April 5, 2015 - Holy Redeemer Church

The Catholic Area Faith Community of
The Bread of Life
He had to rise from the dead.
John 20:1–9
April 5, 2015 - Easter Sunday
St. Clotilde, Green Valley
St. Mary, Cottonwood
Holy Redeemer, Marshall
Our warmest welcome to all who celebrate with us, whether long-time residents or new arrivals in the area. If
you have not registered, or if you have moved, please complete this form and drop it in the
collection basket or bring it to the Parish Office.
 St. Mary, Cottonwood
Address: ___________________________________________
 St. Clotilde, Green Valley
 Holy Redeemer, Marshall
Phone: _____________________________________________
 New Parishioner
Email: _____________________________________________
 Changed/Updated Info
“This is the day the Lord has
made; let us rejoice and be glad.”
Psalm 118
Please pray daily to
bring family members
and friends back home
to our Catholic Church. Names may
be placed in a sealed envelope,
and inserted in our prayer box by
St. Joseph statue, located in the
front of sanctuary of Holy
Redeemer. Pray for them all to
come home.
MASS INTENTIONS (April 6 - 12)
CALENDAR EVENTS (April 6 - 12)
5:30 pm (HR)  Marie Van Moer
7:15 am (HR)  Lucille Antony
12:00 n (CRC)  Esther Andries
7:15 am (HR)  Eileen & Mary Jane Strandberg
8:30 am (SM)  Ed & Leona Doom
10:00 am (NH)  Dorothy Soupir
10:45 am (BC)  Jim Welsh
6:15 pm (GV)  Peter Shipe
7:15 am (HR)  Robert Carr
8:00 am (SM)  Phyllis Ricke
8:30 am (HRS)  Ed De Vos
9:30 am (WS)  Mary Coleman
12:00 n (CRC)  Melvin Coudron
7:00 am (GV)  Clarence Schmieg
7:15 am (HR)  Betty Nelson
10:00 am (HS)  Terrance Nuese
5:00 pm (HR)  Sylvere & Martha Laleman
5:00 pm (SM)  Ernie Bossuyt
7:00 pm (GV)  Don Louwagie
8:00 am (HR)  Ray Vandendriessche
8:00 am (GV)  Earl & Lorene Speltz
9:30 am (SM) Good weather
10:00 am (HR)  Elmer and Gregory Guth
12:00 n (HR–Spanish) 
6:30 pm (CRC)  Bev Elsen
6:30 pm (FF) Education Advisory Committee
7:30 - 6:00 pm (HR) Exposition
5:30 pm (HR) Divine Mercy Chaplet/Benediction
6:00 pm (HR) Adult Education Opportunity - The Bible
7:30 pm (WN) 4th Degree Knights of Columbus
9:00 am - 6:00 pm (GV) Exposition
5:00 pm (HR) Church Cleaning
6:30 pm (FF) Last Faith Formation Class
7:30 am-6:00 pm (HR) Exposition
11:00 am-1:00 pm (HR) CCW Salad Luncheon
5:30 pm (HR) Rosary/Litany/Benediction
6:00 pm (HR) Adult Education Opportunity - Catholicism
3:00 pm (HR) Wedding: Janelle Fillipi & Chad Louwagie
4:00 & 6:00 pm (HR) Reconciliation
4:00 pm (HR) Divine Mercy Holy Hour Devotion
Divine Mercy Chaplet/Reconciliation/Benediction
BC - Boulder Creek
BE - Boulder Estates
CRC - Campus Religious Center
GV - Green Valley
HP - Heritage Pointe
HRS - St. Mary’s Chapel at
Holy Redeemer School
HR - Holy Redeemer
HS - Hill Street
MS - Marshall Square
NH - Nursing home
RH - Retirement Home
SM - St. Mary’s in Cottonwood
WS - Windsong
Theodore Michael Thomsen
son of Nathaniel & Barbara
Edward Cyriel De Baere
May all who sleep in Christ find God’s presence,
light, happiness, and peace.
