March 29, - Holy Rosary Church

26th Sunday in
630 7th Ave. N.
P O Box 206
Edmonds, WA 98020
Parish Phone:
Parish E-mail:
School Phone:
School E-mail:
Mass Schedule:
7:30, 9 & 11 AM
Monday-Friday: 8 AM
Saturday: 8 AM
Communion Service
Saturday Vigil: 5 PM
“My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?”
March 29, 2015
Palm Sunday—The Passion of the Lord
Dear Parishioners:
With the blessing of palms, the Church begins its observance of Holy
Week when we recall the central mysteries of our Catholic faith. On
Holy Thursday, we recall the institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper and the
institution of priestly service with the washing of the feet. The Holy Thursday service
begins at 7:30 PM followed by exposition until 9:30 PM. A collection is also taken up
on Holy Thursday for the needy of our parish community which helps to supplement
the work of the St. Vincent de Paul Society. On Good Friday, we celebrate the
passion and death of Christ at 3:00 PM. Over the years, I have found that more people
come at an earlier hour than later at night. On Palm Sunday, we will read the Passion
of Mark and on Good Friday, we will read the Passion of John. After the reading of
the passion, we have veneration of the cross. Communion follows the veneration, and
the ministers and people leave quietly. Once again the altar is stripped as it was on
Holy Thursday. On Holy Saturday, we will have a practice for the Easter Vigil at
9:30 AM followed by confessions at 11:00 AM. We are the only parish to offer
confessions on Holy Saturday in the region. Please note there is no 3:30 PM confession and no 5:00 PM Saturday mass. At 7:30 PM we will celebrate the Easter Vigil
and welcome into the church the newly baptized and the candidates for full communion into the church. The men and women, who have participated in the RCIA, will be
baptized, confirmed, and receive Eucharist for the first time. Please remember them in
prayer in the coming week.
Holy Week is the climax of our Lenten observance. I realize how busy many of you
are. However, I encourage you to take some time during the week to pray and reflect
on the fundamental mysteries of your Catholic faith. On Easter Sunday, we will
collectively celebrate new life: the new life of the risen Christ, the new life of the
baptized, and the renewal of life which hopefully has taken place within each of us.
With Easter and new beginnings, you cannot return to your old habits. Christ died and
rose to new life so that each of us could experience new birth and new hope.
Remember, Easter Sunday is like Christmas. We have some Catholics who come
twice a year: Christmas and Easter. The Easter morning masses are very full. I encourage you to come early. After the 9:00 AM mass, the Youth Group is sponsoring an
Easter Egg Hunt for children.
Lastly, please turn in your RICE BOWLS if you participated in this year’s program.
You can leave them in the sacristy, give them to an usher, or drop them off at the
Pastoral Center.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
3:30-4:30 PM
The Catholic Cemetery
serving Holy Rosary is
Holyrood Cemetery.
Rev. Kenneth Haydock, Pastor
Pg. 2
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Passion of the Lord/Palm Sunday
Blessed Ludovico of Casoria
Isaiah 50:4-7; Philippians 2:6-11; Mark 14:1-15:47
• Coffee’nd hosted by Knights of Columbus after all masses.
• Religious Ed. in the School, 9-11:15AM.
• Youth Choir practice in the Youth Room, 10-11AM.
• Music Ministry Team Meeting in the Pastoral Center, 3PM.
• High School Life Teen Night in the Pastoral Center Youth Room, 7-8:30PM; Open Gym, 8:30-9:30PM.
Monday, March 30, 2015
St. Peter Regalado
Daniel 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62; John 8:1-11
• 8 AM Mass
• Jr. High Youth meet in the Youth Room, 7PM; Jr. High Open Gym, 8-8:30PM.
Geri Thibodeau/RIP
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
St. Stephen of Mar Saba
Edna Hansen/RIP
Numbers 21:4-9; John 8:21-30
• 8 AM Mass
• Bible Study meets in the Pastoral Center, Rm. 204, 9-10:30AM and 6:30-8PM (#24,makeup for
Feb. 19 sessions).
• Traditional Choir rehearsal in the church, 6:30PM.
