March 29, 2015 Calendar of Events Liturgical Roles Mon. March 30 HR 8:00 am Mass Server: Claire Bertke, Heidi Ewry ———————————————————————————— Tues. March 31 HR 8:00 am Mass Servers: Lydia Dabis, Abbie Young, Peyton Wilson ———————————————————————————— Wed. April 1 HR 12:05 pm Mass Servers: Adult Server ———————————————————————————— Thurs. April 2 HR 7:00 pm Mass Server: Lukas Walter, Wyatt Barhorst, Brent Miller, Brandon Miller Lectors: Andy Rammel Extraordinary Ministers of Communion: Volunteers ———————————————————————————— Fri. April 3 HR 12:00 pm Stations & Service of the Lord Server: Jamie Dabis, Ryan Dabis Lector: Dave Helmstetter Extraordinary Ministers of Communion: Volunteers ———————————————————————————— Fri. April 3 SP 7:00 pm Service of the Lord Server: Quincy Rable, Ally Ott Lectors: Linda Lunz, Alex Witt Extraordinary Minsters of Communion: Jeannette Brown ———————————————————————————— Fri. April 3 HR 7:00 pm Stations of the Lord Server: Lukas Walter, Brent Miller ———————————————————————————— Sat. April 4 HR 8:45 pm Mass Servers: Eric Mielke, Adam Mielke, Kyle Mielke Lectors: Jennifer Tester, Molly Menker, Claire Schloemer, Jennifer Brown, Bill Angel Extraordinary Ministers of Communion: Angie Brown, Mary Dull, Colette Dugan, Jason Brown, Sandy Henkener, Deacon Marty, Lori Brown, Dianne Engel ———————————————————————————— Sun. April 5 HR 8:00 am Mass Servers: Wyatt Barhorst, Ross Henschen, Ryan Meier Lectors: Laura Wilker, Kelly Wilker Extraordinary Ministers of Communion: Joe Kuebler, Kaye Rammel, Jerry Tebbe, Sandi Rammel, Deacon Marty, Jane Bertke, Virg Bertke ———————————————————————————— Sun. April 5 SP 9:30 am Mass Servers: Kirk Steva, Paul Steva Lector: Norma Etgen Extraordinary Ministers of Communion: Mary Cogan, Pat Cogan, Jim Heilers, Irene Heilers Ushers: Tom Naseman, Mike Ott, Janet Ott Sacristan: Alice Fischer ———————————————————————————— Sun. April 5 HR 11:00 am Mass Servers: Evan Menker, Elena Menker, Alivia Link Lectors: Steve Dues, Amanda Dues Extraordinary Ministers of Communion: Beth Scott, Olivia Bergman, Matt Axe, Ben Brown, Deacon Marty, Ron Luthman, Sue Luthman Sunday 8:00 am 8:30 - 9:15 am 9 am - 1 pm 9:45 am 11:00 am March 29 Palm Sunday Helping Hands Collection Mass at Holy Rosary St. Patrick Teen Choir Rehearsal - Church Palm Sunday Breakfast - Cafeteria Mass at St. Patrick Mass at Holy Rosary (Choir) Monday 8:00 am 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm March 30 Monday of Holy Week Mass at Holy Rosary Confessions at Holy Rosary Holy Rosary Choir Practice - Church Biblical Walk Through the Mass - Modular Rm. 2 March 31 Tuesday of Holy Week Tuesday 8:00 am Mass at Holy Rosary 7:00 pm Penance Service at Holy Rosary (6 Extra Priests) Wednesday 10:30 am 11:30 am 12:05 pm 2:30 pm 6:30 - 8:00 pm 6:30 - 7:45 pm 6:45 - 8:00 pm 7:00 - 8:15 pm 8:00 pm 8:15 - 9:00 pm April 1 Wednesday of Holy Week Legion of Mary - Modular Rm. 2 Confessions at Holy Rosary Mass at Holy Rosary Mass at St. Marys Otterbein Confessions at St. Patrick (2 Priest available) St. Patrick CCD - Rectory Holy Rosary CCD Grades 1 - 8 in the school Holy Rosary High School CCD - Rectory Basement Holy Rosary Adult Choir Practice - Church Holy Rosary Youth Group - Rectory Basement Thursday 7:30 - Noon 10 - 11:00 am 7:00 pm April 2 Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper Parish Office Hours Confessions at Holy Rosary Mass of the Lord’s Supper at Holy Rosary Friday April 3 Friday of the Passion of the Lord Parish Office Closed Confessions at Holy Rosary Stations and Service of the Cross at Holy Rosary K of C Fish Fry - K of C Hall Service of the Cross at St. Patrick Stations of the Cross at Holy Rosary 11am - Noon 12:00 pm 4:30 - 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Saturday 10 - 11:00 am 11:00 am 8:45 pm April 4 Holy Saturday - Easter Vigil Confessions at