
 383 – Noodles Party by Mukosyeyeva Oksana o-­‐mukoseeva@rambler.ru Moving and traveling with a Noodle. Connect the choreography with movement and don`t worry about free space for it in the pool! It can be not only fun! You will have a lot of ideas for your classes with adult, teenagers and even children. What we will learn? 1. Teach how we can effective use a small space in the pool. 2. Great ideas for the classes with teenagers and children. 3. Will learn the simple steps to create choreography. 4. The pleasure of training and collaborative working is an important part of the training process in any age. Recommended Music: 132-­‐136 BPM, utilizing Water Tempo & 1/2 or ¼. 90-­‐136 BPM in a final part. Program design: Warm up Training: simply choreography, workout in pair& and a small groups. Final part: exercises for balance &develop coordination. Warm up: 5-­‐7 min Without equipment. General warm up, cardiovascular training. General moves as run, travelling. Kicks and pushes all direction. You can combine 2 exercises in combination, for example: Knee up 1repetition/1repetition/2 repetitions(1-­‐2-­‐3-­‐4) Knee up 1/1, kick front (1-­‐2-­‐3-­‐4) Knee up 1/1, kick front with turn (1-­‐2-­‐3-­‐4) Around the world. Knee up 1/ , kick front with turn (1-­‐2-­‐3-­‐4) Training: about 20-­‐25 min. Link the exercises in small combination using the following types of choreography-­‐ add on or building block, linear progression and different water tempos. Power &cardio workout in pairs& and a small groups. Equipment-­‐ Noodles. Work in pair: 1. Both partners work face-­‐to-­‐face, use both noodles and hold Noodles as bars: − Kicks side to side -­‐ both legs (Level 2, 3)-­‐both partners work the same side For any questions or more informational bout this session, please email me o-­‐mukoseeva@rambler.ru or contact me on Facebook. − Alternately kicks front, back,-­‐ both legs − Pushing, circles, abd/add arms − Ski and move the noodles front and back (you can turn the partners spine to spine)-­‐ both partners start to work with the same side ( for example-­‐ left leg forward with right arm reward). 2. Noodle to the chest or spine – as the participant prefer (level 3)-­‐ strength for abdominal and legs. 3. Traveling around the pool (one partner run forward or backward, another make different exercise in positions: sit or lie-­‐Jumping Jack, breaststroke /backward breaststroke, floater kicks). Change the partners. 4. Work in small groups or one big group (it depends on the number of participations and the size of the pool). Final part: about 10 min. Calm, smooth movements at low intencity. Spine, chest, leg and andominal stretching, using Noodle as support Relaxation in pairs and one big group. For any questions or more informational bout this session, please email me o-­‐mukoseeva@rambler.ru or contact me on Facebook.