Prayer team available at altar steps after the service. Weekends at RLC Saturday Worship 5:30 pm (traditional) Festival Worship 8:15 am (traditional) Praise Worship 10:45 pm (contemporary) Sunday School 9:40 am Education Hour 9:40 am • Adult Bible Study: Jonah (Life Center) • New Member Class (Miller Hall) Staff Email each staff person using this format: Ted Benson Pastor (x12) Ron Miller Pastor Emeritus Louis Knief Visitation Pastor Scott Ibe Worship and Music (x16) Jeff Shoumaker Missions/Small Groups (x14) Kevin Duff Youth Ministry (x28) Jennifer Roettjer Children’s Ministry (x31) Allison Rogers Preschool/Childcare (x15) Phyllis Call Care Ministry (693-9214) Participants Liturgist 5:30 - Gary Ebeling Readers 5:30 -Karen Ball 8:15 - Chris Marsh 10:45 -John Miller Acolytes 8:15 - Christian Weiss & Elizabeth Grichnik 10:45 - Shawna Miller & Emma Miller Go and Tell Report Total Acts - 45 Individuals Involved - 19 2015 Tithes and Offerings Week 14 YTD Actual - $536,849.42 YTD Budget - $628,718.45 Actual vs. Budget - 85.4% Acts 28:23-31 • 1 Corinthians 15:1-10a WELCOME HYMN “He’s Risen, He’s Risen” 480 vs. 1-4 INVOCATION CALL TO WORSHIP HYMN “He’s Risen, He’s Risen” 480 vs. 5 RESPONSIVE PSALM PRAYER OF THE DAY FIRST READING Acts 28:23-31 SONG “Children of the Heav’nly Father” CHILDREN’S MESSAGE SECOND READING 1 Corinthians 15:1-10a APOSTLES’ CREED HYMN “How Shall They Hear, Who Have Not Heard” 831 SERMON OFFERING HYMN “Christ Has Arisen, Alleluia” 466 PRAYERS THE LORD’S PRAYER BLESSING HYMN “Spread the Reign of God the Lord” 830 An Unfinished Story Today’s Worship 5:30 p.m. & 8:15 a.m. April 12, 2015 More Information Mission Minute ONE REDEEMER COUPLE’S MISSION THROUGH LOVE PACKAGES My husband and me, plus you, equals more than a 24 foot full box truck with Bibles, CD’s, DVD’s, books, magazines, and devotionals for Love Packages. Together with many other Christian organizations, more than 5000 tons of Bibles and Christian Literature have been shipped to 40 countries in the last six years. We thank God for your gifts! Here is just one testimony of the difference Redeemer has made in lives of many souls: From India: “Reports came to me from various missions fields, many who now have faith in Jesus Christ are given Bibles and New Testaments and literatures from Love Packages that are distributed. As I have told before, Love Packages has been a great blessing to many who live in a place where no Christian literature is available. Through Love Packages, the new born in the kingdom of God and also those who desire a Bible are getting one free of cost. Christian literature is very scarce. I therefore appreciate Love Packages for making available the materials to help the needy who cannot afford to get or buy them...” How exciting it is to be part of spreading the Gospel to many Nations. Thank you for your kindness, Redeemer. We all have shown the love of Jesus Christ to many more than we know. For more information see www. Prayers SHORT TERM Pastor Daniel Bishop, Lou Carter, Jim Cowell, Jeanne Davis, Doris Dunham, Kendra Erdman, Lois Fechter, Maureen Hotkevich, Lynne King, Lisa Mack, David Maughan, Viola McConkey, Sarah Nieves, Army Reserve Unit 419. LONG TERM PRAYER LIST Rick, Elaine Alig, Jim Arrington, Chad Bailey, James Maughan, Cathy Behrll, Kadin DeVos, Ed Glover, Baby Brian Moberg, Lynn Funk, Bob Franklin, Amanda Graham, Katherine Graves, Teri Goldsmith, Ben Hackett, AJ Hall, Jennifer Halleen, Dave Haught, Sam Jones, Juliana Kaminski, Rachel King, Joyce Letterle, Jane Loyd, Tina Minner & Baby, Jake Musgrave, Sharon Ness, Pam Rabe, Jolene Raymond, Susan Rhoades, Tim Schut, David Shockley, LeeAnn Taborn, Jake VanDermyde, Michael Wiegand, Lori Workman. ALTAR FLOWERS given by Jim & Connie Green in honor of Josh & Whitney (Witten) Green’s Wedding ETERNAL LIGHT GIFT given by Jim & Connie Green in honor of Piper Green’s 1st birthday (child of Justin & Teresa Green) DEATH Emilia Detke mother of Debbie Jensen Dawn Halleen mother of Jennifer, Katherine, and Roger Halleen. She passed away March 17th in Florida. A memorial service will be at Redeemer on April 18th at 11:00 a.m. with a luncheon following. BAPTISM