Sunday Church Services 8:00 & 10:30 A.M. Sunday School for Children ages 3 through High School 9:15 - 10:15 A.M. All Are Welcome! “Come and See, Go and Tell, the Good News for All!” Golden Learning Summer Camp for children ages 3-14 July 6 — August 28, 2015 6:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. M-F Redeemer’s Education Bldg. Nancy Pollard, Director For info. email Nancy at __________________________________ LUTHERAN NIGHT AT THE PHILLIES 2015 Friday, May 29th Citizens Bank Park Phillies play the Colorado Rockies Game time 7:05 pm. Reserve your tickets now! Section #202 @ $32 each Section #206 @ $40 each (Handicapped Access Area) Limited number of Tickets! Contact the church office today 856-691-4278 Bring a Friend or Neighbor and Share the Good Times! Clippings Newsletter MARCH-APRIL 2015 Redeemer Lutheran Church 2384 E. Landis Ave Vineland, New Jersey Rev. Gary N. Stiegler God’s Work. Our Hands. HOLY WEEK & EASTER AT REDEEMER! ++++++ Palm Sunday, 3/29 8 & 10:30 am Worship 9:15 am Easter Egg Hunt (for Sunday School families) Holy Wednesday, 4/1 9 am-6 pm Prayer Vigil Maundy Thursday, 4/2 7 pm Worship Holy Communion Stripping of the Altar Good Friday, 4/3 7 pm Worship Tenebrae Service at Redeemer Easter Sunday, 4/5 8 & 10:30 am Worship 9:15 am Easter Breakfast Clippings The Monthly Newsletter of Redeemer Lutheran Church Church Staff Pastor: Gary Stiegler Email: Parish Administrator: Eileen Chiatello Email: Financial Administrator: Shelly Damiano Email: Music Director: Teresa Minnix Email: Maintenance: Carlos Rodriguez Office Hours: 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Mon-Thurs, Closed Fridays Phone: 856-691-4278 Fax: 856-205-0664 Council Members President: Pastor Gary Stiegler— Vice President: Jim Salvaryn— (private number) Secretary: Harry Fisher— (856) 692-2972 Treasurer: Shelly Damiano— (609) 576-5724 Congregation Council: Dawn Amari— (856) 696-8635 Dale Arrison— (856) 229-6960 Susan Cherwien— (856) 455-4732 Michael Headley— 9856) 697-1518 David Hermanson— (856) 332-0165 Carl Marinelli— (856) 305-7778 David Raffo— (856) 691-3705 Georgia Salvaryn— (private number) Kathy Stenger— (856) 696-5953 Margie Stierle— (856) 358-0038 Committee Information Committee of Stewards: Meet 1st Sunday of each Month @ 7 PM Chairperson: Dan Cherwien (856) 691-3737 Worship & Music: Meet 1st Sunday of each Month @ 11:45 AM Chairperson: Zola Fisher (856) 692-2972 Communications: Meet 1st Monday of each Month @ 6:30 PM Chairperson: Harry Fisher (856) 692-2972 Ministries & Staff Support Chairperson: Robert Stenger (856) 696-5953 Committees seeking chairpersons: Christian Education, Social Ministry and Property. If you are interested in actively taking part in any of the above committees, please contact a member of the congregation council! PASTOR’S THOUGHTS During the Lenten season take the time to ask yourselves these simple (or not so simple!) questions. How do you see God at work at Redeemer? What is God doing in our community and the world through our congregation? What does God’s work mean for our decision-making together? What does God’s work mean for our service to Vineland, Cumberland County, and the world? These questions come from a guide for conversation that we will be sharing with each other for 5 weeks during Sunday School time in the fellowship hall beginning April 12th at 9:15 a.m. The title of the guide is “Claimed, Gathered, Sent.” To rephrase and simplify those three words you could say “What are we doing here…anyway?” We have recently embarked on a process of coming up with a “strategic plan” for Redeemer where 30 or so folks met and came up with four areas that are most important for Redeemer to achieve in the next 5, 10, 20+ years in order to keep Redeemer vibrant and relevant to our members and to the community. We thank Herb Wegner for sharing his years of facilitating experience as he walked the team through the