Church of Saint Ann 289 Arch Road * Avon, Connecticut * 06001 860-673-9858 * fax: 860-675-4350 Rev. John W. McHugh, Pastor WEEKEND ASSISTANTS Rev. Joseph P. Cheah, OSM, Ph.D. Rev. Daniel J. Sullivan DEACONS Jeffrey Sutherland and Tim Healy SPECIAL PROJECTS MANAGER Russell Koch: COORDINATOR OF SOCIAL MINISTRY Tom McCabe: RELIGIOUS EDUCATION COORDINATOR (K - 8) Lisa Stevens: ext. 223 RCIA DIRECTOR & LITURGY COORDINATOR Maureen Fiedler: 860-995-4026 CONFIRMATION & YOUTH MINISTRY DIRECTOR Joan Gould: ext. 226 DIRECTOR OF MUSIC Tom Stockton: ext. 230 OFFICE MANAGER Kris Martino: ext. 221 CEMETERY SUPERINTENDENT Richard Tourville: 860-673-3793 BUILDING SUPERINTENDENT Michael Gould, ext. 225 BAPTISMS (Registered Parishioners): Call the Parish Office MASS SCHEDULE: MARRIAGES Monday - Friday: 9:00 am Please set the date with the priest or deacon at least six months prior to the wedding. Weddings cannot be scheduled after the Saturday evening Mass or on Sundays. BULLETIN DEADLINE & INSERTS Please submit any bulletin announcements to the Parish Office by 2pm on the Monday prior to the weekend you would like it published. Also, please contact the office to obtain permission to insert fliers into the weekly bulletin. Sunday Vigil (Saturday): 4:00 pm Sunday: 7:30, 9:30 and 11:00am First Friday: 9:00 am CONFESSIONS: Saturday: after 4pm Mass First Friday: Before 9:00 AM Mass Other times by appointment DEVOTIONS: Rosary & Chaplet - Daily: 8:15 am Holy Hour - Thursday: 12:00 Noon First Friday Eucharistic Adoration: 9:30 am till 12:00 Noon First Friday Holy Hour for Life 10:00am till 11:00am December 21, 2014 Page Two Fourth Sunday of Advent M0NDAY, December 22 9:00 Mary Burns Herbert, requested by Peter and Ellen Bompane TUESDAY, December 23 9:00 Camille and Peter Angelina and Michael Nay, requested by the family If you are a resident in this area, we hope that you will continue to grace us with your presence and register with our office manager. You may call 860673-9858 or stop by the parish office to register. If you are a visitor, we thank you for participating in worshiping with us and we hope to see you again. This Week at St. Ann’s MONDAY, December 22 Marian Movement of Priests Cenacle: 7:15pm in the church TUESDAY, December 23 RCIA: will resume January 6th WEDNESDAY, December 24, Christmas Eve 9:00 For those who the poinsettias are in memory/honor of WEDNESDAY, December 24 4:00 For those who the poinsettias are in memory/honor of 6:00 For those who the poinsettias are in memory/honor of 10:00 For those who the poinsettias are in memory/honor of THURSDAY, December 25, Merry Christmas THURSDAY, December 25, Christmas 8:00 For those who the poinsettias are in memory/honor of 10:00 For those who the poinsettias are in memory/honor of FRIDAY, December 26 9:00 Special Intentions SATURDAY, December 27 4:00 Robert J. Regan, requested by the Weiss Family SUNDAY, December 28 7:30 For the deceased members of the DeLoreto, Martel & Ardenski Families, requested by the family 9:30 Sam Riela, requested by the family 11:00 Florence Suarez, requested by her husband, Ariel FRIDAY, December 26 SATURDAY, December 27 Men’s Breakfast Group: 8am in Room 3 in Fr. Bennett Hall SUNDAY, December 28 Disjtunbt!Qbhfbou;! Tbuvsebz-!Efdfncfs!31tu!bu!7;41qn! ! Disjtunbt!Fwf;!!5qn-!7qn!boe!21qn! ! Disjtunbt!Ebz;!!9bn!boe!21bn! ! Uivstebz-!Kbovbsz!2tu!! Nbsz-!uif!Ipmz!Npuifs!pg!Hpe! !+!B!Ipmz!Ebz!pg!Pcmjhbujpo!