THE GRAPEVINE Black Top Paving Project -Goal 2015 First United Methodist Church November 30th, 2014 Our Mission: Making Disciples of Christ Equipped to serve God and neighbor! Christmas Program Sunday, December 14th we will gather for one service at 10, and the annual Children’s Christmas Program will take place. Following services, there will be a Birthday Party for Jesus at 11 AM in Fellowship Hall, join us for cake!!! Pavement Project Update The weather has put the paving project on hold until warmer temperatures return, in the Spring of 2015. The Trustee’s encourage the congregation to continue to support the paving project. Donations between now and spring time will serve to lower the need to borrow funds; which will be appreciated by us all. The paving contractor has given a written guarantee of his price, even though the work will done in 2015.The same will be the case of the interest rate, for the expected bank loan. Thanks, from your Church Trustee’s for your support of this project !! John Cressey, Chair of Trustees Report on Estimate of Giving Cards Budget Building Fund Apportionments $119,333 $20,277 $24,142 (2014) $125,395 $19,081 $31,142 (2015) 85 cards received compared to 81 last year. As other cards are received we will keep you updated. This is a very good start! Custodial Request We are looking for a good, used washing machine so that we can laundry wet mops and other janitorial supplies on site. If you have a working machine that you would be willing to donate, please contact the church office The thermometer represents the estimated dollars to complete this blacktop project. The funds available so far are $15,597.31 Our goal is to obtain an estimated $42,025 to complete the project. If you want to give to this project please mark in the memo of your check “Blacktop. POINSETTIAS FOR THE CHURCH We will be taking orders for Poinsettias for our altar area at church during the Christmas Holiday. The cost will be $15.00 each (tax included). Orders must be in by December 10th. Call the office @ 652-4420 Craft and Bake Sale Church will be open and accepting baked goods and or craft items in the Memorial Room on Saturday, December 6th between 15 p.m. and Sunday morning before Church Services. If there are any questions please call Vivian River 563-559-0155. Commitment Sunday Estimate of Giving Cards The Finance Committee is hoping to conclude this part of our planning for next year, so if you have not filled out a card yet, please do so. If you have been giving electronically we also need you to renew those commitments if you wish that to carry over into 2015. Thank you! Scripture Reader 8:15 a.m. – Ann Otteman 10:30 a.m. – Steve Schmudde Coffee Hosts November 30: 1st Service: Joel Cornelius 2nd Serve: Susan Dadisman December 7: Both Services UMW Christmas Tea December 14: Children’s X-mas Program December 21: 1st Service: Joel & Kathilene Hagen 2nd Service: Host Needed December 28: 1st Service: Gary & Tammy Willimack 2nd Service: Host Needed *Sign up is located in fellowship hall* Attendance Last Week— 127 8:15 a.m. – 66 10:30 a.m.- 61 Mitten Tree The Mitten Tree is located in the Sanctuary. Please bring hats, scarves, gloves, socks, sweatshirts/pants, and any other winter item that children could use this winter. Christmas Tea Happenings in the church November 30th –December 6th Sunday November 30 Radio Sponsor: Gale Stickley; In memory of Donna Stickley. Monday December 1 9 a.m. Jolyn Bible Study 1 p.m. Knitting Group Tuesday December 2 9 a.m. Miriam Circle 6:00 p.m. Ruth Circle 7 p.m. Finance Mtg Wednesday December 3 WIC 9 a.m. UMW Meeting 5:30 p.m.-7p.m. W.O.W. 6-8 Youth group 7 p.m. Chancel Choir Thursday December 4 WIC 9 a.m. Prayer Group Friday December 5 WIC 9 a.m. Bulletin Folders Saturday December 6 Help Wanted: We are seeking individuals for Ushering during December and 2015 as the New Year begins. If you can help for the month or a couple of weeks, please call or email Amber in the office! Church Office Hours December 7th from 9:15 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. Our UMW will be serving refreshments after first service and during and after 2nd service. There will be a bake sale and crafts/gifts available. Invite your friends and neighbors Monday -Thursday 8:30-11:30 12:30-3:00 Friday: 8:30 to 12:00 If you need assistance outside of these times, you may contact Pastor Jeff @ 563-249-7661 STAFF Pastor: Jeff Dadisman – 563-249-7661 (cell) Secretary: Amber McLaughlin Organist/Pianist: Sherry Krogman Ministry Assistant: Colleen Petaros (563-321-0450) Joyful Noise/ Chancel Choir: Joel Hagen (652-4196) Treasurer: Connie Cressey: 563-357-0498 (cell) Custodian: Hal Machael (652-5464) Parish Nurse: Doris Currier (652-4403)
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