process developing a strategic plan for the church. Now it is time to add the foundation to the plan. “Claimed, Gathered, Sent” will walk us through the process of defining what it means to be Lutheran and answer the question “What does it mean to be a Christian?” There is no pre-requisite to this discussion. You don’t have to have been a member here for a long time. You don’t even have to be a member. No one is going to tell you the right answer to any questions because there are no right answers. God is at work in you the same as he is at work in me. I encourage….even command….that you take this opportunity to step back for five weeks and re-kindle the fire in your belly that makes you proud to be Christian….and a Lutheran Christian! Pastor Gary ____________________________________________ Sarah Place Foundation – The funds from the sale of Luther Acres are being administered through the Sarah Place Foundation which has been set-up to provide a continual income stream to Redeemer. For more information on the Foundation and its’ work, please contact the church office or Mr. Larry Gilbert at 856-691-3706. EASTER FLOWERS Tulips & Lilies will decorate our sanctuary on Easter Sunday, April 5th Order Deadline: Wednesday, March 25th PLEASE NOTE…The next mailing of the “Clippings” will be the May issue. The deadline for information to be included in the upcoming newsletter is April 15th. Please e-mail News & Articles, Birth Announcements, Family Events, Thank You Notes, Etc. to: or mail them to the church office by 4/15/15 _____________________________________________________ Mid-Week Services continue each Wednesday in Lent thru March 25th at 7 PM in the sanctuary ~ ~ ~ ~ PLEASE USE THIS FORM FOR YOUR EASTER FLOWER ORDER! ~ INCLUDE PAYMENT ~ ~ PLACE IN THE OFFERING PLATE AT CHURCH ~ OR ~ MAIL TO THE CHURCH BY 3/25/15 ~ Preceded by a simple meal of “Bread ‘n Broth” at 6:00 in the fellowship hall _____________________________________________________ Volunteer Sunday — April 26, 2015 Worship at 8:00 & 10:30 a.m. Featuring “The Redeemer Players” Reception following each service _____________________________________________________ ALTAR FLOWERS/COMMUNION WINE! YOUR NAME ____________________________________________ CHURCH ENVELOPE # ____________ (if you know it or have one) TELEPHONE # _______________________________________________ In Loving Memory of ___________________________________________________________________ In Honor of ___________________________________________________________________ Given by ___________________________________________________________________ Number of Lilies @ $10 per plant __________ Number of Tulips @ $7 per plant __________ Amount Enclosed __________ (Make checks payable to Redeemer Lutheran Church) ____ I/We will take the flowers following the 10:30 a.m. Easter service ____ I/We would like the flowers shared with someone The Altar Flowers and Communion wine are available for donation each Sunday throughout the year. The flowers are $20/vase (you may donate one or both) and the wine is $10. Your donation may be In Memory or In Honor of a Loved One, or In Honor of a Special Event. Fill in a Flower and/or Communion Wine envelope at church, or contact Eileen in the church office for more info. _____________________________________________________ Special Thanks to the “Clippings” Crew! _____________________________________________________ Redeemer’s Mission Statement As a welcoming and nurturing community of faith we: invite all to celebrate Christ’s love, empower one another to grow in Christ’s love, share Christ’s love as we minister to the world. Redeemer’s Vision Statement Come and see, go and tell, the Good News for all! Just a Reminder! Please write your offering envelope # (if you know it, or have one) on every check you write to Redeemer. This is a Big Help to our money counters. Thank You! _____________________________________________________ Have You Remembered Redeemer In Your Will? _____________________________________________________ “Scan this symbol with your Smartphone to view our Church website” Remember to visit our website often! or “like” us on facebook under Redeemer Lutheran-Vineland EASTER BASKETS Do you know someone who could use a little help this holiday? How about a friend or neighbor! We’re receiving donations of Easter food and items to fill Easter Baskets for our friends in need. Here are some suggestions for your next shopping trip: Small ham or canned ham, sweet potatoes, green beans, peas, soup (any variety), small pack of napkins, chocolates, jelly beans, and anything else you might think of to make a festive basket! Please bring your non– perishable donations to the church narthex by Sunday, March 29th. If you are donating a fresh or frozen ham, please bring it to the church office during the week, Mon-Thurs, 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. by March 26th. Thank you for your generosity. ———————————————————— PRAYERS OF THE CHURCH Remember our loved ones in prayer especially... Redeemer members: Lisette Allen, Joan Curcio, Paul Hering, Scott Morrow, Alma & Jim Sessa. Family & Friends: Jack Nichols (uncle of Chris & Dale Nichols), Mark Collins, Mary Lou Collins, Bob Cross, Susan Frank, Bee Hanuska, Mike Hoenstein, Ken McAfee, John McAllister, Carolyn Mullaney, Mari Pickering, Kim & Mike Porch, Maria & John Shields. All troops serving our country and the world, including: Brandon Bakley, Franklin Cole, Tommy Davis, Michael Dennis, Michael Gonzales, Ruth Graham, Jason Heney, Chase Kielbasa, Bryan Langley, David Lunsford, Mathew Martin, Meagan & Ryan Munoz, Rocco Pagano, Derek Schwartz, Christopher Stenger, Jonathan Stretch, and Daulton Wallace. +++++++++++ WORDS OF THANKS… Thank You to Everyone who supported our Blood Drive in February. Lives Will Be Saved Because of You!! ++++++++++++ The Church Office is in need of a vacuum cleaner! If you have a gently used vacuum that you would like to donate, preferably one that uses vacuum bags, please contact Eileen or Shelly in the church office, 856-691-4278. IN AND AROUND THE PARISH Recently Hospitalized: Joan Curcio, Ginny Workman. Expressions of Love & Sympathy: Chris & Dale Nichols upon the death of their friend, Sandra Johnson. Tribute to Bob Penven: Poetry-Go-Round, which meets in the café area at Larry’s II Restaurant on Main Road in Vineland, will be paying tribute to the late, Bob Penven, who was a member of Redeemer, on Sat. May 9th beginning at 1 o’clock. There will be available a selection of poetry written by Bob for anyone who may want to read one or more of his poems from the Open Mic. You may also read a special poem you have written for Bob or just share a remembrance. Everyone is invited. Wedding Engagement: Ross Romano to Janet Choi...a Sept. 2015 wedding is planned! White Coat Ceremony: Frank Romano in his 3rd year at Tufts Univ. Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine, N. Grafton, MA. _____________________________________________________ RECENT PASTORAL ACTS Funeral: Elizabeth L. Meandro, 98, entered God’s eternal glory on Feb. 3, 2015. Betty’s graveside service was celebrated on Feb. 6th at Siloam Cemetery in Vineland. Betty was the eldest member of the congregation, and the first woman to serve on the Congregation Council. _____________________________________________________ FIRST HOLY COMMUNION will be received, by those who have completed instruction, on Sunday, April 12th. (the Sunday after Easter) If you or a family member are interested in receiving First Holy Communion this year contact the Church office, 856-691-4278. Communion Instruction will take place on Sundays: March 15 & 22 during the Sunday School hour at 9:15 _____________________________________________________ “SPRING FLING” We’re joining our efforts to beautify the gardens at