Together on the Journey Fairport United Methodist Church 31 W Church St., Fairport, NY 14450 585.223.9560 5th Sunday after Easter May 3, 2015 Our Mission: “We are called to bring God’s love to all the world, and to nurture God’s people in their spiritual journeys.” Welcome to our worship service today! FUMC is a Reconciling Congregation where all persons of any age, gender, gender identity, race, ethnic origin, economic reality, family status, sexual orientation, diverse ability or social status are welcome without reservation to share in God’s love. We are always delighted to have visitors seeking fellowship in our Christian community. We invite you to journey with us in ministry and mission. You may indicate your desire to join us on the Ritual of Friendship or by contacting the pastor. Stop by our welcome table in the narthex for further information and stop in the parlor for a cup of coffee between services! Persons with some difficulties hearing, but who do not wear hearing aids, can find receiver/earbuds on the table in the narthex. Feel free to bring your own earbuds! Flowers on the stand are from Fran and Dan Mealey in celebration of granddaughter Emma's 18th birthday. Bridge Campaign! The Stewardship Ministry has launched its first two efforts to “Bridge” the FUMC 2015 Budget gap. To encourage a little extra donation whenever attending church services, there will be envelopes located on the pew racks and in the Narthex to collect extra cash donations. Including your name on the envelope will enable crediting the donation to your account and use of the envelope will denote the donation as part of the Bridge effort. Thanks for your support! Service Opportunities BTW (Beyond These Walls) – Thank you to all who donated household items and clothing for the homeless shelters and NNOC during the 1 month of April. For May, we are requesting personal care item, toiletries for men & women, and toilet paper. Drop off your donations in or near the designated bins in the parlor. Donation slips are available. Join us on one of our shelter visits; sign up on the Outreach bulletin board. The Cooking Ministry Team will cook on Friday, May 15 for the shelter meals on Sunday, April 17. Please help by donating food; sign up on the Outreach bulletin board. Bring items to the church kitchen by 8pm on Wednesday, April 13; check them off on the kitchen list. Fellowship Opportunities A 2nd COFFEE HOUR is offered the 2nd Sunday of every month after 2nd service! This fantastic idea came from two of our young couples who are looking for a way to get to know more of us!!! Feel free to bring a small dessert or a beverage next Sunday! Erica Porter and Brett Smith invite the congregation to their wedding ceremony, here on Saturday, May 9 at 1pm! Ruth Circle will meet on Monday, May 4 at 7:00pm at the church for a program on Linda Gordon's trip to Scotland. Michael Gordon will also share his experience participating in the Scottish Fringe Festival. All are welcome to attend. Learning Opportunities Our Living the Questions small group’s video discussion series, “Saving Jesus”, is open to all, on Tuesdays at 4:00pm. General Announcements Chicken BBQ May 15 to benefit 2015 Bike Trip. The profits helps to cover some of the expenses for Bike Trip so that we can keep the cost reasonable for families! Dinner to include – Cornell BBQ chicken, salt potatoes, coleslaw, fresh baked roll & blueberry cake for dessert. All for only $8! Purchase tickets in the Parlor TODAY and next Sunday or order online by May 13 When ordering online please include name, # of dinners, and approximate pick-up time. Bread delivery to first time visitors is back!! In the past our congregation has delivered bread with a note of welcome to first time visitors. Please volunteer: to bake bread (can be from your bread machine) once or twice a year depending on volunteer numbers OR deliver bread once or twice a year depending on numbers of volunteers, OR manage the delivery schedule twice a year. Contact Terrie Sleeman, 662-3483, email 2 LAWN MOWING needed for the church and our Filkins Street house. Please sign up (outside church office) for a particular week between May 4 and November 3. Lawn mower and gasoline in shed. Service Music Text I Am the Vine When Jesus walked the earth among us, long ago and far away, He brought the people hope of salvation. They heard Him teach. They heard Him say: REFRAIN I am the Vine, you are the branches; if you believe you will be free. You are my sheep, I am your Shepherd. You will bear fruit, come follow Me. If we believe He still walks among us day by day and year by year, Will we know He brings us salvation? Will we see? Will we hear? REFRAIN Holy, holy, holy Lord. Teach us