The monthly newsletter of Redeemer Lutheran Church-Rochester, Minnesota JONAH June 2015 Mission Statement Inside this Issue Making Him Known: Even when we do not want to We will look at one chapter from the book of Jonah each week in June. While even little children know how Jonah was swallowed by the big fish, there is much more to this story. He was so human! We encourage you to join us each week as we learn of God’s love through the story of Jonah. Staff Reflections............................. page 3 Prayers ............................................ page 4 Worship Notes .............................. page 4 Take Note! ................................ pages 5-7 In Memory ..................................... page 8 Office Update ................................ page 9 Stewardship 10 New Member News .............. pages 11-13 News from the Hauans ................ page 13 Notes of Thanks 14 Council Highlights ................. page 15-16 Voters’ 16 Vacation Bible School 17 Youth Page 18 LWML News 19 RCLS 20 June Calendar 21 June Serving Schedule 22 POBLO News 23 Confirmation Day 2015 Page 2 Staff Reflections Church Office Hours: M-F 7:30 am-4:00 pm Sharing your faith: even when we don’t want to… Phone: 507-289-5147 There is a common misconception that we need to make sure we share Fax: 507-289-7887 our faith in Christ. If you ask most Christians, they think they need to find ways to tell others about Jesus. That is simply not true. The other side of this issue is that many Christians feel nervous because they do not know how to show their faith. They are afraid of saying Blessed to Serve the wrong thing, or offending others. Many Christians hate the feeling of being pressured to share their faith. Again, I want to say that it is a Pastor, James W. Heining misconception to think you need to go out of your way to share your faith. For the month of June our focus turns to Jonah, the reluctant (office) 507-289-5147 prophet, the guy that tried to run away from God. He did not want to share (residence) 507-282-6955 God’s Word with Nineveh; he did not want to share his faith. Many of us (cell) 507-202-2546 can identify with Jonah! HERE IS THE TRUTH: No matter what you are doing or saying; no matter how you are acting, you are sharing your faith. Trying extra hard to share your faith, what does that mean? It is like trying extra hard to breath. How does this play out? Jonah showed his lack of faith in God to everyone he met on his escape. He also showed his abundant faith in his ability to run away from an omnipresent God. It would have been easier for him to try to jump out of gravity’s grip! When we live our lives, everyone we meet observes us, evaluates us, and forms an impression. If you try hard to not show your faith, what are you showing? Faith in fear, faith in perceived public opinion, faith in hoped for popularity? If you don’t try to hide it but allow your faith to show in word and deed, what are you showing? Faith in God, care for your neighbor, faith that God will open the door and give you the words? Jonah never got the message. He ran and was brought back. He spoke God’s Word and then hated God’s mercy. Jonah’s words saved many lives, but his witness was not God pleasing. He was not a balanced witness. What about you? Are you feeling intimidated? Knowing that every second of the day we are bearing witness to Christ is intimidating if we assume it is a task we are supposed to do. It is not your task! God tells us, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” Hebrews 13:5, “My yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:30, “They who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not be faint.” Isaiah 40:31, and much more! “The battle is not ours but God’s” 2 Chronicles 20:15. As Christians He gives us all the tools we need to prepare us for our daily witness. Scripture, Prayer, Community, and Teaching all help us to pay closer attention to how God uses our daily witness to do amazing things! Open up your eyes; stop pretending you have some special role to play. Accept Christ’s help as he leads you through each day as you bear witness to the hope that is within you! - Michael Harvey, DCE Pastor, Adam Koglin (office) 507-289-5147 (cell) 507-316-8181 Director of Christian Education, Michael J. Harvey (office) 507-289-5147 (residence) 507-529-5463 (cell) 507-319-4929 Director of Parish Music, April Beckman (office) 507-289-5147 (cell) 651-338-0354 Administrative Secretary, Christina Tjosaas (office) 507-289-5147 (residence) 507-634-7094 Custodian, Randy Kautz (office) 507-289-5147 (residence) 507-843-3144 Youth Coordinator, Lynora Miller (residence) 507-288-7219 Parish Nurse, Jan Dicke (residence) 507-288-6405 Nursery Coordinator (residence) 507-316-8177 Page 3 Remember in Your Prayers... Hospitalized/Health Concerns Marty Cordes, Doug Jerde, Janet VanProosdy, Salley Arrindell, Elizabeth Horstmann, Lorna Sloan,Ted Bennett, Ketan Schwerman, Diana Reese, Isaac Koglin, Merilyn Schacht, Sharron Smith, Sue Burdick, Dennis Burdick Worship The Lord With Gladness! JUNE 4/6/7 2nd Sunday After Pentecost Theme: “Why Did Jonah Run?” Readings: Jonah 1, 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1, and Mark 3:20-35 Holy Communion will be celebrated at all services Curt Walter upon the recent death JUNE 11/13/14 3rd Sunday After Pentecost of his father Mary Swenson upon the recent death of her daughter Ev Mueller upon the recent death of his sister The family and friends of Lyle Mundell who passed away on May 14 The family and friends of Elaine Morse who passed away on May 17. JUNE 18/20/21 4th Sunday After Pentecost Grieving Rejoice With Paul and Nina Hesby upon the birth of their grandson, Heath John Hesby, born on April 18. With Tammy Konicek upon the birth of her first grandchild, Alexandra Reese, born April 30, 2015. Great grandparents are Bob and Bonnie Hoenk With Kirsten Meyers and Christ Herschberger who were united in marriage at Redeemer on May 2. With Dick and EiLeen Miller who celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on May 8. With Bob and Bonnie Hoenk who celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary on May 19 With Kelsey Mundell and Andrew Karl who will be married in Charleston, South Carolina, on May 30 Guidance For the delegates at Minnesota South District Convention in St. Paul on June 18-20 Page 4 Theme: “Sometimes It Takes A Big Fish” Readings: Jonah 2, 2 Corinthians 5:1-17, Mark 4:26-34 Special Notes: The Rochester Servant Event participants will share their experiences Theme: “God Works Through Imperfect People” Readings: Jonah 3, 2 Corinthians 6:1-13, Mark 4:35-41 Holy Communion will be offered at all services JUNE 25/27/28 5th Sunday After Pentecost Theme: “Second Guessing God” Readings: Jonah 4, 2 Corinthians 8:1-9,13-15, Mark 5:21-43 Summer Music We s ll have some spots open. Please check out the sheet on April's office door. Congratulations to the following seniors at Redeemer who will be graduating this Spring. They will be recognized at a special service on Sunday, May 31, at 9:30 am. Elizabeth BaƩerson Jadenn Clark Jonathan Dicke Stephanie Fingerson Janna Henkel Brandon Hoppe Darin Horstmann Kirsten Krull ChrisƟan Nisbit Natalie Sundin Kailey Webster Carley Wilde Christopher Wileman Ethan Wileman Take Note...Upcoming Events! CALL COMMITTEE UPDATE The Call Committee convened April 9, 2015, to develop