youth sunday - Hayes Barton United Methodist Church

Congregational Prayer with Lord’s Prayer
8:30 Josie DeRonja, 11:00 Katie Watson
Senior Moment Video Group #3
Offering Invitation
8:30 Savannah Jones, 11:00 Avery Risinger
Laura Story
Youth Praise Choir
No. 94
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia!
Praise God, the source of all our gifts!
Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts!
Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Jay Rogers on piano
Luke 17:11-19 (NLT)
8:30 Sam Crawford, 11:00 Lily Highsmith
100% of the profits from this freezer sale will go to
fund The Well! This sale ends TODAY. Bring your cash/
check-book/credit card, your cooler and your appetite!
We’ll be at the front desk, ready to take and fill your order. First come, first served! Quantities are limited.
UMW Freezer Sale Items
Scripture Reading
UMW Freezer Sale to Support ‘The Well’
Addie Folk, Roy McMillan, Hannah Watkins
*Closing Song
“This Is Amazing Grace” Riddle, Farro, Wickham
Led by “Saved on Stone” (Youth Praise Band)
(Words provided on video screen.)
Please join us in the traditional UMYF Benediction,
taken from Numbers 6:24-26.
Now may the Lord bless you and keep you,
May the Lord make His face to shine upon you,
And be gracious unto you.
May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.
Instead of a traditional postlude, we will end our service with the singing of
“Sanctuary,” another tradition we have after speaking the benediction at
youth group.
(written by John W. Thompson and Randy Scruggs)
Lord prepare me, To be a sanctuary.
Pure and holy, tried and true.
With thanksgiving, I’ll be a living Sanctuary for you.
Big Al’s Cinnamon Rolls $12 — A baGreen Bean Almondine $10 — Fresh
zaar favorite! Approximately 10 mouthwa- green beans steamed and simply tossed
with salt, pepper, fresh lemon juice and
tering sweet buns!
slivered almonds. A great accompaniBaked French Toast $12 — This deliment to our Pork Tenderloin or any other
ciously rich casserole is sure to be a hit!
Sausage Egg Casserole $15 — The
Crustless Veggie Quiche $12 — A
scrumptious smell ofOsausage,
bread and quiche chocked full of eggs, broccoli,
D wake anyone in the
cheese baking
D OUto
zucchini, and
name a few.
Perfect for the veggie lover in your house.
Mary Douglass’ Appetizer Chive and
Ham Biscuits $15 — Also a bazaar favorite! Homemade
OUTbiscuits filled
with ham, brown
sugar and butter. Now it
doesn’t get more southern than that.
Smokehouse Spaghetti $15 — Bacon,
T say more for
Beef, Cheese…LD
this twist on baked spaghetti?
Chicken Pot Pie $15U
—TA bazaar favorO
ite! Circle 1’s
SOinfamous pot pie recipe.
Marinated Pork Tenderloin — 1 for
$12, 2 for $20 — OverUaTlb of pork tenO
derloin marinated
SOLDin soy, ginger and
spices. After thawing it is ready for the
grill, oven or crock pot.
Our UMYF counselors - Barb McNeill, Andrew Realon, Jimmy
Rogers, Charles Hooks, Craig Crowther, and Amy Darden for preparing
our youth for this Sunday!
Clay Oxford for filming and editing Senior Moment videos featuring:
Blaine Blackburn, Hayden Hemphill, Peter Millsaps,
Beck Otersen, Annie Ruhmann
Heather Nicholson for leading our Youth Sunday breakfast team.
United Methodist Church
Raleigh, North Carolina
Eight-thirty and Eleven o’clock
MAY 17, 2015
Lemon Zest Pie $10 — Sugar, eggs,
butter, lemon and some extra love goes
into making these pies. Just add whipping
cream or fresh fruit to top it off.
Kentucky Derby Pie $10 — This chocolate and pecan pie is the perfect ending
to a fabulous meal.
