A Member of the Marianist Family 4th Sunday of Easter April 26, 2015 Non Territorial Parish 4400 Shakertown Road Dayton, OH 45430-1057 Phone: (937) 429-0510 web site: www.qac-ohio.org Pastor: Rev. Tom Schroer, S.M. Pastoral Associate: Deacon Greg Cecere Liturgies are Interpreted for our deaf community members NOTE: Nursery Service available each Sunday in the vestibule! Contact Maggie Atkinson at maggie@planetatkinson.com We share this bread and cup.... ....and we proclaim our willingness to build a community of love, and to be the holy people God calls us to be. (QAC Vision Statement) 1 Queen of Apostles Community First Holy Eucharist April 26th, 2015 I Say YES My Lord 2 Fourth Sunday of Easter Welcome Carlisaianna Emily Angela Berry & Chloe Therese Neer Our families, Religious Education Director— Maggie Atkinson, Deacon Greg Cecere, and Fr. Tom Schroer are delighted that you are sharing this happy and important day with us! 3 4th Sunday of Easter First Eucharist Celebration Presider……………………… Fr. Tom Schroer, S.M. Assisting…….………………. Deacon Greg Cecere Liturgy Planner.…….……… 1st Eucharist Parents Choir Director…….………...Teesie Chandler Interpreter for the Deaf…… Brenda Brunette Gathering Song……………Sing Our God Together………………... Gather 523 Gloria/Sprinkling Rite…... Mass of Light…………………………….. Gather 186 Responsorial ……………... This is the Day…………………………... Gather 449 Gospel Acclamation……... Celtic Alleluia (Vs 5)….…………………. Gather 258 Creed……………………….SUNG (Booth) Intercessions……………….Response: Shepherd, Hear Our Prayer Sign of Peace……………… Celtic Alleluia (Vs 5)……………………. Gather 258 Prep of the Table…...…….. Without Seeing You.……………………. Gather 844 Holy, Holy………………... SUNG (Sylvester) Memorial Acclamation….. SUNG (Jesus died upon the cross…) Doxology/Amen………….SUNG (Texas) Lord’s Prayer……………... SPOKEN Lamb of God……………. SUNG (Sylvester) Communion……………….Table of Love………..…………………………..Choir Song of the Body of Christ …………….. Gather 847 Meditation………………... I Say YES My Lord………………………….Children Sending Forth ……………. Lift Up Your Hearts…………………….. Gather 558 Ministers Taking Eucharist to Those Not With Us Presider: Let us send these ministers to those who could not be with us. Response: Receive the Body of Christ for the nourishment of those who are not here with us. Assure our friends of our prayers and blessings throughout the week. CELL PHONES: Out of respect for the liturgy, please turn off all cell phones. Many thanks! 4 Our Gift to the community: With the money raised from our bake sale, we would like to present the community with a new bibles for our junior high class room. They are bibles written especially for middle school aged children. Our Service Project: Our class is participating in an ongoing service project for a whole year. Each month, we do something of service for someone in our family, school, church, or community. We are learning that service is something that is essential to being a part of the Body of Christ. WE WOULD LIKE TO THANK EVERYONE WHO HELPED US PREPARE AND OR JOINED US IN OUR CELEBRATION OF THIS SPECIAL DAY. Our community is cordially invited to join us in a reception in the community room of Si Lounge immediately following Liturgy. Marianist Doxology May the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit be glorified in all places through the Immaculate Virgin Mary. Amen 5 QUEEN OF APOSTLES COMMUNITY (QAC) From a Marianist Community of student brothers open to visitors for Sunday Eucharist, Queen of Apostles Community emerged as a non-territorial parish on August 28, 1973. Continuing in the tradition of the Marianist Charism, we come together each week as a family of Catholic, Christian believers, to