a job description for the position of Director of Youth and Education. The Committee solicited nominations for the position from the congregation (n = 3), LCMS Concordia programs (n = 12) and the Synodical District list of persons certified through LCMS educational programs (n = 20). The Committee has met weekly and has narrowed the selection to 10 candidates. We are now in the process of interviewing by phone 4 candidates from the Concordia Schools. We are awaiting response from 6 candidates from the Synodical District as to interest in the position. Letters of recommendation are be gathered as these candidates indicate a positive response. Additional phone interviews will be scheduled for the first two-three weeks in June with on-site interviews to begin in late June/early July. The target date for start would be late August/early September. Movie Night ELDERBERRIES (age 50 and older) Tuesday, June 9 — 11:30 am Fellowship Hall Menu: Chicken kiev, baked potatoes, house salad with two dressings, buttered rolls and dessert Cost: $7.50 The speaker will be Ruth Tibesar telling of her challenges with depression entitled "After the Story". Hear how she was treated with ECT (electric convulsive therapy) and how with the help of the Mayo Clinic, but most especially with God's help, she is doing so much better. Come and listen to Ruth and enjoy the Christian fellowship. The sign-up sheet is at the Welcome Center. Please sign up by Sunday, June 7. If you would be willing to bring a dessert, please indicate that on the separate dessert sign-up sheet and Ted will contact you if he needs you to bring a dessert. Please remember if you can't attend and you haven't cancelled by Sunday, June 7, Elderberries will be charged for your meal. Any questions, call, text or email Ted Saxman at 9236801/ ROCHESTERFEST 2015! Redeemer will have a booth at Rochesterfest this year. Our booth will be open from 11am - 8pm Monday - Friday, starting June 22. The theme is promoting our summer VBS program. Feel free to stop by and say hello or sign up to work some of the remaining time slots! The signup sheets are located in the Narthex or contact Larry Stoen ( / 251-7139). July 10, 2015 6:00 pm Fellowship Hall All are welcome to join us! Comfy clothes, chairs, and slippers are always welcome. Plan to bring a couple dollars with you if you would like a can of pop or some pizza—both will be available. SULLIVAN’S TRAVELS-1941 This masterpiece by Preston Sturges is perhaps the finest movie — about a movie ever made. Hollywood director Joel McCrea, tired of churning out lightweight comedies, decides to make O Brother, Where Art Thou, a serious socially responsible film about human suffering. After his producers pointed out that he knows nothing of hardship, he hits the road as a hobo. He finds the lovely Veronica Lake and more trouble than he ever dreamed of. YANKEE DOODLE DANDY – 1942 Basically, this is the story of George M. Cohan known as “The Man Who Owned Broadway.” It stars James Cagney, Joan Leslie, Walter Huston, Richard Whorf, and features Irene Manning, George Tobias, Rosemary DeCamp, Jeanne Cagney, and Vera Lewis. Joan Leslie’s singing voice was partially dubbed by Salley Sweetland. Any questions, please contact the church office at 57-289-5147. Page 5 Donations Needed ROCHESTER SERVANT EVENT We hope to have 100 volunteers showing the love of Christ through good deeds in the community. To help them with this we need tools! If you have a garage or junk drawer with too many tools, consider donating them to this good cause. Items needed (but not limited too): hammers, pliers, wrenches, screwdrivers, shovels, rakes, saws, weed trimmers, hedge clippers, paint brushes, rollers, paint pails, tape measures, cleaning rags, tarps and anything else you think might be useful! There will be a box in the Narthex for your donations. Any questions, please contact Curt Walter at 951-7151. SUMMER REFRESHMENTS There are s ll plenty of opportuni es to serve your fellow members this summer! Grab your friends, your family, or your special group and sign‐up today! Please call the church office (289‐5147) to select a date! OFFICE CHANGES At the May Voters’ meeting the congregation voted to accept a bid from Benike to renovate the office area. On May 27 official drawings were discussed by the representatives of Redeemer, the staff and the project manager from Benike. Over the next few weeks plans will be finalized and permits will be gathered. Brian Weyers DCE! Rochester Servant Event: Salt and Light Rochester Servant Event (RSE) will be kicking-off June 7 at 4:30pm. June 8-10 youth and adults will be teaming up and heading out into Rochester and the surrounding communities to truly make a difference in this world. All through the event, God will be making a difference in the lives of these participants through scripture, prayer, devotions, worship, music, speakers, service and each other. Please keep this event in your prayers. RSE runs on prayer! Also if you could not participate in the event remember you are welcome to join us for the free Moriah Peters concert on Wednesday, June 10, at 8:00pm. Bring a friend that needs to hear about Jesus! Page 6 Brian Weyers has graduated from Concordia University, St. Paul, and he has finished up his internship here at Redeemer. While Brian has been at Redeemer, many in the congregation have gotten to know him, and both he and his family truly appreciate the care Redeemer has shown. For that reason Brian has chosen to be commissioned as a Director of Christian Education here at Redeemer! This is a special honor to share with Brian. This commissioning will happen during the services on Sunday, June 21. Upon his commissioning Brian will be an officially recognized DCE in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. Brian’s next step after commissioning is to be installed as a DCE in the parish he has been called to serve. That installation will take place at St. John’s Lutheran in Yankton, SD, on July 12. Redeemer members are welcome to attend that as well. Health Notes Stephen Ministry LIVING WELL WITH CHRONIC CONDITIONS When an event shakes up your world, you can either let it hurt you or help you. If you would like help in turning a life crisis into an opportunity of growth and faith, a STEPHEN MINISTER is ready to help you. Are you living with a chronic condition such as arthritis, high blood pressure, anxiety, diabetes, heart disease, or back pain? Or do you live with someone who does? Do you take medication to keep a condition under control? Elder Network is offering a 6-week workshop, “Living Well With Chronic Conditions.” This workshop is free, although we do ask that people preregister because class size is limited. Individuals who attend these workshops quite often see their condition in a new light. They learn different ways to manage their condition by valuing the power of small steps and having the support and understanding of the group as they do. Please call Carol at Elder Network 507.285.5272 with questions or to register for the upcoming workshop to be held at Redeemer Lutheran Church on Wednesday mornings from 9:30 to 11:30 am beginning on June 10 and going through to July 15, 2015. Registration deadline is Monday, June 8, 2015. The Living Well program is a proven and effective program for anyone with a chronic mental or physical health condition. Participants learn