Luther Acres this Spring! We need mulch, fertilizer, and flats of Spring flowers! All donations may be brought to church on Volunteer Sunday, April 26th at either the 8:00 or 10:30 a.m. service. If you’d like to help with the planting at Luther Acres on Saturday, May 2nd…we’ll see you there. Time TBD. Dear sisters and brothers in Christ, I’m eager to share with you Claimed, Gathered, Sent: A Guide for Conversation. The resource offers ways to understand more fully the ELCA’s global and ecumenical commitments, which are a vital part of who we are and what God is doing through us. Please consider joining in this timely conversation about the life of our church. I believe your engagement will lead to a deeper understanding and a clearer sense of our identity, our mission and our calling to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to be agents of God’s love in the world. Thank you for your partnership in the gospel. COMMUNITY YARD SALE SATURDAY, MAY 2nd 8:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M. God's peace, The Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton Presiding Bishop Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Pastor Gary will lead this 5-week conversation on Sunday mornings at 9:15 in the fellowship hall beginning the Sunday after Easter, April 12th — EVERYONE WELCOME! _____________________________________________________ Looking Ahead… Thurs, March 19th 12 Noon Pastor Gary preaches at Community Lenten Luncheon Chestnut Assembly of God (2554 E. Chestnut Ave, Vineland) $5.00 Easter Sunday, April 5th 8:00 & 10:30 a.m. Worship; 9:15-10:15 a.m. Easter Breakfast Friday, April 10th 7:00—11:00 p.m. National Night Out at The Greenview Inn at Eastlyn Golf Course. $30/person Music by Secret Service Band Support the Vineland Police Dept. For Tickets Call Community Policing Unit 856-691-4111 ext. 4059 Sat, April 18th 9:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m. Open House for Golden Learning Summer Camp! (See front cover) April 26th Volunteer Sunday Youth Sunday May 2015 (date TBD) Sat. May 2nd Community Yard Sale Sat, May 9th 1 pm Ladies Tea (fellowship hall); Poetry-Go-Round Tribute to Bob Penven (Larry’s II Restaurant) Sunday, May 10th Mother’s Day Friday, May 29th Lutheran Night at the Phillies! Redeemer will do all the advertising in the local papers All you have to do is bring your “stuff” and your energy! Start cleaning out your Closets, Basement and Garage and rent a space for $20! What a great way to un-clutter your home while making some spending money! This event is a lot of fun for everyone involved. Start organizing your “Junque” now—the month of May will be here before you know it! If you do not want to participate in the Yard Sale, we are accepting donations of items for the Redeemer Table! Shelly Damiano is in charge of the Church Table. When you see her in church talk to her about the Yard Sale or e-mail her at If you have any questions please contact Eileen or Shelly in the church office, 856-691-4278. ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ LADIES TEA SATURDAY, MAY 9th ~ 1:00 P.M. Redeemer’s fellowship hall Wear your Fancy Hat & Bring A Friend! Ask the Pastor Do you have a question that pertains to worship, or a tradition of the congregation, or about something that is happening at Redeemer and the reason why? Well, “Ask the Pastor” — write your question on a piece of paper or on the reverse side of a yellow prayer card at church. You may sign your name, or you may remain anonymous. All questions will be answered by the pastor or the appropriate person. Answers will appear in an upcoming issue of the Clippings. _______________________________________________ Member Business Directory Do you have a business of your own? Do you want your church family to know what you do, and how you may help others with your skills and/or trade! We are excited to share our “Member Business