worship our God in the Eucharist with song & praise and to share in the breaking of the Bread. In so doing, we proclaim our willingness to build a community of love and to be the holy people God calls us to be. If you are visiting and worshipping with us for the first time, we extend to you our warmest welcome. Our prayer is that your worship experience will be uplifting and Spirit filled. We hope you will visit us often and worship with us! (If you’d like more information about us or would like to join our Community, please fill out the form on the back cover and drop it in the collection basket!) NOTE: If the form on the back is missing, email qacohio@sbcglobal.net with your name, phone number, address and we’ll contact you about joining us. Marianist Doxology May the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit be glorified in all places through the Immaculate Virgin Mary. “THE SPIRIT” & SUNDAY HOMILIES ON LINE: Visit our QAC website at qac-ohio.org. On the main page, go to Our Community. There, you’ll find Homilies or The Spirit of QAC...just click on the item of interest. STEWARDSHIP & GIVING 4th Sunday of Easter: “I am the good shepherd...and I lay down my life for the sheep…and they will heed my voice.” (John 10:14-16). When you pray, do you only ask Jesus for things that you want? Do you ever ask Jesus what He wants you to do? How do you listen for the response? The answer is usually in “quiet whispers.” Take time in silent, daily prayer to hear His answer. QAC Operating Income Report Note: Operating Income includes regular collection, rental, and interest income. March 2015 Year to Date Actual $ 21,815 $156,647 Budget $ 18,632 $167,688 Our fiscal year is July 1st to June 30th. Thank you for your generosity! Sunday Attendance (April 19th): 180 6 Difference ($ 3,183) ($ 11,041) * * QAC COMMUNITY INFORMATION * * Birthdays (Apr 26th-May 3rd) Apr 26th - NONE LISTED 27th - NONE LISTED 28th - Bill Fecher, Paul Weisbecker 29th - Lisa Gale-Berry, Eleanor Humphries 30th - Clare Potyrala, Donna Slaton May 1st - Julia Keenan 2nd - Nathaniel Morris 3rd - Jason Enneking Anniversaries Apr 26th - Nancy & Frank Kiehl-Wylie May 8th - Michelle & Toby Petrie 15th - Darlene & Sam Stout 21st - Mary & Barry Rice 22nd - Andrea & Vince Cobb Flo & Tom Cobey 23rd - Shari & Dave Ulring 29th - Becky & Dave Neer-Cherry EUCHARISTIC MINISTER TEAM #4: Amie Herbert (Captain), Marianne Bachman, Rebecca Cherry, David Neer, Mike Herbert (nursery/Si Lounge), Sharon Herbert, , Maria Rivera, Drew Nanda, Tracy Moran, Jeanne Holcomb, John Moskeland, Grace Takas, Brittany Nada, Sheri Ulring, David Jennings, Kristi Jennings. EUCHARISTIC BREAD BAKERS: Marianne Bachman (Apr 26th), Tracy Moran (May 3rd), Mary Papp (May 10th), Marilyn McCrate (May 17th), Mary Lou Kramer (May 24th), Sharon Herbert (May 31st). To make the Eucharistic Bread or for info, call Ruby Bauer, 426-7260. Recipes furnished. BACCALAUREATE MASS: Sunday, May 17th! We’d like this to be a meaningful celebration by gathering information on our graduates. High School graduates - name of student & high school; honors or awards as well as college student will attend in Fall 2015; College graduates - name of student & college; degree awarded; honors or awards (Cum Laude, Summa Cum Laude, etc); Grad School graduates - name of student & school; advanced degree awarded; honors or awards (Cum Laude, Summa Cum Laude, etc). Send info to qacohio@sbcglobal.net. UPCOMING ACTIVITIES (from Chuck Bauer): 1) Friday, May 8th, 7:30 PM, Air Force Museum, Air Force Band of Flight Spring Concert. This is a ticketed event and the tickets are all given out, but there are almost always no shows and over flow seating available. 