June 28, 2015 This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 KJV Morning Praise and Worship 11:00 am Prelude Welcome and Announcements Rev. James E. Dyar Altar Prayer Sunday, June 21 Reports Tithes: $8,016.05 Sunday School: 138 Military Care Boxes: $100.00 Preschool: $40.00 Worship through Song This Is the Day #359 We have Come into His House #361 Grace Greater than Our Sin #329 Worship through Giving Welcome to Earle’s Grove! We ask that everyone (guests and members) to please take a moment to complete a CARE card. You may use the card to request more information about our church or indicate a specific decision or prayer request. Please return the card at the close of the service. If God is leading you to join our church, we would love to have you! You may join by (1) professing faith in Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and receiving believer’s baptism; (2) moving your membership from another Southern Baptist Church; (3) or moving your membership from a church of another denomination, which may include receiving believer’s baptism by immersion. At the close of the service the pastor will provide an opportunity for you to respond. Simply go forward and let him know what decision you are making, and he will help you with that decision. Makaylah McCurry Multiplied Worship through Song Choir We Will Remember Fellowship Time (Ages 3-3rd Grade dismissed to Children’s Church) Midrash Messianic Ministry Andy & Michelle Barnett Who’s Pulling Lots for Israel? (Esther) Hymn of Invitation/Commitment Only Trust Him #317 Evening Praise and Worship 6:00 pm Prelude Welcome and Invocation Rev. James E. Dyar Worship through Song This Is My Father’s World #43 In His Time #53 Worship through Giving (Ushers: Chase & Clay Woodring) Midrash Messianic Ministry Andy & Michelle Barnett The Dry Bones (Ezekiel 3:4) Hymn of Invitation/Commitment My Jesus, I Love Thee #210 Depart with Praise The Family of God #386 Depart with Praise We Will Glorify #213 (V4) David & Joyce Burdette place the flowers in the sanctuary today in honor of their 58th wedding anniversary. Congratulations! A Love Offering will be received at the conclusion of each service today for Andy & Michelle Barnett and the Midrash Messianic Ministry. OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE WEEK Sunday Monday Wednesday Thursday 10.00 am 5:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 6:33 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:45 pm 6:00 pm Bible Study (Sunday School) VBS Meeting – Fellowship Hall Evening Worship Fitness Class - FLC Children’s Choir Youth Challenge Team Kids Prayer Time & Bible Study Adult Choir Practice Visitation Outreach AM Nursery I & II: June 28: Janice Lovinggood, Kacie McElroy, Emily Ables July 05: Jackie & Stephen Spearman, Taylor Goss PM Nursery: June 28: Tyrone & Stacy Lyles July 05: Tim & Becky Macijewski Children’s Church Volunteers: June 28: Kim & Emily Williams July 05: Stacy & Laine Lyles July 04: No Food Delivery July 11: Pastor James & Teresa VBS FUN RUN IS ON ITS WAY JULY 12 – 17 TIME: 6:00 – 8:30 PM Put on your running shoes and come run the happiest and most exciting race ever as we enjoy a fun-filled week of VBS. The race route will take your through a scripture-packed course through Bible Studies, Music & Drama, Crafts, Games and more! We want the VBS Fun Run to impact as many kids as possible as we train our kids to run their race well and equip them with the tools they need to “fight the good fight.” You are making a difference, and Kingdom work is being fulfilled because of your obedience to serve. I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race. I have kept the faith. Now there is a crown waiting for me. It is given to those who are right with God. 2 Timothy 4:7-8 MILITARY CARE PACKAGES The College Class is preparing care packages for our military guys. If you would like to prepare a box, see Shannon Gilliam for items to include in the packages. If you would rather donate money, please make checks payable to EGBC and designate “Care Package”. Sunday, June 28 will be the last day to make contributions. June: Paul Winkler – July: Terry Brown June 28: Deacon: Jim Watson – Usher: Paul Holcombe July 05: Deacon: Royce McCall – Usher: Greg Macijewski July 07: Grief Support at 6:00 pm Social Hall July 08: Missions Night July 12 – 17: VBS Fun Run 6:00 – 8:30 pm Aug 02-06: Children’s Camp at White Oak V B S WORKERS MEETING THIS AFTERNOON AT 5:00 PM IN THE FELLOWSHIP HALL NEW PICTORIAL DIRECTORY Mark your calendars now for November 5, 6, & 7. We would like to have 100% participation from our church families. Watch bulletin for scheduling. The Children’s Choir is still meeting on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 pm. We are working on the music for VBS. The children will be singing the theme song: “Keep the Faith” on Sunday morning, July 12. 398 Cedar Lane Road, Westminster, SC 29693 – Telephone: 864-972-3107 Web: www.earlesgrovebaptistchurch.com Pastor Rev. James E. Dyar (864) 973-9773/ (864) 419-1813) jdyar@nctv.com Children’s Minister Jennifer Woodring (864-710-4053) jwoodring@bellsouth.net Youth Minister Heath Manley (864-247-1538) heathemily@aol.com Music Director/Secretary Vonda Manley vondaegbc@aol.com Custodian Mandy Beattie
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