a monthly newsletter from “Loving God -- Loving People” December 2014 Pastor Dale Scritchfield Pastor Craig Luttrell A MaƩhew 25 Kind of Christmas By the me you read this ar cle, it is likely many of you have already completed your “Christmas shopping” for 2014. A er all, I started seeing Christmas commercials a couple of weeks before Halloween this year. On the off chance you have not begun (or at least completed) your gi buying this year, I would like to encourage you to try something different with me this Christmas (or, if it’s too late, aim for next year…though I’m sure if you really wanted to you could return a few things in the next couple of weeks). This year the lec onary passage for November 23rd (the Sunday before Advent) was Ma hew 25:31‐46. In this fa‐ miliar passage, Jesus teaches about the final judgment: Then the king will say to those at his right hand, "Come, you that are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the founda on of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.' Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? And when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you, or naked and gave you clothing? And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited you?' And the king will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.'“ Since Christmas is s ll about Jesus, the King (for we who believe), we need to be much more proac ve about cele‐ bra ng his birth in ways that honor his teachings. I want to challenge you to try something Elizabeth and I are doing this year. For every dollar you spend on yourself or your family members or friends or Christmas decora ons this year, commit to spending one dollar on someone who needs a meal, a drink, or clothing. Note the anonymity in Ma hew 25. The ones who feed the hungry and visit the sick and so on do not realize they are really doing so to the King. You see, simply “trea ng” or “apprecia ng” those we care for at Christmas falls des‐ perately short of Jesus’ call for His followers to welcome and take care of the ones He men ons in Ma hew 25. We, as Christ’s followers, must honor our King by following suit. So, if you buy your son or grandson a baseball mi this year, give an equal share of money to the Food Box or House of Compassion. If you buy an ou it for your daughter or granddaughter, buy 2 of them and give one to a girl who will not otherwise receive an ou it this Christmas. If you plan on spending me with your family this Christ‐ mas, consider spending a couple of hours visi ng with people at the nursing home who might otherwise spend Christmas alone. The possibili es are endless! I do hope we all will consider making this Christmas one that honors the King by celebra ng in a way that captures the spirit of Ma hew 25. God bless us, one and all! Pastor Craig SPRC by Karen Duden, Chairperson First, the members of SPRC want to thank all of you for your ongoing financial and spiritual support for Dale and Marleta Scritchfield. With your generosity, we raised over $3,000 last month! We are so very appreciative of your support with our fundraising activities – THANK YOU! In addition to the wristbands from the Hand in Hand Ministry, we will be auctioning off a Christmas wreath as well as having a card shower for Pastor Dale in December. We are asking members of the congregation to consider sending the Scritchfields a Christmas card (feel free to include a donation if you feel led). In fact, it would be awesome to remember all of our pastors. Pastor Craig and Reverend Dale are a tremendous blessing to all of us! Finally, we want to make sure everyone knows we are searching for a youth minister. SPRC has created a job description and is currently advertising this position. We humbly ask our congregation to pray for God's continued guidance on the decisions we need to make as a committee. God bless you all! Trustees Report by Brad Braga As 2014 comes to an end, God has blessed our Church in many ways. We were able to have a new metal roof installed and replace the outdated valves and controls in our heating system to more efficiently heat our Church. We were able to do this without going into debt. This will allow the Church to continue to serve Him for generations to come. Also an anonymous gift allowed us to make the southeast entry from the parking lot handicap accessible. We have formed a sub-committee to access the long term needs for maintenance items in the church property. Shortly after the first of the year, we will make information available on our plans for Phase 2 to repair the other problems in our heating system of the Sanctuary and Wesley addition. Rides to Church by Paige Legg We have a list of volunteers willing to drive people to church on Sundays. Now we are ready to gather a list of names of people seeking rides. If you need a ride or know of someone who would come if they had a ride, please call David Santana (753-1318) or myself (485-2598). You can also sign up at church on Sunday. Vincent