valuable strategies for improving health and wellness and for getting the most out of life. I think it is great that Redeemer Lutheran is working to bring the benefits of Living Well to our community. I would highly encourage eligible individuals to consider participation! - Aaron Leppin, MD Chicago Mission Trip! June 22-28, 23 missionaries will head to Chicago, IL to serve on the UKANDU mission trip. This team will paint, build, plant, clean, lead VBS, lead Sports camp and do outreach. Please keep these youth and adults in your prayers! Johanna Blanco Taylor Fick Blake Hellickson Samuel Hildestad Thomas Hildestad Morgan Juen Shantel Loos Grayson Loos Christopher Nitz Morgan Nitz Jacob Pralle Madyson Pralle Maggie Rahlf Brandon Rossman Joshua Zemke Krista Zemke Michael Harvey Paul Lewis DeLayna Nitz Jennifer Pralle Dawn Shelstad Connor Wondrasch Dewey Wondrasch A STEPHEN MINISTER is: A trained lay volunteer A good listener Trained in confidentiality Supervised for quality care Ready to offer God’s love through a caring relationship on a one-to-one basis. For more information on this ministry, please call Pastor Adam Koglin at (507) 289-5147. CAMP OMEGA DAY JUNE 6, 2015 Join us for this free Open House event for all ages. Activities include a 10 am sing-a-long and devotion, free picnic style BBQ, swimming, horse drawn wagon rides, pontoon boat rides, zip lining, archery, canoeing, and a variety of other Camp Staff led activities for the whole family. The day’s events conclude around 4 pm. RSVP is preferred, but not required. To RSVP, contact the camp office by email: or call 507-685-4266. Page 7 In Loving Memory... NANCY ANDERSON Nancy Anderson was born October 26, 1952, in Winona, Minnesota, to William and Rosalind Sholes. God made her his own through the waters of baptism on October 30, 1952, at Sacred Heart church in Winona. She married Alan Anderson on October 2, 1971, at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Chatfield. They had one daughter, Angie. Nancy managed the Kwik Trip in Eyota, was a Title Clerk at Saturn in Rochester, and most recently worked at Walmart North in Rochester. She joined Redeemer in 2004. After battling lung cancer for 2 ½ years, she passed away on April 15, 2015, at Seasons Hospice. A brief service was held at Macken Funeral Home on April 18. Remember Nancy’s daughter Angie Hanson, her son-in-law Brad, and grandson Josh in your prayers. BEV BAILEY Bev Bailey was born on March 29, 1935, to George and Gladys Bailey. She was brought to the Lord in baptism on May 28, 1941, at Redeemer, where she would also give public witness to her faith on June 5, 1949. Bev served as a High School Counselor on the Iron Range for several years, before returning to Rochester full-time after her retirement. Always active, she enjoyed being able to take her turn in the Olympic torch relay even after her retirement. After celebrating the Lord’s resurrection at Easter services, Bev died suddenly at home on April 5, 2015. Remember Bev’s family and friends in your prayers. LYLE MUNDELL Lyle Wayne Mundell was born November 23, 1931, on the family farm near Chatfield, to William and Alice Mundell. He was made a child of God through the washing of baptism on October 21, 1934, at Zumbro Lutheran in Rochester. He gave public witness in his faith in the rite of confirmation on July 7, 1946, at St. Paul Lutheran in Chatfield, where he would also be united in marriage to Beverly Bandel on September 14, 1956. Their union was blessed with four children, Paul, Karl, Will, and Donna. Lyle served his nation in the army during the Korean War. As an agricultural engineer, he worked several places in the Midwest, before he and Beverly moved to Rochester in 2012. At that time they joined Redeemer. Parkinson’s slowed Lyle down more and more, until he took his final breath in this world on May 14, 2015. A memorial service focusing upon God’s eternal promises took place at Redeemer on May 20. Remember Lyle’s family in your prayers. ELAINE MORSE Elaine Elma Morse was born January 12, 1924, to Henry and Clara (Schmidt) Horstmann in rural Chatfield. She was baptized at home on February 10, 1924, and confirmed on May 9, 1937, at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Chatfield. Elaine grew up in the Chatfield area, graduating from Chatfield High School in 1941. She married Clarence “Ike” Morse on June 26, 1946. They had one son, Wayne. Elaine and Ike lived in Rochester where Elaine was employed by IBM. They joined Redeemer in 1956. Her husband, Ike, died in 2003. The service in her memory was held at St. Paul Lutheran in Chatfield on May 21. Please remember Elaine’s family in your prayers. Page 8 Office Renovation to proceed With the addition of a second DCE comes the need to find an office space for this individual. (Our DCE intern used a corner of Michael’s office.) While this was being considered, it seemed to make sense to grapple with several other challenges at the same time. A rough plan was created which would renovate our current space to: 1) create a new office for the new staff person 2) move April into the main office area 3) enlarge our present office workroom in line with 21st century space needs 4) modify the parish nurse office so it would not have to be entered through a classroom 5) not give up any classrooms. To do this, the wall in Room 102 will be removed, and a new wall will be created on the office side of this room. This space next to the offices will be used for two offices and a workroom. This classroom will be almost the same size, but will be shifted about 15 feet to the south! April will move into the office area, and her present office will revert back to a classroom. The Parish Nurse office will have a door opening directly to the main hallway. At the Voters’ Assembly it was voted to move forward on this project with the Benike Construction Company at a cost of $74,695. We are blessed to have this money in hand, with about $65,000 coming from the Helen Wassel bequest and the balance from the Facilities Fund. (Before this was even on the radar, it was decided that once the mortgage was paid we would put some funds away each month for future needs.) Our goal is to have this work done between the end of VBS (mid-July) and the beginning of Sunday School (early September). Thanks Chris! On April 28, many surprised our Administrative Secretary, Chris Tjosaas, as we recognized her 20 years of faithful service at Redeemer. We are blessed to have such a welcoming voice and smile in our office. If you have not yet extended your congratulations and thanks, it is never too late to do so. CONGRATULATIONS To Darin Horstmann who received the Boy Scout Eagle award on Sunday, May 17. WALKING FOR LIFE Several Redeemer members, including Pastor Jim and Jolene Heining and Luanne Kraus, as part of the Rochester Area Lutherans for Life, will be taking part in a walk to support New Life Family Services on Saturday morning, June 20. While LFL is primarily an educational group, they are very glad to support groups like New Life who do the one-on-one work with those experiencing unplanned pregnancies. They assist with God-pleasing solutions that value all of life. We would be glad to have more join us in the walk—contact Pastor Jim or Luanne Kraus for details. And, of course, pledges are appreciated. Checks for any amount can be made out to New Life Family services and submitted to the church office. Thanks to all for supporting life. Page 9 Stewardship: Your Response to God’s Love April 18/19 Worship Attendance .......................... 