Holy Rosary RCIA Practice - Church Easter Vigil Mass at Holy Rosary (Choir) Sunday 8:00 am 8:30 - 9:15 am 9:30 am 11:00 am April 5 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Mass at Holy Rosary St. Patrick Teen/Youth Choir Rehearsal - Church Mass at St. Patrick Mass at Holy Rosary (Choir begins at 10:30) Holy Rosary & St. Patrick Confession Times & Penance Service Wednesdays at Holy Rosary Saturdays at Holy Rosary Monday, March 30, at Holy Rosary Tuesday, March 31, Penance Service at H.R. Wednesday, April 1, at St. Patrick Holy Thursday, April 2, at Holy Rosary Good Friday, April 3, at Holy Rosary Holy Saturday, April 4, at Holy Rosary 11:30 am - Noon 3:30 - 4:00 pm 6:30 - 8:30 pm 7:00 pm 6:30 - 8:00 pm 10:00-11:00 am 11:00 - 12 Noon 10:00 - 11:00 am PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD Mon. 03/30 8:00 am Tues. 03/31 8:00 am Wed. 04/01 12:05 pm Thurs. 04/02 7:00 pm Fri. 04/03 Mass Intentions MESSAGE FROM THE PASTOR Monday of Holy Week Is 42:1-7; Jn 12:1-11 HR Marilyn Beaumaster Holy Week is going to be very special this year, as it is the first year we come together for the holiest week of the year as a two-parish cluster. I invite both parishes to come to Holy Rosary Church here in St. Marys to celebrate the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday, April 2nd, beginning at 7 pm. Then on Good Friday we have two opportunities to walk the path of Calvary with Christ: Stations of the Cross begin at Holy Rosary at noon, immediately followed by the Celebration of the Lord’s Passion, where we venerate the cross and receive Holy Communion. This same service will be held at St. Patrick’s beginning at 7 pm (while at the same time at Holy Rosary we will have Stations). Tuesday of Holy Week Is 49:1-6; Jn 13:21-33, 36-38 HR Betty Lengerich Wednesday of Holy Week Is 50:4-9a; Mt 26:14-25 HR Catherine McGill Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper Ex 12:1-8, 11-14; 1 Cor 11:23-26; Jn 13:1-15 HR Vocations of Priesthood Friday of the Passion of the Lord Is 52:13—53:12; Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9; Jn 18:1—19:42 HR Stations & Service of the Cross SP Service of the Cross HR Stations of the Cross 12:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Sat. 04/04 8:45 pm Sun. 04/05 8:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Holy Saturday - Easter Vigil Gn 1:1—2:2; Gn 22:1-18; Ex 14:15—15:1; Is 55:1-11; Rm 6:3-11; Mk 16:1-7 HR For Our Elect and Candidates Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Acts 10:34a, 37-43; Col 3:1-4; Jn 20:1-9 HR Richard Mowery SP Adele & Nick Zumberge HR Shirley Cooper Then on Saturday night, April 4th, beginning at 8:45 pm at Holy Rosary, we will have the Easter Vigil Mass for both parishes. I hope many from St. Patrick’s will attend this special night. We will light Easter candles from both parishes, and have baptisms and confirmations for a number of people. The whole program usually lasts until 10:30, at latest 11:00 pm, but what the heck, you not going to be doing anything that night anyway. So come to church and be like Mary Magdalene at the tomb, wanting to be with her Savior. On Easter Sunday we will have the normal Mass schedule of 8 am and 11 am at Holy Rosary and 9:30 am at St. Patrick. After that I take a nap. My hope is that each and every one of you really gets into Holy Week this year. Try your best to make it to at least one or two of the services during the week. God bless you all and Happy Easter! March 22, 2015 Holy Rosary Contributions Adult Envelopes Issued: Adult Envelopes used: 557 217 Adult Offering: Loose Offering: Total Collection: $ $ $ 7,676.78 586.50 8,263.28 Week Budgeted: Weekly Collection & Electronic Giving: Over/Short to date: $ 10,180.00 $ 8,263.28 (1,916.72) YTD Total budgeted: YTD Total collection: Over/Short to date: $ 376,660.00 $ 357,171.09 $ (19,488.91) March 22, 2015 St. Patrick Contributions Adult Envelopes Issued: Adult Envelopes used: Adult Offering: Loose Offering: Total Collection: Please continue to pray for the success of this campaign and please welcome phone calls and visits from fellow parishioners. We look forward to the successful completion of this campaign and being able to finish the job and build the future of Holy Rosary. Prayer Hotline Holy Rosary: Julie 305-7937 St. Patrick 55 39 $ $ $ Following our kickoff weekend, the Finishing the Job - Building the Future campaign continues to build momentum. To date, this historic effort has raised over $1,000,000 in donations and pledges, bringing us half-way to our goal. 1,380.00 211.00 1,591.00 This collection is for the regular weekly collection envelopes along with Electronic Giving. Special collections are listed separately. Thank you for your generous contributions. Weekend Mass Attendance 4:30 pm 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:00 am Judy 738-8702 406 191 158 349 1104 Grief Support Steve and Kathy Frankenberg 419-753-2056 Holy Rosary Adopt-a-Student Current Week Donations: Total Donations Received: Parishioner Participation: $ 240.00 $ 63,195.48 220 Families A donation of $10 was received in memory of Dorothy Pfenning. The monthly Adopt-A-Student collection is to help Holy Rosary School with its operating expenses. HOLY ROSARY Catch the Excitement at Holy Rosary School Hoops for Heart Benefits Greatly from Holy Rosary School! Mrs. Jill Askins organized our Hoops for Heart Campaign this year. Students brought in donations of $2,224.30 to benefit the American Heart Association. Amazing for our little school, huh? One youngster even got into her piggy bank and donated $9.30 of her own money. Generosity is alive and well at Holy Rosary. Several students donated over $100 for this very worthwhile cause: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Jake Igleheart Sam Heilers Olivia Tester Maggie Hullinger Sylvia Wiechart May Hullinger THANK YOU FROM ALTAR SOCIETY A big thank you to all who helped with our bake sale - the bakers, buyers, advertising, Deacon Marty, those making donations. Also, thank you to Minster State Bank and People’s Bank’s for letting us sell at their locations. EASTER FLOWERS Donations are now being accepted for Easter Flowers. Anyone wishing to make a donation in memory of a loved one can drop your donation in the collection basket or drop it off at the parish office. Make sure you mark the envelope as Easter Flowers and list the honoree. HOLY ROSARY EDUCATION COMMISSION ELECTIONS Staff and students continued their Lenten resolutions this week with taking care of our work! Our work is our school, whether it be where we attend school or where we work for our job. This past week, we worked with enthusiasm, humility, passion, and competence, thanking our Lord each morning for our Catholic school. We took care to pray for each other, to do group work and homework without putting it off, and to point out others’ gifts. How did you take care of your work this past week? The month of March brings the virtue of honesty. Holy Rosary Education Commission will be holding elections May 31st for three positions. If you are interested in joining and giving of your time and talent in being on this advisory committee for the school and also for our faith formation programs, please call Kris Schmitmeyer at 419-394-3445. FELLOWSHIP SUNDAY SIGNSIGN-UP If you or your organization would be interested in hosting, please call the parish office at 419-394-5050. The next date is April 12th ST. PATRICK NEWS DVD SERIES “CATHOLICISM CATHOLICISM” CATHOLICISM After Mass on Easter Sunday, St. Patrick will be having an Easter Egg Hunt for all the little believers on the Church grounds. Don’t forget to bring your baskets! CONFESSIONS AT ST. PATRICK Monday Evenings 6:30 - 8:00 pm thru April 13 or Thursday Mornings 10 - 11:30 am thru April 16 Linda Lunz’s home - 15403 Glynwood Knoxville Rd. Fr. Robert Barron takes us to 50 locations and 15 countries where participants will share in the spiritual and artistic treasures that the world has to offer Christians. April 1 Farther will discuss concepts of our Catholic Faith about Christ, His Mother Mary, the saints and the Catholic Church. This is a 10 weeks series. 