In memory of Emil Goossens by Louise Goossens
In memory of Norman Johnson by his family
In memory of Don Louwagie by Ken & Phyllis Persoon
In memory of Ernie Bossuyt by Bernice Bossuyt and family
In memory of George Vierstraete by Leonard & Marian Louwagie
In memory of Joe & Helene Schreiber by their family
In memory of Msgr. Robert Wyffels by Don & Angie Wyffels
Radio Rosary is broadcast on KMHL (1400) Sundays at 7:00 am,
Weekdays at 6:10 pm (Monday through Saturday). Send intentions to
Radio Rosary, 2894 310th St, Marshall, MN 56258. Call 532-6081. Cost
is $25.00 per broadcast.
SUNDAY READINGS (looking ahead)
April 12, 2015 - Second Sunday in Easter
Acts 4:32–35
Psalm 118
1 John 5:1–6
John 20:19–31
They were of one heart and mind.
“Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, his love is everlasting.”
Whoever is begotten by God conquers the world.
Eight days later Jesus came and stood in their midst.
Jesus presents us with another Beatitude today: “Blessed are those who have
not seen and have believed.” Yet Jesus also says, “As the Father has sent me, so
I send you.” Perhaps our task is to help others to both see and believe. As we
hear God’s holy word today, let us listen for those signs that help us to believe,
so that we might share them with others.
Holy Redeemer (HR)
503 West Lyon ● Marshall, MN 56258
507-532-5711 ● 507-532-3262 (Fax)
St. Mary (SM) 255 West 4th ● Cottonwood, MN 56229
● 507-423-5220 stmarys.cottonwood@yahoo.com
St. Clotilde (GV) 3272 270th Avenue ● Marshall, MN 56258
● 507-532-2841 ccboerboom@mvtvwireless.com
Holy Redeemer School (HRS)/St. Mary’s Chapel (SM)
www.HolyRedeemerSchools.com, 501 South Whitney
● Marshall, MN 56258 507-532-6642
Holy Redeemer Faith Formation (FF)
503 South Whitney ● Marshall, MN 56258, 507-532-3602
SMSU Campus Religious Center (CRC)
1418 Birch ● Marshall, MN 56258 ● 507-532-5731
Catholic Charities Counseling
(Diocese of New Ulm - Marshall) 866-670-5163
Sunday Collection - March 28 - 29
Church of St. Mary, Cottonwood
$ 1,297.00
Building Fund $
$ 182.00
$ 65,371.45
Organ Fund $
Church of St. Clotilde, Green Valley
$ 395.00
$ 5.00
$ 112.00
$ 31,063.95
Church of the Holy Redeemer, Marshall
$ 15,820.00
$ 29.25
Capital Campaign
Remainder of Pledges:
Total Cash on Hand:
Diocesan Ministry Appeal
March 31, 2015
$ 1,250.44
$ 733,006.77
The Administration Council has given the approval
of repairs and painting of the steeple. We are
1,365,341.69 looking into an electronic messaging sign for the
front of church. Thank you for your generosity as
152,038.08 we continue to improve and maintain our
- Fr. Paul Wolf
127,911.31 buildings at Holy Redeemer.
Amt. Rec.
$ 5,221.26
$ 775.00
($ 4,446.26)
$ 1,525.00
Green Valley
$ 2,584.78
$ 3,925.00
$ 1,340.22
$ 3,925.00
Holy Redeemer
$ 50,144.75
$ 40,213.44
($ 9,931.31)
$ 43,988.44
I Feel Good When I Thank God! Taken from Children’s Offering Envelopes
Helping fold clothes; praying to God; helping clean up; doing the dishes;
Do wood; helped somebody find their clip; help set up a fort;
Help carie wood and build Grandma’s gardener wagon; helping;
Joana Pedroza, Amanda Terrones, Dillon Dalton, Deidre
Scherr, Krista Meulebroeck, Andrew Crow, Cailin Rogge,
Jessica Bicknase, Ashlie Hoffmann, Lucinda Weverka, Mikeal
Cooper, Dylan Parsons, Peter Olojo-Nwosu, Joshua Good, Eric DeGroot
They enter our local church and into our Catholic Faith through the Sacraments
this Saturday evening at the Easter Vigil.
Congratulations and welcome to all of you!
