THE PARTNERED PARISHES OF Holy Rosary Parish St. Brendan's Parish 22 Gower St., Kensington 3031 Phone: 9376 6148 Fax: 9376 6482 Email: Web: 103 Wellington St., Flemington 3031 Phone: 9376 7378 Fax: 9376 5960 Email: Web: Parish Priest - Fr. Max Vodola Assistant Priest & Coptic Chaplain - Fr Francis Fahim Pastoral Associate Sr. Pat Dimeck CSB Pastoral Associate Carol Harris Secretary Sacrament Coordinator Parish Administration Parish House Jo McEwen Yvette Oswald Sharon Kane 35 Gower Street (Opposite Church) Secretary Sharon Kane Parish House 103 Wellington Street Flemington 3031 School 9376 9455 (Amanda Smith) School Kindergarten 9376 0249 (Peter Hayes) 9376 6305 (Eevon Tey) MASS TIMES Saturday (Vigil) Sunday 5.30pm 9.00am MASS TIMES WEEKDAY Wednesday Friday 9.15am 9.15am Saturday (Vigil) 6.00pm Sunday 10.30am (Coptic Mass 1.00pm) Tuesday – Saturday 9.15am BAPTISMS WEDDINGS 2nd & 4th Sunday at 12.00pm Contact Parish Office WEEKDAY BAPTISMS 1st Sunday during 10.30am Mass 3rd Sunday at 12.00pm WEDDINGS Contact Parish Office RECONCILIATION Saturday 9.45am EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Saturday 9.45am – 10.45am (after Mass) 1st Friday of each month 9.45am – 10.45am ROSTER - SUNDAY 17 May 2015 Lector/Commentator Minister of Communion 5.30pm Susan Long Pia Vasquez Anna Dare 9.00am Jonathan Smith Stephen Parnis John Mason Karen Bergin Children’s Liturgy of the Word Counters Sarah mason Lector/Commentator 06.00pm Gloria Wong Geoff Savage Lino Lazzaro 10.30am Cynthia Longmire Maria Castelli Children’s Liturgy of the Word Counters RECENT DEATHS AND ANNIVERSARIES Recent Deaths: Minister of Communion Bert Fasoli Frances Raudys Karen O’Toole Bianca Premraj Bert Fasoli Recent Deaths: Joseph Truong Anniversaries: Alma Moran, Rosie Dimeck. Deceased Mothers Anniversaries: Norma McGawley, Marion Stafford, Veronica Mary Malone, Giselda & Michael Darmanin, Michael & Salvatore Farrugia, Giovanni Costa, Anthony Rocco, Michael Meilak, Deceased Mothers FINANCES HOLY ROSARY THANKSGIVING: $ 2107.05 PRESBYTERY $ 167.75 LOOSE $ 263.30 ST. BRENDAN’S THANKSGIVING: $ 1225.00 (weekly pledge $1,858) PRESBYTERY: $ 182.00 LOOSE: $ 407.00 (Includes Credit Cards, EFT & Weekly Thanksgiving Envelopes) HOLY ROSARY - Ten Ton - Week 13 – Fr Max WEEKDAY MASSES - HOLY ROSARY Wednesday 13th May 9.15am Mass Friday 15th May 9.15a.m Mass ST BRENDAN'S FOOD PANTRY – THANK YOU We have been overwhelmed by the huge response to our call for assistance with non-perishable food items to distribute to those in need living in our community. Thank you so much for your generous support. CARITAS NEPAL EARTHQUAKE APPEAL - THIS WEEKEND AT ALL MASSES We have all seen the distressing images of the recent earthquake in Nepal. Caritas Australia is responding with immediate assistance. We will take up a special collection this Sunday 10 May at all Masses and forward this money to Caritas Australia. For those who wish to make a direct credit card donation, please contact 1800 024 413 or Many thanks for your support and generosity. ST. ALOYSIUS COLLEGE – NORTH MELBOURE – YEAR 9 SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE FOR 2016 th Scholarship Testing Day – Saturday June 13 , 9.30am Applicants please register online at HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY Loving God, we pray: for new mothers, coming to terms with new responsibility; for expectant mothers, wondering and waiting; for those who are tired, stressed or depressed; for those who are unable to feed their children due to poverty; for those whose children have physical, mental or emotional disabilities; for those who raise children on their own; for those who have lost a child; for those who care for the children of others; for those whose children have left home; and for those whose desire to be a mother has not been fulfilled. Bless all mothers, that their love may be deep and tender, and that they may lead their children to know do what is good, living not for themselves alone, but for God and others. Amen STORIES JESUS TOLD: THE PARABLES Mondays 11 May to 22 June, 6.30–8.30pm (excluding public holiday on 8 June) Mary Glowery House, 132 Nicholson St, Fitzroy This six week course presented by Anima Education will study the stories Jesus told, the ‘parables’. With these stories Jesus not only talked about the Kingdom of God, but actually made the Kingdom of God present by announcing it and inviting his hearers to make the radical choice of faith to enter into it. As we hear these stories today, Jesus continues