April, 2015 Our Redeemer’s Voice Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer Christian Education Pre-K Class working on their Holy week craft. The Christian Ed. Committee will need at least 3 new Sunday school teachers to help with the 2015-2016 school year. Thank you Inside this issue: April Birthdays 2 April Anniversaries 2 Remember in Your Prayers 2 Calumet Sunday 2 From the Pastor’s Desk 3 Spotlight on Child Care Center 4 Tour of Boston Museum of Fine Arts 4 Women ELCA Spring Gathering 4 VBS News 5 Maine Mission Trip 5 April Server Schedule 6 April Calendar 7 April Birthdays and Anniversaries Justin Adams Addison Bowles Dee Dee DeVore Jim DiCanzio Katelynn Dineen Gabrielle Franceschelli Joe Frisoni Jr. Joanne Hensas Evy Houghton Sandy Kronenwetter Rachael Mabee Becky Marcoux Matt McAuliffe Steve Perry Susan Phillips Julianne Rando Brenda Redmond Camden Schweitzer Ashley Smith Sharon Stoller Kaeden Tofteroo Peter & Karen Geromini Brian & Teresa Kett Steve & Barbara Perry Steve & Mimi Reinbold If you do not see your name listed, then your information is missing from our database. Please contact the church secretary with the information so we can update our records. We don’t want to leave anyone out. Remember in Your Prayers Those homebound, in nursing homes, recovering and/or taking treatments, who face difficult situations or problems, those who are hurting or struggling or have lost loved ones, those serving our country both home and abroad. Prayer request cards are available on the ushers’ stand. Place the completed card in the Prayer Box. Your request will be forwarded to the LCOR Prayer Chain by Dot Whiting. Please pray for the following: Connie, Gladys, Gretchen, J.T., Linda, Luke, Maggie, Molly, Terrie, Torey, Justin Bayoug, Marilyn Benaski, Ron Benaski, Lou Boette, Rev. John Brndjar, Mark Bombelli, Judy Champagne, Paul Cobb, Angelica DiSanto, Phyllis Everson, Forbes Family, Lynne Fraatz, Susan Franklin, David Frongillo, Don Hallee, Toini Hallsten, Gerry Hannon, Joe Hillstrom, Michael Jeffers, Martha Jensky, Sabrina Kelly, Linda Knott, Norma Larson, Lois Mansen, Richard Mansen, Greg Maze, Dan McCarthy, Trudy McCoy, Lori McInerney, Becky Oag, Linda Olsen, Myrna Pearson, Arv Poshkus, Jaime Rodrigues, Cheryl Runge, Amy Runge, Mike Sheppard, Louise Sneider, Homer Stewart, Cheryl Suess, Rick Tula, Pat VanDyke, Ray VanDyke, Judy Whiting, Dave Whitty, Mary Williams, Doris Wright, Pat Zimmerman. Join Us For Calumet Sunday APRIL 12, 2015 For a short presentation during the both services. Printed information will be available. Calumet Lutheran Ministries and congregations throughout the New England Synod have been in partnership for 56 years offering summer camps, family camping (cabins and indoor rooms available for those who are not campers), retreats, church weekends, friendship, great fun, spiritual renewal, and year round outdoor activities. Page 2 Our Redeemer’s Voice From the Pastor’s Desk Greetings Fellow Members of LCOR! I'm writing this article at the end of March...why am I still thinking snow? Hasn't it been one long, cruel and relentless winter? I cannot remember a winter as severe as this one. I think we all are longing for April and with it a change in temperatures and earth colors--as in from white to green! April will feature a number of special activities which serve to highlight the church year--the chief among them being Easter. But before we get to celebrate the Resurrection, we first need to conclude our Holy Week observances. For the first week in April we are planning the following: Thursday, April 2: Maundy Thursday liturgy with the celebration of Holy Communion, starting at 7:00 p.m. Friday, April 3: Good Friday liturgy, starting at 7:00 p.m. Sunday, April 5: Easter Sunday! Celebration of the Resurrection at both the 8:30 a.m. Contemporary & 11:00 a.m. Traditional worship services. Sunday, April 5: Easter Breakfast served from 9:30 a.m. - 10:45! All are welcome! The LCOR Men's Group is sponsoring a Clean-Up day for the LCOR campus on Saturday, April 25th from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 Noon. Coffee and goodies will be waiting for our workers when they show up at 9:00. During the morning we plan to spread mulch, trim bushes, weed our flower gardens, clean the parking lot, etc... Please bring your work gloves and garden tools! At 