APRIL 2015 NEWSLETTER Redeemer Lutheran Church 210 S. Oneida Mailing Address: 205 Hudson St. Green Bay, WI 54303 Phone: 920-499-1033 Website: www.redeemerlutherangb.com E-Mail: redeemerlc@juno.com __________________________ Redeemer Mission Statement We share with all people the good news of Jesus Christ, teaching faith and love. __________________________ Inside This Issue Congregational Mtg Minutes ....2-3 Exec Committee Mtg Minutes ..4-6 Financial Report ........................... 6 Prayer List ..................................... 7 Church News ................................ 8 This ’n That .................................. 9 Bible Readings ............................. 9 From LCMS President ................10 Trinity News ................................11 Worship Volunteers ....................12 Birthdays, Anniversaries ............13 Upcoming Events .......................13 Official Acts .................................13 Calendar .....................................14 May Newsletter Deadline: All newsletter articles for May are due in the church office by Sunday, April 19, 2015. Dear Friends in Christ, As you read this letter, most likely we will have entered Holy Week. Holy Week is the most important time of the entire Church year. Everything that Jesus said, and did, and had done to Him, has deep and meaningful significance to each and every Christian. For it was through all these actions that the foundations of our salvation and faith were eternally established. Through every service we hold at church during this week, we glimpse at just a small portion of all that took place, motivated by the love that our Father and His Son, and Their Spirit have for all mankind. So to really get the fullest picture possible of God’s grace and mercy in action, we should do our best to avail ourselves to attending each of those 4 important days. Palm Sunday – The day our Lord entered Jerusalem, riding on a donkey. The crowds hailed Him as an earthly king, but we know the real reason for His entry was to do the work of our salvation. Holy or Maundy Thursday – Jesus gathered the disciples to celebrate the Passover. He washed their feet, He predicted betrayals and denials, He instituted the Sacrament of Holy Communion, and He prayed for us and for all mankind, with the weight of the world on His shoulders. And finally, He was arrested while the disciples fled, and left Him to led away in chains. Good Friday – His illegal trial by night, then facing an intimidated Roman governor. A brutal beating, a sentence, a grueling journey, hammer and nails, blood and sweat, 7 words, death and burial. All too much to talk about in a mere paragraph. All done for our justification. Easter – The Resurrection of Our Lord. The culminating act of victory and power by our eternal Savior and King. Sadness turned to joy. Fear turned to hope. Despair turned to elation. The certainty of eternal life assured by our rising Savior. These are all days in a week that we need to take time to remember and to be truly grateful to Our Father for giving us His Son, our Savior. Come and worship, listen, meditate, pray, and sing. Allow the power of His Word and the meaning of His actions fill you with His presence and strengthen your faith in Him! In Christ’s love, Congregational Meeting Minutes Redeemer Lutheran Church Congregational Meeting Minutes Sunday, February 22, 2015 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dan Schreiber at 12:00 noon. Forty-one people were in attendance. Two new voting members signed the Constitution. Pastor opened the meeting with a devotion from the Book of Jude 1:17, followed with a prayer. Proposal to revise the Constitution/Board Terms: Dan brought forth a proposal to revise the Constitution regarding the following changes to Board Member Terms: Treasurer/Financial Secretary/Secretary/School Board/Board of Property/Board of Mission & Ministry: Change from one (1) year term, with a maximum of three (3) consecutive terms to a two (2) year term, with a maximum of two (2) consecutive terms. Redeemer Chairmanship Positions: Change from one (1) year term “cycle” from Vice Chairman to Chairman-Elect to Chairman, to a two (2) term “cycle” from Chairman-Elect to Chairman, eliminating the Vice Chairman position. The purpose for the proposed revisions is for better continuity of Board Officers. A motion was made and seconded to make the revisions to the Constitution regarding Board Member Terms as outlined. The motion passed unanimously. As per the Constitution, this proposal will require two (2) approvals from the Congregation to implement. The proposal will be brought forth at the next Congregational Meeting for final approval. Part-Time DCE (Director of Christian Education) Position: Faith Lutheran is looking into calling a DCE for their congregation. They are looking to hire this position as part-time (75%). In order for this to be viable for them, they are looking for a “partner” who would be interested in having this position available part-time as well (25%). Faith would generate the calling process but would like a representative from Redeemer to be involved if we decide to partner with them. Faith