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
St. Hugh of Grenoble
Mary Louise Deignan/RIP
Isaiah 7:10-14; 8:10; Hebrews 10:4-10; Luke 1:26-38
• 8 AM Mass
• Little Blessings meets in the Youth Room, 9:30-11AM.
• Senior Moments Book Club meets in the Pastor’s Conference Room, 1-2PM.
• Soup Night in the School Hall, 6-7PM.
• RCIA meets in the Pastoral Center, Rm. 206, 7PM; Holy Week/Evening of Reflection
Thursday, April 2, 2015 Holy Thursday
St. Francis of Paola
Alberta Piano/RIP
Exodus 12:1-8, 11-14; 1 Corinthians 11:23-26; John 13:1-15
• No 8 AM Mass
• History of the Roman Empire class meets in Pastor’s Conference Room, 1-3PM.
• 7:30 PM Mass for the Institution of the Eucharist. Exposition follows until 9:30PM.
Friday, April 3, 2015 Good Friday—Passion of the Lord
Isaiah 52:13-53:12; Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:7-9;John 18:1-19:42
• No 8 AM Mass
• Parish Offices and School closed at Noon.
• 3 PM Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion in the church.
St. Benedict the African
Saturday, April 4, 2015
Holy Saturday
St. Isidore of Seville
Romans 6:3-11; Mark 16:1-7
• No 8 AM Communion Service
• RCIA practice for Vigil Mass 9:30AM.
• Individual Confessions in the church, 11AM to Noon.
• 7:30 PM Easter Vigil mass. Reception follows in the Pastoral Center.
Sunday, April 5, 2015
Easter Sunday
St. Vincent Ferrer
Acts of the Apostles 10:34a, 37-43;Colossians 3:1-4; John 20:1-9
• Regular Sunday Mass Schedule.
• Easter Egg Hunt after the 9AM mass.
Parish Finance Council: I am looking for members, both men and women, for the Parish Finance Council. The parish needs to raise about $4 million a year to make the budget, the debt service, and the mandated appeals such as the Annual Catholic Appeal. The Council advises on the budget, prepares an annual report, and reviews capital purchases. A background in accounting, financial planning or human resources is
helpful to serve on the Council. If you are interested, please contact Fr. Haydock.
Pg. 3
This Week’s Stewardship Note—Today is Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion.
Jesus said, “Let her alone. She has done what
she could.”
Mark 14:6-8 abbreviated
This is the Anointing at Bethany. In John, a similar scene
has Mary the sister of Martha and Lazarus anointing Jesus
feet in their home in Bethany. In Mark a mysterious unnamed woman interrupts dinner at the home of Simon the
leper, pouring a jar of very expensive ointment on Jesus’
head, setting the disciples into a fit of indignation for the
poor over the waste.
As always, Jesus has a different point of view. He blesses
this unknown woman for understanding a situation that the
disciples do not want to understand: he is going to die. She
shows her love and devotion for him while the disciples
are in denial. Most important, he blesses her for doing
what she can.
The love of Jesus is played out in small acts of compassion
on a daily basis. As stewards of the Church, let us do what
we can.
Many activities are scheduled in Lent to deepen your
experience of the season. Every Wednesday night at 6PM
is Soup Night. You are invited to donate the money you
saved with this simple meal to Rice Bowl. Fish Fridays
have been wonderful community meals. Finally, Deacon
Ray has begun teaching contemplative prayer on everyother Tuesday at 9AM and 6:30PM. Next session is April
7th. People new to the experience are finding it overwhelmingly beautiful.
Thank you to all who attended the auction! As always it
was a great celebration of our school!
Save the Date! The 4th Annual Multicultural Mass and
Lunch will be May 31st! This year we will be celebrating
the cultures of Asia. If your cultural heritage comes from
Korea, China, Vietnam, the Philippines, India or other
Asian cultures, and you would like to help organize the
event, please email or call me.
I am looking for help with stewardship efforts, in particular, photographers, writers, and those adept at social
media marketing.