A special thanks to all who worked with them and continue to support them in
their entrance into the Catholic Church
Pastor (HR) Fr. Paul Wolf: pwolf@holy-redeemer.com
Pastor (GV/SM) Jack Nordick: jackienksm2013@hotmail.com
Hispanic Ministry, Fr. Jack Nordick:
Parish Secretary (HR), Barb Rau: brau@holy-redeemer.com
Brenda Lee: blee@holy-redeemer.com
Parish Secretary (GV), Carolyn Boerboom: 507-532-6723
Parish Secretary (SM), Lynn Nelson: 507-423-5220
Bookkeeper (HR/GV/SM), Lynn Nelson:
Music Coordinator, Pam Haukom:
Communication Coordinator:
Rachael Krueger: rkrueger@holy-redeemer.com
HRS Principal, Carol DeSmet: cdesmet@holy-redeemer.com
HRS Administrative Assistant, Paula Meyer
FF Coordinator (HR), Lori Timmerman
FF Coordinator/Youth Minister/Campus Minister (SMSU),
Dana Webskowski: danaweb@holy-redeemer.com
Becki Johnson: beckij@holy-redeemer.com
FF Secretary (HR), Brenda Baker:
DRE Coordinator (SM), Mary Beth Sinclair: 507-485-3323
FF Coordinator (GV), Alyson Bossuyt: 507-829-4833
Ministry Scheduling (SM) Ron Polman: norbucc@yahoo.com
Mary Ann Horner: mmhorner@charter.net
Ministry Scheduling (GV)
Dan & Arlene Markell: 507-428-3286
Facebook: St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Cottonwood, MN
Office hours:
(HR) Monday - Friday, 8 am - 5:00 pm.
(SM) Tues - Thurs: 6 pm - 7:30 pm. Wed: 8 am - 10 am.
Sacrament of Reconciliation (HR):
Saturdays at 4:00 & 6:00 pm and by appointment
Marriage: Please contact the Parish Center six months or
more prior to the date of the marriage, for preparation
RCIA: RCIA is a process for adults (un-baptized, baptized,
Christian or Catholic) to learn about the Catholic Faith and
to join the Catholic Church.
BAPTISM PREPARATION CLASS: is for each child as you
anticipate celebrating the sacrament. We encourage
attendance in Baptism Preparation, prior to the birth of
your child. Contact the Parish Center for registering.
Sunday Mass at Holy Redeemer broadcast TV local access
Wednesdays, 6:00 pm, Thursdays, 1:30 pm. Exposition at
Holy Redeemer Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7:45 am-5:30 pm.
Evelyn Louwagie, 532-6798 or Lauraine McDaniel, 537-1633.
The Church of the Holy Redeemer, Marshall
Sunday, June 7, 2015
4:00 to 8:00 pm
The Dynamic Catholic Institute Presents
Special Musical Guest - Eliot Morris
Tickets on sale now - $39.00 each
Purchase tickets at Holy Redeemer,
or go online to matthewkelly.com
Note: Matthew Kelly is the founder of the non-profit organization, The
Dynamic Catholic Institute. He is also the author of Rediscover Catholicism,
and The Four Signs of a Dynamic Catholic. Join us June 7, at Holy Redeemer,
for his presentation of Living Every day with Passion & Purpose.
It has been a life changing event for tens of thousands of people!
Prayerfully consider attending this event.
The Holy Redeemer Legacy will soon be in your mailbox. We mail the
Legacy to our parishioners, and as many alumni as possible. If you
receive copies in the mail for your children, and they are away at
college, please pass the copy on to them. If they have established
their own residence, call us and we will update our records with
their new address. Thank you.
RUBY’S PANTRY is in need of boxes of gallon size Ziploc bags. If you
could donate a box or two, please drop off at the Parish Center.
Catholic Daughters of Americas local St. Joan of Arc
#1291 is offering a $500.00 scholarship to a 2015
graduating Catholic girl, who plans to continue her
formal education. Pick up an application at Holy
Redeemer Parish Office or from Madonna Cinkle, 1206 Westwood
Drive, Marshall, MN 56258. Phone, 532-5895. Completed forms
must be returned to Madonna Cinkle no later than April 15.
CCW BOARD OPENINGS! Holy Redeemer CCW has openings on the
CCW Board. We need you! Please call CCW President, Leanna Olsem,
532-2766. Thank you
Catholic Lighthouse CD’s
This week: My Beloved Son: Meditations for Lent
Fr. Robert Barron offers five sermons on the
spiritual discipline we must cultivate in the Lenten
season, a discipline centered in Christ. These
meditations cover topics such as finding our
identity in God, prayer as the key to mission, our thirst for God, how
to end our alienation from God, and how to joyfully embrace the
way of happiness.
