St. Ann's Catholic Church Est. 1937 3 Melanie Drive (Hwy. 50 & Hughes Ave.) Dayton, NV 89403 Mailing Address: PO Box 309, Dayton, NV 89403 Tel. (775) 246-7578 Fax (775) 246-7560 Office Business Hours: Tuesday – Saturday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Website: Email: Pastor: Fr. Tom Fransiscus, C. Ss. R., J.C.L. HOLY MASS SCHEDULE SACRAMENTAL INFORMATION Saturday: 5:30 p.m. Sunday: 8 a.m. (Eng.) & 10:30 a.m. (Span.) Weekdays: 7:30 a.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday @ 4:30 p.m. Baptisms: By Appointment, Call the Business Office Weddings: By Appointment, Call the Business Office Office Administrator Liz Hernandez Parish Pastoral Council John Mann Armando Ramos Charlene Smock Finance Council Lori Duncan Frank Holzhauer Patrick Neylan Bible Study Mondays at 10:30 a.m. “We at St. Ann’s welcome you. Residents of Dayton and Silver City got together for the purpose of bringing a church to Dayton. The old Catholic hall from Yerington was acquired and moved to Pike Street in downtown Dayton in 1937. St. Ann’s was upgraded from a mission to a parish August 14, 1996.” Church Organizations “Every Parishioner a Minister” Knights of Columbus: Michael Sartore, Grand Knight 241-2446 St. Ann's Women's Community: Jeanne Broughton, Pres. 846-3408 Lector Co-ord.: Lori Duncan 246-7109 Extraordinary Ministers of Communion: Lori Duncan 246-7109 Church Cleaning: Anita Gaffney 246-4940 Funerals: Charlene Smock assisted by Toots Brister, 241-0330 Prayer List: Frances Ramos 246-7354 Choir Directors: Robert Miller (Sat), James Anthis (Sun 8 am), Juan Lara (Sun 10:30 am) Meetings Pastoral Council: Every other month starting in February Finance Council: Jan., Apr., Aug., Oct. Knights of Columbus: 1st & 3rd Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. St. Ann’s Women’s Community: 1st Sunday at 11:45 a.m. Religious Education Director of Religious Education: Marna Zachry 721-1696 1st - 8th Grades: School Year Sundays @ 9:15 a.m. Confirmation: 2nd and 4th School Year Sundays at 11:45 a.m. * * Bulletin submissions: Call the church office or email to by Wednesday * * th October 12, 2014 28 Sunday in Ordinary Time – XXVIII Domingo Ordinario Isaiah 25:6-10a (142A) Today’s Readings Philippians 4:12-14, 19-20 Matthew 22:1-14 or 22:1-10 Today’s readings celebrate the joy of being invited to God’s kingdom feast. In Isaiah (alternate), the prophet looks forward to the day of God’s final triumph, when death will be destroyed and sorrow wiped away forever. In today’s gospel, Jesus presents a parable of the kingdom, in which the king graciously invites all he can find to his banquet. FR. TOM’S MESSAGE ”I can do all things in him who strengthens me.” St. Paul is right on. His faith is what keeps him going. While he had friends who helped him, he also had many who were against him. The latter did not hesitate to do him bodily harm and more than once. It is the Lord who strengthens us. We need to have his faith. We need to have his zeal for the works of the Lord. SOME THOUGHTS FROM FR. TOM: - October is the month we remember our Rosary. It is good to meditate on the gifts of our salvation. Octubre es el mes que recordamos nuestro Rosario. Es bueno meditar en los regalos de nuestra salvación. - Religious Education classes are up and running. Drive slowly and safely in the parking lot. Clases de educación religiosa están en marcha. Conduzca despacio y con seguridad en el estacionamiento. - I still have hopes for the repair of the parking lot. Think smoothly. Todavía tengo esperanzas para la reparación de el estacionamiento. Piense bien. - I thank all who clean our church. It always looks nice. Doy las gracias a todos los que limpian nuestra iglesia. Siempre se ve bien. ANNUAL KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS TOOTSIE ROLL DRIVE For the eighth consecutive year your local Knights of Columbus will be conducting their drive to aid persons with intellectual disabilities. During this time the parishioners of