517 (132+161+224) S.S. & Bible Classes..........203 (79+123) Guests .................................................. 60 Budget Offerings .................. $13,819.31 District/Synod ......................... $2242.50 Debt Reduction ............................... $240 April 25/26 Worship Attendance .......................... 694 (96+185+162+251) S.S. & Bible Classes..........200 (78+122) Guests .................................................. 41 Budget Offerings .................. $11,381.34 District/Synod ......................... $1979.50 Debt Reduction ............................... $100 April 30/May 2/3 Worship Attendance .......................... 496 (50+99+144+23) S.S. & Bible Classes..........203 (75+128) Guests .................................................. 41 Budget Offerings .................. $20,560.79 District/Synod ......................... $3124.00 Debt Reduction ............................... $115 May 7/9/10 Worship Attendance .......................... 607 (33+68+231+275) S.S. & Bible Classes..........186 (67+119) Guests .................................................. 65 Budget Offerings .................. $14,439.50 District/Synod ......................... $3169.00 May 14/16/17 Worship Attendance .......................... 478 (33+58+198+189) S.S. & Bible Classes..........188 (71+117) Guests .................................................. 23 Budget Offerings .................. $17,918.79 District/Synod ......................... $3470.98 Debt Reduction ............................... $240 FINANCIAL UPDATE—Missions Way Up! April Income: $82,955 April Expenses: $89,265 YTD Income: $322,045 YTD Expenses: $330,721 While April showed a significant deficit, this is because $13,202.85 from our Lenten offerings was transferred to the fund supporting Redeemer members studying for full-time church work professions. We have four right now — the most ever! They will be a blessing to many people in the future. Since our mortgage has been paid, we have been able to give more to missions, nearly 20% of our giving this year. When we put others first — God provides! CONFIRMATION GIFT the class of 2015 has donated $200 towards replacing some of the evergreen shrubs which did not survive the winter. BEQUEST RECEIVED Helen Wassel, who died January 4, 2015, remembered Redeemer in her will with a bequest of $81,713.69. Since she did not place any stipulations upon this generous gift, it is our practice to give the first 10% to missions and the next 10% to the Redeemer Endowment Fund. At the Voters’ Assembly on May 17, the balance was designated for the office renovation project. MEMORIALS AND SPECIAL GIFTS $528 for Gideons International $300 for Project Compassion $141.50 for Youth Fund $130 for Altar Guild $89 for Church Work Scholarship Fund in honor of Marty Cordes’ 89th birthday $250 for Undesignated Memorials in memory of Nancy Anderson $600 for Feed ‘Em $15 for Music Fund $50 for Story Time $200 for Sunday School $20 for Quilters $50 for RCLS Tuition $10 for Creation Speaker Fund $50 for Adult Education $100 for 2nd Grade Bible $215 for Endowment Fund $60 for Kitchen Renovation in honor of Dick and EiLeen Miller’s 60th wedding anniversary $650 for Rochester Servant Event $65 for Napal Relief (Lutheran World Relief) $400 for Vacation Bible School $200 for Library Fund $6.75 for Orphan Grain Train $50 for Interfaith Hospitality Network NEPAL RELIEF LCMS Disaster Response has already pledged $235,000 to help earthquake victims. Additional gifts may be made for this purpose by using the “special” category on your offering envelopes. Page 10 New Members are welcomed to Redeemer! The following New Members were received during the 8:00 am service on Sunday: Chad and Becky Decker Noah, Gracie, Samuel, Lily-Rose 914 9th Avenue SE Rochester, MN 55904 Home: 507-536-0853 Becky Email: Chad Email: Chad and Becky Decker and their four children, Noah, Gracie, Samuel, and Lily-Rose live just a couple blocks from Redeemer. Chad is the Resource Manager for the Kahler, and Becky works as a nurse at St. Marys on the Pediatric floor. Noah is 13 and attends Willow Creek; Gracie is 11, Samuel is 8, and Lily-Rose is 5 — they all attend Longfellow. In their spare time Chad enjoys cooking and golf; Becky enjoys teaching group fitness at the YMCA; Noah enjoys biking, swimming, and the activities at church; Gracie likes to climb trees, swim, and bike; Samuel enjoys baseball, swimming, and biking; Lily-Rose enjoys clothes, swimming, and playing with their dog, Tia. Paul and Heidi Diercks, Alia and Aubrey 4939 Manor Brook Drive NW Rochester, MN 55901 Home: 507-535-0155 Paul Email: Heidi Email: Paul and Heidi and their daughters, Alia and Aubrey, live in Northwest Rochester. Paul and Heidi met while attending college at the University of North Dakota and have lived in Rochester for 15 years. Paul works at Treasure Island Casino as a Manager of Cash Services. Heidi teaches First Grade at Kasson-Mantorville. The girls attend Kasson-Mantorville schools, Alia is a 7th grader and Aubrey is in 3rd grade. In their spare time, Aubrey is active in volleyball and Alia in basketball, and Paul and Heidi stay busy following the girls with their activities. Rainy Gustafson 4503 13th Avenue NW Rochester, MN 55901 Cell: 507-923-8475 Email: Rainy currently lives in northwest Rochester. She is engaged to Redeemer member, Derek Potter. She moved to Rochester seven years ago from Hanksa, Minnesota. She has a daughter, Autumn, who resides in Waconia, Minnesota. Rainy is a trained medication assistant and currently works nights at Zumbro Valley Health Center. In her spare time she enjoys running, working out, playing volleyball, bowling, and other sports as well as crafting and yard work. She enjoys attending Twins and Wild games as well as following the Rochester Ice Hawks. She is looking forward to becoming involved at Redeemer. Lynn and Gene Hebig 208 E River Lane NE Rochester, MN 55906 Home: 507-545-2982 Lynn and Gene moved to the Rochester from Eyota about 2 years ago. You could say that they moved BACK to Rochester, because Gene was born and raised here. They have family members that are already members here at Redeemer: James and Jamie (daughter) Ward and their children, Nyle and Nolan; Jason (son) and Jenni Sturm and their children, Olivia and Brody; and they have a son, Jessie, who is engaged to be married to Nakita Holck in 2016. And they also have a more historical connection to Redeemer in that Gene’s grandparents, Manly and Dorothy Hebig, were also members here. Gene has been employed by the Mayo Clinic for 25 years in the Cytogenetic Lab. Cytogenetics deals with the study of molecular structures, such as cells, chromosomes and DNA. It’s a fascinating field and it’s great that there are people like Gene who devote their lives to understanding it. (continued on next page) Page 11 When he’s not working, he enjoys hunting, fishing and some occasional four-wheeling. In fact, we’re told that he recently bagged some wild turkeys. Lynn enjoys cross-stitching, scrapbooking, cooking, and her kids/grandkids. The emphasis here might be on kids and grandkids since her current “job” is to babysit the grandkids during the week. Lynn said that they already