6:30 - 8:00 pm Contact Linda Lunz at 419-394-8662 if you are interested in attending. There will be 2 priest available ST PATRICK HISTORY BOOKS Looking for a quick and easy gift? How about a St. Patrick History Book? These are available at the parish office or contact Ellen Brown at 419-300-8855. The cost of these books is $35. ST PATRICK PASTORAL COUNCIL ELECTIONS St. Patrick will be holding elections for Pastoral Council in May. Anyone interested in running, please contact Kent Schlegel at 419-733-5599 LABELS FOR EDUCATION CCD NEWS March is another Bonus Label month. If you have labels at home, please bring them into church and leave in the box on the SCRIP table or send them in with any Holy Rosary Student. On Tuesday, March 31st, there will be a Parish Reconciliation Service at 7p.m. at Holy Rosary Church. All Holy Rosary 2nd – 8th grade CCD families are encouraged to attend since the children have not had the opportunity to go to confession during Lent while at CCD. There will be 7 priests available for confession. Please see the bulletin for additional Reconciliation times if this time does not work for your family. SNOW REMOVAL Many thanks to those at St. Patrick and Holy Rosary who helped with snow removal this past winter. Spring - what a beautiful word! ST. PEREGRINE CANCER PRAYER SERVICE Please join others who care for and are suffering with cancer for a prayer service with the Relic of St. Peregrine on Sunday, April 19, at 2:00pm at Maria Stein Shrine of the Holy Relics. Scripture, witness, reflection and the opportunity to pray with a relic of St. Peregrine. The shrine is located at 2291 St Johns Rd, Maria Stein. For more info: 419-925-4532 or . WATCH THE MASS LIVE Holy Trinity, Coldwater, is broadcasting their Masses live through the internet: and clicking on Watch Masses Live/ Previously Recorded Masses. This is a great way for those who are homebound or unable to get out due to the weather or an illness to be able to enjoy the Mass. GETHSEMANE CEMETERY If you have questions regarding the purchasing of cemetery plots, the costs, available plots, etc. in Gethsemane Cemetery, please direct all calls to the parish office at 419-394-5050. We can help you with the basic information and also with scheduling an appointment with the appropriate person to help you choose your plot and help you with your questions and concerns. SAVE THE DATES Holy Rosary Garage Sale June 4, 5, 6 Holy Rosary Festival June 12, 13, 14 FESTIVAL NOVELTY STAND June 4, 5, 6 As you start thinking about your spring cleaning, don’t forget about our garage sale. Please save your good, clean, usable furniture, crafts, books, tools, kitchen items and clothing. Donations for the Novelty Booth are now being accepted. Please place your individual items or you can create your own grouping items in the box in the back of church. No large appliances please! Favorite Recipe & Ingredients Pamper Chef Pamper the Husband FESTIVAL CHAIR PERSONS NEEDED We have several openings for chair persons for the festival this year. If you have been looking for the “right” thing to volunteer for, why not give this some consideration. If you are interested, please call Don Glaser at 419-394-5408. Pamper the Wife Teacher Supplies Gift cards Gift certificates Food items Tickets for sports events, zoo, Kings Island, Cedar Point
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