PRAYER MINISTRY We will keep a prayer request name on our list for 30 days. It’s time to resubmit your requests if it was made on March 15. The Prayer Request forms (yellow colored) are located in the narthex and in the cross roads. Please inform the church office of births, deaths, weddings, etc. Please remember with your prayers this week of April 15: Esther Ungerer, Barbara Pfau, Bob Patterson (Jesse Helms Center), Anne Morris, Bob Sullivan, Aaron Johnson, Charlie Sanders, Ann Stover, Katrina & Charlie Sturgis, Irene Ward (In Rehab), Belinda Thompson, Mary Ann Lee, Elsie Clements, Bob Bodnar, Chuck Anderson, Sara Stewart, Dallas Rollins, Caroline Faith Baucom, Barbara Murray, Jo & Julian Bell, Harold Medlin, Frank Hunley, Marlene Carpenter, Pat Finlay, Matt Gustafson III, Lee Fowler (Jack & Nan Thomas' daughter), Heather Hendley (John & Julie Hendley's daughter-in law), Barbara Odom (Linda Deese's sister), Jack and Martha Bell (Julian Bell's brother and sister-in-law), Evan Drake (request submitted by Elaine Hall), Jeff Davis (Judy Sanders' cousin), Jonathan Mackay (son of Bill & Jeanne Mackay), Lorrie Merchant (Ann Richardson's daughter), Gordon & Linda Suhré (friends of Kevin Rogers), Larry Tornai (Bob Sullivan's sister's husband), Sam McInnis (son of Susan McInnis), Roger Millward (Philip's father), sympathy to Esther Ungerer (upon the death of her brother, Jakie de wet of South Africa), sympathy to Bruce Sanderson and Judy and Billy Graves (upon the death of Bruce's wife and Judy's mother, Judy Sanderson on Wednesday, April 8, 2015). Carriage Club: Linda Lewis Cypress: Marge Plyler, Betsy Griffin Monroe Square: Patty Norwood Plantation Estates: Tom & Betty Lathan, Bob Johnston, Virginia Bjorlin, Mary Ann Lee, Frank & Virginia Carpenter South Island: Bonnie Price (2902 South Island Rd., Georgetown SC 29440) Southminster: Helen Huntley, Corinne Eubanks Rehab & Nursing Center: John Secrest Waltonwood Providence: Molene Turner (as of April 20) 5039 Providence Country Club Dr. Apt. 2016, Charlotte, NC 28277 Woodridge Assisted Living: Ann Niven, Nancy Snyder Woodridge Village: Helen Winchester, Betty Harkness, Richard & Phyllis Tuttle, Dot Moyer MILITARY PRAYER LIST Our Military Troops, Kent Frey, Brian Kindley, Van McCoy, Chip Medlin, Josh Secrest, Robert Lathan, Steven Cook, Matthew Farmer, Johnny Piggot, Jeremiah O’Leary, Austin Hancock, David Keller, James Lindler, Adam Nifong, Dorothy Arturs, Tyler Harrill, Matt Colee, Timothy Killough, Alex Alvord, Joseph Pryor, Nicholas Barnett, Cory Lofton, Sasha Rutizer, Caarlo Hietala, Patrick Bacher, Jacob Mazur, John Land, Mark Parks, Andrea Cheyne, Melvin Melton, Phil Pressley, Tony Pellegrini, Justin Selvaggio, Steven Cheyne, Brian Ingram, Andrew Forsyth, Brian Ingram, Ernest A. Youhouse III, Helicia Fish, James Mackay, Geoffrey O’Neill, Jessie Gordon, Robbie Conn, Nico Rich, Christopher Ford, Tyler Allred, Ben DeMeyere, Ethan Mears, Jamey Rumbold CENTRAL’S NEWS WELCOME VISITORS! We're glad you're with us today! For all those interested in exploring church membership call Rev. Laura Hamrick at 704-289-3186 or email her at If you are online you may visit us at: THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER April 19, 2015 FIRST LESSON: Psalm 4 GOSPEL LESSON: Luke 24:36-48 SERMON: "The Gift of a Merciful Heart" PREACHING: Rev. George M. Freeman KIDZ BIZ.. The next time we get together for our wonderful fun Wednesday activities will be May 6th. It will be our final gathering before the summer! April is National Child Abuse Awareness Month. Once again this year, we will be teaching our elementary Sunday School Classes from our Circle of Grace curriculum. This is an excellent program, with the goal of helping children understand the sacredness of who they are and how to seek