Directory” with members and friends of Redeemer. A binder of business cards will be available in the narthex for you to review — that way you can see what our church family does for a living, or a hobby, and how we can help one another thrive in business. So the next time you need a repair done, or some helpful information, check the “Member Business Directory” may even make a new friend! _______________________________________________ Third in a series of articles about Agencies in our Community. FAMILY PROMISE +++ +++ +++ +++ The following donations have been made to the Memorial/Special Gifts Fund of Redeemer Lutheran Church In loving memory of Betty Meandro by: Lilija Balodis, Ann Cantoni, Margaret Fanfarillo, James & Darlene Grusemeyer, Edgar & Catherine Newell, Gayle Penven. +++ +++ +++ +++ April 5: May 10: “Positive Change” Designations ALS Association Project Graduation Thank You for your generosity! Family Promise of Cumberland County opened its door last Fall after countless volunteer hours made the hope of helping the homeless in our county become a realization. The Day Center is located at 29 N. Pearl St. Bridgeton, NJ 08302. Your help is welcome at any time, call 856-497-3787 or email: ~submitted by Harry Fisher, member of Committee of Stewards MARCH BIRTHDAYS! 2 Ruth Donaghy Robert Romano 3 Gus Foster 5 Susan Bradbury 9 David Raffo 10 Philip Fanfarillo 12 Madeline Helland Noah Wiese 15 Matthew Bernhardt 16 Kathy Stenger 18 Linda Hoffman Michele Loeschke 19 Dena Garrison 23 Cody Geisser Ryan McDermott 24 Al Keller 25 Laurie Wiese 28 Natalie Harrison Chloe Morvay 29 Michael Dennis 30 Cathy Wisda APRIL BIRTHDAYS! 4 Ilga Criss 5 Jordyn Cervini Matthew Caverow Jack Klotz 6 Emma Burch 7 Dan Cherwien Rex Romano 8 Dale Arrison 10 Mark Curry Glenn Fisher 11 Katie (Bradbury) Little 12 Robert Mole, Sr. 15 Dorothy Reinmuth 17 Jennifer DiBenedetto 22 David Boyd 23 Daniel Ackley Dennis Ackley 25 Brandon Criss Zoe Hoffman 27 Don Williams 30 Caitlin Geisser —————————————————————————— MARCH ANNIVERSARIES! 1 Jim & Jeanne Spencer 2 Rubin & Susan Rosario 3 Bob & Kathy Stenger 11 Don & Tammy Williams 21 Charlie & Joan Curcio 30 Frank & Jennifer Klotz APRIL ANNIVERSARIES! 10 Gus & Linda Foster 12 Dan & Arlene Cherwien 17 Evan & Deborah Griffith 19 Guy & Cindi Wiener 23 George & Susan Papiano 28 Bill & Maureen Beckett Rick & Eileen Chiatello 29 Paul & Linda Hoffman _______________________________________________ Redeemer’s Tool Box Plan of Action at this time: 1. Clean and refinish the floor in the narthex and sanctuary. 2. Clean the base of Altar. 3. Replace the carpet in the sanctuary. 4. Replace the hardware on the kneelers, and re-anchor all the pews to the floor. 5. Fix or reupholster pew seats and kneeler cushions at the altar. 6. Renovate the Ladies and Men’s bathrooms in the narthex. We are meeting with some local upholstery firms to get some prices for fixing and or replacing the pew seats. ~ Gus Foster, Larry Gilbert, Ted Lane, Ed Morvay HOLY WEEK AT REDEEMER Holy Wednesday, April 1 Prayer Vigil in the sanctuary 9:00 a.m.—6:00 p.m. Come anytime during these hours for silent prayer and meditation (reading materials provided or you may bring your own) Maundy Thursday, April 2 7:00 p.m. Service with Holy Communion Stripping of the Altar Good Friday, April 3 Community Good Friday Service “The Seven Last Words of Jesus” 12 Noon—3:00 p.m. First United Methodist Church (7th & Landis Ave.) (sponsored by the Vineland Ministerial Fellowship) Tenebrae Service at Redeemer A Service of Light and Dark 7:00 p.m. ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 5 Sunrise Service at Giampetro Park 6:00 a.m. (sponsored by the Vineland Ministerial Fellowship) Easter Worship with Holy Communion at Redeemer 8:00 & 10:30 a.m. Easter Breakfast at Redeemer 9:15-10:15 a.m. in the fellowship hall Free-Will Offering
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