Delightful flavors,
supreme salads, exquisite
cuisine-you can
indulge your salad
passions at the Council of
Catholic Women's Annual Salad Luncheon this Thursday,
April 9. Serving 11:00 am-1:00 pm in Carlin Hall. Purchase
advance tickets at Hy-Vee or Holy Redeemer Parish Center.
In addition, quilts, greeting cards, and other items will be
available. Come and enjoy!
Catholic Daughters Meeting Monday, April 13, after the
5:30 pm Mass. We will sponsor a baby shower for
Birthright. Baby items or monetary gifts are welcome.
The next Virtus Training is Tuesday, April 14, in Carlin Hall. If
you are an employee or volunteer of the parish or Catholic
School, and you have not had this training, you must do so.
Register at www.virtusonline.org or call Lynn, 532-5711.
Beginning approximately April 15, the main street access to
Calvary Cemetery will be closed due to street work by
MNDOT. Please use the entrance off of Brian Street.
Please remove all winter flowers and decorations from
Calvary cemetery. Time for Spring Cleaning. Thank you.
Please join us for a faith-filled day,
Saturday, April 25, at St. Aloysius,
Olivia, Minnesota. The keynote
speaker will be Elizabeth Ficocelli, a
best selling, award winning author who writes on family,
sacraments, vocations, Marian topics, and
her great love for the Catholic faith. She will
share her conversion story. Reconciliation,
Mass, Woman of the Year, lunch, silent
auction, Q & A with Monsignor Lozinski and
various exhibits and booth displays will be
part of the day. All who attend will receive an
11 X 14 picture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and the
Immaculate Heart of Mary.
**Contact our CCW president, Leanna Olsem, 532-2766,
or dolsem@starpoint.net by this Friday, April 10.
All women of the parish are welcome and encouraged to
attend. Come and find new ways to “Proclaim the Gospel!”
Registration fees for Holy Redeemer women attending
will be paid by HRCCW. Contact Leanna Olsem.
Church of Saint Clotilde, Green Valley
Church of St. Mary, Cottonwood
LITURGICAL ROLES (April 11 - 12)
LITURGICAL ROLES (April 11 - 12)
7:00 pm Jolene Louwagie
8:00 am Laurence Louwagie
Eucharistic Ministers
7:00 pm Ken Persoon, Peter Louwagie, Ralph Dieken
8:00 am David Fiegen, Richard Minnehan
7:00 pm All in Attendance
8:00 am All in Attendance
7:00 pm Curt Boerboom, Todd Boerboom
8:00 am Dean Louwagie, Gordy Boerboom
5:00 pm Al Grube
9:30 am Laura Meyer
Eucharistic Ministers
5:00 pm Barry Weidauer, Barb Grube, Marge Jolstad
9:30 am Loretta Dieken, Todd & Sheri Pickthorn
5:00 pm Jennessa Louwagie
9:30 am Anna Meyer, Mitchell Neisius
5:00 pm Larry & Ine Loke
9:30 am Paul Neisius, Jerry Okeson
5:00 pm Dave Paskach
9:30 am Chris & Amanda Sieling
Money Counters
Todd & Sherri Pickthorn
Please pray for all families in our parish that are dealing with
Serious health issues. “Mary, help of the sick, pray for us.”
CCW meeting scheduled for Monday, April 6, has been
canceled and will be rescheduled at a later date.
YOUR PRAYERS ARE NEEDED. Please pray for those who are
scheduled for surgery, are sick; for the homebound and
nursing home residents.
Mary, Help of the Sick, Pray for Us.
CCD Teacher Recognition Event will be held Wednesday, April
8, after the 6:15 pm Mass.
First Holy Communion will be held Saturday, April 11, at the
7:00 pm Mass. A reception will be held after Mass, in the
church basement. Everyone is welcome to attend!
St. Joseph Circle will host.
Thank You to everyone who made our Waffle Feed a success!
Your continued support for our Youth is appreciated!
Special thanks to Fr. Jack for use of his waffle iron!
Senior Scholarship Reminder!!
Applications are due to St. Mary's Parish office by this Friday,
April 10.
First Communion is Sunday, April 12, at 9:30 am Mass.