Pound Cake (sold as a half bundt) $10
Dense pound cake ready to be served
with fresh strawberries and/or whipping
Cookie Dough $8 — Offering sugar and
chocolate chip cookie dough rolls. Each
roll will make approximately 2 dozen
Acolytes: (8:30) Ellie Crowther, Vada Valdespino; (11:00) Lilly Fine, Audrey Shearon
Crucifer: (8:30) Hannah Mallard; (11:00) Harrison Rose
Greeters: (8:30) Allie Depo, Sarah Clark Hamilton, Maddie Lee, Hope & Worth Warner;
(11:00) Maddie Francis, Grace & Izzy Kempson, Hazen Lancaster, Maddie Lee,
Sophie Penn, Matthew Rostick, Brinkley Thompson
Praise Band: Alex Gillette, Will Hollerung, Beck Otersen, Monica Powell, Garris Stokes,
Elizabeth & Lee Sullivan
Praise Choir: Roxana Coats, Jordan Diard, Lily Gray Flournoy, Gracen Malpass,
Lindsay Morris, Josie Nicholson, Monica Powell, Elizabeth Sullivan, Sara Scott Thompson
Special Thanks to:
Prayer Warriors: (8:30) Scott Tyler; (11:00) Fran Richardson
Publications/Visual Art: Christian Acree, Grace Boney, Emma Kate Clarke,
Maddie Tharrington, Laney Wade
Sound, Lights, AV: Henry Jones, Clay Oxford
Ushers: (8:30) Jonathan & Sammy Culpepper, Ella Dyer, Logan Hunter,
Jackson McNamara, Quinn Spear, James Trowell, Nic Valdespino;
(11:00) Leslie Boney, Jackson Highsmith, Parker Hopkins, Harrison Lee, James Motter,
Jay & Scott Rogers, Nicholas Rose, Burris & Graison Self
In the Bible, Jesus speaks a parable of ten lepers who were healed,
one of which returns to thank Jesus for the miracle he performed. What was it about the one that made him return to offer
thanks? What was the breakthrough he had that the other nine had
not? Every day in our Christian lives, we have the opportunity to
have a defining moment in our spiritual journey, an opportunity for
a revelation. Nothing in our environment changes, but something
inside of us changes, and we can see that which we did not see before. This breakthrough makes us like the one leper who returned.
Hayes Barton UMC
*Call to Worship
8:30 Emma Cline, 11:00 Briner Sealey
God of all people:
We pray,
it’s to you.
We sing,
it’s for you.
We read scripture,
to learn about you.
We come together as your church,
following your call.
As we gather in your house, we dedicate this time to you,
with all our heart, soul, mind and strength.
In the name of Jesus, we pray,
*Opening Hymn
“Let It Rise”
Holland Davis
Led by “Saved on Stone” (Youth Praise Band)
(Words provided on video screen.)
The Chancel Flowers are given to the
glory of God, in loving memory of
Elizabeth Leach and in honor of Walter
Leach by David and Darlene Leach.
If you or someone in your family received/will receive a college degree
this spring, please contact Doug Gill at or 832-6435 x26 so
they can be recognized in the bulletin
on May 31.
HBUMC moving day is approaching, and many hands make light
work, so let’s “gather to serve.”
Moving Week is Wed., 5/27, to
Sat., 5/30, with afternoon & evening
volunteer shifts. Able-bodied, strong
volunteers: please sign up for at least
one 3-hour shift. Transition Team
members will be on-site to organize/
guide movers. Our packers have done
a fabulous job, so now our HB Movers can move it. Thank you for
choosing a shift at:
Questions: Contact Connie at 7572062 or
Clyde Clifton Bailey IV, “Ford”, was
born on May 10 to Marci & Trey
Stella Grayce Talley was born on
May 11 to Kristi & Chris Talley.
UMW Scholarship:
Apply by 6/1
UMW Scholarship applications and
standards are available at:
Sympathy and Love to
- the front desk.
the family and friends of Lois
The applications are
Wilkerson, who died on May 10. Her due to UMW President,
service was on May 13 at Raleigh Me- Jo Anna McMillan, by
morial Park.