would take care of the hiring, salary and benefits for this position and would then bill Redeemer on a monthly basis for our percentage of the position. Faith will not proceed on the call process until they have a confirmed partner. The Board of Mission & Ministry would create a job description for this position. Having a part-time DCE would offer Redeemer an opportunity to expand on our youth programs and educational efforts (Sunday School) with someone trained in these capacities. It would allow members of Mission and Ministry to focus more energy on other areas of ministry. It’s a great opportunity at a minimal cost at only 25% of what we would have to pay for a full-time position. The DCE would be available based on a schedule that would be put together between Faith and Redeemer. The following discussion points and concerns were brought forth from congregational members: Concern was brought forth regarding the “real cost” to Redeemer. We don’t know a firm dollar amount that this would cost Redeemer yet; however Redeemer would expect 10 hours a week from the DCE. The areas that Redeemer would like the DCE to cover for us are: Sunday School, Junior and Senior Youth programs, and potentially establish an Adult Education Academy. The initial focus would be to work with the Sunday School Teachers and Junior and Senior Youth activities. Concern was brought forth regarding the difficulty of one person (DCE), especially if they are right out of college, to handle programs and the workload of two congregations. It was brought forth that this may create more work for Pastor in the beginning until the DCE gets established. Concerns were brought forth regarding how involved in the selection process Redeemer would be. Pastor responded by saying that he would appoint at least one of our Elders to the Call Committee. Concern was brought forth regarding whether or not we would be making an open-ended commitment in partnering with Faith for this DCE position. It is officially Faith’s Call and we are partnering with them on the Call. Concern also brought forth regarding how we would know that we are actually getting ten (10) hours worth of work per week from the DCE. We would need to know/have documentation of the person’s hours and work. An initial motion was made to move ahead and partner with Faith in the calling of a DCE that would serve in a part-time capacity at both congregations (Faith 75%) (Redeemer 25%). 2| Following a discussion, the motion was revised to move ahead and partner with Faith in the calling of a DCE that would serve in a part-time capacity at both congregations (Faith 75%) Redeemer (25%) to include a review of this call/ partnership on an annual basis to make sure that the needs of both congregations are being met. The revised motion was seconded and unanimously approved through a congregational vote. Redeemer Finances: Through the month of January, we have received over $64.000 from the “Partnership in Ministry” campaign: (1) $25,500 towards Mortgage balance (40%); (2) $25,500 for Redeemer Projects (40%); (3) $13,000 for Outreach (20%). Current loans as of December 1, 2014: (1) Mortgage Balance $369,450; (2) Cougar Care Loan Balance $41,120 for a total of $410,570. The 2014/2015 proposed budget is for +$39,000. Redeemer provides 50% member tuition assistance and Association fees to Trinity/NEWLHS; over $62,000 annually. Redeemer Planning Process and Recommendations: The current Planning Process is being implemented based on the following base elements being in place: (1) A key requirement was to have Redeemer improve our financial situation to allow for growth, flexibility, improvements, etc. (2) It was mandatory that we continue our commitment of Lutheran Education for both Redeemer families and the Community. (3) Determine possible Outreach uses for the School (analyze the development of a Christian pre-school program, offer usage to neighborhood groups/schools, develop a Community Ministry Center). One program that is being investigated by the Board of Mission and Ministry is Ruby’s Pantry. Ruby’s Pantry program is already in place in other parts of the state and would like to expand to the Green Bay area. Through this program, pantry items are supplied and volunteers are needed to distribute them. A member of Mission and Ministry is planning to go to Greenville WI to observe Ruby’s Pantry in action and will then bring more information back. The Redeemer Council will develop a short-term (2015) Implementation Plan. The Council will also develop a three (3) to five (5) year plan that will focus on Outreach, Facility Usage, and “being better Ambassadors.” Dave Borchardt thanked everyone for donating Thrivent Choice dollars to Redeemer Lutheran Church. Over the last four (4) years, Thrivent Choice has brought in $95,000 to Redeemer. The last year alone, Thrivent Choice brought in $20,000. Dave noted that he has not seen any other Church receive a larger amount than Redeemer. A motion was made, seconded and passed to adjourn the meeting at 12:35 pm. Pastor closed the meeting with a prayer. Respectfully submitted, Jennifer Nehring Congregational Secretary | 3 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Redeemer