Many people whose social security numbers were stolen
in last year’s national tax fraud are finding that the IRS
has done nothing to try to identify fraudulent tax refund
claims. To simplify your life it is advisable to file your
taxes early before the bad guys do, whether you were
victimized last year or not.
If you have been victimized, please let the Archdiocese
know by emailing them at A recent letter from the
Archdiocese is at
Assets/ARCH/5750_LeadershipJan14.pdf. The main
useful information:
If you believe that you are the victim of tax fraud for the
2014 year, you may want to consider filing a new IRS
Form 14039. Keep in mind that filing of Form 14039 will
likely cause processing time for your tax return to be
longer and refunds will take longer to process. Again, the
best approach is to file early.
If you or your parishioners received an IP PIN, it must be
used to file a tax return in 2014. If you want to request an
IP PIN to protect yourself, you can visit the IRS’s Get An
IP PIN on its website. The process may take time, and
because these IP PINs are in high demand, may not result
in your timely receipt of an IP PIN. If you file early, and
then subsequently receive an IP PIN, you may be required
to refile using the IP PIN.
John Russell, Pastoral Associate for Stewardship and
Information Technology
(425) 977-4545
ADULT FAITH FORMATION: The Pray Always Group meets again after Easter, Tuesday April 7th at 9AM or
6:30PM. The task is to support you in your prayer, and grow in your relationship with God.
The Bible study on Matthew’s Gospel concluded on March 19th. However, we’ll begin a study of the Psalms, the school of
prayer April 9th. As in the past there will be two sessions on Thursdays, at 9AM and 6:30PM. If you missed Matthew
think about getting into the Bible study groove with the Psalms. Psalms has been the school of prayer for countless saints
and Christians, and give you an in-depth experience of prayer.
We still need couples to volunteer as marriage mentor couples. If you’re in a happy marriage and were to volunteer, your
help would be greatly appreciated. The mentoring workbooks and video are excellent and easy to use. Plus, I’ll see that
you have a good orientation to the process so you can feel confident when you work with a couple. If you feel called in
your heart to this ministry to model Christian marriage to an engaged couple, contact me at 425-977-4549 or at
~Deacon Ray
Daily Prayer This Week
Take Time, Make Time for Your
Marriage. Children, young and old,
This is the week we call “Holy” because it is a
memorial of God's saving deeds for us in Jesus.
There is a solemn nature to this week. We might be
tempted to be sad or conflicted this week. It is not
easy to get close to the reality that we are sinners
and our Lord and Savior went through this betrayal, suffering and death for us. So, sometimes, we
avoid looking at this week closely, and praying
with it, because we fear getting into our guilt.
need to see their parents take loving time
together. You don’t need a great deal of
time, but no relationship can exist without taking time to nurture that relationship. What
greater relationship is there for your family, your
faith community and our world than your strong
marriage where we can all witness the love that our
Lord Jesus asks of us? If you don’t make the time
for each other it simply will not happen.
The invitation this week is to come closer to the
reality of God's profound love for us. Yes, we are
all sinners. But, we are loved sinners. We are being
invited to be grateful, not to beat our breasts. We
are invited, in this spirit to feel all that we can feel
this week. Yes, we will feel some discomfort after all, we feel discomfort when anyone puts
themselves through some sacrifice for us. And, the
sacrifice here is the gift of his very self - so that we
might always know how completely Jesus entered
into the reality of our human existence - “even
death, death on a cross.” [Phil. 2:6-9]
Make your Marriage a Priority this Lenten
Season: It’s not too late to focus on something positive this Lent — making your marriage everything God intended it to be. Retrouvaille
can help you rediscover your spouse and
move forward in a more positive and loving
way. For confidential information about, or
to register for our upcoming program beginning
April 24-26, 2015, call 206-706-2608 or visit our
website at
This week we follow our ongoing pattern of
connecting with our Lord, as early as we can each
morning. For even a few moments we name our
desire: “Lord, let me be with you this week and
open my heart to feel what you want me to feel
about your love for me, personally.” Then,
throughout the day, in many background, inbetween moments, we can continue our brief
conversations with our Lord as we relate this desire
with the people and events of our day. Finally,
each night, we can pause, perhaps before a crucifix, or placing ourselves in our imagination before
the cross, and speaking to our Lord, friend to
friend, the gratitude we feel for the gift of mercy
and eternal life his love has gained for us.
