ANNOUNCEMENTS Redeemer Park Ridge June 7, 2015

Redeemer Park Ridge
June 7, 2015 - June 14, 2015
UPCOMING MESSAGES: Beginning next week, we head into the summer with a series called
Finding Abundant Life. Is your life deep, rich, and fulfilling, or do you sometimes feel like
you’re on automatic pilot? We’ll talk about connecting with God’s idea for what our lives can be
and opening up our hours and our days to his transforming, life-changing work in us.
June 14
June 21
June 28
Finding Abundant Life: Finding Rest
Finding Abundant Life: Finding Freedom
Finding Abundant Life: Finding Significance
DON’T MISS THE ANNUAL MEETING! The Redeemer Annual Congregation Meeting will
be next Saturday, June 13, at 10:00am at Redeemer Chicago. Be sure to attend! We’ll take a
look back at all that’s happened in this past year at Redeemer, and we will be voting on some
very important items, including extending Pastor Matt and Pastor Carol’s calls, the Vision 2020
Proposal, and the proposed budget for the upcoming year. See any pastor or Vision & Strategy
Team member with questions. Childcare will be available.
If you need a ride to the Annual Meeting, please speak to one of the pastors.
VISION 2020: Members of our Vision & Strategy Team have been making themselves available
to anyone with remaining questions or thoughts to share about the Vision 2020 proposal that
we’ll be voting on at the Annual Meeting. Because we want to offer every possible opportunity
to hear from anyone with thoughts to share, VST email addresses are listed here. Please don’t
hesitate to get in touch.
President Aneel Trivedi
Vice President James Pessin
Kathie Rich
Christin Anzalotti
Rita Vera
Evan Price
Dan Quest
BUDGET PREVIEW: This morning, between services, you will have a chance to hear a
thorough explanation of the proposed budget for the 2015-16 fiscal year, the budget we’ll be
voting on at the Annual Meeting next Saturday, June 13. Come and get more insight into how our
budget is structured and what spending is planned. This is also a great opportunity to share your
thoughts and get your questions answered.
If there’s interest, Pastor Fred will offer the budget preview after the 11:00 service.
COMMISSIONING OF INTERN: Long-time member Dan Quest will be commissioned as an
intern this morning. The internship is part of his program at North Park Theological Seminary.
He’ll be involved in different aspects of pastoral ministry, including worship and preaching,
pastoral care, evangelism, and administration. Please support Dan with your prayers and
FOOD PANTRY CONTRIBUTIONS: Thanks for bringing contributions for the Maine
Township Food Pantry today. We’ll be collecting them during worship. If you forgot, no
worries! You can bring non-perishable donations any time and leave them in the box in the
AN ANNIVERSARY THANK YOU!! Thank you, Redeemer, for 15 years of exciting ministry
together. Our first day as your called pastors was June 5, 2000. We thank God for the people he
has gathered here – for your faith, your warmth, and your courage. It’s an honor and a
tremendous blessing to be your pastors. ~Pastor Fred and Pastor Carol
(P.S. We got you a cake to celebrate.)
LET’S JAM! Is your dog-sitter still in that Talking Heads cover band? Has your sister-in-law
kept up her drum chops? Does your coworker constantly go on about the new guitar he bought
over the weekend? Do you know anyone who's looking for a place to play music? Tell them,
"We're having a Jam Session!" It's a place to have fun playing music, network with fellow
musicians, and get an opportunity to join a worship band. Are you a musician, but you haven't
gotten plugged into music at Redeemer yet? Come to Redeemer Chicago June 20 from 1-4 PM
for a Jam Session and pizza lunch.
HABITAT FOR HUMANITY COMING IN JULY… Even though Faith in Action 7 is over,
we’re continuing to put our faith in action throughout the year! Our next Faith in Action
opportunity is coming up on Saturday, July 25. Redeemer is looking for 12 volunteers to help
build and renovate a home in Carpentersville. No construction experience is required. A sign-up
sheet, along with waivers and more information, is available at the back of the church.
MAKE AN IMPACT FOR GOD’S MISSION: Everything we do at Redeemer is made
possible by the generous financial gifts of our members, regular attenders, and visitors. If you
would like to give electronically, simply go to and click the “Donate”
button, or go to the following link: It will take you to Redeemer’s secure
electronic giving page. There you can select one time or recurring direct deposit gifts. And you
may now set-up, review, and change recurring direct deposit gifts directly through Redeemer's
secure electronic giving page.
SUMMIT OF HOPE: On March 31, our volunteers distributed more than 300 copies of RED
Chicago at a community expo serving local parolees and probationers. We have the
opportunity to do this again at the next Summit of Hope, Wednesday, June 24, but we need
volunteers to help! The Summit is from 8:00am-3:00pm at Malcolm X College (1900 W. Van
Buren St., Chicago), and complimentary breakfast and lunch will be provided. If you are
interested in helping with this important event – even just for a couple hours – please contact
Ben Blobaum at 224-392-1834 or
THIS YEAR’S 20/30S RETREAT will be June 27-28 (with the option of arriving early, on
Friday, June 26) at LaSalle Manor Retreat Center in Plano, Illinois. These retreats provide time
for building friendships, enriching spiritual growth, and deepening our relationships with Jesus.
This year’s theme is Explore Your Strengths – learn more about the way God has formed you
and leave with a refreshed sense of purpose. The cost is $70 to stay Saturday night with 3 meals
OR $120 to stay Friday and Saturday night with 5 meals. (Much of our cost is covered by our
20/30s budget, so this is a really great deal!) All participants will get their own single room.
Registration forms are available at the back of the church and must be turned in by next Sunday,
June 14. Contact Mike ( with questions.
Please note: Locations are given for your planning purposes.
Everyone is welcome at everything anywhere!
Traditional Worship (PR)
Contemporary Worship (CH)
Budget Preview (PR)
Budget Preview (CH)
Contemporary Worship (PR)
Contemporary Worship (CH)
Annual Meeting (CH)
Next Sunday
Traditional Worship (PR)
Contemporary Worship (CH)
Contemporary Worship (PR)
Contemporary Worship (CH)