Lutheran Church Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Tuesday, March 10, 2015 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dan Schreiber at 6:30 p.m. Pastor opened the meeting with a reading from John 10:11 followed by a prayer. Minutes from the February Executive Committee meeting and the February Congregational meeting were reviewed. A motion was made and seconded to approve both sets of minutes as written. The motion passed unanimously. Pastor’s Report: Pastor shared the Church attendance volumes for the month of February. Pastor expressed that he is very pleased with the attendance at both the weekday Lenten Services as well as the Sunday Services. During the month of February there were (4) adult Bible classes, (4) Confirmation classes, (1) Chapel Service, (11) hospital visits, (5) shut in visits, (2) nursing home services, (2) counseling sessions, (4) jail visits. Two new members joined Redeemer: Autymn Marie Goltz by Holy Baptism (2/25/15) and Lynn Muenster by reinstatement (2/19/15). There were no funeral or wedding/anniversary services. No other membership changes were made. Current baptized membership is 482; current communicant membership is 393. There was an Elders meeting on 2/2/15, Board of Property meeting on 2/3/15, School Board meeting on 2/3/15, Executive Committee meeting on 2/10/15, Circuit Pastor’s meeting on 2/9/15, Board of Mission and Ministry meeting on 2/17/15 and Congregational meeting on 2/22/15. School Board Report: Tom Jablonski reported that there is one outstanding balance for a Cougar Care bill that is in the process of being paid back by the family. The School Board has recently made some changes to the tuition policy for students who are receiving tuition assistance from Redeemer. The policy change requires that both the student who is receiving tuition assistance from Redeemer and their family attend Church a minimum of 50% of the time. The School Board has developed a process for following up with families who have lapses in their Church attendance that fall below the required 50%. The follow up process includes a friendly warning letter, a personal visit, and financial assistance being discontinued until Church attendance meets the requirements. This policy only applies to members of Redeemer Lutheran. In looking at current students who are receiving tuition assistance from Redeemer, there are five students and families who are not meeting the 50% Church attendance requirement. The School Board is in the process of following up with these families. The School Board will also let families know that they need to keep the School Board informed if they are attending Services at Trinity as part of their student’s school activities. Green Bay Trinity Lutheran School Update: Enrollment: Current projection is approximately 85 students for next year. Event Recap: * Grandparents Day and the Social Studies/Art Fair were both held on Friday, February 20th with great attendance at both. * Captain’s Dinner & Gala on February 21st was a success with great attendance and positive feedback. Upcoming Events: * Grades 5-8 will be singing at Redeemer Lutheran at the 8:45 am service on Sunday, March 22nd for Trinity Sunday. * March 18th - Green Bay Trinity Lutheran will be serving a spaghetti dinner at Redeemer for the Lenten meal with proceeds going to the Eagle Fund. * March 25th - the Van Lanen family & friends will be serving sloppy joes & cheesy potatoes at Redeemer for the Lenten meal with proceeds going to the Trinity Athletic fund. * Thursday, April 9th - Old Glory Honor Flight Welcome Home Celebration: Students from Trinity will be traveling to the Outagamie County Airport to welcome home veterans from their trip that day to Washington D.C. The flight is scheduled to return at 7:30 pm. Anyone is welcome to join in the celebration. * Friday, April 24th – Old Glory Honor Flight Fundraising Dinner: Scene 4:12 is hosting a special dinner for the OGHF organization. In addition to the dinner, there will be a speaker(s). * Saturday, September 12th – Summer’s Last Blast: Tentative plans also include an outdoor worship service on Sunday, September 13th, as well as activities/entertainment the evening of Friday, September 11th. Planning meetings will be starting in early April. Looking for people to serve either on the main committee or one of the event sub-committees. *Question – How can Redeemer help – is there an area of interest? 