THE PARTNERED PARISHES OF Holy Rosary Parish St. Brendan's Parish 22 Gower St., Kensington 3031 Phone: 9376 6148 Fax: 9376 6482 Email: Web: 103 Wellington St., Flemington 3031 Phone: 9376 7378 Fax: 9376 5960 Email: Web: Parish Priest - Fr. Max Vodola Assistant Priest & Coptic Chaplain - Fr Francis Fahim Pastoral Associate Sr. Pat Dimeck CSB Pastoral Associate Carol Harris Secretary Sacrament Coordinator Parish Administration Parish House Jo McEwen Yvette Oswald Sharon Kane 35 Gower Street (Opposite Church) Secretary Sharon Kane Parish House 103 Wellington Street Flemington 3031 School 9376 9455 (Amanda Smith) School Kindergarten 9376 0249 (Peter Hayes) 9376 6305 (Eevon Tey) MASS TIMES MASS TIMES Saturday (Vigil) Sunday 5.30pm 9.00am Saturday (Vigil) 6.00pm Sunday 10.30am (Coptic Mass 1.00pm) Tuesday – Saturday 9.15am WEEKDAY Wednesday Friday 9.15am 9.15am WEEKDAY BAPTISMS WEDDINGS BAPTISMS 1st Sunday during 10.30am Mass 3rd Sunday at 12.00pm WEDDINGS Contact Parish Office RECONCILIATION Saturday 9.45am EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Saturday 9.45am – 10.45am (after Mass) 1st Friday of each month 9.45am – 10.45am 2nd & 4th Sunday at 12.00pm Contact Parish Office ROSTER - SUNDAY 22 March 2015 Minister of Communion Lector/Commentator Lector/Commentator 5.30pm Ruth Keily Yvette Oswald Gerry Pinto 06.00pm Kathereen Cabreros 9.00am David Hegan Paul Merrigan Y-Anh Le Pham Marina Tores 10.30am Anthony Ficinus, Maria Pavone, Jacqui Ficinus Giuseppina Tafuro Children’s Liturgy of the Word Julie Anne Sheehan Silvana Carrello Katrina White Children’s Liturgy of the Word Counters Minister of Communion Counters Declan O’Toole Bert Fasoli RECENT DEATHS AND ANNIVERSARIES Recent Deaths: Lillian Hough Recent Deaths: Anniversaries: Anniversaries: Caterina Fallauto, Betty Herrick, Christopher Byrne, Michael & Giselda Darmanin, Antonio & Ersiglia Portelli, Giovanni Costa FINANCES HOLY ROSARY THANKSGIVING: $ 308.50 PRESBYTERY $ 81.00 LOOSE $ 231.10 ST. BRENDAN’S THANKSGIVING: $1228.00 (weekly pledge $1,858) PRESBYTERY: $ 155.00 LOOSE: $ 185.00 (Includes Credit Cards, EFT & Weekly Thanksgiving Envelopes) HOLY ROSARY - Ten Ton - Week 5 – Joanne & James Hennessey HOLY ROSARY – HOLY WEEK TIMETABLE 2015 PALM SUNDAY, 29th March – 9am Mass Blessing of Palms & Procession into the Church ST BRENDAN’S - HOLY WEEK TIMETABLE 2015 HOLY THURSDAY: 2nd April Mass of the Lord’s Supper, 7.30PM HOLY THURSDAY, 2nd April – 7.30pm Mass Mass of the Last Supper GOOD FRIDAY: 3rd April Stations of the Cross 12.00noon (in Italian) Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion 3.00PM GOOD FRIDAY, 3rd April – 3pm Celebration of the Lord’s Passion EASTER SUNDAY 5th April Saturday 4th April – Easter Vigil 7.30P.M Sunday 5th April- Mass in English and Italian 10.30AM HOLY SATURDAY, 4th April – 7.30pm Easter Vigil SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION 9.30am Tuesday, 31 March; Wednesday 1 April; Thursday 2nd April & EASTER SUNDAY, 5th April – 9am Mass of the Resurrection Saturday 4th April - 9.30a.m GOOD FRIDAY, 3rd April – 9.30am Ecumenical Way of the Cross, starting at St. George’s Church, Lucknow Street, Travancore PROJECT COMPASSION 2015 “FOOD FOR LIFE” FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT In Nepal, many farmers in rural communities struggle to grow enough food to feed their families. However, a highly successful fish raising program has changed life for one Nepalese community. Mother of three, Sarita, could barely grow enough food for her family on her tiny farm plot. In 2007, she joined a program, run by Caritas Nepal, that gave a community group the training and support they needed to start a fish-raising business. Thanks to their hard work, Sarita and the group now have a thriving enterprise and a life-long source of food and income. Please donate to Project Compassion today and help people in isolated areas of Fiji gain the skills they need to grow food for life. LENT The Blue Cloth on the Altar – is a reminder that God’s desire for us is life, not condemnation, salvation not destruction. Jesus came to reveal this love of God to free people from fears and ignorance and lead them to accept such unconditional love in joy and thanksgiving. ST BRENDAN'S FOOD PANTRY For many years St Brendan's has distributed food parcels to the needy in the local area. There is currently a critical shortage of non-perishable food that is needed. We are asking the parishioners of Flemington and Kensington to assist with long-life milk, tea, coffee, sugar, biscuits, pasta sauce, tuna, baked beans, spaghetti, etc. Many thanks for your assistance. COMMUNION SONGAMICI MIEI 'SNAPSHOT FROM HISTORY' One popular fundraising activity in the 1920s was the Queen's Carnival. Four girls from the parish were nominated as 