B ap tist - Church Websites

6th & Ave. M ● P.O. Box 408
Olton, TX 79064
Phone: 806-285-2565
Email: office@fbcolton.org
Return Address Service Requested
FBC Ministry Team
Every Church Member
David Azam: Pastor
Cell phone # - (806) 292-3201
Craig Woody: Youth Minister
Cell phone # - (806) 292-6116
Travis McCullough: Music Minister
Tonya Morris: Secretary
Evelyn Hudgens: Custodi an
U.S. Postage
Olton, TX 79064
Permit No. 9
*Please help us keep our prayer list up to date! If there is someone
who needs to be added or deleted from the list, please call Tonya in
the office and let her know.
Sunday School—9:45 a.m.
Morning Worship—10:55 a.m.
Celebration Choir—5:00 p.m.
Evening Worship—6:00 p.m.
New Members: Derek and Cenee Faught, Ruby Jimenez, Luis and
Virginia Jimenez, Kenneth Campbell, Bill Thompson, Laverne Balko
Children Ministries
Sunday School-Backyard Missions-Prison Ministry
Youth Ministry ~ Craig and Katie Woody
Our nation and elected officials
Our troops overseas and in training
David and Meghan Azam family
Those affected by the weather.
Don and Teri Caswell
David and Kathy Britton
Godwin and Christy
Ismael and Terry Gomez
Unspoken requests
Colby and Elizabeth McGrew
Travis and Kat McCullough-Foster parents
Those who have or have had cancer:
Jim Holland, Betty McCurry, Sue Barnes’ Sister,
Diana Graham Jones, Jean Scott, Mary Lou Almanza, Kevin Couch,
Malory Johnson, Carla Lloyd Willis, Bob Hall, Lennon Young,
Leon Follis (Sandy Kersh’s brother), Kimberly Rogers,
Lou Almanza, Bill Griffith, Soyla Garza Sandoval, Nati Sandoval,
Tammy Bennett, Patricia Barnett, Mike Joiner, Nita Criswell
Health and other concerns:
Luis Jimenez, Pat Elkins, Valerie Salas, Mary Myers,
Billie Mitchell (Kayla Parkey’s mom), Lupe Pedroza, Gary Cross,
Paula Jiménez, Tamara Elam, Harold Smith, Zander Wade,
Ron Cotton, JoAnn Stamps, Betty King (Becky’s mother),
Darla Ballard, Ted Giles, Virginia Daugherty, Roger Russell,
Carol Davis (Tonya McClenney’s mom), Bill Morris, Zane Gunter,
Ninfa Hernandez (Emma Fuentes’ sister), Doris Witten,
Jose Cuevas family, Mary Roper Byrd, Sharon Key,
Liam Groomer (Friend of Azam’s), Tonya Ratliff, Alice Carter,
Kody Wilson, Jennifer Garcia (Liz and Angie’s sister),
Joann Stamps, Norma Lively, Alicia Paz, Harley Cantu,
Keith Workman, W.L. Carthel (Sue Barne’s dad), Marcelle Loveless,
Dorothy Holt,Raymond Powers, Sharon Key, Thadra Vrubel,
Hudson Holland (Brent and April Burns nephew),
George Churchill (Shelli Rose’s uncle), Linda Young,
Bobby Turner, Gene and Ruby Reynolds, Joe Hall,
John Rodgers (Sharon Key’s brother), Emily Fiene,
Lucy Potter (daughter of Byron and Moriah diagnosed with SMA),
Amelia Samaniego (Flor Cano’s mother in law),
Dale McLaughlin (Gayle Clegg’s cousin)
RDCC: Evelyn Mason, Hazel Lacewell, Joe Turner, Kay Anderson,
Marcelle Loveless , Kay Anderson, L.T. Davis, Rosalyn Sorley
Sandhills Village: Ellen Mills, Paula Nixon
RDCC & Sandhills Village residents & staff
Norma Lively 6202 4th St. Apt. 103 Lubbock, 79416
Expectant mothers: Heather Jimenez, Hailey Hurst,
JoMarie Pinkerton Soliz, Kimberly Lorenz
May 12, 2015
Volume 28 No. 19
because, when you received the word of
God, which you heard from us, you
accepted it not as a human word, but as it
actually is, the word of God, which is
indeed at work in you who believe.