June 1, 2015. Our UMW annual scholarship is paid directly to the college of
Peace with Justice Offering:
the female recipient, who is a member
May 31
You can support ministries in the US of HB. The scholarship is for graduate
and worldwide to remove unjust sys- or undergraduate study and is granted
tems and equip the victimized to live for one year; however, current HS senmore fulfilled lives. Please give gener- iors who are eligible for many other
HB scholarships are not eligible. Our
UMW is now accepting applications.
Wednesday Spiritual Academy
Questions? Please contact Jo Anna at
6:30 - 7:15 pm in the Sanctuary or
“Sabbath” with LuAnn Charlton
The Connection at 9:55 - Adult SS Begins 6/07
Each Sunday will address some aspect of Christian discipleship on a monthly cycle shown
below. Announcements and music will open our time each Sunday in the sanctuary.
1st Sunday: The Word (Bible Study)
2nd Sunday: Response to the Word: Spiritual Formation, Denominational Study or Outreach
3rd Sunday: Response to the Word: Spiritual Formation, Denominational Study or Outreach
4th Sunday: Response to the Word: HB Witness [includes Individual SS Highlight]
5th Sunday: Response to the Word: Music
Senior Moment Video Group #2
End of year concert by Genesis Choir
and Jubilee, followed by Popsicles
and playtime on the lawn celebrating
a great end of the year for our choir
and Children’s Spiritual Academy.
All are welcome; choirs will perform
at 5:45 pm during dinner in the FH.
5:00-6:30 pm; $6 - adults; $3 - kids
05/20: hamburger and hotdog cookout (last Wednesday dinner)
RSVP by noon on Monday: Reply
to email or call 832-6435 x34.
Grand Age Club:
Thursdays, 11:15 am
05/21: Mystery Program
Questions: Call Mary Lib, 782-8116.
Support the Cardinals
on Their Last Spring Game
Get on Board – Every Sunday
Shuttle service from Carolina Place on Glenwood Avenue
to the Stone Street entrance…quicker than parking & walking…
8:30 Jack Nickens & Joseph Winstead
11:00 Grace Hopkins, Grace Palmer & Katherine Rose
Performances, Popsicles
and Playtime on May 20!
RSVP for Wednesday Dinner
Senior Moment Video Group #1
Time With Young Disciples
Lois Wilkerson
HB Movers Needed May 27-30
*Opening Prayer
8:30 Avery Busick, 11:00 Callie Oliveira
God, Your power and presence are all around us.
You’re in the sunshine at the beginning of each day,
and in the stars we see at night.
We want to see Your miracles.
We want to feel the presence of the Holy Spirit.
We go through life wearing blinders and headphones, unaware that
we’re in the presence of the Creator of the universe.
So when we face daily stresses and problems,
or have one of those days where everything we touch falls apart;
when we suffer through the biggest pains and struggles life can
hold, open our eyes to you.
And in those times when blessings abound,
life is happy and carefree, and we feel confident and sure,
open our eyes to you.
Lord, You call us by name.
You show us Your miracles every day.
Open our eyes, God. We will see.
Call us again. We will listen.
(prayer taken from The Book of Uncommon Prayer by Steven L. Case)
Prayer Bookmark
College Graduates
8:30 Mia Busick & Polly Ferrell
11:00 Emma Farquhar & Mackenzie Naylor
Lee Sullivan
HBUMC May 17
Today’s Flowers
Welcome and Announcements
May 17, 2015
Carolina Place is at 2626 Glenwood Ave.
The Shuttle service runs from 8 am – 1 pm,
departing every 10 minutes from the parking
Shuttle parking is located in the parking deck.
The parking lot has over 100 covered spaces.
Drop off/pick up at the Stone St. entrance.
Carolina Place is 1 mile NW of HB.
As you approach the parking deck, you will
see an HBUMC parking sign.
7:45 pm on 5/22 at Adams Elementary School, 805 Cary Towne Blvd.