Reception following in the church basement. Everyone is
welcome to help our children celebrate this special day!
St. Clotilde Faith Formation
Wednesday April 8: Faith Formation. 7th grade Mass,
Servers: Kaleb,Cassie, Hailey
Year End Party Teacher Appreciation
Saturday, April 11: First Holy Communion 7:00 pm Mass and
Parish Reception hosted by CCW
New Ulm Diocesan Council of Catholic Women Convention is
Saturday, April 25, at St. Aloysius in Olivia. Details are on the
opposite page of this bulletin. Contact Dawn Brewers if interested in attending, 423-6695.
St. Mary Faith Formation
Sunday School Class: Following 9:30 am Mass
Wednesday, April 8—First Communion Practice
CCD Class: 7:00 pm Wednesdays
Students Please turn in your money for the sales of the Marshall Chamber of
Commerce Coupon Books to Mary Beth Sinclair or Shelly Peltier.
Sunday, May 3—Baccalaureate
Holy Redeemer Faith Formation
Mark your calendars for upcoming
Faith Formation Events!
4/8: Last Day of Faith Formation
4/11: Big Buddies Bowl-A-Thon
4/13:Pizza Ranch Fundraiser
4/18: NCYC/Steubenville Supper in Carlin Hall
6/3: Boots on the Ground begins (every Wednesday
through July 29)
6/11: Grasshopper Chapel
6/22: Wild Water West
PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR STUDENTS who will make their First
Communion, Sunday, April 26. Their retreat is Wednesday,
April 15.
Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty
Power” runs May 18-22, 8:30 am-12:00
noon. If you have a pre-school child
interested in attending please contact the
Faith Formation Office for a registration
form or go to the Parish Website.
Thursday, June 11, we will travel to Cold Spring, MN, to visit
the Grasshopper Chapel and be a part of their annual
novena in remembrance of the grasshopper plague. A picnic
will be held at Clemens Gardens and supper at a fabulous
pizza place! The only cost to attend is the meals.
Monday, June 22, we will travel to Sioux Falls, SD, to Wild
Water West. Cost is $48.00 for 30 students and $44.00 if 36
students sign up. Bring a sack lunch or money for meals. Call
the FF Office, 507-532-3602, to sign up for either trip!
The American Legion Auxiliary is offering a scholarship in the
amount of $500.00 to a senior daughter or granddaughter of a
veteran (living or deceased). Get applications from Marshall
High School. Deadline for applying is April 27. Any questions,
call Jeanne Kvick, 532-9729.
ANNUAL BIG BUDDIES BOWL-A-THON will be held Saturday, April
11. Teams sign up pledges and then spend part of their day
bowling with friends. Please call the FF Office for more details.
Please join us Monday, April 13, 5:00-8:00 pm at the Marshall Pizza
Ranch. A portion of the proceeds from the sales and all tips will be
given to the youth attending NCYC and Steubenville.
BOOTS ON THE GROUND! Each Wednesday beginning Wednesday,
June 3, we will gather at the Faith Formation office for prayer
before completing a service project. After the project is completed
we will have supper, games and faith activities. (Free Will Offering
for Supper) Families are encouraged to attend together.
The Newsboys Concert will be held Sunday, April 26, 2015. Doors
open at 6:00 pm. Opening act is John Tibbs, followed by
AudioAdrenaline, with the closing act being The Newsboys! Cost is
$15.00 for students and $20.00 for adults. Tickets are available for
pre-sale at Hy-Vee or Treasured Times. Tickets at the door are
$20.00 for students and $25.00 for adults.
“Man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart.”
1 Samuel 16:7
The 24th Junior High Festival at GFW Middle School in Fairfax
Minnesota, is Sunday, April 26! All 6-8th grade youth are welcome
to attend this day of fun and inspiration. Mass, Meal, and time to
meet hundreds of other youth. Leah Darrow and Trevor Thomson
will keynote. There will also be a spectacular dance to celebrate
your day together! Cost is $30.00 per youth. Registration deadline
is April 16, 2015. We leave at back of HRS, 9:15 am. Bring a sack
lunch for on the way home.
We will be back in time for the youth to attend the News Boys
Concert at 7:00 pm!
Note: Youth are required to make one retreat during their middle
school years! Contact Dana Webskowski, Youth Minister.
