14th Annual Oodles of Noodles Cook Off and Festival Saturday, June 6th, 2015 and Sunday, June 7th, 2015 JOIN US FOR Oodles of Noodles 2 DAY EVENT Celebrate Dayton's Chinese & Italian Heritage The Oodles of Noodles Cook-off and Noodle Tasting will be SATURDAY ONLY and specializes in “noodle” dishes of ALL types to celebrate our Chinese and Italian heritage. The 2 day event also offers lots of Live Entertainment, Pet Parade, Great Food, Vendors and Crafters, Civil War Re-Enactments, Old West Gun Shows, Motorsports, RV Showcase and much more. Oodles of Noodles Festival will be held in Old Town Dayton on Pike Street. Set up is Friday afternoon, June 5th, at 3 pm. Booths will open at 9 am Saturday and Sunday morning. We anticipate the event to last until 6 pm on Saturday and 3:00 pm on Sunday. Pike Street will be closed to all traffic at 8:30 am. NO EXCEPTIONS! Don’t miss this event! Please fill out the vendor form, return it with your check and we will save your space. Booth spaces are 12’ X 12’ and participants are required to furnish their own table and chairs and set up. We HIGHLY recommend an overhead cover! Please be prepared for wind. Tie down booth covers. Sorry, no refunds or rain checks. Questions?? Call Jojo L. Myers Phone: 775-230-9007 VENDOR APPLICATION Booths are ONLY $85 for 2 days if registered by May 1st, 2015 and $105 for 2 days after May 1st, 2015! Company Name: Contact: Mailing Address: City, State, Zip: Phone: Fax: Email: Website: We accept: Check, Visa, MasterCard and American Express Credit Card #: Expiration Date: Name on credit card: What items will you be selling or giving away at your booth? ____________________________________________________________ Mail payment, application and signed liability agreement to: Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce, PO Box 2408, Dayton, NV 89403 Email: info@daytonnvchamber.org – Website: www.daytonnvchamber.org LIABILITY AGREEMENT The Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce has made arrangements for security patrol Friday and Saturday nights to safeguard the event. I agree to hold harmless the Board of Directors and staff of the Dayton Area Chamber of Commerce and Lyon County free and harmless from any liabilities for activities connected with the event. Signature: Date: Thank You! We appreciate your participation!
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