+! ! Nbttft!xjmm!cf!bu;! Efdfncfs!42tu;!!5qn!Wjhjm! Kbovbsz!2tu;!:bn!boe!23;21qn! Fourth Sunday of Advent Weekly Ordinary Income Page Three Religious Education Grades K-8: UPCOMING CLASSES December 21st and January 11th Due to the publishing company’s early holiday deadlines the collections the collection amounts are not known at time of upload. Next weekend’s second collection: none Next Family Mass: January 4th at 9:30am Grades 1 & 2 sponsor Parish Coffee after the Mass Dpmmfdujpo!gps!! Jnnbdvmbuf!Dpodfqujpo!Tifmufs! For those attending the Vigil Mass on Saturday... The Living Nativity We will be putting together Christmas gift bags for the men at Immaculate shelter. This has been a holiday tradition at St Ann's and included are warm items that are always so needed and appreciated. We are hoping to get enough warm socks , wool hats , and Chapstick for each man to get one. If you can help, please just drop off item in the kitchen and label it for Immaculate. A Christmas Pageant Saturday, December 20th 6:30 pm in the church This magical, musical retelling of the Christmas story is a feast for eyes and ears; an inspiring all-ages performance. All parishioners are cordially invited to join our child-performers in singing for Joy! Admission is free. Thanks so much for any help! Karen and Marybeth ( or Please Save Your Books to Donate to the Bulletin Announcement Deadlines Through the Holidays: Due to the holiday season, the bulletins need to be uploaded to the publisher much earlier than usual. Please note the following deadlines for submissions. For the weekend of: Submission Deadline: December 20/21 Unfortunately is has to be submitted this Mon. 12/15 so it is too late :( December 27/28 12 noon, Thursday, 12/18 January 3/4 12 noon, Monday, 12/22 7th Annual Book Sale at the Church of Saint Ann All proceeds go toward Catholic High School Student Scholarships. Please donate books during the following book sale collection dates/times: Wednesday, January 7th, between 9:30 AM - 6 PM Thursday, January 8th, between 9:30 AM - 6 PM Friday, January 9th between 9:30 - 11:30 AM Please donate books in good condition in the following categories: best sellers, fiction, non-fiction, religious, classics, biographies, memoirs, self-help books, vintage books, cookbooks, collectibles, large print, children’s books, young readers, and sports. Books-on-CD are good, but please do NOT donate encyclopedias, magazines, VHS movies, records, albums or cassette tapes (as they do not sell). In addition to books, please donate sturdy computer-paper boxes and box tops. Come celebrate Mardi Gras with us! Saturday February 7th Snow Date: Friday February 13th 2015 Book Sale dates: Friday, January 9th – 5 PM - 8 PM - $5 adult admission Saturday, January 10th - 9 AM – 6 PM (free admission) Sunday, January 11th - 8 AM – 12:30 PM (free admission) Volunteers are needed for collection and sale week! To volunteer at the book collection or book sale in January 2015, please contact Nancy Casey (860.673.3141) or Constance Rotondo (860.404.0204) Thank you! Pray for Vocations Page Four "For today in the cit of David a savior has been bor for you who is Christ and Lord. And this will be a sig for you: you will find an infant wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying Thank you to everyone who contributed to Project Wish List! It was another successful year and our parishioners came together and supplied the needs for one hundred children from West Bristol School. Thank you also to everyone who brought in chapstick, hats and/or socks for the men at Immaculate! What a blessing those will be to the men this winter. Interested in becoming more involved as a family here at St. Ann’s? Come to our next Youth Outreach meeting to learn about the fun, purposeful activities we are planning! NEXT YOUTH OUTREACH MEETING Tuesday, January 6 from 7-8 pm in Room 2 Be well and God bless, The Youth Outreach Committee Gifts for those in Convalescent Homes Once again St. Ann’s would like to remember those in Convalescent Homes for the holiday with: Ladies/Gentlemen: Small blankets, combs, nail clippers, picture frames, sweat pants & tops, eyeglass holders, sweaters (prefer button front style), writing paper, envelopes & stamps, large faced watches & clocks, slippers, socks, bathrobes, PJs, hats, bird feeders that attach to windows, large-face playing cards, wall decorations, wicker