Thomas Graglia Parents: Nathanael & Michelle Graglia Grandparents: Ed & Gena Graglia Preston Robert Hageman Parents: Chad & Bethany Hageman Grandparents: Bob & Shelley Backus Monday Night Prayer Time 5:15 - 6:15 pm Sanctuary - You are invited to join. UMW by Edie Hodges UMW has been selling religious cards this year. We have sympathy, get well, birthday, anniversary, all occasions, and thinking of you cards. We are encouraging members to touch base with others by simply sending a card. They are $6.00 for a box of 12. UMW recently gave money to the curtain project in the nursery. Lisa Cooper was so gracious to select the materials needed and sew the curtains. Thank you, Lisa! Please stop by the nursery and check them out. UMW gives to local, regional, and global missions. A report of the total monies given in 2014 will be printed in the January or February church newsletter. A report on The Holiday Stroll Soup Supper and Cookie Walk held on November 22 will appear in the January newsletter. “A BIG THANK YOU” to everyone who donated food/cookies, prepared for the event and helped on November 22. UMW wishes everyone a blessed holiday season! Soup Supper / Cookie Walk Are A Delicious Success by Bev Edie & Mary Cowdry For many years, FUMC has provided the absolute best chicken noodle soup, chili and Christmas cookies at the Holiday Stroll. This year was no exception to the long tradition. There are several key people who made this year’s Soup Supper a real success. Karla Breed, Linda Tasler, Shirlee Rohrs and Jon Muller all worked really hard at preparing the chili and the chicken noodle soup. Carolyn Stanley bought all the groceries and cooked the chicken. Barb Matya promoted this event. Edie Hodges did some live radio interviews and put a lot of posters around town. Charity Circle decorated Fellowship Hall in a very festive manner. Steve Cherveny did a fine job of getting Fellowship Hall set up and was instrumental in getting things taken down afterward. Val Clark did a masterful job of heading up the Cookie Walk. She and volunteers once again had beautifully decorated tables in the Narthex with the best cookies from all the great cooks at FUMC. Approximately 153 persons volunteered their time and talents for this year’s Soup Supper and Cookie Walk. When everyone works together, three things are accomplished. First, we raise a lot of money for missions in our community and in the world. Families in our community and abroad who are in need will get food, shelter and assistance because of the money we raised. Second, we have a lot of fun, merriment, and fellowship while we work together. Many people in our congregation make new friends and enjoy being a part of something good. Third, people in our community eat the best chili and chicken noodle soup and take home the most beautiful and delicious cookies. Thank you each one who helped to make this year’s Soup Supper and Cookie Walk a success. It’s all good! Local & Global Missions by Barb Matya Thank you to Laura Aukes, Jo Lynch, Karen Berger, Karen Duden, Sandy Patterson, Darryl & Dee Peter, Ed Matya and Carolyn Stanley for helping me with the November soup kitchens. If you or your group would like to help with this ministry, please contact me. The Choir will serve in December. Thank you to all who helped sew, decorate and fill Metro Stockings. 200 were sent to New York City. Thanks to everyone who brought toilet paper for the Supply Closet in November. We are collecting dish soap for the December Supply Closet. We are donating to Larry Kies, our missionary at Africa University, Nothing But Nets and Women at the Well on Giving Tuesday, December 2 so our donations will be doubled. Our next meeting will be determined. Music News! by Janet Collison December is here and what a joy it is to tell you about all the musical Christmas events coming up! Please mark your calendars and plan to worship with us. This year, we are celebrating Advent with a special song that goes with the lighting of the Advent Candle. It’s entitled “The Wonder of Christmas”. The Alleluia Ringers and the choir will lead the music along with families who will be readers. The lyrics are especially nice : As we seek the light, as the darkness grows bright, as the wonder of Christmas draws near, come, O come Emmanuel, and join us here. There is wonder in the hope of the birth of a King, there is wonder in the sound of the angels as they sing. O come, O come, Emmanuel, and join us here. December’s musical events: December 7 - Second Sunday of Advent - Cynthia Augspurger will play bassoon during communion. There will be a carol sing at 9:40 am to kick off this special service. December 7 at 7:00 pm “Messiah” presentation with 60 singers, soloists, pipe organ and trumpet. At 6:25 pm, a brass quintet under the leadership of Frank Iole will play, and a hymn sing at 6:45 pm. A free-will offering will be taken. December 14 - Third Sunday of Advent with the presentation of our cantata, “What a Glorious