feel like they’ve been warmly welcomed by the Redeemer family and they truly appreciate the flexibility in the service schedule to accommodate their fluid work and life activities. Christ Hershberger 5089 Henry Court SE Rochester, MN 55904 Cell: 507-696-2784 Christ recently married fellow member, Kirsten (Meyers) and they live in Southeast Rochester. Christ was born in Ohio and grew up in the Amish community in Harmony, Minnesota. Christ currently works as a carpenter for Eric Munfrom Builders and Kirsten is an RN at Olmsted Medical Center. In their spare time, Christ enjoys hunting and fishing and Kirsten enjoys gardening, cooking, and baking. Elizabeth Krohe 1521 1/2 4th Street NE Rochester, MN 55906 Cell: 319-241-0994 Email: Elizabeth moved to Rochester from Iowa, two years ago. She attends RCTC where she is enrolled in the Dental Hygiene program. One of five children, she is the daughter of Wayne and Ella Marie Krohe of Rushmore, Minnesota. Her father is a retired LCMS pastor. Elizabeth developed a strong faith foundation in the church through her parents, Christian Education, youth projects, mission, and music. She was accepted by Concordia’s DCE program. While attending the University of Iowa she was faced with set backs, but she has persevered. Studies were placed on hold when paying off college loans meant more work hours. When her house was lost in Page 12 recent Iowa floods, a kind friend welcomed her here in Rochester. Elizabeth is employed full time at Hiawatha Homes where she is a direct support staff team member. She now has her own home complete with a dog, Abbie, her cat, Zombie, and a saltwater reef aquarium. She loves to cook and bake. This semester is completed and she’s ready to take on summer school! Mike and Joan McCormick S1617 County Road I Alma, WI 54610 Home: 608-685-4458 Joan Email: Mike Email: Mike and Joan McCormick are returning to Redeemer after an absence of nine years. After Mike’s retirement from IBM and Joan’s retirement from Mayo, they moved to the house they had built near Alma, Wisconsin —where Mike had grown up. After trying several other churches — they have decided to come back “home” to Redeemer. While at Redeemer previously, Mike served as a trustee and in other capacities, while Joan was one of the originators of the ChristCare program. Joan was also on the call committee when Pastor Heining was called. They look forward to getting back into the swing of things at Redeemer. Lynda Ru 102 2nd Street SE, Apt 804 Rochester, MN 55904 Home: 636-542-1259 Email: Linda was born and raised in China where she worked as an OB/GYN. She came to America about 25 years ago for a visit and ended up making it her home. She has two grown daughters. The oldest is in Chicago completing her PhD in Biology, and the younger one is in Atlanta where she recently graduated with a Masters in accounting. She first settled in Missouri where she worked in research and taught at the community college. It was there that she joined a Chinese church and was (continued on the next page) baptized. She then came to Minnesota and settled in St. Paul but read that Rochester was a great place to live and migrated south to retire here about 4 years ago. She enjoys all outdoor activities but especially biking and walking. She also enjoys ping pong and travel. She has been a volunteer at Mayo Clinic, the Civic Theater and is a member and volunteer at the Rochester Senior Center. She is looking forward to becoming part of the Redeemer family Laura and Adam VandenHeuvel 1117 7th Avenue SE Rochester, MN 55904 Laura Cell: 608-769-2127 Adam Cell: 612-816-5751 Laura Email: Adam Email: Adam and Laura VandenHueval were just married a month ago and enjoyed a honeymoon in Sonoma, California. Adam has worked at IBM for 9 years; and Laura has worked as a pediatric nurse at St. Mary’s for 7 years. They both moved to Rochester when they started their careers at IBM and Mayo. They currently live in SE Rochester. In their leisure time they enjoy pontoon rides on Lake Zumbro, snowmobiling in the winter, basically any outdoor activities as well as hanging with friends. Laura grew up with a Catholic background and Adam grew up Lutheran; they see Redeemer being a good church option to grow in Christ together. News from the Hauans The full newsletter with pictures can be found on the bulletin board in the Narthex or on the Redeemer website. Dear Friends — Eric’s men’s retreat was a huge success and an even better learning experience. Seventy-five men from three different local LCMS churches showed up for a weekend of worship at Camp Pioneer. Eric led a devotional, small group discussions, and enjoyed various fellowship activities with these men. He continues to preach approximately every three weeks, lead adult instruction opportunities, and help out with various youth activities as possible. Most recently, he was able to help with confirmation Sunday where 24 students were confirmed. If at any time our family can answer any questions about our vicarage experience or our involvement at Concordia Seminary, please do not hesitate to contact us. We continue to be so grateful for your love and support. All of your prayers, emails, phone calls, and cards are greatly appreciated by our entire family. We will never forget all of the love and support you have given us throughout our journey. Wishing you a blessed spring! Redeemer Men You are missing out on a wonderful opportunity to attend one of Redeemer's two men's Bible study groups. It may be that the word “study” should not be used, in that it implies that you need to study before you get to the meeting. That is not the case, you do not have to prepare for this study unless you want to do so. Please come to one of the sessions and enjoy the fellowship in a very non -intimidating and welcoming environment . Ask the questions that you were afraid to ask in other settings. Men's Bible study each Tuesday at 9:00 AM in room 102. (The ladies meet at the same time in North Fellowship Hall). Men's Bible study each Wednesday at 6:00PM in the Upper Room. Give it a try. You may even find a free cup of coffee. Sincerely, Eric, Jill, Julia, Cal, & Hazel Hauan Eric: 507.993.5564 Jill: 507.993.5582 Page 13 Thank You you to Jeff Schultz and Jill Notes of Thanks... Thank Ryan-Schultz for the great CPR Thank You Dear Redeemer, Thank you for the countless prayers, words of encouragement and gifts at the time of Isaac's surgery and hospital stay! Your love for us and Christ has helped us through our various hurdles this year! With much gratitude, - Pastor, Anna, Aaron & Isaac Koglin class! It was a beautiful way to spend a Saturday morning. We learned so much and had fun doing it! We thank God for blessings us with so much talent and expertise at Redeemer. - Jan Dicke, Parish Nurse Thank You Thank you to Rebecca Circle for the gift of the wonderful May Basket. The cookies were delicious! - Gary Polikowsky Dear friends, thank you all for making and donating the quilt that my wife used while here at Season’s Hospice. It is a beautiful quilt and I can’t thank you enough for taking the time to make it and having the patients here make use of it. You all are very considerate and generous. The good Lord will reward your efforts. Tell the rest of the congregation what the quilters are doing and how much their efforts are appreciated. Your friend, Henry J. Poterucha, MD Thank You