I Witness News for May, 2015 Your guide to your student’s school activities for the month Redeemer Lutheran School, Wayzata, MN Staff Administrator: Linda Wiebold 952/473-‐5356, x 219 Email: lwiebold@redeemerwayzata.org Thank You for Your Support, Parents! As we near the end of our 172 day school year (that is unless we have a snow day…) we are cognizant of the fact that we’re a team. Thank you, thank you, thank you so much, parents. We have truly enjoyed working with you in serving at Redeemer. The many volunteer hours you gave made the year much easier. Thanks again! We look forward to seeing many of you at the Science Fair Thursday night and the Auction Friday night. These are important events, and we’re grateful for your presence. We still need your support – right through the end of the school year. We’ve got lots of important events happening and we’d hate for you to miss any of them. Please take the time to note on your calendars all the wonderful events listed below. All Church and School Spring Service Opportunity Saturday, May 2 All school families and church members are invited to help spruce up our grounds and building on Saturday, May nd 2 , from 8:00 to noon -‐-‐ just half a day of your time. This is a service opportunity for our Lord that benefits the children in our school, our members, and visitors! Do you have a project at Redeemer that you would like to see addressed? Let the Properties Committee know about it, and they will see to it that the necessary tools are provided so that you can help make this change happen! If a professional is needed to do the job, would you supply the funds to hire that person? nd Do you have volunteer hours you need to fulfill for your child at Redeemer Lutheran School? May 2 is the perfect time to offer your volunteer help. A task list is posted by the church/school office. nd Many hands do make light work, so come on Saturday, May 2 , and together let’s make Redeemer a pleasant place to be. The Property Committee Hank Radintz 612-‐865-‐2130 Cory Schulz 763-‐551-‐8965 Loren Krantz 763-‐476-‐0587 National Teacher Appreciation Day Tuesday, May 5 You won’t want to miss the opportunity to show your love to your child’s teacher(s), especially on this day. A SCRIP gift card to a coffee shop or other establishment can be purchased at our school office. A hug, or a heartfelt handshake would also certainly be appropriate. K-‐4 Attend Peter Pan Production at the Children’s Theatre Thursday, May 7 “All the world is made of faith, and trust, and pixie dust,” said Peter Pan. We’re so excited to hear this line and others as we travel by bus to the Children’s Theatre to watch Peter Pan. This is an annual tradition for grades K-‐4 to attend a play at the Children’s Theatre. We also get to eat our bag lunches on the “red carpet” at the Theatre before we come back to school. Contact: Mrs. Wiebold at lwiebold@redeemerwayzata.org Breakfast Buddies Friday, May 8, 7:30a It’s our last one of the year! Don’t miss it! Vetta Kreger will be making one of her fabulous breakfasts, aided by the ever faithful gr. 7-‐8 helpers (who need to arrive by 6:45). Breakfast Buddies is a program we started last year to help PS-‐gr. 8 students and their favorite male to join together for breakfast and also to support each other in making a Godly difference in the children’s lives. It brings about 50 people together each month. A freewill donation is accepted to cover breakfast, which is usually pancakes, French toast, or eggs, plus juice, milk and coffee. We meet on the second Friday of each month 7:30am – 8:15am. Mark your calendars for this last Breakfast Buddies event of the year on Friday, May 8. Come join us for breakfast, devotion, and activity time! PS/PK/K Trike-‐a-‐Thon Friday, May 8 Students will be taking part in a ride round and round the parking lot to help end cancer in the St. Jude Trike-‐A-‐ thon Friday, May 8. Students learn bike safety and the importance of helping others—all while having fun! St. Jude’s mantra is that families should never receive a bill from them for treatment, travel, housing or food – because all a family should worry about is helping their child live. Our students are making that possible. Fourth grade chapel buddies help out as a service project. Contact Mrs. Esterberg at mesterberg@redeemerwayzata.org K-‐8 Sing on Mother’s Day, May 10, 10:45 Church Service The cost to educate a student at Redeemer is not totally covered by tuition money. Redeemer Lutheran Church helps fund your child’s education. Let’s show our support by sharing our singing voices. Mrs. Pieper, our school music director, is preparing the children to share their love through song. TheK-‐8 children have been practicing a wonderful song to sing at the 10:45 service on Sunday, May 10. Wouldn’t it be great if we all dressed up to show honor to our moms? We’re including a children’s message and a special gift for moms after the service. You’ll want to stay for this! Please have your child in the Music Room by 10:30 to warm up. Contact: Mrs. Pieper, school music director at kimberlyannpieper@gmail.com Gr. 7-‐8 Class Trip to Chicago May 13-‐15 The seventh and eighth graders have been earning funds for several years to pay for this special trip to Chicago. This has been a tradition for at least the last 15 years, and is an opportunity for the students to come together for a very memory-‐filled trip. Students will watch the Cubs take on the Mets in a baseball game, have fun at Navy Pier, eat pizza at Gino’s East, tour the science museum, go to the top of what used to be called the Sears Tower, and travel by boat through the canals to learn about Chicago architecture. Reminder: No School Memorial Day, May 25 Did you know that the holiday got started on May 30, 1868, when Union General John A. Logan declared the day an occasion to decorate the graves of Civil War soldiers. Twenty years later, the name was changed to Memorial Day. On May 11, 1950, Congress passed a resolution requesting that the President issue a proclamation calling on Americans to observe each Memorial