● G R O W ● S E R V E ● G O
We still need teachers for (2) 5 Yr Old Classes, 3rd Grade,
and 1st-5th Music. If you are interested, please contact me!
We will have Chocolate Chip Cookies on Monday, Rice
Krispie Treats on Tuesday, Brownies on Wednesday,
and Chocolate Chip Cookies on Thursday. If you would like
to donate any of these snacks, please contact me or the
sign up sheets will be in the office. If you could donate 2
dozen for each day, that would be perfect. They do not need
to be individually wrapped. The only thing we need to
remember is absolutely no peanut butter or nuts of any kind
in any of the snack please!
Meals will be served each night for the kids attending VBS
and the volunteers and their families. Please make plans to
join us each night at 5 for food and fellowship before VBS
begins at 5:55. Friday night will be our Family Night and we
would like to invite our entire church family to come
celebrate with us. We will have a Worship Rally at 6 and eat
immediately after.
The last thing I want to let you in on is that we are going to
try something different this year the Sunday before VBS
starts. Instead on Sunday School on June 21, we are going
to have a Prayer Breakfast. Please join us for breakfast and
a time of prayer over the classrooms and volunteers
involved as well as the kids and families we plan on having
with us that week.
That about sums it up! Thank you all for EVERYTHING you
do to make VBS a success!!! If I have forgotten anything or
need to do anything or change anything, please do not
hesitate to let me know! I would rather know that not know!!
Love you guys and gals!!!
Join us Sunday mornings as Brother David
leads us through the books of
1 and 2 Thessalonians.
Church Website: fbcolton.org
Find us on Facebook!!!
We will not have evening services in Olton
this Sunday, May 17. Please join us at
First Baptist Church in Dimmitt at 6 p.m.
Godwin Simpson will be sharing about
“The Cost of the Gospel”.
The following book was donated to the church
library by Bill Thompson, in memory of his
wife; Jo Thompson:
Chicken Soup for the Unsinkable Soul
A baby shower for Heather Jimenez
and her soon to be born baby boy
will be held this Saturday, May 16 at
the Wild Plum. If you would be
interested in being a hostess for this shower, please
contact Amber DeBerry @ (806) 685-0915.
We’re getting closer! Please continue
to pray about giving toward the
projectors in the sanctuary!
Needed: $16,000
Given: $7,485
Remember our missionaries in prayer daily!!
David and Kathy Britton, Godwin and Christy,
Mike and Arlene Armstrong, Brandon and April
Chandler, and David and Heather Petro,
Ismael and Terry Gomez.
It’s not too late to give to the new
playground equipment in memory of
Audrey McGrew. You can mail a
check to the Methodist Church at:
PO Box 1081
Olton, TX 79064
June 22-26
Mark your calendars!
If you would like to help with
VBS, contact JJ Graham
@ 790-1015.
Craig Woody, Larry Elam, Skylar Carter, and
Stephanie Ramirez are planning to go to India
this summer, June 29– July 14, 2015! If you
would like to help financially with this trip,
please bring it by the church office or mark your
check “India Mission Trip” and drop it in the offering!
The People Gave
Ushers for Sunday
Wes Jones
Preston Huguley
Michael McFadden
Tracy DeBerry
Deacons on Call
May 10-16
Dewey Hukill
Steve Graham
May 17-23
Uil Gunter
Rickey Parkey
Required each week
YTD Given
YTD Required
Sunday School
Sunday AM Worship
The People Come