2) Thursday, May 14th, 12:30 Lunch at the Carillon Brewing Company (Carillon Historic Park). I brought the idea up at Sunday Mass to find out what people thought and I was surprised how many people had already been there and just raved about this restraint and its historic atmosphere. After lunch you can enjoy a brewery tour and the park. Sign up will be taken after Mass, May 3rd & May10th, or call Chuck Bauer, 426-7260. 3) Sunday May 24th Dayton Heritage Festival: 11:00 AM-8:30 PM, Carillon Park. The whole family can explore the exhibits and buildings while participating in hands-on historical activities like musket firing and candle dipping. The day ends with a patriotic concert on the Town Greene, 6:00 PM, by the Dayton Philharmonic with special performances form the Dayton Opera and Dayton Ballet. A great way to start the summer! Park admission of $7/$8 is charged. QACer SEEKS DOG/HOUSE SITTER FOR MAY: Marianne Bachman needs someone to watch her (daughter’s) dog at Marianne’s house while they are away, May 16th-22nd. The dog is very friendly (I can attest to that) and would love to have your company for that week. If you’d be interested, see Marianne or call 937-427-0652 or email her at 4040garden@roadrunner.com. 7 CATHOLIC MINISTRY APPEAL (CMA): Thank you to all who have made a pledge to the annual Catholic Ministries Appeal, helping our community work toward its goal and joining with the entire archdiocese to do great work in the Lord’s name. As of Apr 21st, QAC has pledged $7,130.00 - 86.08% toward our goal of $8,283.00. Last year’s pledge was $5,420.00. If you have not yet participated and wish to do so, pledge envelopes are available on the table in the vestibule. Thank you for your generosity to this very important appeal. ST. VINCENT DONATIONS: Bring any useable clothing to the chapel vestibule any Sunday or drop off in the marked cabinets in the hallway near the Teen Room. May requests: spaghetti and noodles - all kinds. Contact Margie/Tom Hudnell, tom.hudnell@gmail.com, or 429-0320. GOOD SHEPHERD MINISTRIES 14th ANNUAL AWARDS & PLEDGE BANQUET: Friday, May 18th, Epiphany Lutheran Church. Our speaker: Commissioner Debbie Lieberman who has been instrumental with Federal Judge Rice in establishing the Montgomery County Reentry Office. Hear how Dayton has become one of the leaders in reentry and the plans for the future to women & men returning to the community by these efforts & Good Shepherd’s Life Recovery Program. Call the office at (937) 938-5781 to register for this enjoyable evening with your friends. Early bird special registration ends Apr 30th! Gift certificates for jewelry from Jaffe’s and Kamal’s Gold Center will be raffled. HONOR GALLERY ST. JOHN & MEEC IN THE PEACE HEROES WALK: Join the QAC Social Justice team in the Peace Heroes Walk, which honors local and international peacemakers and provides critical financial support for the Dayton International Peace Museum and the National Conference for Community and Justice (NCCJ). Our QACers will walk in honor of the artists at Gallery St. John and the Marianist Environmental Education Center (MEEC). Both Gallery St. John & MEEC continue to inspire us to create peace in our lives through art and reverence for the environment. Walk with us Saturday, May 2nd, and make a donation to the Peace Museum in honor of these Marianist institutions. The family-friendly 2-mile Walk begins downtown at Riverscape at 9:00 AM. For more info, contact the QAC Walk team leaders, Bill Meers (2947585), Chris Sitko (429-4173), Nimfa Simpson (372-2883). Visit ssl.charityweb.net/ daytonpeacemuseum/walk/gallerystjohnmeec.htm for more info. MARIANIST