St. Ann’s and St. Mary’s, along with the patrons of Smith’s in Dayton and Save Mart in Carson City have contributed over $7000 to this crucial cause and for this we are very humbled, and grateful. The event this year will take place on the weekend of October 18-19. Knights and their families, with the help of scouts, and other youth, will pass out Tootsie Roll candy and accept donations. As in the past, 20% of all funds received will be donated to Special Olympics in Nevada and 80% will be donated to Eagle Valley Children’s Home in Carson City. We thank you in advance for your support and generosity. Knights of Columbus Council 13924. Knights of Columbus You can now begin making on-line appointments for our Nov. 9 blood drive at You may also begin making appointments next weekend after each mass here at St. Ann’s. We need to fill all appointment slots so please consider being a donor! St Ann’s Women’s Community Ladies’ Game Night: Tuesday, October 14 at 6pm. We will be meeting at Toots Brister’s home. Potluck! Come join the fun! Brother Phillip Napolitano, FSR and Brother Matthew Cunningham, FSR will celebrate their 50th anniversary of religious profession on Saturday, October 18, 2014, at Our Lady of the Snows Parish. Bishop Calvo will celebrate the Mass at 11:30 followed by a reception in the parish hall. If you are able to attend the reception please RSVP to Marian Hull at 326-9410 by October 10, 2014. Encuentro de Matrimonial Date la oportunidad de mejorar tu relación matrimonial próximo retiro 21, 22 y 23 de noviembre. Para mas información comuníquense con Raul y Griselda. 775-2465492 Message From Bishop Calvo Every year, something special happens on the next-to-last Sunday of October: the Church reflects its deepest identity as the Church in mission. On World Mission Sunday, Catholics of the world unite at Mass to recommit ourselves to our vocation, through Baptism, to be missionaries. On World Mission Sunday, we are called in a special way to be missionaries through prayer and participation in the Eucharist, and by giving generously to the collection for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. This year, World Mission Sunday is celebrated on October 19, 2014; the theme is “ I Will Build My Church” Come Join Us! Carmelite Profession of Vows, St. Mary’s In The Mountains, Virginia City. Saturday, October 18, at 10am. T Pray for Our Sick Bailey Allison, Joe Allison, Susan Anderson, Roberta Anthis, Fr. Cyril Apassa, John Bachmeier, Barbara Bernhard, Ernest Bluesena, Mary Bowers, Kathy Burke, Jim Carmody, Steven Cokle, Fr. Tom Cronin, David Dhuyvetter, Kenneth Dryden, Charles Dugas, Gary Duncan, John Dykes, James Elliott, William Elliott, George & Shanna Fink, John Gallegos, John Grilli, Norma Guida, Patricia Hayes, Frank J. Hernandez, Destiny Herrera, Ray Herrod, Marvin Hodach, Larry Huerta, Shiela Jannush, Felipe Macias, Richard Melendez, Mike Merkley, Gene Milligan, Jim Monyak, Julie Monyak, Henry Pritchard, Francisco Purificación, Sal Quilici, Larry Reyburn, Arcadio Anton Rivera,Trini Roque, Cheryl Rotert, Larry Rotert, Virginia Schwall, Dee Scott, Rick Seguin, Mary Lou Smith, Charlene Smock, Mary Stadler, Martha Villegas, Tom Weist, Jack Wolfe, Dawnlynn Younick (email: Mass Intentions Saturday for St. Ann Parishioners Sunday for † Tracey McReynolds (8am) and † Flora Wolfe (10:30am) Centering Prayer Workshop We would like to invite you to an Introduction to Centering Prayer Workshop on Saturday October 25th from 9:002:00pm at Corpus Christi Catholic Church in Carson City. To assist in planning pre-register by calling Jim at (775-3920263). For more information on the contemplative outreach spiritual network visit www. Last Week’s Collection Main: $ 2009.00 Building Fund: $447.50 Special Intentions: Friday All Saints Day, Nov.1 and All Souls Day, Nov.2 Remembrance envelopes are provided for those who wish to remember family and friends who have passed away.
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