4| NEW Expo: * 3rd grade Spelling Bee – 4th place (Issabellah Van Lanen) * 3rd grade Religion – 4th place (Issabellah Van Lanen, Jackie Nelson, Logan Nichols) * 3rd grade Science – 2nd place (Jackie Nelson, Logan Nichols) * 4th grade Spelling Bee – 1st place (Aiden Hill), 2nd place (Elijah Meerstein) * 4th grade Math – 3rd place (Brady Paul) * 4th grade Religion – 3rd place (Elijah Meerstein, Brady Paul, Aidan Hill) * 4th grade Science – 1st place (Brady Paul, Evan Nitka, Aidan Hill, Elijah Meerstein) Athletics: * The Girls C team finished the season with a record of 16-3. They also won the Zion Wayside Tournament the 1st weekend of January. * The Boys C team won the “B” Conference Tournament Consolation Championship. * The Boys A team finished the season with a record of 16-6. They placed 2nd at the Conference Tournament and 6th at the LSA State Basketball tournament. * The Girls A team finished the season with a record of 18-4. They placed 3rd at the Conference Tournament and are the 2015 LSA State Runner-up. Board of Elders’ Report: The Board of Elders met on Monday, March 2, 2015. Redeemer will be joining with Faith Lutheran Church in the calling of a Director of Christian Education (3/4 time for Faith, ¼ time for Redeemer). This was approved at the last congregational meeting. Pastor has requested that one of the Elders be a part of the Call Committee along with Faith Lutheran. Pastor will be talking more to the Elders to determine who will be on the Call Committee. There has been a request made for more Sacristans to assist with Communion. The Elders will be contacting people to see if they are interested in helping Redeemer in this capacity. The time required of a Sacristan is roughly one service every six to eight weeks. The amount of time during the service is approximately ten to fifteen minutes. A member has suggested that business sized cards be printed for new members (and possibly current members) with the member’s name, address, and the words “Member of Redeemer Church” on the front of the card and information about Redeemer Lutheran Church on the back of the card. Jeff Goin is going to mock up a sample card for the Elders to look at. This topic will be further discussed at a future Elder’s meeting. The Elders will begin budget discussions at their April meeting. Jim Wirch made the Executive Council aware that Pastor and the Elders will be holding an Elder’s Retreat weekend in Door County the weekend of April 17, 18, 19. Lodging for the weekend is free and food is brought by those attending. Board of Mission and Ministry Report: Tom Jablonski reported that he will be sharing information with the Board of Mission and Ministry regarding nametags for Redeemer members. Board of Property Report: Chris Stewart reported that the Board of Property met on March 3, 2015. They are having the resurfacing of the parking lot re-bid. Previous bids were in the $10,000 - $12,000 range. They are also looking into the possibility of re-constructing the entire parking lot over the course of several years. Other projects that the Board is working on/researching are: (1) removing the guardrail and putting up a curved stone wall, (2) in May, they will be asking for volunteers to help with spring cleaning inside and outside of the Church, (3) putting a sink in the current Usher’s closet to make water readily available for the coffee maker at the coffee bar, (4) purchasing new Bunn coffee makers for the Church and school kitchen, (5) looking into an electronic Church sign. A suggestion was made for the Board of Property to consider putting up a fence along the edge of the playground to prevent young children from running into the parking lot in front of vehicles. Financial Updates: Elmer Nienow, Congregational Treasurer, reported the following: Mortgage LCEF balance is $367,115.96 + Cougar LCEF balance is $40,830.62 for a total of $407,945.58. Adopt-a-bill as of the end of February is $1245.25. The checkbook balance as of 3-7-15 is $1516.31. Our Loan from savings is now up to $9,495.56.Ross Corey, Financial Secretary, reported that the February 2015 offerings were $22,692, compared to $22,884 in January. Total February income was $27,837 including offerings, Adopt-a-Bill, debt reduction, and Thrivent Choice. Total expenses paid were $26,210. Fiscal year-to-date offerings total $186,454 compared to budgeted offerings to date of $196,200. Through February 2015 we have received $64,456 through our Partnership in Ministry (PIM) campaign which means that we have received $12,891 (20%) to use for outreach activities to spread God’s Word, $25,782 (40%) towards projects (including security cameras, classroom renovations, chair lifts and parking lot resurfacing) and $25,782 (40%) to pay down the mortgage principle. The total amount pledged for the three year campaign was $101,348 so we have received approximately 63.5% of the amount pledged at the end of the first two years. | 5 Executive Committee & Financial Report Old Business: Congregational Meeting: Highlights of the Congregational meeting held on Sunday, February 22, 2015 were discussed including; (1) Revisions to the Constitution for changing Board Member terms and term limits passed the first vote at the Congregational meeting. The revisions will need to pass through one more Congregational vote in order for the revisions to be made final. (2) The part-time Director of Christian Education (DCE) position in conjunction with Faith Lutheran passed with a Congregational vote. As mentioned previously, Pastor will be seeking out one of the Elders to represent Redeemer on the Call Committee for this position. (3) The process for moving forward to establish immediate and long term goals for Redeemer was discussed. Options for use of School: Tom reported to the Executive Committee that the School Board recently had a presenter at their meeting to discuss information pertaining