FAMILY DAY OF SERVICE: Saturday, May 9th! We’ll help to open the Mission of Mary Farm, 619 Silver Lane, Dayton. Service is from 9:00 AM-Noon followed by prayer/reflection/ potluck at Twin Towers Place (Community Rm), 650 Allen St. Dayton, from 12:30-2:00 PM. Please RSVP by Sunday, May 3rd! If you have questions or concerns, contact the Dayton Marianist Family Council, daytonmarianist@gmail.com. For a copy of the RSVP form, visit http://tiny.cc/fab4wx. IHN/SCHNEIDER HOUSE of HOPE – 5K RUN/WALK: Nimfa Simpson is coordinating this fundraiser for the shelter for displaced families in Greene County, Saturday, Jun 6th, 9:00 AM, Xenia Station, 150 Miami Ave, Xenia. On-line registration available at www.Keysports. Registration forms are available in the vestibule or you see ask Nimfa. Deadline for registration is Jun 1st (fee is $25.00). Or register on the day of the event at the site for $30.00. QAC has always prided itself on having the largest group of runners and walkers. In particular Jonathan & Gavin Bohrer have been regular participants along with their parents. It would be fun if we could have another large group from QAC to participate this year. QAC Social Justice Committee and several of our QAC members with businesses have generously sponsored the event this year: Marilyn & Dan Nagle, Linda & Kevin Skinner (JJR Solutions), Ken Moran (EPM Aerospace Advisors), Dan Dailey (Dailey's Lawn & Landscaping) and Ann Hurley (LDSS Corporation). Questions? E-mail Nimfa, nimfa.simpson@gmail.com, on how to participate as a runner/walker and/or sponsor. 8 * * OUTSIDE THE COMMUNITY * * DEVOTION TO THE MOST PRECIOUS BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST: Saturdays, 1:30-3:30 PM, Blessed Sacrament Chapel, St Luke Catholic Church, Beavercreek. All are welcome to come and pray the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Chaplet of the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ followed by the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Contact Divina Gracia Livaudais, (937) 431-0323 and leave a detailed message or email dgrace777@ hotmail.com. CATHOLIC SOCIAL SERVICES VOLUNTEER ORIENTATION: Looking for a way to put your faith into practice? Are you in high school or college and looking for ways to enhance your skills and experience? Recently retired and have skills to offer? Attend Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley’s next volunteer orientation, Wednesday, Apr 29th, 6:00-7:15 PM, Center for Families, 1046 Brown St., Dayton. Call Jeff at (937) 223-7217 (x1126) to RSVP or visit www.cssmv.org for more information and volunteer opportunities. CARROLL HIGH SCHOOL FREEDOM PLAYERS: The CHS Freedom Players will perform “Annie Get Your Gun.” Written by Herbert & Dorothy Fields, the show is produced in association with the Rogers & Hammerstein Theatre Library. It is an adaptation of the life of Ohio native and legendary Sharpshooter, Annie Oakley (Jennifer Clemens) tells the story of her rise to fame in Buffalo Bill’s (Fred Blackwell) Wild West Show and her tempestuous relationship with fellow sharp shooter, Frank Butler (Peter Witt) and boasts a score of Irving Berlin gems including: There’s No Business like Show Business, I Got the Sun in the Mornin’, and Anything You Can Do - I Can Do Better. Purchase tickets at the school office, online (www.carrollhs.org) or at the door ($10.00 for adults / $8.00 for students & senior citizens). Children 5 and under - free. Carroll High School Gymnasium, 4524 Linden Ave, Dayton, Friday & Saturday, May 1st & 2nd, 8:00 pm, Sunday, May 3rd, 2:00 pm. THE DAYTON CATHOLIC WOMEN’S CLUB - invites you to its Spring Celebration Luncheon, Saturday, May 