HOLY REDEEMER PARISH PO BOX 40, PPS Sydney, Nova Scotia B1N 3B1 Website: holyredeemer.iparish.ca 5th Sunday of Easter May 3, 2015 Parish Priest Rev. Paul K. Murphy Office Hours Monday-Friday: 9:30-12:00 1:00-4:00 Telephone: Fax: PARISH COUNCIL President: Jean Murphy Finance: Carmella MacDonald 902-564-4355 902-564-4365 E-mail: holyredeemer@live.ca Religious Education Coordinator Marie MacIntyre: 902-562-5657 902-270-6535 WEEKEND MASSES HOLY REDEEMER CHURCH Saturday 4:00PM Sunday 11:00AM WEEKDAY MASSES HOLY REDEEMER CONVENT Tuesday 4:00PM Wed/Thurs/Fri 8:45AM Schedule for M ay 9/ 10, 2015 MASS TIMES ALTAR SERVERS MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION Saturday - 4:00PM John Crawley Martha Constantine Brian Gallivan Kay Violande Sunday - 11:00AM Michael McCarthy Grace McCarthy Ryan Burt Pat Murphy Jim MacLean Wanda Quinlan LECTORS Marie Aucoin Sister Gwen O’Neil HOLY REDEEMER PILGRIMAGE TO ST. ANNE-DE-BEAUPRE 2015 REGISTRATION FOR THE SACRAMENTS First Confession GRADE 2 AND UP AGE 9 AND UP GRADE 9 AND AGE 14 AND UP *CLASSES WILL BEGIN IN SEPTEMBER AND WILL BE HELD DOWNSTAIRS IN THE CHURCH ON SUNDAY MORNINGS. *SIGN UP SHEETS ARE AT THE CHURCH ENTRANCE. *FOR MORE INFORMATION OR QUESTIONS, CALL MARIE AT 902-270-6535 AND LEAVE A MESSAGE. Led by Father Paul Murphy, our pilgrimage will be from August 24 September 1. It includes three shrines in nine days. Cost for this trip will be $760 based on double occupancy (2 per room). For more information, questions or to register, contact Yvonne at 902-862-6781 Mother’s Day Cemetery Collection: Attached to today’s bulletin is a special collection envelope to support the upkeep and maintenance of both Old Calvary and New Calvary Cemeteries. If you wish to make a donation in memory of your parents , grandparents or another loved one, please fill out the envelope and place it in the collection over the next week or two. All Memorials will be published in our bulletin. Thank you for your continuing generosity to our parish!!! MEMORIAL DONATIONS BUILDING FUND Imo Leo Evans From Ray & Kay Antle COLLECTION - APRIL 26, 2015 KNOW YOUR FAITH $4,912.00 Envelopes & Loose 4,147.00 Building Fund 185.00 Oil 52.00 Antigonish Diocesan Soc. 523.00 Needs Church/Holy Land 5.00 Total $4,912.00 Albert & Sally Brophy Maurice Campbell Imo Mark MacDonald From Ray & Kay Antle Imo Philip Long From Doreen Gillis Imo Al Graham From Paul & Annette Lamey Imo John MacPhee From Lincoln & Carol MacPhee Imo Deceased Family Members From Marty E. Martinello Imo Mary Louise Gillis Jeanette Scriven Gillis & MacDonald Clan Divine Mercy Novena Patrons 2 EXCELLENT W EBSITES TO VISIT catholicculture.org catholicexchange.com Holy Redeemer CWL will meet Tuesday, May 5 at 7pm downstairs in the church. New members are welcome!!! Amy & Gina MacDonald R. J. H. Gillis From Ann MacDonald Imo Ann MacDonald From Amy & Gina MacDonald OUR LADY OF GRACE SCHEDULES FOR LECTORS, ALTAR SERVERS AND MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION FOR 2015 ARE AVAILABLE IN THE VESTRY. L’Arche Cape Breton presents Springfest 2015 at the MTCC in Membertou, May 23 at 7pm. There will be presentations about the community, music by friends of L’Arche, a live auction and desserts. Tickets: $15 Contact: Josie or Deb at 902-945-2283 or at The Cape Breton Curiosity Shop. NEPAL EARTHQUAKE DISASTER Over 6000 people have died in the recent earthquake in Nepal. The Development and Peace Catholic Organization is asking for monetary donations to help the victims rebuild their lives. If you wish to make such a donation please go to the Development and Peace website. Your help will be much appreciated. To donate: www.devp.org STUDENT SUMMER EMPLOYMENT *Administrative/Accounting Clerk (Pastoral Centre in Sydney Mines) *Administrative Assistant/Archivist (Chancery Office in Antigonish) Day Trip to Monastery, May 9, in honour of Our Lady of Grace. Bishop Dunn will celebrate Mass at 3pm. Dinner/lunch included. $50.00 return. Contact Yvonne: 902-862-6781. June 22 will mark the 50 th Anniversary of the assassination of missionary Father Art MacKinnon in the Dominican Republic. Father Art was born and raised in the New Waterford area. A mass in celebration of Father Art will be held June 21 at 11AM at Saint Leonard Parish, New Waterford. The Canadian Diabetes Association is now offering a series of five on-line seminars hosted by diabetes educators and health professionals beginning May 12. Learn more about diabetes and how to keep it under control through healthy living, good nutrition and exercise. Each seminar is free. To learn more or to register, visit diabetes.ca/webinars or email webinars@diabetes.ca The Cape Breton Orchestra presents their 21st annual Spring Concert at the Highland Arts Theatre May 3 at 7pm. Soprano Krista Norman is the featured guest. As well, students from Jolanta Cebula’s Classical Violin Studio will play a Concertino in G Major with the Orchestra. Ticket: $20.00 at the box office or at the door the night of the concert. For the full concert program: www.capebretonorchestra.com To be eligible, you must be a student enrolled in university or community college for this fall. For more details: www.antigonishdiocese.ca Resumes accepted until 4pm, May 8. PALM SUNDAY FISH CHOW DER DINNER GOODW ILL COLLECTION St. Theresa’s CW L will hold their Annual Flea Market Saturday, May 9, from 9-11am at St. Theresa’s Parish Centre on St. Peter’s Road. Admission: $1.00 The Cape Breton Chapter of the Ostomy Canada Society will meet from 2-4pm, May 14, at the Regional Hospital, room 3612 level 3. This is a support group for ostomates and their caregivers. New ostomates welcome. Contact: Verna Petrie: 902-862-8540 To: Holy Redeemer Parish Thank you once again for being a big supporter to Loaves and Fishes. We really appreciate it. Thank You! Marco Amati (Manager)
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