Farmington Hills Church of God Congratulations to... We Welcome Our Guests! Kirk & Brenda Cox on the birth of Veronica Lauren, June 26, 5# 12oz, 19”. Stop at the Welcome Center to receive a Gift Bag for visiting us today! For Children this Summer… Nursery Care & Preschool (2-1/2 yrs. – 4 yrs.) “Kidz Time” During the summer for K-5th Graders Kids will be dismissed from the Worship for bible stories, games & more!! Parents, please keep your child(ren) with you until they are dismissed! Please turn off all cell phones. July 5, 2015 – 10:00 AM One Service @ 10:00AM through September 6 No Sunday School Nursery, Preschool & Kidz Time are available! “Never Stop” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WEDNESDAY EVENINGS “Blessed Be Your Name” 2 Corinthians 5:14-17 “Lay Me Down” Grades 6 – 12 *Summer Schedule has begun … 6:30 – 8:30PM Youth update… Communion Ephesians 2:8-10 & Ephesians 2:4-5 “Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)” “Mighty to Save” We Bow in Prayer “You Never Let Go” Greet Each Other / Announcements We Give God’s Tithes & Our Offerings (Please complete the information in the Friendship Exchange Folder) “Happy Day” We Hear & Respond to God’s Word “When Promised Brooks Dry Up” Rev. Robert Dulin, Jr. Please Note: If you bring a beverage into the sanctuary, please use a lid. Clean any spills or notify an usher so they can be taken care of promptly. THANK YOU! Jason Nelson, Assoc. Pastor (Cell) 248-515-0567 Carron Odokara, Assoc. Pastor (Home) 313-244-7473 AM Pam Keffer, Office Mgr (Church 8:30 -1:30PM) 248-477-9144 Nate & Missy Henwood on the birth of Mason Scott, June 28, 7# 9oz, 22”. EVEREST VBS @ FHC oG This Week at FHCoG… PRAY FOR THE COSTA RICA MISSIONS TEAM JULY 1-12 SUNDAY, JULY 5, 2015 10:00AM Summer Worship MONDAY, JULY 6, 2015—Office Closed 7:00PM Kenya Sewing Project WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 2015 6:30PM REVOLUTION Youth @ the Nelsons SUNDAY, JULY 12, 2015 10:00AM Summer Worship July 20-24, 9AM - Noon *WEDNESDAY EVENINGS Have you registered* your child(ren)? 6:30 – 8:30 PM Grades 6 – 12 Have you invited some friends or neighbors? Can you supply one of the snack items? Can you donate any needed items? *NOTE: Meet @ the Nelson home for the month of July!!! Parents: Drop youth off at the church garage & have them walk on the path to the Nelsons. CAN YOU HELP WITH SET UP? Thursday, July 16 @ 10AM Saturday, July 18 @ 10AM Sunday, July 19 @ 11:30AM (Donuts/bagels will be served on Saturday) WARNER CAMP RETREAT: July 31– Aug 2--Cost is $70 for returning youth & $50 for new or first timers. Sign up & payments are due by Wed., July 15. Cost includes: transportation, lodging, food, & activities. Everyone can get involved… Fill out the bulletin insert today! Contact Clyde Beaver for more information. “With thanksgiving present your requests to God…” Signup sheet is on the YOUTH BULLETIN BOARD Check out the Vbs snack board! New this Week: Please pray for our CR Missions Team: Kevin, Cathy & Hunter Bindschadler, Jim & Pam Keffer, Bob & Peaches Lee, Sophia Pomponio, Alyssa & Emily Satterfield, Heather Varcoe, and Michelle Westcott Pray that God will… Bless them & use them! Keep them safe & healthy! Build relationships! Give them a JOYFUL time together! We thank you for your love, prayers, and support! Trip dates: July 1 – July 12 Willing to donate a snack item? Check out our VBS Snack Board in the lobby. Take a tag or two & WRITE YOUR NAME ON THE BOARD under the tag you take and on the tag you take as well. All items should be brought to the church (leave in the kitchen marked VBS) by Sunday, July 19. If you are bringing fresh fruit, bring that the day needed. *Register online at (click on the VBS logo on the left) or pick up a form at the Welcome Center. Postcard invitations are also available at the Welcome Center. PRAYERS & PRAISES Please keep us updated on the names listed below. Health & Healing Caroline Watts (Pat’s Mom—Prayers for her move back to Michigan) Martha Stanley (Penningtons) Continue to Pray for: Aunt Betty (Denise Riehl) Barbara Guthrie (Debbie Ritzema) Brenda & Keith (Keeli Shave) Chan Salcedo & Family (Keeli Shave) Charles & Inell Cromer Cherrie Smith (Sue Jewett’s niece) Connie Carl (Al Riehl’s sister) Dave Churches David Salisz (Ione Fitzgerald) Don McCune (Vicki Westcott’s dad) Dorothy Remsberg (Randy Oakes’ Mom) Drew (Naithalene Suathojame) Eileen & Harry Krug (Keeli Shave) Hannah Kopinsky (Debbie Ritzema) Helen Weber (Matt Sawyer) Ione FitzGerald Jean Keizer (Bobbi Pomponio’s Mom) Jeni (Madalina Serbanescu’s mother) Jess Barber (Heidi Maki) Joe N (Gloria Weaks) June Huber Justin (Silvia Rankin’s nephew) Keeli Shave Kierston Oray (Linda Cook) Kim Salyer Kyle McDowell (Bobbi Pomponio) Luann Sparkman (Keetons) Lucille (Penningtons) Lyles/Keeton Family Mandy Smith (Healthy Pregnancy) Marlene Darling (Ron’s mom) Maureen Gonzales (Ginger Riehl’s sister) Michele Blackwell (Mike Chrisom) Michelle Kauer Natalie Maloziac (Travis Maki) Nita & Margaret (Diana Hicks) Radu (Ana Serbanescu’s