baskets for odds and ends, and artificial flower/plant arrangements Ladies: Costume jewelry, pins, necklaces earrings, hair picks, perfume, powder, cosmetic bags, emery boards, nail polish, nightgowns, knee-highs, bed jackets & easy to open pocketbooks Gentlemen: Flannel shirts, after-shave lotion. Please mark each package for size, ladies or men. Please place in box in the GatheringSpace THIS Sunday, December 21st. in a manger." ‐ Lk 2:11‐12 Excer ts om the Lectionar for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD “KNOW GREATER JOY” in the Coming Year Women of Saint Ann Retreat January 23–25, 2015 You are invited to start the year anew by a ending an inspiring retreat at the Holy Family Retreat Center where the benefits are endless. The women of St. Ann, especially new retreatants, are encouraged to a end the weekend of Jan. 23‐25 and share the gi s of peace, prayer, music and reflec on. The retreat begins with dinner 6‐8 pm on Friday evening and concludes with Sunday brunch at noon. This is a popular weekend and it is advised to sign up as soon as possible. Space is limited. Addi onal retreats will be held on Jan. 2‐4, March 6‐8, and June 5‐7. Preview the theme “KNOW GREATER JOY” and register at or call Ted in the retreat office at 860‐760‐9705. New retreatants may contact Nancy Janiszewski at 870‐818‐9260 for any ques ons or concerns. For more information, call Ida Maillet at 860-673-4861 December 25, 2014 ‐ The Nativity of the Lord "Let us go, then, to Bethlehem to see this thing that has taken place, which the Lord has made known to us." Take a moment to contemplate the Nativity scene displayed at your church for the season. Most parishes set up a large stable hosting the Holy Family, embellished by lights or greenery and surrounded by the Christmas cast of characters. Undoubtedly, at least one of the shepherds in the scene is carrying a sheep on his shoulders or has one following close beside him. The image is one of a faithful man who went straight from his work in the fields--where the angels appeared--to the manger in nearby Bethlehem. When the shepherds heard the heavenly announcement, "A savior has been born for you who is Christ and Lord," they acted on the news right away. They picked up and journeyed to find the "infant wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger." The artists who depict these humble men with their sheep in tow are suggesting that the shepherds came as they were. They didn't pause to make arrangements for the sheep or to take a shower. They went to worship the baby Jesus without pretense or preparation. And we are called to do the same, to come to Jesus as we are, without hesitation. Today, we celebrate the fact that God came to earth as a baby, a beautiful, innocent infant who does not judge or reject people. He came as a tiny child who asks only for our love and attention in return. Like the shepherds, we too have received the good news! We have a savior who loves us and can be found by all those who desire to know him. Let us go then, without delay, into the presence of the baby Jesus who welcomes us to his manger this Christmas Day. Page Four Pray for Vocations The poinsettias decorating the altar for Christmas have been donated in honor* of or in memory of the following persons: Zelinda & Lena Salvadori Jack & Helen Affelder Prima & Anne Butteri The Zalenski Family The ZuWallack Family The McHugh Family William and Marie Cheah Fr. Thomas P. Quinn The Bondhus & Vuono Families Mr & Mrs Robert Weldon Dr & Mrs Romeo Levesque Natale & Ruth Balich Frances Lynch Catherine DeVita George DeVita The Bingham & DuRoss Families Angelo & Anna Lagana Gerald Gill Helen Randall Miriam & Walter Hill Mort & Jame Murphy Jr. Anna Hill Jack & Marge Wuensch Bob & Lucille Rubino Mary Peron Nadine Maglietti John T. LaVia Leon & Apolonia Wawrzynowski The Gagne Family The Williams Family Albert & Olga