Juliet Kate Warnecke LC - MS News and Events WELCOME TO REDEEMER We are glad that you chose to worship with us today! Guests and visitors are invited to stop by the Welcome Center for a small gift and information about Redeemer. Please also join us at 9:40 a.m. for Bible Study, Sunday School, and fellowship. The nursery is available during worship services and Bible study hour for children ages three years and younger. You are also invited to Oasis, which meets every Wednesday night during the school year. There is a meal at 5:00 p.m. and programs begin at 6:00 p.m., offering something for all ages, including a children’s program, confirmation class, and adult Bible study. VOTERS’ MEETING You are invited to attend the Redeemer Voters’ meeting on May 5th at 6:30 p.m. in Miller Hall. All voting members (communicant members over 18) are encouraged to attend. This meeting will include a recommended amendment to the Redeemer Bylaws and will elect Redeemer’s Leadership Team effective June 1st. It will also include an update on the 2015 Budget, the Senior Call Committee, and the Youth and Young Adult Pastor Call. To submit news and events email Deadline is 9:00 a.m. Monday for publication the following weekend. SINGLE MOMS’ MORNING OUT NEEDS YOUR HELP! We still have large areas of unmet needs for the upcoming Single Moms Morning Out on May 2. This is one of the largest local outreach events hosted by our church each year. • We need at least 60 more volunteers on the day of the event. You can sign up through the Single Moms Morning Out link on the Redeemer website or on the paper forms in the reception area. It is such a fun day to come together as a church in order to bless our community (and you get a free lunch from Chick-fil-A!) • We are $1,500 short of our fundraising goal. This money is used to rent the generator for the salon area, purchase food and supplies for the childcare area, hire entertainment for the children, and purchase food for the sack lunches. Donations can be made through the Redeemer website, dropped off in the box located in the reception area, or placed in the offering plate (please use the designated envelopes located at the SMMO table). • Donations of new and gently used women’s and children’s clothing can be dropped off in the reception area. JONAH BIBLE STUDY Greetings Redeemer Adults! How about a study on the book of Jonah? Was he swallowed by a whale or a fish? Do you see yourself in Jonah’s character throughout the narrative? We will explore these questions and more as Vicar Duff presents a four week study on the prophet beginning Sunday, April 12th. See you in the Life Center between church services for a riveting discussion on Jonah! • Donations of travel sized items such as lotion, toothpaste, and make-up for the gift bags are also still needed. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Join us for VBS on June 22-26 from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon as we learn about God’s light shining in the world. Everyone who registers before June 1st will receive a free CD of the music the week of VBS. Register online at www. We are also looking for a variety of volunteers to help make this a successful week, spreading God’s message to children in our community. If you are interested, please sign up at www.redeemerlutheran. com. Please note that all adult volunteers need to complete the Safe Church Training. Contact Jen Roettjer with any questions. DEBT FREE UPDATE On August 1st, 2013 we kicked off the RLC Debt Free program to eliminate our mortgage debt. We would like to thank everyone who has participated, especially the 38 pledges that have already been fulfilled. Praise the Lord for all of these very generous and supportive families involved in the program. If you made a pledge, please consider completing it as soon as you can. This significantly reduces the total interest we will pay. Our current debt balance is down to $2,204,642, which includes interest to service this loan of $553,924. This means we have reduced the amount of interest to be paid on the loan by $482,966! And the life of our loan has been shortened - we have reduced the amount