to the establishment of a Daycare or Pre-School program at Redeemer. Tom is continuing his follow up with other resources to gather further information. The School Board will bring information back to the Executive Committee once they have completed their research. Trinity School Funding Model: Brad reported that the funding model for Trinity School is still under discussion. He will bring information back to the Executive Committee as it becomes available. Redeemer Strategic Plan: Dan reported that he is in the process of following up with previous Congregational Leadership with regards to the identification of key elements that are to be included in a Strategic Plan for Redeemer. New Business: Benevolent Fund: It has been identified that there is a need to add a line item in the new budget for the Benevolent Fund. Pastor is receiving more requests for financial help than there is money for in the current Benevolent Fund. This will be further discussed as each Board begins to work on their budget for the next fiscal year. Scholarships: It was mentioned that at the next Executive Committee meeting, there will need to be a discussion regarding how many scholarships Redeemer is going to offer for students at Trinity and NEWLHS. Currently there were four (4) given to Trinity students and one (1) to a student at NEWLHS. Upcoming meetings: Tuesday, April 14, 2015: Executive Meeting at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 12, 2015: Full Council Meeting The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m. and closed with The Lord’s Prayer. Respectfully submitted, Jennifer Nehring Congregational Secretary Financial Report February 2015 offerings were $22,692, compared to $22,884 in January. Total February income was $27,837 including offerings, “Adopt a Bill”, debt reduction, and Thrivent choice. Total expenses paid were $26,210. Fiscal year to date offerings total $186,454, compared to budgeted offerings to date of $196,200. As of the end of February our mortgage balance is down to $367,115 and the Cougar Care loan is down to $40,830. We were hoping to repay more of the money we borrowed from our savings account, but our income was lower than projected. Our income from the Thrivent programs was greater than originally projected. We are thankful to all who have contributed so that we may continue to be current on our bills and obligations. Through February 2015 we have received $64,456 through our Partnership in Ministry (PIM) campaign which means we have received $12,891 (20%) to use for outreach activities to spread God’s Word, $25,782 (40%) toward projects (including security cameras, classroom renovations, chair lifts and parking lot resurfacing) and $25,782 (40%) to pay down the mortgage principle. The total amount pledged for the three year campaign was $101,348 so we have received approximately 63.5% of the amount pledged at the end of the first two years. Respectfully, Ross Corey Financial Secretary 6| PRAYER LIST International Concerns: Persecuted Christians Ebola Victims Hospitalized: Mary Kramer –sister-in-law of Llew Kramer Tom Sandor - brother of Lynn Muenster Undergoing Treatment: Nora Brown Haven Burris –friend of Jeremiah Goin Family Karen Clark –sister of Becki Larson Barbara Gapp-friend of Julie Zimmer Tom Gendill –brother-in-law of Joanne Pludeman Jim Greene Mary Groh Dale Hedtke –nephew of Cecelia Chlopek Sara Hronek –granddaughter of Cecelia Chlopek & neice of Jeff & Bonnie Domke Bev Jablonski Don Kieweg Charlie Knuth-friend of Jeremiah Goin Tianna Lange Maria Pflueger-aunt of Carol Knapowski Chris Wagner-Shelia Ferron’s aunt Recovering: Glenn Bergelin Margie Bergelin Elijah Eckhart –nephew of Jeremy & Amanda Thyes Marian Kiley –mother of John Kiley Ruth Kohn - mother of Joanne Pludeman Anita Koseck Frieda Landgraf Hazel Malueg Gladys Meath Jean Palomino Perry Wegener Jim Willams- brother of Becki Larsen Mike Williams –father of Becki Larsen Sandy Wilson –sister-in-law of Kiewegs Ongoing Health Problems: Neal Anderson Paul Berntson - uncle of Christina Flores Donna Branch - mother of Mary Pett Marjory Holmes Ron Howard Helen Joslin Sue Kienitz - sister in law of Neal & Ann Anderson Tom Krahl –friend of Petts Josh Moede Sue Nehring Lila Schroeder - sister in law of Pat Taylor Charmaine Scott –mother of David Tucker Todd Valitchka Aiden Van Lanen Don Van Pay - Jim Delvoye Sr. stepfather Doug Vercauteren Larry & Bernice Vomastic School Ministry: N.E.W. Lutheran High School Trinity Lutheran School Missionary Overseas: Anne Davies Elliot & Serena Derricks Military Personnel Overseas: Tess Bogner Tyler Hischke –nephew of Steve & Linda Druckrey Blake Howard- grandson of Orvel & Vi Howard Ben Hurlbert Trent Lehrkind Marcus & Maggie Noll - friend of Tess Bogner Nick Olp - NEW Graduate in the Marines Adam Siekmann –grandson of Vernon & Joyce Siekmann Nathan Schroeder - nephew of Pat Taylor Cameron Wiese - grandson of Clyde Druckrey Updated: 3-25-15 | 7 CHURCH NEWS EASTER BREAKFAST The youth group will be sponsoring the Easter Breakfast between services starting at 7:30 am. We will be having an egg bake casserole, potatoes, juice, coffee, fruit, dessert and a great time. This is