son) Randy Oakes Rev. Judy DeBress (Deb Ritzema) Rourke Petersen—Military Sharon Robling (McClain/VanLue) Shirley Russell (Maureen Wesch’s Mom) Steve Schad & Family (Christine Roberts) Tony DiGirolamo (Nancy Ludwick) Trenton Miller (Keetons) Tudor (2 mos. old) (Ana Serbanescu) Wayne Littlejohn (Keeli Shave) William Stanley, Jr. (Penningtons) Wilma Van Lue Zachary 6-yr old (Sharon Gates) For Your Notes When Promised Brooks Dry Up Rev. Robert Dulin, Jr. I Kings 17:1-10a 17 Now Elijah, who was from Tishbe in Gilead, told King Ahab, “As surely as the LORD, the God of Israel, lives—the God I serve—there will be no dew or rain during the next few years until I give the word!” 2 3 Then the LORD said to Elijah, “Go to the east and hide by Kerith 4 Brook, near where it enters the Jordan River. Drink from the brook and eat what the ravens bring you, for I have commanded them to bring you food.” July 5, 2015 Mark your Calendars! MONDAY, JULY 6 CHURCH OFFICES CLOSED! MONDAY, JULY 6 KENYA SEWING PROJECT 5 So Elijah did as the LORD told him and camped beside Kerith 6 Brook, east of the Jordan. The ravens brought him bread and meat each morning and evening, and he drank from the brook. 7 But after a while the brook dried up, for there was no rainfall anywhere in the land. 8 9 Then the LORD said to Elijah, “Go and live in the village of Zarephath, near the city of Sidon. I have instructed a widow there to feed you.” 10 COSTA RICA MISSIONS TRIP JULY 1-12 FOUNDERS FESTIVAL IN DOWNTOWN FARMINGTON SIGN UP TO HELP @ THE FHCOG BOOTH! JULY 17-19 So he went to Zarephath. HELP NEEDED FOR VBS SETUP Thursday, July 16 @ 10AM Saturday, July 18 @ 10AM Sunday, July 19 @ 11:30AM EVEREST VBS JULY 20-24 REGISTER NOW!!! CHURCH FAMILY GAME NIGHT FRIDAY, AUGUST 7 @ 6:30PM 25717 Power Road Tel: (248) 477-9144 Fax: (248) 477-2212 • Farmington Hills MI 48336 Everest VBS Needs… Greater Farmington Founders Festival Props, Supplies & snacks Note: Please mark all items that you want RETURNED clearly with your name and leave them in the youth Sunday school room. THANK YOU! Flat sheets / solid colors any size Lanterns and/or any hiking/camping Do you LOVE your church home? Would you like others to know about FHCoG? Would you give 3 hours of your time to get the word out? If you said YES to any or all of these questions, we have an AWESOME opportunity to do just that… ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FHCoG will have a booth at this year’s 2015 Farmington Founders Festival! Friday, July 17 - Sunday, July 19 We need people that LOVE their church home and want to spread the word about us to fill 3-hour time slots at our booth. We will have handouts, giveaways, and more! From classic rock 'n 'roll to fine cuisine, the Greater Farmington Founders Festival is the can’t-miss event! A favorite in Southeast Michigan, the Farmington Founders Festival began as a tribute to the city’s unique Quaker heritage that thousands of people now know as a four-day weekend celebration. Formerly the Farmington Board of Commerce, the Greater Farmington Area Chamber of Commerce has planned and organized every year since 1965 with the spirit of festival fireworks. (You'll see the real thing on Saturday night, July 18th!) Today the festival is an exciting mix of community traditions, cultural trends, great food, music and fun. Festival Faves Streets will be lined with people to see the colorful Farmington Founders Festival Parade Shop one-of-a-kind items at the Crafters Marketplace Meet up with friends and neighbors Games, face painting and crafts galore for kids in the Meijer Kids Zone Church Leadership Women’s & Men’s Ministries Children & Youth Ministries ANYONE who LOVES FHCoG!!! SIGN UP for a time slot at the table in the lobby. For more information, please see Clyde Beaver or Tammy Soave gear that looks like it may be used for mountain climbing Ski poles, snow shoes Winter boots/hiking boots Blue plastic table clothes (rectangle) Clear plastic shower curtain or liner Remote control car w/ batteries Camp cooking pot Large duffle bag Swim fins Snorkel Swim mask Rubber chicken Wooden crates Hula hoops Sleeping bags Electric campfire HELP US WITH Snacks… CHECK OUT THE SNACK BOARD IN THE LOBBY!!! Take a post-it (or two) with item(s) needed WRITE YOU NAME ON THE BOARD under the item(s) you took to buy Bring your item(s) in to the church kitchen (marked VBS) by Sunday, July 19. Fresh fruit should be brought in the day needed (or day before). THANK YOU IN ADVANCE YES, I CAN HELP WITH THE ITEMS LISTED ABOVE. The festivities are all along Grand River Avenue (near Farmington Road). Follow the smiles, listen for the music of live bands and, if you look up, you may even see a hot air balloon! The Farmington Founders Festival is THE hot spot of the summer. UPDATED: 07/05/15 NAME _____________________________________ PHONE ____________________________________ EMAIL ____________________________________ (Complete this form and drop in offering plate or at the Welcome Center)
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