REDEEMERFEATURES UPCOMING EVENTS GIVING & ATTENDANCE May 31, 2015 June 11 | Goldtimers Lunch June 22-26 | StudentLife Summer Camp June 21-28 | Family Promise Hosting Week June 21 | Blood Pressure Screening after Worship Service July | Redeemer’s month to stock SE Co-op Weekly General Fund Received Weekly General Fund Needed 9,825 13,627 YTD General Fund Received 271,242 YTD General Fund Needed 296,032 Mission Faith Promises Received Mission Faith Promises Needed 185 1967 Attendance 232 SERMONNOTES ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ / redeemerpc 3750 Zoar Church Rd, Snellville, GA 30039 | 770.979.2467 | WORSHIPCELEBRATION | June 7, 2015 Welcome to Redeemer. We’re glad you’ve chosen to worship with us today. May you experience the warmth of Christ’s love, the peace of His redemptive grace, and the depth of His transformational work in your life. WE GATHER TO WORSHIP Welcome | Announcements | Praise Songs WE GIVE THANKS TO GOD Our Tithes and Offerings | Offertory | Prayer of Thanksgiving WE HEAR GOD’S WORD Scripture Reading Sermon | John Allison • Amazing Grace WE GO IN GOD’S NAME Song | Benediction Ever sat in a weekend service and heard a song you liked but didn’t know it’s name or the artist? We’ve now made it easy for you to find this great music. Visit: HEALTH MINISTRY MEETING TODAY | After worship service • Room 206 | We welcome new members to this ministry team. If you’re interested, join us today at our meeting. You do not have to be a healthcare professional! REDEEMERKIDZ Infant thru 5th grade | Ally Hall, Children’s Director | CHILDREN’S CHURCH | K-5th grades | Children dismissed from sanctuary when RedeemerKidz logo appears on screen after second praise song. NURSERY & PRESCHOOL CARE | 10:30am | Infant thru 4 years old | Rooms 104, 105, 106 KIDZ CHOIR| ages Preschool thru 5th grade | On summer break, will resume in the fall. THEMARGIN Middle School & High School Ministry | David Best, Youth Pastor | TODAY, 2:30pm | Margin Room 202 | Parent Meeting re: StudentLife Summer Camp If your child is attending summer camp, please attend to hear trip details & sign necessary paperwork. NOTE: Our June Communion service will take place next Sunday, 6/14. June 22-26 | StudentLife Summer Camp | Lee University, Cleveland, TN | $299 per student Full Amount due ASAP. Make payable to Redeemer & mark student name on check or envelope, leave with David Best or drop in offering plate. Questions & scholarship info, contact David. REDEEMERADULTS THEMARGIN will meet all summer • Wednesday nights • 6:30pm | Sunday School meets @ 9:30am in David’s office STAY UPDATED | Follow us on Facebook • | Instagram • themarginrc BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENING June 21 | After worship service • Redeemer nurses will be available in the office at the end of the kitchen hallway to take blood pressures. GROWTH GROUPS Sundays, 9:15-10:15am • Summer Schedule Parables From the Backside | Room 205 | Author: J. Ellsworth Kalas | NEW STUDY BEGINS TODAY Study is based on Kalas’ book & brings new insight into 12 of Jesus’ parables by entering them through the eyes of a minor character, releasing new meaning & clarifying basic teachings—even for those most familiar with the parables. This new class is combined from 3 of our regular Growth Group classes and will run June, July & August. New Testament Short Books | Room 207 | Study of: Titus • 1 & 2 Peter • 1 & 2 John • 1 & 2 Timothy Battlefield of the Mind | Room 203 | Men’s Group | Author: Joyce Meyer | Learn how to focus your mind the way God thinks. Children of the Day | Fellowship Room | Ladies Group | Author: Beth Moore | Study of 1 & 2 Thessalonians LADIES BOOK CLUB New members always welcome at any meeting—even if you haven’t had a chance to read the book! June 16, 7:30pm | Discussing “Still Alice” by Lisa Genova @ Pam Zickefoose’s home, 770.827.0678 July 14, 7:30pm | Discussing “Rebecca” by Daphne du Maurier @ Nita Wynn’s home, 770.985.0015 BIBLE STUDY GROUPS • MEN’S MINISTRY • WOMEN’S MINISTRY For info about these areas, visit our website at GOLDTIMERS (ages 50 and up—new members always welcome) June 11, 12:00pm | Romano’s Macaroni Grill Restaurant • The Shoppes at Webb Gin, 1350 Scenic Highway, Snellville • Please arrive at 11:45 for noon seating. Contact: Selena Kirkpatrick, 770.605.2029. REDEEMEROUTREACH FAMILY PROMISE HOSTING WEEK—VOLUNTEER SIGN-UP TODAY June 21-28 | *NEW* Volunteer sign-up is now ONLINE at, available 24/7. Helpers are at Family Promise table in foyer after service to provide assistance with sign up if needed. We offer our building during host week as shelter for homeless children & their families and provide evening meals/fellowship. First time volunteers—be sure to read below re: Orientation Session. Families can train & volunteer together. Financial donations (cash, check or Wal-Mart gift card) are welcome to help with food & other supplies. Make checks payable to REDEEMER and mark FAMILY PROMISE in memo. Drop in offering plate, at Welcome Center, or bring by church office during weekday hours. For more info on this ministry, visit or email Clark Cooper or Tom Cain will be at Welcome Center after service to answer questions. FAMILY PROMISE VOLUNTEER ORIENTATION SESSION @ REDEEMER TODAY | 12:30-2:30pm | CONSIDER TRAINING TODAY FOR FUTURE VOLUNTEERING! We have a great need for more volunteers to be trained. Volunteer positions having interaction with our guests require attendance at a one-time orientation session to learn Family Promise policies & boundaries. Consider taking advantage of the convenience to attend an official training session on our campus right after worship service. All ages can attend. Pizza will be available for lunch (asking for small donation to help cover cost) but you’re also welcome to bring your own. If you’re not available TODAY, there is another training session tomorrow, June 8, 7-9pm, at First Christian Church of Lawrenceville, 3495 Sugarloaf Pkwy, Lawrenceville, GA.
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