, Teresita Melendez, Jim Grady. Please call the Parish office each week on Monday [Tuesday if Holiday] to keep the above persons’ names on this list, otherwise we will assume they are doing better and remove their names....Thank you for your cooperation. Por favor hablen a la oficina de la Parroquia los lunes de cada semana (martes si es día festivo) para mantener en la lista los nombres de las personas escritas arriba. De otra manera asumiremos que están mejorando y quitaremos sus nombres de la lista…… Gracias por su cooperación. Pastoral Ministry of the Sick, Homebound & Dying Please call the Parish Office: 237-4121 SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday:27th Sunday in Ordinary Time; Respect Life Sunday Monday: St. Bruno; Bl. Marie Rose Durocher Tuesday: Our Lady of the Rosary Wednesday: Sukkot (Jewish harvest festival) begins sunset Thursday: St. Denis and Companions; St. John Leonardi Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Intenciones de misa de la semana Saturday, October 4 4pm + Marvin & David McQuone by Hazel & Joe Sunday, October 5 7am + Nora Amador by the Alegria Family 9am Altar & Rosary and Guadalupe Society 11am Anniversary of Roy & Rachel Quinto 1pm Birthday wishes to Cecelia Lingenfelter Spanish 5pm Sacred Heart Members Monday, October 6 8am Communion Service Spanish 6pm Communion Service Tuesday, October 7 8am Communion Service Wednesday, October 8 8am Communion Service Spanish 6pm Communion Service Thursday, October 9 8am Communion Service Spanish 6pm Communion Service Friday, October 10 8am Birthday wishes - Langston Reese by the Reese family Spanish 5:45pm Pascual Salado by Saldado family To schedule a Mass Intention, please come to the Parish office, the requested donation is $10.00. Para reservar una intención de misa, por favor venga a la oficina de la parroquia, la donación solicitada es de $10.00. THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK Worrying does not empty TOMORROW of its troubles It empties TODAY OF ITS strength When you feel like you Cant go any further, just know that the strength which carried you this far will take you the rest of the way! TODAYS READINGS First Reading — The vineyard of the Lord is the house of Israel (Isaiah 5:1-7). Psalm 80— The vineyard of the Lord is the house of Israel. Second Reading — God’s peace will guard your hearts and minds (Philippians 4:6-9). Gospel — The kingdom of God will be given to those who will produce its fruit (Matthew 21:33-43). READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Gal 1:6-12; Ps 111:1b-2, 7-9, 10c; Lk 10:25-37 Tuesday: Gal 1:13-24; Ps 139:1b-3, 13-15; Lk 10:38-42 Wednesday: Gal 2:1-2, 7-14; Ps 117:1bc, 2; Lk 11:1-4 Thursday: Gal 3:1-5; Lk 1:69-75; Lk 11:5-13 Friday: Gal 3:7-14; Ps 111:1b-6; Lk 11:15-26 Saturday: Gal 3:22-29; Ps 105:2-7; Lk 11:27-28 Sunday: Is 25:6-10a; Ps 23:1-6; Phil 4:12-14, 19-20; Mt 22:1-14 [1-10] 2014 DIOCESAN CONGRESS AND YOUTH DAY! Join us for our 26th Annual Congress at the Visalia Convention Center, October 11, 2014, and for Youth Day on October 12, 2014. We anticipate the days to be filled with fun, faith sharing, and worship as we gather to celebrate our theme, “United in the Feast”. It is at the feast that the Lord sets before us that we are nourished for our journey as God’s people, so we can go forth to share the Good News joyfully! All adults and youth over 14 years old are invited to register for this event. Come and be fed! Online Registration for both days is available at, and registration books are now available at the Office of Ministries, or through your parish office. For more information, please call the Office of Ministries at (559) 488-7474. ALL SOULS DAY - November 2nd November is the month dedicated to All Souls who have gone to their eternal rest. Include your loved ones in special prayer during all the masses in November by including their names on a All Souls envelope. Simply write your deceased loved ones names on the back of the All Souls envelope and place it in the collection basket or take to it the parish office. Your loved ones will be remembered All Souls Day and during all the Masses of November. All Souls envelopes are available at the Church entrances. All Saints Day & All Souls Day Masses ALL SAINTS DAY- Saturday, November 1st Mass 4:00pm - English ALL SOULS DAY-Sunday, November 2nd all Sunday Masses BIBLE STUDY Join us for Matthew: The King and His Kingdom at Sacred Heart Church, Fresno, St Joseph’s Rm beginning Oct. 11 at 9 am and continuing every 2nd & 4th Sat. To register for the study, please call Lulu Ruperto 347-0845 or via email: See flyer for more information-located on bulletin board outside of church. EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS ARE NEEDED Sacred Heart is seeking individuals who would like to visit the sick & homebound. We are currently visiting hospitals & rest homes and homebound people in the 93726 & 93703 zip code area. Please call the church office and leave your name & number for Deacon Tom Ognibene - Pastoral Care coordinator. PRAYER GROUP / GRUPO DE ORACION IN ENGLISH & ESPANOL at Sacred Heart Church English: Thursday’s at 7:30pm - St. Mary’s Room Spanish: Viernes a las 7pm - Salon de Santa Maria. Everyone invited! Todos esta Invitados! FLOWERS FOR SANCTUARY The flowers by the Altar were donated in Memory of Nora Amador by the Alegria Family FLOWERS FOR THE SANCTUARY Reservations for flowers in the Sanctuary Area are available by coming into the office and reserving the weekend you want flowers placed for a loved one or just because. Flowers are $35.00 each and will be placed in front of the ambo. BIRTHDAY WISHES/felicitaciones de cumpleaños 10-04 Cloe Keo 10-05 Brentyn Fleming 10-05 Sally Lujano 10-05 John R. Herrera Jr. 10-05 Gerald Montanez Sr. 10-07 Elisa S. Martinez 10-08 Johnny Aguilar 10-08 Anthony Aviles jr. 10-09 Isaiah Zambrano 10-09 Carlos Cerda Jr. 10-10 Monique Gonzales WEDDING ANNIVERSARY 10-07 Roy and Rachel Quinto To add names to the Birthday & Anniversary List please fill out a Gold Birthday & Anniversary Form located at the entrance of the Church or stop by the office for one. “Watch KNXT Channel 49 your Catholic Television Station” Owned & Operated by the Diocese of Fresno UPCOMING SALES, EVENTS AND FUNDRAISERS AT SACRED HEART 10-19 Knights of Columbus- Food Sale in Guadalupe Park 10-26 Spanish Prayer Group - Guadalupe Park
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