Day as a day of prayer for permanent peace and designating a period on that day when the people of the United States might unite in prayer. President Richard M. Nixon declared Memorial Day a federal holiday in 1971. Memorial Day is now observed on the last Monday of May. It is an occasion to honor the men and women who died in all wars. Here are some ways you can honor the men and women who serve our country: -‐ Put flags or flowers on the graves of men and women who served in wars. -‐ Fly the U.S. flag at half-‐staff until noon. -‐ Visit monuments dedicated to soldiers, sailors and marines. -‐ Participate in a National Moment of Remembrance at 3 p.m. local time. -‐ March in a parade. Got Diplomas? Graduation Events You Won’t Want to Miss May 26 and 27 We will graduate 12 kindergarten students Tuesday, May 26, 9:00 am. It will take the place of our usual chapel service that week, and all students and teachers will attend. A special reception will be held afterward for graduates, parents and guests. Come and be a part of this important event in the kindergartner’s lives. We will graduate 11 eighth graders Wednesday, May 27, 6:30 pm. Please join us as we celebrate their past learning and send them on to the next learning phase of their lives. A special reception will be held afterward for students, parents and guests. All are welcome to attend this celebration. Awards Assembly Tuesday, May 26, 1:30p Mark your calendars for the all-‐school awards assembly on Tuesday, May 26, 1:30 pm in the sanctuary. Attendance, worship, sports and other awards will be given out to students. Contact: Mrs. Wiebold at lwiebold@redeemerwayzata.org K-‐8 Picnic Thursday, May 28 Grades K-‐8 and teachers will travel to Baker Park, leaving by bus at 9:15a. Hot dogs/hamburgers, chips, desert, and bottled water will be provided. Should your child need different food, please feel free to send a lunch in a disposable bag. Parents will help lead games. Please consider joining us for at least part of the day. It's a great time to have fun with the kids. Student footwear for the day is shoes and socks for safe play. No sandals, please. Redeemer blue t-‐shirts are encouraged for ease in identifying our children. Contact: Mrs. Wiebold at lwiebold@redeemerwayzata.org Last Day of School Friday, May 29 is a Half Day It's a half-‐day closing day! Dismissal is at 11:00. 8:30a -‐ Classes begin, and parent fellowship coffee will be hosted by PTL in the cafeteria 10:00a – Praise and celebration chapel by Pastor Steve and the official closing of our 37th year of school 11:00a -‐ Dismissal. There is neither bus transportation nor ESC following the dismissal. Parents need to pick up or arrange for the pickup of children. End of Year Billing Reminder Service hours will be added to the May billing. Final billing will be sent home on Thursday of the last week of school. Please make sure that you have reconciled your school accounts for tuition, lunch, and ESC by paying any outstanding balances on Friday, May 29. Report cards will be mailed out after we have received all outstanding monies, in mid-‐June. Contact: Jodi Bening at jbening@redeemerwayzata.org Calendar Highlights for Next School Year August 31 First Day of K-‐8 Sept. 4, 7 No School Nov. 25-‐27 No School-‐Thanksgiving Break Dec. 23-‐Jan. 1 No School-‐Christmas Break Mar. 25-‐28 No School-‐Easter Break Apr. 4-‐8 No School-‐Spring Break June 3 Last Day of K-‐8 The full calendar, including Parent/Teacher Conferences, will be coming out soon. Students Fare W-‐e-‐l-‐l at the Area Lutheran Spelling Bee Redeemer students did an outstanding job at the Spelling Contest for Lutheran Elementary Schools on Saturday, April 11. Congratulations to all of our participating students on a job well done! Redeemer placed third overall among thirteen schools. Grades 1-‐2 division: Matthew Jerde placed eighth Grades 3-‐4 division: Sydney Smith placed fifth Grades 5-‐6 division: Jocelyn Devaneson placed third, Sydney Roepke placed sixth Grades 7-‐8 division: Jacob Barnett placed second, Andrew McKevitt placed eighth Amazon Smile If you already order items from Amazon.com, you can use Amazonsmile.com instead and every time you shop .5% gets donated to a charity of your choice. If you search, you’ll see Redeemer on the list! Here’s a link to the site: https://smile.amazon.com/ Once you register or log in to the site, with your amazon account, you will be able to establish the charity of your choice. It’s gratifying to see this on the top of my screen when I’m completing an online order: Mr. Jim Needs Your Old Bath Towels Want to help our beloved janitor, Mr. Jim? He’s in need of used bath towels (full-‐sized, hand towels, wash cloths) to use as rags to clean around the church and school. You can bring them to the office. Jodi will make sure that Jim gets them! Thanks a bunch! Send In Pictures of Your Child’s Accomplishments I’d like to feature your child on our school monitor and on our school Facebook page. I know we have skiers, dancers, jugglers, piano players, etc., who I’d love to highlight. It’s easy to get pictures of our sports teams and our Spelling Bee champions, but we’d like to also feature your child as they excel in the gifts God’s given them outside of Redeemer. Send them to Jodi in the office at jbening@redeemerwayzata.org, or send them to Linda at lwiebold@redeemerwayzata.org. SCRIP Have you picked up your SCRIP cards this week? If every family at Redeemer used gift cards to get their weekly groceries at Cub and weekly gas fill at Holiday, Redeemer could earn more than $19,000 in one year! We earn 4% of every SCRIP gift card purchase for Cub and Holiday, alone. We earn 15% of every Culver’s gift card, just saying… If each school family averages $150/week in gas and groceries and uses SCRIP gift cards, we’ll hit that number. No additional spending for you, just more funds for Redeemer! Stop by the office to pick up your gift cards each week and support Redeemer! (Thanks to the Engholm family who figured all this out!)
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