a free will donation. Please share in this celebration with us! the day (9am-2pm) is $60 with lunch included. Register today at www.lifeofvalor.com. This event will be held at NEW Lutheran High. Time to train for the sake of our families! RUMMAGE SALE Sunday, April 12th at noon we will be singing well-known Easter hymns and other classic hymns from our hymnal to our shut-ins. Adults and children are welcome. Meet at Redeemer at noon for sandwiches and cookies and then we’ll carpool from there to the homes. Contact Pastor Pett or Ruth Borchardt (336-8580) with questions. April 24 April 25 Friday Saturday 9am-4pm 9am-Noon Sale Sale You may bring items for the sale: April 16, 17, 20, 21,22 8:30am-11:30am April 23 8am-5pm Floor and fragile items may be brought on April 23. Sorting will be Thursday, April 23 8am-5pm Your help is appreciated even for a short while. Please inform others of the sale. Money from the sale will be for the school roof replacement loan principle. REDEEMER PRAYER DAY Prayer Day will be observed in Redeemer’s April 22 and 26 worship services. National Day of Christian Prayer is May 7. On Redeemer’s day of prayer you will have the opportunity to be part of a truly special time of prayer. Together worship attendees will be encouraged to pray for every single member of our church by name. Attendees will be encouraged to pray for God’s blessings, give thanks and pray for needs for their family and self, government, church member family names (slips handed out before worship with a few member names) and Redeemer Church. A Prayer Guide will be handed to you when you enter the sanctuary. We look forward to have all Redeemer members attend and take part in this Prayer Weekend to pray for God’s Blessings. FELLOWSHIP CLUB The Fellowship Club will be having a pot-luck meeting on April 10 at 5:30 in the meeting room at school. Bring a dish to pass and ideas for future months activities. games will be played. EASTER CAROLING FATHER DAUGHTER DANCE Saturday, April 18 Rock the Flock with host Chuck Towns will be at NEW Lutheran High School on Saturday, April 18 from 68:30pm. Come and enjoy a wonderful evening of music, dancing and memories that will last a lifetime as fathers treat their daughters to a special evening just for them. Cost at the door is $20 per family or $15 if dad registers for the Tactical Fatherhood event on April 11 (www.lifeofvalor.com). This is a formal event with hors d'ouevres, punch and photo opportunities. Fathers and daughters of all ages are encouraged and welcome to come! SUNDAY SCHOOL SCHEDULE April 5 May 3 May 10 May 16 September Easter Class will not meet Confirmation Class will not meet Mother’s Day Class will not meet Last Day We will start up again. PICTURES WANTED We will soon be adding a “picture page” to the monthly newsletter. Whenever two or more are gathered in His name, please consider snapping a few pictures with your phone or camera and sharing them with the rest of your Church family. If you have pictures from any recent events at Redeemer Lutheran please email them to the Church office at redeemerlc@juno.com. TACTICAL FATHERHOOD PROGRAM FROM LIFE OF VALOR - April 11 Former US Navy Seal and Life of Valor founder Jeff Bramstedt will lead current and future fathers over the age of 18 through some tactical training. Jeff will also share a powerful message about the responsibilities of being a strong, faith-filled husband and father. Cost for 8| REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH | 3 THIS - N -THAT OLD GLORY HONOR FLIGHT WELCOME HOME CELEBRATION -APRIL 9 Students from Trinity will be traveling to the Outagamie County Regional Airport to welcome veterans home from their trip to Washington DC, with the “Old Glory Honor Flight Organization”. We would love to have your church members and families join us! For more information on Old Glory Honor Flight, go to www.oldgloryhonorflight.org. The flight is scheduled to return at 7:30pm. OLD GLORY HONOR FLIGHT FUNDRAISING DINNER Trinity School’s Service Group, Scene 4:12, will be hosting a special fundraising dinner for the Old Glory Honor Flight organization. We are in the process of setting up a speaker or two, in addition to the dinner. CHRISTIAN WRITING GROUP Our Saviour Lutheran Church (120 S. Henry) recently started a group to support and encourage Christians who write (or want to write.) They meet on the first Monday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the parlor of OSLC. Contact Deb Young (debyoung90@gmail.com) or Stephenie Hovland (stephhov@hotmail.com) for more information. WORKBEE WEEKENDS AT CAMP LUTHER April 24-26, May 15-17 Volunteers have always played a major role in keeping Camp Luther clean, beautiful, and in good condition. Today, Camp Luther continues to be blessed by hundreds of individuals who faithfully participate in Workbee Weekends. Individuals or entire families can help get Camp Luther ready for the summer by participating in various work projects. The weekend is FREE and camp provides all meals, as well as time for fellowship and devotions. Projects vary, but there is something for everyone. Check out our workbees under the “Get Involved” tab at