SPRING Semester April 13, 2015 Calendar of Events Monday, April 13 Freshman Early Registration 9:00a President’s Cabinet—Swaim Conf. Room 2:00p Softball vs. Harding—H 7:00-10:00p Open Dorm—Women’s Residence Halls Wing Tips Freshman Early Registration 7:30p Spring Play Production “Women in Congress”—Old Chapel Friday, April 17 Tuesday, April 14 WILLIAMS BAPTIST COLLEGE Thursday, April 16 Freshman Early Registration 2:00p Baseball vs. Hendrix–H 3:00p Softball vs. Pine Bluff—H 5:00p JV Baseball vs. Hendrix—H 5:00p Church Planting Connection—Moody Dining Room 7:00p Shane Hanseen Senior Recital-MC 100 9:00p Collide—Old Chapel Freshman Early Registration 2:00p Baseball vs. Harris Stowe—H 3:30p Softball vs. Lyon—A 7:30p Spring Play Production “Women in Congress”—Old Chapel ΣΑΘ Women’s Fellowship Rereat 6:00p Dinner –Moody Dining Room 7:00-9:30p Meeting - Rose Room 10:00p Sleepover –President’s Home Wednesday, April 15 Saturday, April 18 Freshman Early Registration ACT—Sloan Center 11:00a Chapel –Manley Chapel ΣΑΘ Women’s Fellowship Rereat 11:00a International Student Meeting—SC 108 9:00a Breakfast–Moody Dining Room 11:30a Academic Awards Banquet– Moody Dining Room 10:00a –12:00p Meeting - Rose Room 12:00p Softball vs. Three Rivers—A 12:00p Baseball vs. Harris Stowe—H 2:00p JV Baseball vs. SW Tennessee–H (Check Master Calendar for schedule changes) Come Support our Teams Monday, April 13 2:00p Softball vs. Harding—H Friday, April 17 Tuesday, April 14 2:00p Baseball vs. Harris Stowe—H 3:30p Softball vs. Lyon—A 2:00p Baseball vs. Hendrix–H 3:00p Softball vs. Pine Bluff—H 5:00p JV Baseball vs. Hendrix—H Saturday, April 18 Wednesday, April 15 12:00p Baseball vs. Harris Stowe—H 12:00p Softball vs. Three Rivers—A 2:00p JV Baseball vs. SW Tennessee–H Inside this issue: Events Information & Opportunities 25-8 Ministry Opportunities 8 Campus Health 9 Exam Pass & Scholarship Opportunities 10 This Week in Chapel 11 Library News 11 "Don't forget to use your Williams BLUE discount at our local businesses! To see the full list, go to: www.williamsbaptistcollege.com/BLUE Events Open Dorm Women’s Residence Halls Monday, April 13 7:00—10:00 p.m. Tuesdays at 9:00 p.m.—Old Chapel Senior Recitial SHANE HANSSEN Tuesday, April 14 7:00 p.m. MC 100 Page 2 W I N G T I PS Events WBC Spring Production “Women in Congress” Thursday & Friday, April 16-17 7:30 p.m. The Old Chapel General admission $3 Students $1 Senior Citizens $1 Members of the cast include: Praxagora, played by Hannah Morgan, Mammoth Spring, Ark Blepyrus, played by Tyler Lee of Horn Lake, Miss Clinarete, played by Emily Medley of Jonesboro Chremes, played by Andrew Baggett of Maumelle Rhodia, played by Laurie Schuttger of Pflugerville, Texas Melistice, played by Jess Walker of Cherokee Village Sostrate, played by Julia Clark of Batesville Guistrate, played by Becca Cato of Jonesboro. This year's play also consists of a chorus. The members of the chorus include: Trenton Neeley of Lynn, Ark RJ Platz of Lake City, Ark Louis Bryant of Forrest City Kayla Songer of Malvern, Ark Alex Western of Tuckerman, Ark Page 3 S PR I N G S E M E S T E R Events Page 4 W I N G T I PS Information and Opportunities Page 5 S PR I N G S E M E S T E R Information and Opportunities Page 6 W I N G T I PS Information and Opportunities Page 7 S PR I N G S E M E S T E R Information and Opportunities Saturday/Sunday Building Openings For student use Maddox Center 1:00 p.m.p.m.-1:00 a.m. Mabee Student Center 1:00 p.m. – 1:00 a.m. Carter Field House 1:00 p.m.p.m.-1:00 a.m. Felix Goodson Library Saturday 12:00 noon to 4:00 p.m. Sunday 1:00 p.m.p.m.-5:00 p.m. Sunday 7:00 p.m.p.m.