Night” along with the Alleluia Ringers’ anthem, “Angels from the Realms”. This year’s cantata will also have a video element that goes along with the cantata. This will truly be a feast for the eyes, ears and hearts. We will sing in memory of Bud and Maxine Randall. December 13 - The Alleluia Ringers will ring for Salvation Army 1:00 - 2:00 pm at Hy-Vee. December 14 - “What a Glorious Night” presented to the residents at Glenwood at 1:15 pm. This is open to the public. December 16 - The choir serves at HOC - there will be a song in the air. December 17 - The Alleluia Ringers will joyfully ring Christmas Carols at Bickford (6:00 - 6:30 pm) and the Villa (6:45-7:15 pm). This is all open to the public. December 21 - 9:00 am Children’s Program under the direction of Niki Casey. I’ve been hearing some lovely tunes coming out of their rehearsals. Come and see what our children are learning and singing. December 21 - Fourth Sunday of Advent - Bruce Randall and Pastor Craig will lead the music at the 10:00 worship service. Chloe Wickam will sing, “Go Tell it on the Mountain”. December 22 - The Accordion Trio (Keith Lambertsen, Jan Randall and Janet Collison) will play noon - 2:00 pm at Hy-Vee for the Salvation Army kettles. December 24 - 4:30 pm This will be a full service with choir, combo, communion and candlelight. December 24 - 6:30 pm This will be a meditative service with guitar, piano, harp, communion and candlelight. December 28 - We will continue to celebrate Christmas with a traditional service. Tuesday Bible Studies by Reva Roland The Tuesday Bible Study Group at First United Methodist Church is getting ready for a new study starting in January 2015. We will be studying "Gideon" by Priscilla Shirer. This 6 week study will be held at 10:00 am, 1:00 pm and 5:30 pm beginning Tuesday, January 6th. Cost of the work book is $15.00. A $3.00 donation is suggested for those not ordering a book. If you are interested in joining the class and/or ordering a book, please email Reva Roland at rolandrjr2003@yahoo.com or call her cell (641-691-1335) by December 16th, 2014 in order to have the book available for the first class. All women and men of the community are welcome to attend. Hope to see you in January! Sunday, December 21 9:00 am — Children’s Program “Christmas Play by Play”. The baseball team is about to learn that their new coach has arrived - Jesus. This is the Savior they have been waiting for and your children will be there to greet God’s gift to the team and the whole world. Join us at Bethlehem Stadium as we celebrate Emmanuel God is with us every single day. Ten lively tunes grace this program that includes very little speaking. Come, see our Sunday school children proclaim Jesus. December Worship Styles December 7 Blended with a hymn sing at 9:40 December 14 Christmas Cantata with Alleluia Ringers December 21 Contemporary, December 24 4:30 pm & 6:30 pm December 28 Traditional Children’s program at 9:00 am Prayer Shawl Ministry from Kathy Braga Hard to believe that it is the end of another year already. We have had a very productive and busy year with the Prayer Shawl Ministry at FUMC. As of the writing of this report, we have made 93 prayer shawls this year and given away just about all of them. We have made probably about 3 dozen hats, mittens, scarves in a year’s time and donated them to the local schools or those in need in our community. We have several people who help us make these items as they can. I would like to thank these ladies for their faithful work, Barb Matya, Charlotte Santana, Hannah Hokanson, Jane Braga Ridgely, Kathy Wilcox, Sharon Owen, Ann Swearingen, Alberta Meyers, Pat Batcheler, and Mary Long. You are all ‘shawl warriors”. Thanks for all you do. We also want to thank those of you that have so generously donated yarn and money for yarn so we always have a supply. We pray that we may continue to show God’s love in the year to come in this same way! May you have a Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year. Finance Committee Report by Kevin Miller, Chairperson I think freedom is something that we take for granted at times. We are reminded of it a few times a year on Veteran’s day, Memorial Day, and the 4th, but for many of us that is all we have known and so don’t fully understand what it means. I spent three years in the Philippines arriving there a few months after Ferdinand Marcos declared Marshall Law and turned a democracy into a dictatorship. While I was there, they had one National election and the two items on the ballot were to vote for 4 or 6 more years of Marshall Law. Not a real free choice since most everyone voted for 6 years because they were afraid of what might happen to them if they voted for only 4 years. I also visited East Berlin before the wall came down, talk about an eerie feeling as you walked around and saw a soldier at every corner with an AK-47 watching every move you made. In Galatians 5:13-14 it says “For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’” We