16th, 11:00 AM (social); the $25 lunch ($10 tax deductible) of Pork Loin or Pasta Primavera will be served at Noon at the Walnut Grove Country Club, 5050 Linden Ave (east of Woodman Drive & Carroll High School). Join the DCWC sisterhood as it distributes dollars to charities, scholarships to female high school seniors, installs officers and celebrates 92 years of service (non-perishables & paper products accepted for Catholic Social Services’ Food Pantry). Call Mary Rogers, (937) 429-9538 by Friday, May 8th deadline. SUMMER CAMP TIME IS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER: Carroll High School offers a variety of fun, educational camps for youth. We offer Digital Photography/Art, Drama, Young Authors, Woodworking, Music, and PATS (a free camp for special needs children, ages 8 -18), while our athletic camps feature soccer, football, basketball, wrestling and volleyball. Enroll your child in the fun! Visit our website at www.carrollhs.org/2015summercamps to register today! MARIANIST FAMILY VACATION RETREAT: Are you making summer plans for your family? Consider a Marianist Family Vacation Retreat. Visit our Facebook page at Marianist Family Vacation Retreat for more information or sites.google.com/site/familyvacationretreat/ home. Or email Bro. Roger Bau, govislandfvr@gmail.com with any questions. Retreat dates for 2015 are Jun 16th-20th; Jul 7th–11th; Jul 21st–25th 9 We are instruments of your PEACE! Queen of Apostles and Marianist Family Vacation Bible School June 5th, 6th, 7th For all children pre-school through grade 8 Email Maggie Atkinson at Maggie@planetatkinson.com Or Danielle Weidner at dweidner1@udayton.edu If you are interested in registering or receiving more information. Queen of Apostles and NACMS are collaborating to offer a special weekend VBS experience. Join us as we learn all about how to be instruments of Christ’s peace for one another and in our world. 10 * IMPORTANT INFORMATION * * BAPTISMS: Planning on having your baby baptized during Mass? Contact Judy Potter (4267688), Liturgy Planning Coordinator. If after Mass, contact Deacon Greg (429-0510). Either MUST be accomplished AT LEAST 2 MONTHS before the baptism date. You must also attend a Baptism class (call Deacon Greg)... you don’t have to wait until your child is born to attend! If no reservations made one week prior, class is canceled. Classes for 2015: May 17th Jun 21st Jul 19th Aug 16th Sep 20th Oct 18th Nov 22nd Dec 20th NOTE: NO BAPTISMS during Lent or during Mass in Advent (before or after Mass in Advent is still your option)! *** *** *** *** *** MARIANIST L.I.F.E. (LIVING IN FAITH EXPERIENCE) NOTE: Snacks/Social 6:30-7:00 PM; Meeting/Prayer 7:00-9:15 PM, Si Lounge (unless otherwise noted) Apr 26th May 3rd May 10th May 17th May 24th May 31st Jun 7th Jun 14th Jun 21st Jun 28th Jul 5th Jul 12th Jul 19th Jul 26th Aug 2nd - Summer planning session Lee planning Mother's Day - no meeting! Megan planning Memorial Day - no meeting! Marianist LIFE Fun Day! Laser Tag, a picnic or something fun will be happening! Nazareth Farm kids leave after Sunday Mass. TBD Father’s Day - no meeting! TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Welcome to L.I.F.E.! Looking for a place where you can come, be yourself and feel connected with others and with God? Then look no further. Join us Sunday evenings, 6:30-7:00 PM, when we have social and snack time, and then from 7:00-9:15 PM, for our youth planned and implemented meetings. In Marianist L.I.F.E. we build a community, we share, we grow, we support one another on our faith journeys. Call Maggie Atkinson (258-3702), maggie@planetatkinson.com for more info. Or better yet