Noah’s Ark Breakfast
9:50 - 10:50 am in the CFH:
TODAY - Doves
Ext. Session Volunteers: 05/24
Erica & Tim Nelson
Elizabeth & Matt Raymond
Tracey & Jeff Peake
Kelly & Kevin Shoaff
Health Concerns
Becky Brown
Michele Jones
Shirley Phillips
Joyce Stroud
Helen West
Ongoing Concerns
Virginia Beach
Locke Beaudin
Sarah Jenkins
Jo Ann Jones
Bill Knapp
Mary Knapp
Sammy Martin
Annette Peed
David Poe
Julie Smith
Doug Walter
Jane Walz
Anthony West
Our Church Leaders
Pastors Rick, LuAnn, & Jesse
D.S. Strother, Bishop Ward
Nick Constantino
Trey Goodwin
HBUMC Calendar
Sunday, 05/17
7th Sunday of Easter
Youth Sunday
UMW Freezer Sale
8:30a Sanc. Youth Sunday Worship
9:50a CFH
Doves Breakfast
Sunday School for All Ages
11:00a Sanc. Youth Sunday Worship
6:00p FH
Tuesday, 05/19
7:30a 202
Men’s Breakfast
Prayer & Communion Svc
7:00p FH VBS Volunteer Training
7:00p 229
Wednesday, 05/20
Haggai’s Helpers
1:00p 320
Mourning Glories
5:00p FH
Wednesday Dinner
5:45p FH Children’s Choirs Perform
MS Bible Studies
6:30p Sanc.
Spiritual Academy
Popsicles & Playtime
Cub Scouts
Thursday, 05/21
Yellow Tag Giveaway Ends
6:15a offsite HS Prayer Breakfast
10:00a 202
Lectionary Study
11:15a 203
Grand Age Club
Chancel Choir Practice
8:00p FH
LightHouse Practice
Friday, 05/22
7:45p offsite Cardinals Ball Game
Sunday, 05/24
Day of Pentecost
8:30a Sanc.
Traditional Worship
8:45a FH
LightHouse Worship
Sunday School for All Ages
11:00a Sanc.
Traditional Worship
Monday, 05/25
Church Offices Closed
Hayes Barton UMC
Endowment Challenge
for Holroyd Youth Fund
Honor Your Father
Clearly print the name(s) of those you wish to honor/remember and your name(s)
exactly as you wish them to appear in the June 21 Father’s Day bulletin. Send
this card and a check, made out to HBUMC with ‘PE – HYF’ on the memo line, in an
envelope to arrive by June 17. Or, drop the envelope in the offering plate on Sunday or in the business office mailbox.
In Memory of ___________________________________________________
In Honor of ____________________________________________________
Your Name(s) __________________________________________________
Phone __________________________ Amount Enclosed ______________
Attention: Parents of VBS Children
Wouldn’t you love for your child to have their VBS Music CD early? We would!
Vacation Bible School runs from June 22 - 26, but we think it would be great if your
child had their music CD early and could already begin learning the songs! Your
child’s CD will be available for early pick-up at the Reception Desk in the front
lobby on the following Sundays (June 7th, June 14th, & June 21st) from 9:30 11:00 am and 12:00 - 12:30 pm. Please look for Meredith Clayton. Limit: 1 CD
per family. Thanks, and we look forward to making great music with you soon!
Meredith Clayton, Blair Kennedy, Mary Whitney Rakestraw
Children’s Department Newsletter
Exciting News!! The Children’s Department will be moving to an electronic newsletter beginning in June. If you haven’t been receiving church emails in the past,
please be sure that we have your correct email address by May 25th so that you
will not miss out on receiving the newsletters. Send your correct email address to
Anna Stidham at so that it can be added to the database.
Save the Date: Refresh Two
a retreat for the women of Hayes Barton
Led by Pastor LuAnn, Pinehurst Resort, January 8 - 10, 2016
Cost for double occupancy around $350 (includes lodging, delicious Pinehurst
meals and snacks, and all instructional sessions and materials)
Registration will open Fall, 2015
Summer Celebration Picnic
Wednesday, July 1, 5 - 7:30 pm at Pullen Park, Shelter #5
Yellow Tag Giveaway through May 21
Some of the shrubs around the church will be destroyed during de-construction. If
you are interested in digging up any of them, here’s your chance. Please contact
the church secretary at to schedule a time and date. Bring
your tools and gloves. If you are interested in perusing the available plants, they
have been tagged with yellow ribbons. Nandina, holly, azaleas and boxwoods
along with liriope are available, but ONLY selected plants. SCHEDULING A DIG
DATE IS MANDATORY. Please do not leave a hole when you are done.