'queens' and they gathered around them a group of attendants: princes, princesses, maids of honor, flower girls and pages to assist in raising money. There were queens of charity; hope; patience; peace; sport; and the Southern cross- to name a few.The queen who raised the most funds was crowned "Queen of the Carnival' in a large (fundraising) celebration at the Kensington Town Hall, often presided over by the Archbishop. One such event raised 2,800 pounds!! HOLY ROSARY ANOINTING MASS th Wednesday 25 March at 11.30am If you need transport please ring Sr Pat – 9376 6148 Light luncheon will be provided after Mass. HOLY ROSARY CHURCH WORKING BEE to clean up the land beside the nd Church……..Sunday 22 March after 9am Mass Need strong people with picks/shovels. Let’s have the Church looking its best for Easter! HOLY ROSARY – EASTER HAMPERS Two will be raffled this year. Tickets $1 each All proceeds will be for the Church BAPTISM WELCOME This Sunday we joyfully welcome for baptism Oscar Breen and Raphael Palacois who will be presented by their Parents Sarah & Daniel and Yolanda & Rodolfo. We ask our gracious God to continue to bless these children and their parents. WALK FOR JUSTICE FOR REFUGEES th Palm Sunday, 29 March – 2pm Starting at the State Library Seeking Asylum is a human right. For further details please see the notice board. THE CHALLENGE OF FATHERHOOD TODAY Saturday 21 March, 9am–3pm Thomas Carr Centre, 278 Victoria Pde, East Melbourne MenALIVE and the Life, Marriage and Family Office are offering this opportunity for men who take their responsibility as fathers and husbands seriously, to consider some of the challenges that fathers face in our changing world and, importantly, how to respond. Presented by Robert Falzon, co-founder of MenALIVE. Registrations close Wednesday 18 March. Cost: $35 (includes BBQ lunch and a copy of Robert Falzon’s The Fatherhood Factor). Register: Contact: 9287 5576 or Amici miei, venite qui; cantate insieme a me i'amor che Dio mi mostro', la gloria che mi die^ Grazia e gioia e perdon non nega al mio cuor, egli che buon pastor si fe' e nostro redentor. Affaticato e stanco son, in me non trovo spem: Signor, Tu vedi il mio dolor; da Te la pace vien. Quanto e' buono il mio Signor^'tutto il creato mi da' per scoprir la Sua maesta' e me suo amico fa'. non avrete in vio la vita. Rit. th PLEASE NOTE: NO 9am Mass on Thursday 19 March at St. Brendan’s . Rit ANOINTING MASS AND AFTERNOON TEA Thursday, 19 March 2015 at 1.30pm in St Brendan’s Hall If you need transport please ‘phone Carol Harris on 9376 7378 Thánh lễ ban bí tích sức dầu cho người già và bệnh nhân lúc 1.30pm thứ năm (19/3). Cuối lễ mời dùng trà tại hội trường Journey through Lent to Easter - Forty days of preparation until we share in the great day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Let us walk this path in reflection. Let our prayer be the chant of humble and grateful hearts So often our prayer can be self-focused. Our minds concerned with our own needs, calling upon God in supplication and request. Fine as this may be, the prayers of praise and thanksgiving can connect us more significantly with the glory of God and the reality of God’s love through the community. To actively involve ourselves in the preparation and celebration of Lent and Easter, we enter into the prayerfulness of the season. The participation in the liturgy and especially in the Holy Thursday celebrations of the institution of the Eucharist at the Lord’s Supper, provide us with communal opportunities to join with the people of God in the ‘feast of feasts’. We gather to celebrate the Eucharist and remember what happened at this holy meal. Through the sharing of bread and wine changed into the body and blood of Jesus, we as a community of Christians experience the ultimate sign of Christ‘s real presence in our midst. The liturgies at this time have a depth of prayer and symbolism that enables us to remember, be affected by and celebrate the great love of God for us, It is a time when we can take the opportunity to remember and celebrate. When the message of Jesus on the cross and the message of the empty tomb make more sense in the light of the hope filled resurrection of Jesus HOLY WEEK CEREMONIES: If you would like to take part in the Easter Ceremonies as a Lector, Commentator, Special Minister of the Eucharist, Musician, Singers Church decorator. Please contact Carol on 9376 7378 (Tues – Fri) or write your name on the sheets that are on the back Notice boards Thank you Carol CAN YOU HELP: We need 6 or 8 large palms and lots of small palms for Palm Sunday 29 March If you can help, please contact Carol on 9376 7378 or deliver the palms to the Presbytery by 2p.m Saturday 28 March. Thank you
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