Campus Religious Center
CONGRATULATIONS to Sabrina Ley (President), Tyler Molitor (Vice-President), Andrea Fuerstenberg (Secretary/Communications
Coordinator), Doug VanKeulen (Treasurer), Rita Fonder (Public Relations) and Tera Braun (Officer at Large), the Newman Club’s
Executive Board for the 2015-2016 year. Please pray for them as we begin the process of transitioning the leadership for the
upcoming year.
Newman Club will sponsor a men’s’/women’s’ night speaker event Wednesday, April 15, 7:00 pm at the Upper CC. Dr. Frani
Knowles will be discussing women’s health options and John Verly will be witnessing to the men about the challenges men can face
on the internet. All are welcome.
College graduate looking for a basement or room to rent beginning June 2015. Quiet, respectful and cleanly tenant. Willing to
compromise on rent/utilities and help around the house as desired. Phone #: 712-348-0552 Email: Mikeal.cooper@icloud.com
Holy Redeemer School
Easter Break: School resumes Tuesday, April 7! We wish
you all a very blessed and happy Easter!
SPRING NWEA standardized testing will begin April 7, and
runs the month of April. These important tests portray
individual student progress, as well as guiding curriculum
needs. Students are tested in Reading, Math, Language
Usage, and Science.
You are invited!! The Spring Concert which includes
students from kindergarten through sixth grade will be
held at 1:00 and 6:30 pm Thursday, April 9.
WE ARE PROUD OF OUR ALUMNI! Congratulations to HRS
alumni and MHS Girls Basketball team members, Haley
Bennett and Bria DeRuyck, on placing 2nd at the state
tournament! Congratulations to HRS alumnus and MHS
junior, Thomas Fischer, on being named one of the
Minnesota State High School League ExCel Award winners!
8th grade students are holding their annual school carnival on
April 17. If anyone in the parish would like to donate door prizes,
gift cards or cash to be used for prizes it can be dropped off at
Holy Redeemer School. Each year the 8th graders hold a school
carnival to raise money for a class gift they select and give to the
school. Our students take great pride in this activity. There is a
plaque at the school that lists the gift from our alumni classes.
Recent gifts given include Class of 2011 – Physical Education
Equipment, Class of 2012 - Auditorium Curtain, Class of 2013 –
Basketball & Playground Equipment and Class of 2014 –
Basketball Uniforms.
Below are a few photos of the Robotics, Nutrition, Math Games,
Scrap-a-card, and community Awareness third quarter middle
school elective classes.
Parents of CLASS OF 2015-2016 KINDERGARTEN Students:
Are you interested in learning more about a Catholic school
education for your kindergarten student? Are you wondering
what we can offer? If you missed Kindergarten Round-Up
last week and would like to learn more about providing your
child with a Catholic faith-centered quality education please
contact the school office 532-6642 or e-mail cdesmet@holyredeemer.com. We are still taking registrations for this fall.
Please come and see what we are all about!
In The Community
Christ The King Retreat Center, Buffalo, MN: Women’s Silent Weekend Retreat April 17-19. Call Jessica Hanson, 763-682-1394.
World Wide Marriage Encounter Weekend May 1-3 & July 17-19 in Buffalo, MN. Call 507-838-8178.
2nd annual “Coffee with the Clergy” Friday, April 17, 9:00 am at Lakeview Senior Housing. Call Lori or Erin 507-734-6828.
Help Wanted: Director of Religious Education and Evangelization for Good Teacher Area Faith Community (4 parishes—St. Eloi, Ghent, St.
Edward, Minneota, St. Leo, St. Leo, and St. Peter, Canby). Direct inquiries to Fr. Craig Timmerman, 507-829-3014, or fathercraig@gmail.com
Level I Series for widowed, divorced, or separated people will begin Monday night sessions, April 27, at First Lutheran, Marshall. Call 530-2639.
Visit San Lucas Mission August 2-9, with Fr. Brian Oestreich. Estimated Cost is $1,200, including airfare, retreat material, room and board while in
San Lucas. For more information, contact Fr. Brian at b.oestreich@hotmail.com, or 507-829-6667.
Diocese of New Ulm Pilgrimage to World Meeting of Families September 22-28, in Philadelphia. April 22 is deadline for registration. Go to