of time our church will be in debt by nearly 3 years. All Glory be to God. OASIS The Oasis meal this week will be chili dogs, vegetables, and dessert. THE WALK The Walk (for the lives of women and children) will be on Saturday, April 25th at 8:30 a.m. at the Esther House. This event is a two-mile walk to raise support for the Women’s Pregnancy Center and Esther House, divisions of Peoria Rescue Ministries. If you would like to participate in The Walk, please visit www. for more information and other walk site locations. Contact Sheila Bannister for more information at 693-9214. Thank you in advance for your support and prayers as we prepare for this 5th annual event. If you are a single mom or know of a single mom, registration for the event is now open! Please follow the link at or contact Lisa Mack at 309-243-5859. There are still 75% of our brothers and sisters who have not participated. If we all support this program, we can “get r done.” That would mean an extra 250 THOUSAND DOLLARS PER YEAR to support our staff, the aging building and grounds, and most importantly to do what Our LORD calls us to do. Pledge cards are available at the Welcome Center or the office. Please consider getting involved, if you are not already, and make a commitment to get our Church Debt Free. Or simply give when you can. It’s all His anyway. Psalm 50:7-15 growing up • out • together SPRINT GROUP DISCUSSION ON PRAYER Each week, on Wednesday from 6:00 - 7:20 p.m., April 8th - 29th, we’ll join others around tables in the Life Center. We’ll have a brief welcome and watch a 20 minute teaching from Mark Batterson, author of The Circle Maker. He will challenge and equip us to grow in prayer, intercessory prayer, and other aspects of prayer. Participants will be encouraged to pray each week based on what they are learning. If you wish, you may read the book this series is based on, The Circle Maker, by Mark Batterson. Copies are available behind the Information Desk for $10.00. FAMILY GAME NIGHT Bring your favorite family games to play! Learn a new game or challenge another family. Join us for Family Game Night on Friday, April 17th at 6:00 pm in the Green Room. LUTHERAN EMERGENCY RESPONSE TRAINING Tornado and flood season is upon us. Join Redeemer’s team of 20 and be prepared and allowed to be an early responder! This training event is from 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. on April 18th at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Macomb (Student Center). This 6 hour training event will equip you to be an effective volunteer should a disaster strike your community. FEMA has a policy that will not allow churches to serve outside of congregational membership without approved certification. The registration fee is $35.00, however, your fee will be paid for if requested and training is completed. Contact Jeff Shoumaker for more information. CONCORDIA FUNDRAISER You are invited to attend Concordia Lutheran School’s annual fundraiser. This year’s event will take place on Friday, April 16th, at 6:00 in the evening at the Peoria Country Club. For more details of the evening, please stop by the church office to pick up an invitation and RSVP for the event. There will be heavy hors d’oeuvres, live and silent auctions, and entertainment. Join us for this fun event as we support an incredible mission of Redeemer. MOTHER/DAUGHTER/FRIEND EVENT Women of Redeemer invites you to an evening with our daughters and friends. You may not be a mother, but you are someone’s daughter. So bring a friend for a time of fun and fellowship! Christian singer and songwriter Laura Mae Poore, will inspire us with her message and music. Dessert and coffee will be served. Children ages 10+ are welcome to attend and will have age-appropriate activities while Laura shares her message. Those who are 9 and younger will be cared for by our childcare staff. Please contact Pam Streitmatter at or call 265-8642 to make your child’s reservation for free childcare. Scan QR code to access Redeemer’s Online Giving Page from your phone. 6801 N. Allen Rd. Peoria, IL 61614 • 309-691-2333
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