today, show us the way. REFRAIN I am the Vine. Come follow Me. CCLI#841086 3 Order of Worship May 3, 2015 Please make sure your cell phone is silenced. *indicates we stand, either in body or in spirit Bold print indicates congregational response Hymn numbers above 2000 are found in The Faith We Sing. The chimes call us to gather. GATHERING TOGETHER IN GOD’S PRESENCE Greeting Ritual of Friendship and Announcements At 10:30, persons at the center aisle end of each pew, please remove the Ritual Sheet, as it returns, and place it in the offering plate when it comes around. Prelude Air from Water Music *Hymn O Blessed Spring Handel No. 2076 Unison Prayer Holy and loving God, you are closer to us than we are to ourselves. Help us to abide in you just as you abide in us. Amen. LISTENING FOR GOD’S WORD Scripture Readings Psalter Psalm 22:25-31 (with musical response 2) Page 752 *Gospel John 15:1-8 Hear what the Spirit is saying to the church. Thanks be to God! Children’s Message (10:30) All children (PreK through 2nd grade) will gather in the parlor to meet their teachers. Scripture Message Moments of Reflection Sung Response Chris Jewell Make Us One Sung twice by all 4 No. 2224 RESPONDING TO GOD Sharing of Joys and Concerns & Offering our Gifts Offertory I Am the Vine (9:00) Early Choir (10:30) Chancel Choir *Doxology *Prayer of Dedication *Hymn Lau No. 94 Together We Serve No. 2175 *Sacrament of Holy Communion No. 2257 Part (a) will be spoken responsively. Parts (b) – (d) will be sung responsively. “Hosanna in the highest!” is sung in unison each time. (The spoken liturgy is on page 13 of the hymnal.) The Lord’s Prayer (trespasses) Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. Come by the center aisle and receive the bread, dipping it in the cup. You may kneel for prayer before returning by the side aisles. GOING OUT INTO GOD’S WORLD *Hymn They’ll Know We Are Christians by Our Love Benediction (seated) Postlude Prelude in D Major No. 2223 Hesse Parents of children through grade 2 may leave for the Blessing Time in their classrooms during the Postlude, after the pastors/choir. Let us take these few moments for preparation, for worship is over....the service begins. Christ our Lord invites to the table all who love him, who earnestly repent of their sin and seek to live in peace with one another. If you need gluten-free bread at Holy Communion, please indicate that to the server as you come forward. 5 Sunday May 3 Monday May 4 Tuesday May 5 Wednesday May 6 Thursday May 7 Friday May 8 Saturday May 9 Sunday May 10 CHURCH CALENDAR FOR THIS WEEK 8:00A Early Choir -113 9:00P Adult Forum - 204 9 & 10:30A Worship & Sunday School 10:00A SS Teacher Appreciation – FH 6:00P Jr & Sr High Youth – FH & 207 12noon Mid-day Prayer – S 6:30P YAM Living the Questions – 207 7:00P Habitat – 214 7:00P Ruth Circle - 213 7:30P UMM Study Grp – 204 11:45A Spiritual Lunch Break – P 4:00P Living the Questions - 204 5:30P Centering Prayer – 204 6:30P Children’s Choir – FH 7:00P Finance Meeting - 204 7:30P Chancel Choir – 113 11:30A 6:30P 10:30A 12noon 12:30P 9:00A 9:00P 9 & 10:30A 11:45A Grace Class – off-site Bell Choir – S Heart Listening – 204 Mid-day Prayer - S Benedictine Spirituality – 204 Car Wash – parking lot Adult Forum - 204 Worship & Sunday School Coffee Hour - P OFFICE AND CHURCH HOURS Monday afternoons we are closed after Mid-Day Prayer. Monday – Thursday: 9:00am – 4:00pm; Friday: 8:00am – 3:00pm Note: An Automatic External Defibrillator is stored in the white wall case in the Kitchen off the narthex. 6 LEARNING TAKE HOME SHEET Scripture focus: John 15:1-8 Memory verse: John 15:5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, then you will produce much fruit. Without me, you can’t do anything.” Questions for your Journey: 1) How do access the “I AM” within? 2) What draws you away from the “I AM”? 3) How do you share “I AM” with others? Prayer for the week Holy God, you are within us, and yet, somehow, you have been there before our parents were born. Help us to see beyond the boundaries of our selves so that we might be open to your eternal presence. Amen. Scripture/message for next week Scripture focus: John 15:9-17 Psalm 98 The Joy of Love Message focus: MINISTERS AND STAFF OF FUMC Ministers – All God’s People Pastor – Margaret A. Scott Associate Pastor – Christian Jewell Music Ministry Director – Nicole Camilleri Church Administrator – Katherine A. Harris Youth Ministry – Pam Renfro Children’s Ministry – Stacy Young Custodian – Lisa Radford Reader – Jane Tucker Greeters – (9:00) Alice Anderson and Aaron Engle (10:30) Gail Terhaar and Judy Culotta You can subscribe to receive our sermon blog posts at 7
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