Hope and Healing After Abortion
Each night this week, we can give thanks. The
closer we get to celebrating Holy Week and the
events that brought us our salvation, each of us can
express our gratitude, realizing this was all for me.
...from the “Weekly Guide for Daily Prayer”,
Rachel’s Corner
“Remember not the events of the past, the things of
long ago consider not; See, I am doing something new!
Now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? In the wilderness I make a way, in the wasteland, rivers.”
-Isaiah 43:18-19
Come on a Rachel’s Vineyard™ Retreat so you can let
the past go and allow God to create a new life for you.
Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat™
May 29-31, 2015
Call Valerie: 1-800-822-HOPE (4673)
You are loved with an everlasting Love!
Project Rachel is a program of Catholic Community Services.
RCIA: The next session is
Wednesday, April 1st, at
7PM in the Pastoral Center,
Rm. 206. This will be an
evening of reflection for Holy Week. Please contact
Father Haydock for additional information at:
Congratulations, Joe Zavaglia, Seattle University Alumni Award Winner! Seattle University is proud to honor
your fellow Holy Rosary parishioner, Joe Zavaglia, '71, with our University Service Award at our upcoming 30th
Annual Alumni Awards event. You’re invited to help us celebrate Joe’s accomplishments at the Alumni Awards on
April 18 at the Fairmont Olympic Hotel. Learn more and register at:
Alumni-Awards/. Please join us in congratulating Joe.
Pg. 4
Pg. 5
PRAYER SUPPORT...Please remember in your prayers the following who are ill: Doreen and Robert Crow, Cindy
French, Raymond Jerrel, Theresa Kaufman, Victoria Cardenas, Keene Landry, Nancy Gilbertson, Richard Horan,
The Owen Family, Riley Bench, Thomas Dye, Kim Menzer, Matt Buley, Roberta Buchter, Sarah Zech, Rochelle
Pautzke, Wyatt Chin, Marty Spadafora, Frank and Valerie Rocco, Simone Fortin, Bridget English, Kevin Fraley,
Beverly Mackey, Kristi Petosa, Josie Smith, Dieter Zajaczkowski, Edith Pederson, Edna Lemeshko, Elaine
McNamara, Joseph Zampardo, Christle Brukner, Dora Romero, David Hollcraft, Angie Zamberlin, Leonard Soldo,
Carol Parrott, Bob Ervin, Christy Heymann, Rick West, Ronald Haskins, Dick Crooks, Tom Grabicki, Claire
Henderson, Bill Rees, Rita Ritchie, Father Petosa, Ethel Moons, John Hertel, Lourdes Rivera, John McAlerney,
LaVonne Tyson, Christine Vezetinski, Margie Johnson, Connie Emry, John Kelly, Darnel Bowers, Gil Martelino,
Ron Hammill, Chris Floeting, Jack Leary, Pat Marick, Diane Carney, Colleen Ford and Michael Serwold (nephew
of Jack Serwold).
Please keep them in your prayers and also, those who have passed away, especially Leo Romero, Michael Thomas,
Father Gerald Lovett, Robert Crow (father of Diana Boyle) and Robert Daleske.
In order to keep this list current we ask that you check in at least every couple of months. If we don’t hear from
you, and have no current information, you may be dropped. We are always happy to reinstate you if the need is still
present. Call Eileen Niven at 425-778-3122. If you wish to add someone to the list, please email or call Eileen at
the Parish Office.
Youth and Young Adult Ministry
Our Youth and Young Adult Website is updated! Please refer to it for information regarding many ministry opportunities for 7th and 8th graders, high school students and young adults.
Life Nights for High School Teens...on Sundays, 7-8:30PM. We meet each Sunday night except for certain holiday
weekends. A full calendar is published online on our parish website.
Open Gym time has changed to 8:30-9:30PM to make time for our Life Nights (7-8:30PM, with exceptions as noted
on the website).
