SUNDAY, MARCH 1, 2015 9:30 am SUNDAY SCHOOL classes for all ages 10:30 am WORSHIP SERVICE Pastor Keven speaking PLAN TO PROTECT meeting follows service if you work with kids at LPC (Nursery to Sr. High!) please make sure you come to our mandatory P2P meeting. This is a PAOC Plan to Protect requirement for all workers including those who wish to volunteer at VBS. Thank you. lunch provided for workers & their kids SCHEDULE: TODAY: Nursery (birth - 3) Ange, Joy LPCKids (4 - 9s) Pastor Mary, Sarah Welcome Team Al & Joy Ushers: Travis, Guenther, Murray, Jerry Sound: Rick, Brydon NEXT SUNDAY: Pat & Sarah Pastor Mary, Sue Krista, Jewel, Amelia Taylor, Pat, Jack, Jeff Walter, Kyler NEXT SUNDAY MARCH 8 - DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME THIS WEEK TUESDAY 7 pm ReignForest JK - gr. 4 & Jr. High gr. 5 - 8 7 pm Connect Group (starting: Honour's Reward by John Bevere) please contact Russell or Sue Longman to attend 519-291-1009 (last Tues. of each month this CG does visitation) WEDNESDAY 7 pm Prayer Meeting (all welcome) FRIDAY 1:30 pm World Day of Prayer (LEMC) see poster for all details - all welcome! 7 pm Youth see (reminder: "Overflow" early bird registration due by March 13) Habitat for Humanity (New Build) Information meeting: Wed., March 4, 6:30 pm @ Trinity United Church for those interested COMING EVENTS Annual Congregational Meeting (follows service) Sun., March 8 parents with children: if staying for the meeting, please inform Robyn Raben TODAY as lunch arrangements for the kids are being arranged (supervision for the kids will be provided) for adults: (all members & non-members welcome) - light refreshments will be provided for those staying for the meeting VBS: EVERST!! March Break (Mon. - Fri. March 16 - 20) volunteers needed - sign up at the VBS display table - thanks parents: please sign up your child(ren) ages 4 - 10 if able to help leading up to VBS with crafts etc. - see Mary COUNSELLING APPOINTMENTS Wednesday, March 25 Rev. Lorne Shepherd is a gifted & experienced professional counsellor. If interested in an appointment, please see Nancy Rooney (confidential - $50 per 1 hr appointment) sessions are booking fast! GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE Fri., Apr. 3 @ LDSS details TBA EASTER BREAKFAST, SERVICE & WATER BAPTISMS Sunday, Apr. 5 Breakfast 9:15 am (no cost), Service 10:30 am delicious breakfast served: pancakes, sausage, eggs, fruit, muffins, beverages (NO COST) sign up begins next Sunday @ Kiosk (indicate #) muffin sign ups needed to be baptised in water please contact Nancy Rooney YFC ANNUAL FUNDRAISER BANQUET/AUCTION Friday, April 10 (time TBA) Elma Community Centre (contact Nancy Rooney to attend banquet - thanks) auction items due before March 7 (drop off items at YFC or contact Donna Woods @ 519-291-9296) - thanks "JESUS IS ENOUGH" Ladies Retreat Fri. - Sat., Apr. 10-11 see poster or for registration "ENCOUNTER" WEEKEND @ LPC Fri. - Sun., April 17 - 19 with Rev. Ken Bombay - please join us for these services! Annual Mayor's Breakfast - Sat., May 2, 8:30 am - 10 am Listowel Golf Course (tickets $15 - see Nancy to purchase) YFC SPRING CONCERT - Jim Brady Trio Sat., May 2, 6 pm Reserved seating (see bulletin board for all event details) ANNOUNCEMENTS LADIES WASHROOM (Plan to Protect Policy) LPC board has mandated that the door between the women's washroom and the nursery be left slightly open on Sunday mornings. This is for the children's safety. Thank you. WATER BAPTISM SERVICE (Sunday, April 5, 10:30 am) If you would like to be baptised in water, please pick up a form in the church office. Please contact Nancy Rooney for details. Thank you. PHONE DIRECTORY (please make changes to your copy) Corey B.: note correction 354 Davidson Ave. S., Listowel, N4W 2K1 Marlene Reinholt: 5661 Perth Line 86 E., RR#3 Listowel, N4W 3G8 519-291-2390 Bob & Sandra Johnstone 519-418-7737 Cheryl Johnstone TBA Larry Clark: 226-430-2123 445 Elizabeth St., #4, Listowel, N4W 2P7 Cheryl Schell: newly changed to 226-885-0204 CONNECT GROUP: Financial Peace University FPU is a biblical money management program taught by Dave Ramsey. If you are interested in attending, please see Jason Stein. Start date TBA. NEW VIDEO PROJECTORS: To assist with the cost, please mark your envelope "projectors". Funds over & above regular tithing are needed to be truly beneficial. Thanks. FOOD DONATION COLLECTION (shelf - lobby by office) If you know someone in our community who would benefit from a little help with groceries - please see Robyn Raben (coordinator). No dented or expired items. Thank you. Pastors Keven & Nancy Rooney Youth & Worship Pastor Steve Carruthers Children's & Youth Creative Arts Pastor Mary Carruthers
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