Weiss America & Agnes Accomasso The Widman Family Frederick Babcock The Testa Family The Kulesa Family The Moody & Renaud Families Rev. A.M. Tamburi Delia M. Lecko My sister Ann Lavelle John & Clara O’Brien Anna & Charles McNamara Leopardo Salvatore The Corso & Rucci Families Eddie Consuegra Robert Drake Eva Drake Elizabeth Caspar The Lenihan & Miller Families The St.Amand Family The McMahon Family The Kurpen Family Arthur & Betty Godbout George & Virginia Yurch Dolores & Merle Corey Elizabeth & Albert Markel The Gan Family The Lupo Family The Matthes Family John & Josephine Garger William & Amelia Coccia Frank & Rose Wolfel *Janet & Michael Garger Fred Bielefeld *Joanne Tousignant Lawrence Tousignent Rev. James Cronin Carl & Mildred Lawrynowicz Ann Tromza Pete Tromza Jack Tromza The St. John Family Theresa Roy Russell Roy Ruth Leduc Omer Leduc Anne & Steve St. Pierre Daniel Winjet Al & Lily Apuzzo George & Catherine Taverna James Hamel *Regina & Marty Foy 54th Anniversary Leo Hamel Mary & Frank Rao Letitia & James Ringwood Shoulder & Healey Families James Coleman Sr. Fregeau & Nashlenas Families DeeDee Sullivan Douglas Blood Walter Pietrusinski Alice Pietrusinski John Pietrusinski George Korch Curt & Elsie Haenisch Margaret & Nick Pandiscio William LaMonica Sr. Katherine LaMonica James Waldron John McCusker Mildred Bonk Robert Krawski Matthew Gannatti John Grucci Carmela Gannatti Lucy Fiero The Zanelli Family Felix DeFronzo Jr. Philip & Tom Aldo & Elizabeth Zeffiro Harold & Hope Whalen James & Mary Martino *Jim and Barbara Martino Page Five The poinsettias decorating the altar for Christmas have been donated in honor * of or in memory of the following persons (continued): Joseph & Margaret Juliano Louis Faillace Marian Pia Edmund Sikora Roger J. Bernier *Irene A. Bernier Robert & Francis Riesback The Janulis Family The Gerali Family The Ahern & Girard Families Robert Reagan Margaret Fitzgibbons Linda Beloin Kathleen Talbot Catherine Jerto Daniel Miley Mr & Mrs. Charles E. Devanney Mr & Mrs. Miner L. Fyler Sr. Rosalie Potts Mr & Mrs William Krusinski Mary & Kathleen Clark Fran & Nick Hartonavich Ed & Florence Jud Ann R. Saxer Margaret & Peter Meenan Una & Patrick Linnane Smolinski & Sopelak Parents Pauline & Joseph Centofanti Matthew & Richard Jerzyk The Tepley and Kocinski Families Mr & Mrs Luman Sipperly Mr & Mrs Stanley Kapcinski Mr. Gary Kapcinski The Marcotte & Messier Families Ruby Sutherland Angelina & Mayo Family Mary Hojnowski Henry Hojnowski Manda Koch Alfred Koch Gerald Buckley Carolyn Calcagni Joseph & Dahlia Calcagni Patrick & Mary Marra Vincent & Anna Vitkauskas Joanna Puma Joey K. John Bachhuber Maryann Enderle Pat Clark Joseph P Savidge Jr. Jeremy Savidge Edwin Lysak Mr & Mrs John Lysak Mr.& Mrs Joseph Brennan Raffaele & Anna Lucignano Fred & Anna Hauer The Magiera Family The Szydlo Family The Bilotti & Lamattina Families Bill Ryan The O’Hagan Family Elvine & Del Bacon Genevieve & Maxwell Warren Lake & Ann Harvell Jess & Lil Benton Colleen & Keith Harvell Robert Thimot The Dubin & Kesmonaitis Families Trevor Duffy Cecile & Alois Kiedrowski Henry Zielinski The Picard Family The Hooper Family Our parents Rose, Charlie & Frank Mr & Mrs August Audibert Mr & Mrs Roland Lavallee Mellissa Anne Mr & Mrs George Kubik Mr & Mrs Michael Dubiel V.C.Hickey F.L. Hickey The Biscoglio& Tomlinson Family The Fee Family The Peregrin Family The John & Marie Peluso Families Corinne Elizabeth Wall George Walls Helen Walls The Fanelli Family The Makovich Family Sam Riela Pat & Ray Hayden Doris Tafari Alphonse Tafari Patricia Hill Walter Dymersky Melissa Millan Christina Klatt Larry Scelza Robert & Muriel Glynn Joseph & Margaret Kreivenas John & Dorothy McCoy Horace & Anita Abate William J Stevens Rev. Thomas McCarthy Mary O’Brien Stevens The Youth Ministry thanks you all for your generous support!
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