help when needed through their relationships with trusted adults. If you have any questions, or concerns, please contact Mary Ann Burns. Wednesday, April 22nd is Earth Day! Contact Emily Dilworth to help plan a mission experience for our children. Our next Children’s Leadership Team meeting will be Wednesday, May 13th, at 6:00 pm, in room #109. For those of you who like to plan ahead, please put June 21st through the 25th on your calendars for Vacation Bible School! For current information on all children’s ministries activities, go to Questions about children’s ministries? Contact Mary Ann Burns, 704-289-3186, STEPHEN MINISTERS - Elsie Clements and Chuck Anderson FIRST TIME BREAD DELIVERY MINISTRY David English (Bread Deliverer for April 19) OUR FAITHFULNESS TITHES & OFFERINGS Week ending April 12, 2015 Week Year-to-Date Budget $16,152 $242,280 Actual $10,449 $223,019 Difference ($5,704) ($19,261) HOSPITALITY VOLUNTEER: April 19 Tour Guide & Visitor's Booth: Michael Presson ADULT VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! The Union County Supervised Visitation program is looking for more volunteers. If you can volunteer to help, please call Bill Mackay at 704283-4824 or email Bill: SPIRITUAL GIFTS INVENTORY Reminder! If you have not completed the Spiritual Gifts Inventory, you may pick up a copy in the narthex or in the Crossroads. Please complete it as soon as possible and return to the box in the Crossroads. Your Godgiven gifts are important! UNITED METHODIST WOMEN'S CIRCLE MEETING! The New Beginnings Circle will be meet at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, April 20 in the chapel until 7:30, then they will go to the hospitality room until 9:00 p.m. SHARE BACK FOR APRIL UPCOMING EVENTS Sunday, April 19 8:45 - Contemporary Service in Central Hall, 8:50 Casual Service in Chapel, 11:00 Traditional Worship Service in the sanctuary, 4:00 Youth Impact, Monday, April 20 6:30 -Worship Team meeting in room 106, 7:00 -The New Beginning Circle, Tuesday, April 21 5:45 -Stephen Ministry Training in room 121, 6:30 -Spiritual Formation in room 106, Wednesday, April 22 10:00 Soul Food in 121, 10:00 WCM Project Team meeting in 106, 6:30 - Youth Bible Study, 6:30 Celebration Choir, 7:30 Chancel Choir rehearsal, Thursday, April 23 6:15 -Handbells, 7:00 Union Big Book Group, 7:00 FA Group, 7:30 -Trinity, Friday, April 24 Church office closed on Fridays, 7:00 -Ruth Circle, Saturday, April 25 10:00-3:00 Stephen Ministry Retreat (away), 10:30 -Praise Band rehearsal, next Sunday, April 26, 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Youth Fundraiser (Potato Bar) in Family Life Center. Youth Fundraiser in Family Life Center Sunday, April 26, 2015 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Menu: Potato Bar Cost: Donation Share Back for April is Crisis Assistance Ministry: Our collection this month is for personal items; such as shampoo, bar soap, disposable razors, deodorant and female personal hygiene items. Also, there is always a need for peanut butter, jelly, macaroni and cheese. There is an extended list in the hallway on the mission board. SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS FORMS! The SALLY SHIRLEY BIVENS SCHOLARSHIP application form is available now. You can go online at our web site: or come by the church office to pick up one. The deadline to have your application completed is Tuesday, May 5, 2015 at 12:00 noon. This deadline will be honored. The KERMIT D. and JANIE R. STARNES SCHOLARSHIP application form is available now. You can go online at our web site: or come by the church office to pick up one. The deadline to have your application completed is Tuesday, May 5, 2015 at 12:00 noon. This deadline will be honored.
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