Thank You Thank You A special thank you to the Rebecca Circle for the wonderful May Basket filled with goodies and fun surprises. Thank you! - Sharron Smith Thank You Thank you to Project Compassion for the beautiful Easter Lily. It is much appreciated and still has five blooms! - Betty Renstrom Thank You My thanks to all who sent birthday cards and called. Also to Julie Walter for delivering the Easter Lily and Gloria Poch for the birthday rose. I am blessed to belong to such a caring congregation. God’s blessings to all. - Marge Zobel Thank You A big thank you to all my friends at Redeemer who have visited, called, delivered flowers, and sent cards. I am fortunate to be a part of this wonderful church family. - Evelyn Burfeind Page 14 My heartfelt thanks to all that have sent cards, visited, called, but mostly for your prayers as I recover from knee replacement. I have felt the power of your prayers as I heal more each day and feel so blessed to be part of this wonderful church family. . . .Redeemer. May God bless each of you in your lives. - Judy Lee Thank You I want to thank Project Compassion for the lovely May Basket and to Ruth Vrieze for delivering it. I’m so thankful and appreciative of all the ways Redeemer continues to remember me. Blessings to you all! - Barb Rupkalvis Thank You Thank you to the congregation and staff for all your support as we welcomed Alaina to our family. My family was so blessed that I could have the time off and I really loved being home with the girls. Thank you for the cards and gifts, and for the meals from my Christ Care group, Caleb and Liz Ketchum, Virginia Miller, and Iva Kietzmann. Food for a busy working family is priceless! We appreciate prayers as we all transition me coming back to work. - April Beckman, DPM Thank You Oh my goodness! Boy, did you guys get one past me! A great big thank you to the Redeemer congregation for surprising me by acknowledging my 20-year anniversary at Redeemer. Where does the time go?? I’m so blessed to have been able to be a part of this congregational family and to have a job that most days doesn’t feel like work! Thank you so much for the cards, gifts, kind words, and so much more. I just can’t put into words how much I enjoy and appreciate and am thankful for everyone of you. Hugs and continued blessings to you all! - Chris Tjosaas Church Council Highlights - May 12, 2015 OLD BUSINESS May Voter’s Assembly: Members discussed the Spring Voters’ Assembly Meeting this coming May 17, 2015. Nominating Team: Nominations committee has filled all positions except for the position of Vice President. The volunteer for this position will continue to be prayed for and pursued. Call Committee for Director of Youth & Education Update: The Call Committee for an additional DCE to serve as the Director of Youth & Education has whittled down the candidates from 26 to 10. Virginia will be calling the 10 (4 are new graduates from Concordia Universities; 6 are from the field) to see if they are interested. Those who are interested and have not already received a call from another church will be scheduled for preliminary phone interviews. The District has provided recommended questions for phone interviews. The Call Committee will select phone interview questions from this list and began this process at their meeting last night (Monday, May 11, 2015). Camp Omega follow-up - We will appoint a leader for this campaign by July 31, 2015. The training will be held at Redeemer on August 8, 2015. Process Handbook – Deferred. NEW BUSINESS Classroom & Office Renovation project – Michael shared the rough draft drawing for proposed classroom and office area remodel. This proposal will remodel the existing office area to accommodate a relocated work room, relocated Nurse’s office, and two additional staff offices, as well as removing the existing breakout classrooms/nurses’ office minrooms and combining them into a large classroom. April’s current office will be converted back into a classroom, as it was before she moved into it. April’s office will move into the main office (into Michael’s current office space). Michael and the new DCE’s offices will be the two new office spaces that are created with this renovation. Alvin E. Benike, Inc., bid the remodel at $74,695.00. This will meet ADA requirements. Benike could start the project on July 18, 2015. This is the day after VBS is completed and would allow the project to be completed before Labor Day. For funding, Redeemers received a bequest of $65k this winter that could be used for this project. Marcia moved that the Council recommend to the congregation that we proceed with the remodel of the office renovation as proposed on the concept drawing and that Benike be used as the General Contractor with the bid as proposed on the handout. Larry seconded. Discussion followed and Council members discussed the prudence of moving forward with this bid in timely manner, so that it can get accomplished before Labor Day – this is why only one bid was sought – due to time constraints. Motion carried. Tanja made a motion that we use 80% of the Helen Wassel bequest (approximately $65k) from the bequest to fund the renovation and the remaining from the Facilities fund. Donna seconded. Discussion followed. Motion approved. Council members were very thankful that Bernie Nesler has agreed to be the lead on this project and thanked Michael Harvey, as well. Members discussed what steps to take if there is an unforeseen expense overage during the project. It was discussed that Council would need to be addressed if there were any overage over 10% of budget. Council is grateful to Bernie for his leadership. Personnel & Staffing Committee Appointments – Sue made a motion to appoint Rich Gommels to the Personnel & Staffing Committee. Dawn seconded. Motion carried. OFFICER, BOARD AND CABINET REPORTS President’s Report – Daryl brought homemade cookies and announced that Brian Weyers (DCE Intern) is completing his internship as of May 31, 2015. Daryl praised Brian’s year of service to our youth and members here at Redeemer. Brian jumped right in at Youth Service event and has been a blessing all year. Thank you, Brian!! Marcia made a motion that the Church Council resolve that we thank Brian Weyers for his faithful service at Redeemer and further resolve that we pray God’s blessing upon his ministry in South Dakota. Dawn seconded. Motion carried. Treasurer’s Report – Sue shared the Treasurer’s report. Members asked questions. Stephen made a motion to approve the April Treasurer’s report; Donna seconded the motion. Motion carried. Page 15 Staff Reports - DCE, DPM and Pastors' Reports Pastor Heining: Attendance has been up. Starting staff reviews at this time. Pastor Koglin: Nine families are joining Redeemer this weekend (20 people). The church planter for the LCMS consortium has been called from the seminary, and he is a good friend of Adam’s. His name Andrew Audett and his wife’s name is Katie Audett. Keep Isaac in your prayers as he has his surgery next Tuesday with a two-to-three day hospitalization. April Beckman DPM has been on maternity leave. Michael Harvey DCE: Michael will chaperone the Longfellow camping trip with his son and other 4th and 5th graders. Peer ministry will be having a retreat at Camp Omega. Peer ministers have been able to help new classmates at their school and fellow peers here at Redeemer. Michael