12:00 Noon, my wife, Marie and I, will serve a hearty lunch for all of our workers! Don't forget to bring your appetites too! The LCOR Men's Group is sponsoring a guided tour at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts on Saturday, May 30 starting at 10:30 a.m. The guided tour lasts one hour. Participants are free to look through the museum on your own after the guided tour is concluded. The cost is $30 per person which includes the price for admission and the price of the guided tour. If you are interested in participating, please place your name on the appropriate sign-up sheet on the bulletin board. Please make all checks payable to: Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer. Payment and registration must be made by Sunday, April 26. Well, it looks as if the month of April will bring us plenty of opportunities to get together and enjoy the company we keep together! Finally, please make sure to invite your friends and neighbors to our Holy Week and Easter services! Many people join churches because they were invited to do so by friends and neighbors! God Bless, Pr. Rick Schlak Page 3 Spotlight on Child Care Center Board of Directors’ Meeting, March 3, 2015 Our Redeemer Child Care Center is doing well with a capacity of 91%. The summer enrollment is currently projected to be 70%. Pre-kindergarten and pre-school enrollments are already full for the fall with a current overall projected capacity to be 84%. It was mighty chilly in the building for two days in February when the heating system failed to keep everyone warm. One day it was necessary to have an early dismissal. Space heaters were brought in until the problem was remedied. Liz is looking for a different fund raising event for the fall. Perhaps our readers have ideas that we have overlooked. Let us know. Men’s Group—Tour Boston Museum of Fine Arts The LCOR Men's Group is sponsoring a guided group tour at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts on Saturday, May 30 at 10:30 a.m. The guided tour lasts one hour. Participants are free to look through the museum on your own after the guided tour is concluded. The cost is $30 per person which includes the price for admission and the price of the guided tour. If you are interested in participating, please place your name on the appropriate sign-up sheet on the bulletin board. Please make all checks payable to: Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer. Payment and registration must be made by Sunday, April 26. Women of ELCA—Spring Gathering Women of the ELCA having their local Spring Gathering on Saturday May 9. It will be held at St. Matthews Trinity in Pawtucket, RI. (which is about 25 minutes drive from LCOR) All women are invited to this spiritually fulfilling day and the theme will be focusing on Learning to go deeper into Prayer and World issues such as homelessness and child abuse and how we can help. Registration begins between 8:30 and 9:15 and the day includes workshops, lunch and worship with other Lutheran sisters. The day concludes at 2:30. Registration is $15 per person and look for a registration form coming soon or speak to or email (jaynjayd2@verizon.net) Jen Dumas if interested. Page 4 Our Redeemer’s Voice VBS NEWS Mark your calendars for July 20th-24th at 9 am-12 noon to come experience an arctic adventure with Group’s Everest VBS! Childrenand volunteers alike- will have the chance to explore God’s love and the work of the Bible while venturing through Mount Everest! Along with great community time, participants will enjoy the opening/ closing ceremony, creative science experiments, lively Bible stories, and fantastic, Arctic games! Along with having fun throughout VBS through games and crafts, we also provide an outreach program which will be through Operation Kid to Kid. The children will be collecting money throughout VBS to help provide Kid -friendly bibles for children in Thailand. Throughout the VBS program, participants will learn that God has the power to provide, to comfort, to heal, to forgive, and to love us forever! I hope you can join us in our fun-filled, arctic adventure around Mount Everest and God’s love! All are welcome! If you have any questions or are interested in helping out, please contact Brianna McKay at bemckay@comcast.net and/or (508) 446-3235. Maine Mission Trip "In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'" The Outreach Committee invites you to consider signing up for the 2015 LCOR Mission Trip. We will be going to Maine (about a 5-6 hour drive) to work on repairing and winterizing homes for the poor and elderly from June 14 th to June 20th (Sunday-Saturday). The cost is $175.00 per person for a week's time. Housing is provided and includes sleeping space, group kitchen, and bathroom facilities. No cots or bedding offered so we bring our own sleeping arrangements like cots, air mattresses. We are responsible for acquiring and cooking our own meals. We hope to recruit a wide variety of people for this trip. 15 year-olds and up can work at the site with parental supervision and signed minor forms. Other family members with a custodial parent are welcome to stay at the camp while one adult works on the site. Facilities include Chapel, Education Center, hiking trails, ropes course, tent platforms. A packing list will be provided for necessities and tools. Thursdays are a group cookout whereby residents as well as the volunteer groups get together for a cook out. WE donate food for this. 10% Non-refundable deposit to secure dates of our reservation. Please contact Paul Burns, Loni Ivanovskis, Ute Taylor or Cal Foster for further information. Page 5 You can find updated Server Schedules as well as the monthly calendar on the church’s website at www.LCOR.ORG—The Calendar and Server Schedule are updated on regular basis. Page 6 Our Redeemer’s Voice 21 20 8:30 AM Contemporary Worship 9:45 AM Christian Ed 11:00 AM Traditional Worship 26 8:30 AM Contemporary Worship 9:45 AM Christian Ed 11:00 AM Traditional Worship 27 14 7:00 PM Council Mtg. 7:00 PM Step Sisters 13 7:00 PM Stephen Ministers Mtg. 12 8:30 AM Contemporary Worship 9:45 AM Christian Ed 11:00 AM Traditional Worship 7:00 PM Step Sisters 28 7:00 PM Worship & Music Mtg. 7:00 PM Step Sisters 7 6:30 PM ORCCC BOD Mtg. 7:00 PM Step Sisters 7:15 PM Finance Mtg. 6 6:00 PM Community Life Mtg. 7:00 PM Social Ministry Mtg. 5 Easter Sunday 8:30 AM Contemporary Worship No Christian Ed. 9:30 – 10:45 AM Easter Breakfast 11:00 AM Traditional Worship 19 Tue Mon Sun April 29 22 15 6:00 – 8:00 PM ORCCC Workshop 8 Wed 1 30 23 16 24 17 10 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon LCOR Men’s Group Clean-up Day 25 Deadline May Newsletter Submissions 18 11 Sat 4 2015 7:00 PM Good Friday Worship 7:00 PM Maundy Thursday Worship with Holy Communion 7:45 PM Adult Choir 9 Fri 3 Thu 2 Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer 212 Main Street Foxboro, MA 02035 Phone: 508-543-4071 E-mail: Office@lcor.org www.LCOR.ORG Flowers for the Altar If you’d like to put flowers on the altar, simply sign up on the large flower chart on the bulletin board in the hallway leading to the education wing. They may be given in honor of someone, in memory of someone, an event (anniversary birthday etc.), or simply to the glory of God! If the flowers are being given in honor or memory of someone, please write that on the flower chart. If no reason is stated on the chart then flowers will be given to the “Glory of God.” You must sign up a minimum of 7 days in advance. Flower arrangements are $35 each. Please place your payment in the offering plate and be sure you designate the payment as “altar flowers.” These flowers belong to you, after the flowers adorn the altar area for both services, please take your flowers home. Receiving E-Mail Newsletter If you are interested in receiving the newsletter by e-mail rather than the regular mail, please sign up on the E-Mail signup sheet on the bulletin board, or leave a note on the secretary’s desk (providing your name and email address). You can also send an e-mail to Office@LCOR.org with your request to be added. Each month the e-mail version of the newsletter will be e-mailed out generally 3 days prior to when the printed copy comes out. The e-mail version is in color. You can print out only what you want printed. The format of the e-mail bulletin is normal sized paper. For those of you concerned with computer viruses, the church computer is updated and checked weekly and all e-mail addresses are kept confidential. The e-mail bulletin is sent out to all as a blind copy so if it is forwarded the only email address that is seen is the church’s.
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