-12:00 midnight Ministry Job Openings There are several ministry job openings that are available within a one hour’s drive of campus. Check out current openings at : www.williamsbaptistcollege.com/ministryopenings Page 8 S PR I N G S E M E S T E R Wellness Secrets April is National Organ Donation Month Organ Donation and Transplant If I donate an organ, will I have health problems in the future? Not necessarily. There are some organs you can give up all or part of without having long-term health issues. You can donate a whole kidney, or part of the pancreas, intestine, liver, or lung. Your body will compensate for the missing organ or organ part. If it is determined that donating an organ would put your health at risk in the short term or long term, then you would not be able to donate. Will I be paid for donating an organ? Not. It's illegal to pay someone for an organ. The transplant program, recipient's insurance, or recipient should cover your expenses from tests and hospital costs related to a living organ donation. The transplant program can go over what coverage is available for additional medical services. Some or all of your travel costs may also be covered. Will organ donation after death mean I can't have an open-casket funeral? No. The surgical incisions used for organ donation will all be closed. Will my organ donation after death incur any costs to my family? No. The costs of the tests and surgery related to the donation will be covered by the recipient -- most often by the recipient's insurance. Your medical care and funeral costs are paid for by your family. Does signing a donor card have an impact on the quality of medical care I get at a hospital? No. When you are in a life-threatening situation, the medical team that is treating you is separate from the transplant team. A maximum effort to save your life will be made before an organ donation is considered. How can I become an organ donor? To donate your organs after death, you can either register with your state's donor registry (visit OrganDonor.gov), or fill out an organ donor card when you get or renew your driver's license. To become a living donor, you can either work directly with your family member or friend's transplant team, or contact a transplant center in your area to find out who's in need of an organ. Campus Health office hours are: Monday—Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Source: www.webmd.com Page 9 Phone Number : 759-4298 W I N G T I PS Exam Pass & Scholarships To: From: Re: All WBC Student The Business Office EXAMS PASS AND FINAL WORK STUDY CHECK April 27, the Business Office will put exam passes in student mail boxes for those students with accounts paid in full and clear in the library. Students that clear in the library or pay their account after April 24 may pick up their exam pass at the Cashier’s window. Federal work study and institutional work for the weeks of March 29 through April 18 will be ready April 23. The final work study checks for the weeks of April 19 through May 9 will be mailed home. During finals the Cashier’s window will open at 7:30. The Mickey and Ross Kelder Scholarship Trust Applications and information for the Mickey and Ross Kelder Scholarship Trust are now available for students in the State of Arkansas who are full time students and pursuing studies in foreign languages (whether or not as their college major) as an undergraduate or graduate student at a college or university. However, teaching foreign languages within the State of Arkansas shall not be requirement or requisite to any scholarship award. Those who are planning to teach foreign languages within the State of Arkansas will be given preference to the scholarship awards. Integrity First Bank of Mountain Home, Arkansas, is Trustee of the Mickey and Ross Kelder Scholarship Trust and will award these scholarships based on academic ability, extracurricular achievements and financial need. Scholarship applications are available on the Integrity First Bank website www.goifb.com, under Community Contributions. The application dead line is April 13th. For further information, please contact Trust & Wealth Management Services at 870-425-1801. Page 10 W I N G T I PS This Week in Chapel . . . WILLIAMS BAPTIST COLLEGE Office of Student Affairs P.O. Box 3731 Walnut Ridge, AR 72476 Phone: 870-759-4188 Fax: 870-886-3924 E-mail: astartup@wbcoll.edu 11:00a - Manley Chapel Wednesday, April 15, 2015 More Than You Know. Tavoris Uzoigwe, BCM Campus Minister University of Arkansas Pine Bluff We’re on the Web www.wbcoll.edu Have IDs ready to scan! After attending once with a paper slip, you’ll be counted absent for each subsequent use of a paper slip! Felix Goodson Library News S PR I N G S E M E S T E R Page 11
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