to address us with the same challenge. The lecturer will be David Schütz BTh BA GradDip Min, GradDip LIM. Cost: $15 per night or $90 for the whole course. Enrolments and enquiries: 0400 978 938 MARIAN MISSION P R O G R A M Saturday 30th May 2015 Multicultural English Mass Carmelite Monastery Kew 94 Stevenson Street, Kew VIC 1.30pm DVD History of Our Lady of Tears 2pm Adoration, Confessions, Rosary & Divine Mercy Chaplet 3pm Holy Mass 4pm Procession & Refreshments Bus leaving from St Brendan's Flemington. To reserve a seat please call Maria Sulfaro –0425 855 594 FIRST EUCHARIST Please pray for the children of our Parish who th are preparing to receive their First Communion on Saturday 30 May st at 5.30pm Mass at Holy Rosary and Sunday 31 May at 10.30am Mass at St Brendan’s. You are invited to celebrate……………………. ST. BRENDAN’S DAY, SUNDAY 17TH MAY The festivities will begin with a Special Celebratory Mass at 10.30a.m followed by lunch at the school Gym St Brendan’s Day Helpers If you are able to assist with any of the tasks below can you please co 1. Working Bee – Saturday 16th May 2. Parish Lunch - Sunday 17th May – 12:00pm – 2:30pm: Cooking Sausages, Bar Service, Dessert Distribution, Tea & Coffee Station, Pack Up ST BRENDAN’S SCHOOL ENROLMENTS are currently being taken th for 2016. If you have a child who turns 5 years old before 30 April 2016, it is time to enrol. Please let your neighbours, friends and relatives know that enrolments are now being taken School Tours are available every Wednesday at 9.30am or by appointment Come to WESTERN SPIRITUALITY IN THE PUB/CLUB 2015 Getting to Know our Neighbours Asylum Seekers/Refugees Speaker: Brigid Arthur csb th Tuesday, 12 May 2015 7.30pm – 9.00pm Club Italia, Furlong Road, St Albans Meeting to Plan events for 125th Parish Anniversary in 2016 Parishioners (past and present) are invited to a meeting on Thursday 14 th May at 7.30pm in the School Staff room to formulate a calendar of events and ideas for this special year. One of the planned initiatives is to make a request for any wedding photos of marriages celebrated at our Parish Church; indeed any significant event that has been photographed and is in your family albums can be submitted. We want to scan these pictures to create a digital timeline of the Parish. Please come along or let Karen O’Toole know that you are interested in participating on 9372 1367 parish email Communion - DOV’E’ CARITA’ E AMORE Rit: Dov’e’ carita’ e amore, qui c’e’ Dio. Ci ha riuniti tutti insieme Cristo amore: godiamo esultanti nel Signore! Temiamo e amiamo il Dio viventi E amiamoci tra noi con cuore sincero. Rit Noi formiamo, qui riuniti, un solo corpo: evitiamo di dividerci tra noi: via le lotte maligne, via le liti! E regni in mezzo a noi Cristo Dio. Rit Chi non ama resta sempre nella note e dall’ombra della morte non risorge; ma se noi camminiamo nell’amore, noi saremo veri figli della luce. Rit RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (R.C.I.A) The RCIA is the Church’s way of welcoming new members. The Rite offers a process through which Enquirers are helped to find out more about the Catholic faith, and to complete a period of formation leading to the reception of the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist at the Easter Vigil. It is a gradual process and takes place within the community of the faithful. We currently have two enquirers. Team members from the parish meet with the enquirers and these sessions would begin with exploring the Sunday gospel, look at its links to life, and its connection to the Liturgical celebration. Discussion to explore the traditions and teachings of the Catholic Church which enables them to grow in understanding of the faith and to gradually become part of the parish community of faith and its way of life. This is a wonderful ministry to be involved in. All the team members involved find that their own faith is renewed and refreshed by their engagement with the enquirers/catechumens. We would like the support of our parish community. We need team members who are willing to ‘walk with the catechumens on their journey of faith’. You are invited to attend the RCIA Regional Seminar ‘The Parish as mission-oriented Community’ at Treacy Centre, 126 The Avenue, Parkville, Saturday 18 July 9.15am – 3pm. If you would like to be part of such a life-giving team journeying with potential new Catholics please contact Carol Harris at the presbytery on 9376 7378 or email
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