www.campluther.com. CAMP LUTHER GIFT CERTIFICATES CAN HELP WITH SUMMER CAMP Interested in helping a child you know get to Camp Luther this summer? How about a gift certificate? You can order certificates in any amount. These can be used for summer camp or at our camp store. Call the Camp Luther office at 1-877-264– CAMP and order yours today! Read The Bible in a Year April 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Deuteronomy 8-10 Deuteronomy 11-13 Deuteronomy 14-16 Deuteronomy 17-20 Deuteronomy 21-23 Deuteronomy 24-27 Deuteronomy 28-29 Deuteronomy 30-31 Deuteronomy 32-34 Joshua 1-4 Joshua 5-8 Joshua 9-11 Joshua 12-15 Joshua 16-18 Joshua 19-21 Joshua 22-24 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Judges 1-2 Judges 3-5 Judges 6-7 Judges 8-9 Judges 10-12 Judges 13-15 Judges 16-18 Judges 19-21 Ruth 1 Samuel 1-3 1 Samuel 4-8 1 Samuel 9-12 1 Samuel 13-14 1 Samuel 15-17 REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH | 9 3 From the LCMS President 10 | REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH | 3 Green Bay Trinity Lutheran School News What an awesome time to be a supporter of Green Bay Trinity Lutheran School! We’ve experienced some exciting opportunities and had tremendous successes the last few months. On the heels of an unbelievable volleyball season came a basketball season that will not soon be forgotten. Both the boys and girls “C” teams saw great success with the boys winning the “B” team conference tournament consolation championship during a 9-3 “full” team season and the girls winning the Zion Wayside tournament in January during a 16-3 season. The boys and girls “A” teams accomplished some huge milestones in closing out their seasons at the Wisconsin Lutheran Sports Association State Tournament the first weekend in March. After placing 2 nd at the conference tournament the Eagles made their 2nd appearance at State, finishing 6th overall and ending their season 16-6. After finishing 1st in the Big 6 Conference at the end of the regular season and placing 3rd at the conference tournament the Lady Eagles, in their 3rd appearance at State, brought home the Silver Basketball as State runner-up. More importantly all season each of our teams showed determination, heart, integrity and a level of sportsmanship that impressed many including opponents, officials and fans. It’s a testament to the dedication and willingness of our coaches to volunteer their time and talents teaching not only basketball skills, but also skills that will help our student-athletes in becoming the strong Christian leaders of tomorrow. There were also academic successes experienced at the recent NEW Expo. A number of our students participated and did very well. 3rd grade Spelling Bee – 4th place (Issabellah Van Lanen) 3rd grade Religion – 4th place (Issabellah Van Lanen, Jackie Nelson, Logan Nichols) 3rd grade Science – 2nd place (Jackie Nelson, Logan Nichols) 4th grade Spelling Bee – 1st place (Aiden Hill), 2nd place (Elijah Meerstein) 4th grade Math – 3rd place (Brady Paul) 4th grade Religion – 3rd place (Elijah Meerstein, Brady Paul, Aidan Hill) 4th grade Science – 1st place (Brady Paul, Evan Nitka, Aidan Hill, Elijah Meerstein) Please be sure to congratulate all our students on their recent successes! Upcoming Events The month of April will include a couple of special events involving Old Glory Honor Flight. On Thursday, April 9th students from Green Bay Trinity Lutheran will at the Outagamie County Regional Airport to welcome home WWII veterans returning from a visit to the memorial in Washington D.C. The flight is scheduled to return at 7:30 pm and you are welcome to join the students in this “Welcome Home” celebration. On Friday, April 24th and Saturday, April 25th our student service group, Scene 4:12, will be hosting fundraising dinner for Old Glory Honor Flight. Further information about the event, including speakers, will be announced soon. The 2nd Annual “Summer’s Last Blast” picnic is scheduled for Saturday, September 12. Volunteers from each of the Association congregations are needed. Interested in being on the planning committee or being part of an event subcommittee? Please contact myself or Maggie Hinz at hinzm@greenbaytrinity.org. 2015 Dinner & Gala A great time of fellowship, food and fun was experienced by all at this year’s gala. Thank you to everyone who attended and our event sponsors. This year’s gala raised over $34,000 for Green Bay Trinity Lutheran School. Mark your calendars and save the date of next year’s gala - February 27, 2016. Eagle Fund The Eagle Fund is a major component to the Association continuing to provide all students the opportunity of an affordable, Christcentered, high-quality K-8 education at Green Bay Trinity Lutheran School. This year’s campaign is even more important as we continue to grow our ministry, but face a projected deficit of nearly $15,000 when the fiscal year ends July 31. Prayerfully consider making a financial investment in YOUR educational mission field today. More information, including an Eagle Fund brochure and donation form can be found at greenbaytrinity.org. Registration for 2015-16 Registrations are being accepted for the 