is requesting funds for peer ministry of $2k for the peer ministry retreat at Camp Omega (cost per person for 3 nights/4 days, meals and lodging is $152 per person). The $936 that was dedicated for this event will also be spent on this event, as the total cost be approximately $2.8k. If there are any funds left over, they will be seed money for the next peer ministry retreat. Marcia made a motion that we allocate $2k from the Thrivent fund for the 2015 peer ministry retreat. Stephen seconded. Motion carried. Brian Weyers DCE Intern: Brian graduated from Concordia St. Paul this past weekend. He is really looking forward to the Pandora’s Moon event on Saturday, May 16. Brian hopes to have his commissioning service here at Redeemer. The Council shared that we are honored he would have his commission here with us. Brian thanked us for an AMAZING year that he has spent with us. Voters’ Meeting Highlights—May 17, 2015 REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF 2015 JANUARY MEMBER MEETING AND MARCH SPECIAL MEMBER MEETING MINUTES – Daryl presented these minutes to the voters via handouts. Dick Valde made a motion to approve these minutes; Myrna Reinartz seconded the motion. Motion carried. TREASURER’S REPORT – Daryl presented the Treasurer’s report in Sue’s absence. Lynora Miller made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report; Dick Valde seconded the motion. Discussion followed. Motion carried. Office Renovation – Michael, Pastor Heining, and Bernie Nesler shared information related to the office renovation. Michael shared visual presentations of the current hand-drawn blue prints (not to scale) drawn by Jorgen Brandt with some modifications by Pastor Heining. Thanks were given to Jorgen for his architectural schema design so that members could visualize the proposed changes to the church building. Michael shared the detailed proposal and cost estimate by Benike. Bernie shared that Benike and Pastor Jim shared that Benike has a great track record with completing jobs such as this, and shared confidence in their ability to meet the deadline. Karen Gerke made a motion that we accept the Council’s recommendation to move forward with this proposed office renovation based upon these draft drawings and Benike’s bid. Kay Fockler seconded the motion. Discussion followed. Members asked good questions. Daryl informed voters’ that the funding for this project is already in place and that the Council has approved using 80% of the Helen Wassel bequest (approximately $65k) from the bequest to fund the renovation and the remaining from the Facilities fund. Voters’ are very thankful that Bernie Nesler has agreed to be the lead on this project. If there are any overages on this project of over 10%, Council would need to evaluate. OLD BUSINESS Technology Update – Stephen shared that the equipment for the technology update has been purchased. The timing for completion of this project by Labor Day weekend is on track. Call Committee for Director of Youth & Education update – Virginia Miller shared the job descriptions for Michael Harvey, DCE, as the Director of Faith Foundation and the job description for the NEW DCE, as the Director of Youth & Education. She indicated that Call Committee is now in the process of phone interviews of potential candidates. Phone interviews begin on Monday, May 18, and may continue through June. The plan is for face-to-face personal interviews of the final candidates sometime in July with a target start date Nominations for Council members, members at large, of the selected candidate by the end of August or early Trustees, and Elders – Daryl shared the nominations. Bernie September. Nesler made a motion to approve the nominations as outlined on the Voters’ Assembly Agenda. Marcia Cochran seconded the motion. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS Page 16 Dear Parents, Grandparents, Friends – Send your kids on an icy expedi on! At Everest VBS, kids embark on the coolest adventure of the summer! Everest VBS is filled with incredible Bible learning experiences: kids see, hear, touch, and even taste! Sciency‐Fun Gizmos, team‐building games, cool Bible songs and tasty treats are just a few of the standout activities that help faith flow into real life. (Since everything is hands–on, kids might get a little messy. Be sure to send them in play clothes and safe shoes.) Plus, we’ll help kids discover how to see evidence of God in everyday life – something we call God Sightings. Get ready to hear that phrase a lot! Your kids will also support a mission project – school kits for children in Nepal through Lutheran World Relief. Watch for more information about this project. Parents, grandparents, and friends are invited to join us at (1) VBS Kick‐off night July 12 at 6 p.m.; (2) Summit Celebration each day at 11:45 am, a daily exploration of God’s might power you won’t want to miss; and (3) VBS Celebration service July 19 at 11 am, followed by a potluck indoor picnic. So mark these dates on your calendar – July 13 ‐ July 17. The fun starts at 9 am each day and will end at noon. Register your children for this life‐ changing adventure online at www.redeemer‐ or pick up a paper registration in the Narthex, or call the church office at 289‐5147. NOTE: Many volunteers are needed in many different areas. Volunteer registration is also available on the redeemer website or paper registration forms in the Narthex. Page 17 June 1st…..Samuel Hildestad 2nd...Aaron Mueller 3rd...Austin Manuell 3rd...Ethan Manuell 11th ..Sarah Ernst 15th..Blake Hellickson 25th..Rachel Tomasek 26th..Kayla Manuell 28th..Lindsay Behne Ignite has wrapped up for the summer months but please keep an eye out for some special events. Watch the Sunday Bulletins and the Resource. Page 18 Thank you to EVERYONE who helped out with the Voters’ meeting luncheon and the highway clean up. Page 19 Page 20 SUNDAY 8:00a Quilters 10:15a Story Time with Kristin 6:00p Music & Worship 6:30p Redeemer Brass 7:00p Salt Shakers CC 7:00p J.O.Y CC 22 21 29 7:00p Health Cabinet 28 WORSHIP - 8 and 9:30 am 9:00a Blood Pressures 6:00p Oikos CC HOLY COMMUNION 8 and 9:30 am 9:00a Blood Pressures 6:30p Partners In Christ CC 15 WORSHIP - 8 and 9:30 am 9:00a Blood Pressures 3:30p Japanese Christian Fellowship 6:30p Agape CC 7:00p Lutherans For Life 9:00a Men’s Bible Study 10:30a Faithfully Fit Forever 8:00p Adult Softball game 30 9:30a Chronic Illness 10:00a POBLO Sewing 1:00p Seekers CC 6:00p Men’s Bible Study 6:00p Youth Softball Game 9:30a Chronic Illness 10:00a POBLO Sewing 6:00p Men’s Bible Study 6:30p Sounds of Praise 6:30p CC Equippers 24 8:15a Faithfully Fit Forever 6:00p WORSHIP 6:30p Malachi CC 25 9:30a Library Committee 5:00p Jessica Walter/Josh Underkofler Wedding 19 12 5 FRIDAY 8:30a Celebrating God’s Grace 5:00p Blood Pressures 5:30p HOLY COMMUNION 20 8:30a Celebrating God’s Grace 9:00a Sisters in Christ CC 5:30p WORSHIP 13 5:30p HOLY COMMUNION 6 26 SATURDAY June 2015 5:30p WORSHIP 27 LCMS District Convention 1:00p Faithful Followers 1:30p Stephen Ministry 6:00p HOLY COMMUNION 6:15p Young Families CC 7:00p Technology Team 7:15p Wedding Rehearsal Chicago Servant Event—June 21-28, 2015 9:00a Men’s Bible Study 10:30a Faithfully Fit Forever 6:00p Couples in Christ CC 7:00p Women’s Bible Study 7:00p Friends in Faith CC 7:00p Adult Softball Game 23 8:15a Faithfully Fit Forever 9:00a Sarah Circle 