Please bring food to share in a good, old-fashioned potluck picnic.
HBUMC will provide drinks and paper products.
Please sign up for the picnic so we can make plans:
respond to a mass email or call 832-6435 x34 after May 20
and let us know how many adults and children are coming.
Activities to include:
cornhole, three-legged race, water balloons, bubble station,
watermelon seed spitting contest, sidewalk chalk
Seeds of Hope
Thank you to everyone who has supported Homework club this school year! We
have wrapped up homework club for this school year. Please consider volunteering as a mentor for this fall.
Requirements: Desire to share the light of Christ with a child in need by helping
with their homework one day a week while traditional school is in session. Spanish
language skills are helpful but not necessary. We are also looking for volunteers to
assist in Community ministry with the ladies Bible study.
Furniture: We frequently have families who are in need of furniture. Please call
Jill Fletcher at 919.909.5100 when you have gently used furniture that you would
consider donating.
SLAM Nashville Mission Trip
We have 25 signed up, but still have plenty of spots for current 6th-12th graders on
our SLAM Nashville mission trip, June 22-28!
An awesome opportunity to serve the community of Nashville and, if you’re a high
schooler, also serve our middle school students as a leader!
Already going on another one of our mission trips? You can sign up for SLAM, too.
Cost is just $200 for a week of awesomeness in Nashville, TN with some awesome people doing some awesome service work!
Check out more info about SLAM on their website:
Check out our mission video from last year to get an even better idea of what
SLAM is all about (thank you Mike Busick!) here:
Already know you’re interested? Just fill out the mission trip application and hand it
in along with your check made out to HBUMC!
Need help paying for this trip? That’s what the Holroyd Youth Fund is for! Check it
out here and get your application:
Other questions? Contact Emily at or 919-832-6435 x17.
Summer Newsletter Schedule
NO newsletters: June 8, 22; July 6, 20; August 3
Newsletters: June 1, 15, 29; July 13, 27; Aug. 10, 17, 24
Questions: Contact Doug Gill,
or 919-832-6435 x26.
VBS Wish List
Tacky Glue (10 bottles)
650 water balloons
rolls of masking tape
red washable paint (40 bottles)
100 Band-Aids, any size/color
40 large Band-Aids – regular shape,
flesh color
160 small Band-Aids – regular
shape, flesh color
100 single-packaged Reese’s cups
1 bag small candy bars without peanuts or peanut butter
100 blank postcards OR 100 blank
cards with envelopes
gently used or new stuffed animals
to donate to homeless children
1 pack of candles that won’t blow out
10 regular-sized bags of potato chips
10 - 15 rolls white duct tape
30 plastic or paper tablecloths, white
- largest size available
10 packs of markers (washable)
10 boxes of Crayons
1500 tongue depressors
Newspaper – for a paper Mache
craft. Lots!
10 balls of twine
800 Ziploc bags - sandwich size
2 yards / 10 sheets fuzzy brown craft
380 smooth, round rocks - about 2-4
inches in diameter
30 bottles Mod Podge - any finish is
fine (can be found at craft stores)
100 pieces card stock-any color
15 empty cereal boxes (broken
5 pieces of felt, each color – brown,
dark brown, light brown, khaki/tan
30 rolls wax paper
Michael’s Craft Store gift cards to
purchase needed supplies
Items to Borrow - label with your
name and phone number, and we will
return them after VBS
12 artificial trees, various sizes
2-3 tents
10 large plastic bowls
Please leave any donated/borrowed
items in the VBS bin at the drop-off
center at the front desk. Thank you!
VBS Volunteer Training: May 19
Tuesday, May 19, 7-8:30 pm
in the Fellowship Hall
For all VBS adult volunteers.
Youth orientation will be held
on the morning of June 22.
Questions: Email