2015-16 school year! Encourage friends and family with children going into grades K-8 to attend Green Bay Trinity Lutheran. Contact our Admissions Counselor at meersteink@greenbaytrinity.org or 655-4673 for more information or to schedule a school tour. April GBLSA Board Meeting The next meeting of the GBLSA Board of Directors is scheduled for April 27 at 6:30 pm. If you would like to address the Board, please contact myself or your board representative by April 23 rd to be placed on the agenda. As always please keep the Association and Green Bay Trinity in your prayers, asking that God would guide us to do His will. God’s Blessings! Brad Van Lanen GBLSA President bradvanlanen@gmail.com REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH| |11 3 4 | |SEPTEMBER NEWSLETTER 12 Marion Schmeling NONE NONE >>> NONE >>> >>> Dolores Schulz >>> >>> Cindy Pfister >>> >>> Janet Groh Sharon Strehlow Rachel Strehlow Justin Mannisto Jeremiah Goin Lorin Sternberg Gerald Pludeman Craig Hurlbert NONE Polly Nienow Elmer Nienow Dan Mannisto 6:30pm 15-Apr Jodie Ellingson >>> >>> Emilie Pludeman Nick Ahtonen Chirstopher Hazen Kristin Arellano Fidel Arellano Kathy Bongel Kristina Hazen NONE Bea Buchholz Gary Behnke Mark Sprague 8:45am 19-Apr Dolores Schulz >>> >>> Faith Rafferty Mark Sprague Harold Sisel Curt Moede Doug Siebert Joel Westerfeld RWCS RWCS Doug Siebert 6:30pm 22-Apr Volunteers are listed for each week in the bulletin. Please call the Church Office (499-1033) if you exchange times with someone else, so the bulletin is accurate. If you would like to become a Redeemer Worship Volunteer, please contact Ruth Borchardt (336-8580). NONE >>> >>> >>> Janet Groh SCRIP >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> Altar Guild >>> >>> Shirley Strehlow >>> >>> Polly Nienow >>> >>> Altar Guild >>> >>> Joanne Pludeman >>> Mallory Walton Altar Guild >>> Jaci Mannisto Tim Radtke Jim Martin Jim Wirch >>> >>> Mackenzie Van Lanen Mae Aprill Bud Aprill Helen Baldwin Jay Lehner Jeremiah Goin Lorin Sternberg Gerald Pludeman Susan Kupsky Mike DeGrave Lori DeGrave Mike DeGrave Altar Guild Jaelyn House Jim Martin Jim Wirch NONE Tristen Tucker John Kiley & D. Mannisto NONE Tom Meath J. Koivisto A. Koivisto Ron & Kathy Miller Jim Wirch Polly Nienow Pat Taylor Linda Haag Llew Kramer Jim Wirch 8:45am 12-Apr Corey Laatsch Mattie Zimmer Jeff Goin Jeff Goin & T. Ahtonen Elmer Nienow 6:30pm 8-Apr 8:45am 5-Apr Laurie Zoellner Lyndon Zoellner 6:30am 5-Apr Acolyte 10:45am Trenton Tucker Chris Stewart Christopher Hazen Usher Grace Rafferty Dan Mannisto Kristin Arellano Usher Acolyte Fred John Fidel Arellano Carl Hazaert NONE NONE Carol Hoffman Jack Hoffman Dan Mannisto 6:30pm 3-Apr Usher SELECT SELECT Usher Kathy Bongel NONE Lay Reader NONE NONE Joel Westerfeld Mark Sprague Sacristan Polly Nienow Elmer Nienow Jim Wirch Noon 3-Apr NONE Jennifer Nehring Polly Nienow Greeter Bryan Nehring Lyndon Zoellner Bryan Nehring 6:30pm 3:30pm Elmer Nienow 2-Apr 2-Apr Greeter Elder 10:45am Elder Date APRIL REDEEMER WORSHIP VOLUNTEERS Helen Hazaert >>> >>> Andrew Pludeman Michelle larsen Chris Stewart Dan Mannisto Fred John Carl Hazaert Jean Borchardt Matt DeGrave RWCS RWCS Llew Kramer Tim Ahtonen 8:45am 26-Apr Mae Aprill >>> >>> Grace Rafferty Tim Radtke Jim Martin Jim Wirch Cheryl Behm NONE J&C Hoffmann E&P Nienow Jim Wirch 6:30pm 29-Apr HAPPY BIRTHDAY! April 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 Dale Groh, Eric Knapowski Judith Westerfeld Ross Corey, Sandra Gregoire Elmer Nienow Michael Hekenberger Lavern Jones Ann Anderson, Ben Borchardt Sophie Truskowski Jeremiah Goin Jordan Groh Landon Kern Donna Strehlow Linda Druckrey Kendra Schmeling Ryan Curley Delores Duffek, Anya Kahl Llew Kramer, Keith Laux Violet Howard Naomi Bahrke Helen Baldwin Beverly Jablonski Andrea Galbraith Marcella Antonneau Janet Groh, Deb Kiley Fidel Arellano, Margie Bergelin Brad Swenty Laverne Wassenberg Sheila VanderVeren Justin Mannisto, Nicole Moreaux Madeline Sisel Brooklyn Pearson Cindy Pfister Jessica Kloehn, Lauren Krouse Matthew Wassenberg Beth Wegener Michael Koller Dorothy Reeder Dennis Jones Paula Davis Kenneth Kuxmann Faith Pieper Happy Anniversary! April 4 12 13 15 30 Llew & Julie Kramer Hiram & Helen Joslin Jason & Janelle Walton Jeffrey & Susan Herman Michael & Jennifer Steltenpohl Upcoming Events April 5 6:30am, 8:45am April 5 April 24 & 25 May 3 May 10 May 17 June 22-25 June 26-28 Easter Worship Easter Breakfast Rummage Sale Confirmation Mother’s Day Armed Forces Day Last Day of Sun School Vacation Bible School Redeemer Camp Out Official Acts Baptisms Charlotte Ann Swenty March 8, 2015 Parents: Bradley & Stacy Swenty Bradley Swenty March 8, 2015 New Members Lynn Muenster by Reinstatement Brad Swenty by Baptism Angie Muenster by Adult Confirmation Brad Anthony by Adult Confirmation Cole Mueller by Adult Confirmation Church Office Hours: Monday –Friday 9am to 1pm Note: The Church office is located in the school building. | 13 14 | Contact the Church Office to add events to the Redeemer Lutheran Church Calendar. 920-499-1033 or redeemerlc@juno.com Office Hours: Monday - Friday 9am-1pm APRIL 2015
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