6:00p WORSHIP 11 8:15a Faithfully Fit Forever 1:00p Faithful Followers CC 2:00p Eagles Wings CC 6:00p HOLY COMMUNION 4 THURSDAY 17 Resource Deadline 18 8:15a FFF Staff Planning Retreat 9:00a Men’s Bible Study 10:30a Faithfully Fit Forever 6:30p Couples in Christ CC 7:00p Membership Ministry 9:00p Adult Softball Game 16 ROCHESTER SERVANT EVENT—JUNE 7-10 9:30a Chronic Illness 10:00a POBLO Sewing 6:00p Men’s Bible Study 7:30p Moriah Peters Concert 10 9 9:00a Men’s Bible Study 8:00a Quilters 10:30a Faithfully Fit Forever 10:15a Story Time with Kristin 6:00p RLCW Exec 6:30p Emmanuel CC 6:15p GTO Team 6:30p Trustees 6:30p Youth Board 7:30p Church Council 8 3 WEDNESDAY 1:00p Family Ministry Team 6:00p Men’s Bible Study 7:00p Youth Softball Game 2 TUESDAY 10:15a Story Time with Kristin 9:00a Men’s Bible Study 6:30p Redeemer Brass 10:30a Faithfully Fit Forever 7:00p Elders 9:00p Adult Softball Game 1 MONDAY Redeemer Lutheran Calendar 14 HOLY COMMUNION 8 and 9:30 am 9:00a Blood Pressures 7 Page 21 SUMMER REFRESHMENT VOLUNTEERS FOR JUNE Ushers Greeters 6/06 5:30 pm . Grant & Cara Wilson/Lyle & Kathy Voight 5:30 pm ......................... Dale Hass, Bob Sim, Gracie Morris 6/07 8:00 am....... Tom & Dory Moore/Doug & Elle Jerde 8:00 am .... Dave Zarling, Dean Jensen, Tim Batterson, Alan 9:30 am....... Elvera & Marty Cordes/Bruce & Cheri Struve Krueger, Brandon Rossman 6/13 5:30 pm ................................................... Sue Kazos 9:30 am . Marv Reinecke, Mark Fister, Gordon Hinsch, Sam 6/14 8:00 am.................. Dorothy Beasley / Ernst Family Hinsch, Raf Webster, Rylan Webster, Maggie Rahlf 9:30 am.......... Darlene Thompson /Caroline Ferdig 6/20 5:30 pm .................................. Kurt and Clare West 6/21 8:00 am................................ John & Carrie Johnson Welcome Center ................................. Linda Malnar/Donna Walters 6/06 5:30 pm ............................................Doug Koepsell 9:30 am............ Dan Zemke Family / Virginia Miller 6/07 8:00 am ............................... Bernie and Ellie Nesler 9:30 am .................................. Dan and Terri Zemke 6/27 5:30 pm ........................ Janet & Gordon Hoffmann Altar Guild Chair: Caroline Ferdig ........................................... Julia & Ryan Meverden 6/13 5:30 pm ................................................ Kim Jensen Members: .............. Sue Blood , Rosie Petersen, Vicky Ward, 6/28 8:00 am....................... Mandie and Kelly Anderson 6/14 8:00 am ............................. Terri and Sharon Muller Donna Mundell 9:30 am .............................................. Beth Hanson 9:30 am............... Lois Norby / Dick & Shirley Valde 6/20 5:30 pm ................................................ Larry Stoen 6/21 8:00 am ................................................ Diana Stoen 9:30 am ............................................ Sherry Haugen Lay Readers Blood Pressure Nurses Blood pressures are taken every Sunday and every third 6/06 5:30 pm .......................................... Donna Mundell 6/26 5:30 pm ..................................... Volunteer Needed Saturday of the month. 6/07 8:00 am..................................... Sherrill VanGuilder 6/28 8:00 am ...................................... Volunteer Needed 9:30 am............................................... Beth Hanson 9:30 am ........................................... Caroline Ferdig June 7 ......................................................... Barb Wallskog 6/13 5:30 pm ................................................... Jim Bronk June 14 .......................................................... Julie Probach 6/14 8:00 am.......................................... Molly Gommels Worship Recorders June 18 ........................................................... Kathy Zarling 9:30 am ................................................ Lowell Dale First Sunday ....................................................... Greg Utesch June 20 ....................................................... Donna Mundell 6/20 5:30 pm .................................... Volunteer Needed Second Sunday .................................................... Royce Ernst June 21 ................................................................ Sue Kazos 6/21 8:00 am.................................................. Kurt Rump Third Sunday ...................................................... Greg Utesch June 28 ................................................................ Sue Kazos 9:30 am............................................. Jennifer Pralle Fourth Sunday ........................................ Sherrill VanGuilder 6/27 5:30 pm ............................................ Lindsay Smith Fifth Sunday ....................................................... Greg Utesch 6/28 8:00 am............................................... Will Mundell 9:30 am................................................. Erin Harvey Elders 6/04 6:00 pm ............................................. Andy Hanson 6/06 5:30 pm .............................................. Dean Jensen 6/07 8:00 am .................................................. Joel Pralle Nursery Schedule 9:30 am .................................................. Jim Bronk 6/07 9:30 am...................... Becky Decker / Noah Decker 6/11 6:00 pm .................................................... Tony Fick 6/14 9:30 am............................. Shawn and Emily Vierus 6/13 5:30 pm ........................................... Mark Gennrich 6/21 9:30 am............... Sara Bonnes / Lauren Horstmann 6/14 8:00 am ....................................... Randy Hellickson 6/28 9:30 am................. Marcia Cochran / Addie Harvey 9:30 am ............................................ Larry Reinartz 6/18 6:00 pm ............................................ Robert Dubke 6/20 5:30 pm .......................................... Caleb Ketchum Pew Maintenance ......................................... Marcie and Lester Clapp 6/21 8:00 am .............................................. Mark Radtke June 9:30 am ........................................... Kevin Peterson June 7—Rebecca Circle 6/25 6:00 pm ................................................... Jim Bronk June 14—Quilters 6/27 5:30 pm .............................................. Dean Jensen Transportation 6/28 8:00 am .................................................. Joel Pralle Please call the church office by Noon on Thursday (289‐ June 21—Emmanuel ChristCare 9:30 am .............................................. Scott Feeder 5147) if you need a ride to worship. June 28—Volunteers Acolytes 6/07 8:00 am ............ Madison Werle / Erica Norregaard 9:30 am ......................... Josh Zemke / Davis Schulz 6/14 8:00 am .................... Taylor Fick / Jadyn Schoppers 9:30 am ................... Alexis Nelson / Aaron Mueller 6/21 8:00 am ....................... Tyler Bell / Blake Hellickson 9:30 am ............... Kailyn Manthei / Emma Probach 6/28 8:00 am ................ Austin Manuell / Ethan Manuell 9:30 am ....................... Kyle Berquam / Tyler Bruns Page 22 Page 23 Redeemer Lutheran Church 869 7th Avenue SE Rochester, Minnesota 55904 Return service requested Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Rochester, Minnesota Permit No. 376
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