need to remember these verses and the freedoms that we do have to inspire us to serve Jesus and his teachings. We can serve through many ways. We can help through community service or monetary support, or maybe just helping around the Church. We all have many talents and we need to use these talents in the best way we can to serve our Lord and Savior. I would like to thank everyone who helped out during our Consecration Sunday Potluck and to all of you who brought dishes to share and even those of you who were just there to fellowship and enjoy all of the wonderful food. I had a wonderful time and hope you all had a great time, also. We have had a great response with our investment cards so far and if you haven’t turned yours in yet, it is not too late. I want to thank you for all your generosity as you continue to be very generous in your giving to many different groups that we collect for such as the House of Compassion, Trunk or Treat, Ingathering Kits to name a few of the most recent ministries you have helped to support. Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift! 2 Corinthians 9:15 Hand in Hand Ministry by Gina Ruddock This month Hand in Hand sought opportunities to reach out into the community during the Advent season. We have identified 30 veterans at the Iowa Veterans Home who could use a little Christmas cheer, so we will be purchasing gifts for them. If you would like to participate, let the office know. We also have wristbands to show support for and share the ministry of Pastor Dale while he recuperates. We hope all who take a wristband will wear it daily and share its message. Psalm 31:15 “My times are in Your Hands”. This scripture verse was chosen by Pastor Dale, and was the topic of one of his recent sermons. We hope you will use it as a tool in sharing his ministry in the community. We continue to take snack baskets to Iowa River Hospice and McFarland Clinic Oncology department. The family of Shirley Baldwin Monthly Meetings: Trustees: Thursday, December 4 at 5:00 pm Finance: Tuesday, December 9 at 5:00 pm SPRC: Tuesday, TBD at 5:45 pm Missions: Tuesday, TBD at 4:00 pm 2015 Altar Flower Sign up sheets Available December 7 Insurance Requirement Weather Policy If Marshalltown schools close because of bad weather, the church office will be closed. Please do not sit in the front row of the balconies. Christmas Eve Services 4:30 Christmas Eve Worship Service With Communion and Candlelight Messiah 6:30 Sunday, December 7 Meditative Christmas Service 7:00 pm With Communion and Candlelight In our Sanctuary Directed by Janet Collison HOC Supply Closet 6:25 - Brass Quintet December Collection (Frank Iole, Lane Larson, Dish Soap Prayer Shawl Ministry Meets Thursdays at 10:00 am in the Oasis. Anyone is welcome to join in. Exercise Class 8:15 - 9:00 am Fellowship Hall This Month’s Usher / Greeter Teams Aaron, Grant & Liz Fitz, Todd Eipperle, Scott Vial Derek Johnson, Dalton VanZwol, Elizbeth Coble Alleluia Ringers Are Packing Up The Bells and Venturing Out Saturday, December 13 1:00-2:00 Hy-Vee Wednesday, December 17 6:00-6:30 Bickford Cottage Noel & Dawn Diser Mary Cowdrey Don & Judy Westphal Mary Long Steve Thompson Arnold Whipple Monday, December 22 Noon - 2:00 Hy-Vee The Accordion Trio Blood Drive Salvation Army Monday, December 1 1:00 - 6:00 pm Honoring Chuck Rosenbalm (Janet Collison, Jan Randall & Keith Lambertson) 6:45-7:15 The Villa Visit umcom.org/givingtuesday on Tuesday, December 2, donate to one of the organizations listed and Global Ministries of the UMC will match you donation. Larry & Jane Kies, Women at the Well and Mosquito Nets are 3 of many choices. Christmas Offering Dave & Jen Carroll in Uganda Lynn & Sharon Fogelman in South Sudan House of Compassion If you’d like to receive the newsletter online, please call the church office or e-mail bmatt@thewebunwired.com. December No Youth December 24 & 31 Church Office Closed December 25 & 26 You Can Now Hear Our Weekly Sermons at http://http://fumcmarshalltown.sermoncampus.info/ main/ Change for Change Communion Christmas Offering December 7 & 24 NONPROFIT ORG. FirstUnitedMethodistChurch 202WestMainStreet U.S. POSTAGE Marshalltown, IA 50158-5893 PAID Return Service Requested FUMC Staff Senior Pastor: Dale Scritchfield x1002 Associate Pastor: Craig Luttrell x1003 Worship Leader: Janet Collison x1016 Worship Schedule Organist/Bell Director: Jan Randall 8:45 am—Sunday School* Youth & Children: 9:30 am— Fellowship Time Receptionist: Jo Ruff x1000 10:00 am—Worship* 2:00 pm — Zomi Christian Fellowship *Nursery available. www.fumc-mtown.org Admin Assistant: Barb Matya x1008 Church Office Hours Tuesday - Friday 9:00 am - Noon 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm Finance Secretary: Dawn Muller x1007 Custodians: Steve Cherveny x1001 Ruth Jacobson Please turn in articles for the January newsletter to Barb Matya by December 15th at bmatt@thewebunwired.com
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