see what other L.I.F.E.rs have to say about it! Open to all 9th-12th graders! VOCATION VIEWS What love God has bestowed on us in calling us his children! Pray that you may be faithful to your vocational call. (1 John 3:1-2) Please pray for vocations to the lay ministries, priesthood, diaconate, dedicated religious life and dedicated single life. NEXT WEEK: 5th Sunday of Easter (Year B) Presider: - Fr. Tom Schroer, S.M. Acts of the Apostles 9:26-31; 1 John 3:18-24; John 15:1-8 Visit: http://www.usccb.org/nab/ 11 QAC INFORMATION PLEASE … .. Pastor/Priest Coordinator: Fr. Tom Schroer, S.M., tschroer1@udayton.edu .. Pastoral Associate/Secretary: Deacon Greg Cecere (Office: 429-0510). Office Hours: Tues & Thurs (3:30-7:30 PM), Wed/Fri/Sat (8:00 AM-Noon) .. Adult Faith Enrichment (AFE): Kelly Bohrer, kbohrer2@hotmail.com .. Altar Server Coordinator: Sharon Herbert (256-6417) sharon-herbert@sbcglobal.net .. Baptism Coordinator: Deacon Greg Cecere, qacohio@sbcglobal.net .. Communications Coordinator: Mary Rice (426-1941), Brice1746@aol.com .. Community Coordinator: Ken Moran, kmoranaf@gmail.com .. Community Ministry: Terri Blanken (723-0151 or 372-3014), terriblanken723@gmail.com .. Crossroads: Maggie Atkinson, (429-0510), maggie@planetatkinson.com .. Fellowship: Donut & Bagel Sunday - Marie Restivo, (320-5961), MRESTIVO@woh.rr.com. .. Hospitality: Marti Quakenbush (429-9224), marti.quakenbush@gmail.com .. Director of Music: Teesie Chandler (305-7996), tlchandler1120@yahoo.com .. Eucharistic Bread Baker Coordinator: Ruby Bauer (426-7260) .. Eucharistic Minister Coordinators: Darlene Stout (426-9524), darsam65@gmail.com, Amie Herbert, amherbert@sbcglobal.net .. Finance Coordinator: Tom McCrate (848-7712), thomas.mccrate@gmail.com .. Futures Committee: Bob Brookey, Bjsmcc@yahoo.com .. Interpreter Coordinator for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing: Michelle Petrie, (409-2992), mpettree@aol.com .. L.I.F.E. Group: Maggie Atkinson, (429-0510), maggie@planetatkinson.com .. Liturgy Coordinator: Linda Folmar(439-2630), Linda_Folmar@sbcglobal.net .. Membership: Marilyn Nagle, (298-8908), marilynjnagle@yahoo.com; Joan Ivory (689-8259), ivory_joan@yahoo.com, information/applications. .. Ministry of Consoling Coordinator: Steve Guilfoos, (429-4512), sguilfoos@woh.rr.com .. QAC Office Phone & FAX: 429-0510/429-0881/Email: qacohio@sbcglobal.net .. QA Seniors: Ruby & Chuck Bauer (426-7260), cbauer002@woh.rr.com .. RE Coordinator: Maggie Atkinson, (429-0510), maggie@planetatkinson.com, Office Hours: Sun (7:30 AM-10:30 PM); Tues (8:00 AM-4:00 PM) .. RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: Ken Takacs, katmlt@sbcglobal.net .. Social Justice Coordinators: Chris Sitko (429-4173), Jack/Nimfa Simpson (372-2883) .. SPIRIT Newsletter: Chris Penick & Steve Nordmeyer, qacspirit06@att.net .. Stewardship Committee: Kevin Skinner, 427-4507, klskinner@woh.rr.com .. Youth Ministry Coordinator: Maggie Atkinson, (429-0510), maggie@planetatkinson.com .. Web Master: Bill Perry (429-5807), wperry@creekspace.net .. Weddings, Funerals, etc.: Deacon Greg Cecere (429-0510), qacohio@sbcglobal.net Month Apr 26th May 3rd 10th 17th 24th Jun 7th 14th 21st 28th Servers SERVERS / GREETERS SCHEDULE Greeters Isabella Greet & Brittany Nanda Pat Hale & Tim Connair Evie Atkinson & Syd Atkinson Mike Herbert & Parker Cox Amie Herbert & Sharon Herbert Isabella Greet & Sierra Groff Marie Restivo & Pat Weissgarber Gina & Glenn Greet Dan & Marilyn Nagle Pat Hale & Tim Connair Marti & Tom Quakenbush Marie Restivo & Pat Weissgarber Gina & Glenn Greet Dan & Marilyn Nagle Pat Hale & Tim Connair 12
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