High school teens are also encouraged to be members of our “Peer Team” a peer leader for our high school group
or a “Core Team” member for our 7th and 8th grade group. This kind of leadership involvement is a real plus for college
and job applications.
World Youth Day is on!!! We’re going to Krakow, Poland in July 2016 for an amazing experience!!! A link to the
Archdiocesan website including itinerary and cost is on our website. Contact me asap if you are interested and for more
Thank-you and God Bless,
425-778-3122 x225
Thank You from the Blood Center: WOW! Sunday was so, so busy!! If fact, it was your busiest drive yet and we
are so, so grateful to all of the heroes that came to the blood drive to offer their health and support to the patients
in our community! Our blood inventories have been low since the holidays and your drive was just what the blood
supply needed.
38 amazing donors came to the blood drive on Sunday and they donated an incredible 25 units of blood. That is as
many as 75 lives saved right here in our community – WOW! Thank you again for all that you do!
LAST RITES vs. VIATICUM: We still receive requests for last rites. People often wait until a person is about to
die before they call the parish. With a priest’s schedule today, it is hard to guarantee a priest will be available. The
church has changed its understanding of the sacrament. Instead of waiting until a person is about die, the church
encourages people to celebrate the sacrament while they are still alert and can participate in it. The church has replaced “last rites” with viaticum, or last communion. Any Eucharistic minister can offer viaticum to a dying person. However, sometimes at the end, people cannot swallow, so it would not be good to offer communion to them.
Please call the parish if someone is sick so we can schedule an anointing.
St. Vincent de Paul Food Bank: So
many families needing SVDP's help. The
food we give them allows them to use their
money to pay rent, utilities, etc. Presently
the Food Bank needs canned baked beans,
canned hams, cooking oil, canned fruit, and cold
cereal. Thank you for all of your donations!
Please remember to pray for our elect and
candidates who will celebrate the Easter
Sacraments. If you wish to write notes to
welcome them, they may be brought to
the Parish office by April 3rd.
Mission Carnival is on May 3rd. We
need new or gently used stuffed animals
and small prizes. If you can contribute,
please bring items to the Pastoral Center
labeled “Mission Carnival.” Thank you!
Wednesday evening, April 1st, in the
School Hall, 6-7PM. Please join us for
this year’s last Lenten Soup Night.
Contact Maribel Menanno for more information
310-849-0669 or
Join the youth group for our annual Easter Egg
Hunt after the 9AM Mass on Easter morning, for children age 10 and under. This
event is put on by our Youth Ministry
group and is sponsored by our Knights of
Columbus. Jr. High volunteer helpers are welcome!
Senior Moments book group's monthly meeting is
Wednesday, April 1st in the Pastoral Center Conference Room, from 1-2PM. Hope
you can join us.
Pg. 6
A Psychologist is available to treat concerns such as
depression, anxiety, grief and loss, and family problems.
This service is offered for adults and children of the
community. If you need assistance, please call Dr. Jeff
Baird at 425-977-4534 to leave a message (your call is
confidential and will be returned within 24 hrs.)
Vacation Bible School 2015
June 29th-July 2nd
Mark your calendars for this
Summer’s VBS program.
Watch for more info soon!
The Italian Wine Dinner hosted by
the Knights of Columbus is on
Saturday, May 16th, 2015. Tickets
go on sale right after Easter, or you
may contact Steve Terry at to reserve
your place!
Church Nursery Position: Supervise children ages
18 months to 3 yrs. during the 9 & 11 masses. Rotate
Sundays with current supervisor. Must be 21, current
CPR & First Aid training, and complete Archdiocese
Safe Environment requirements. Hourly pay, no benefits. Contact Chris Stratton at the parish office or
The New Life Group for singles,
widows/widowers and the formerly
married will meet on Saturday, April
11th after the 5 PM mass in the Pastoral
Center. General potluck – so bring your
favorite main dish, salad or dessert to share. We will
be doing some important planning for the May and
June meeting, so please come. Questions? Call
Eileen, 425-778-3122, ext. 223.
The Easter Baskets have been assembled and delivered!! We are still accepting your monetary
donations after mass this weekend, March 28-29, to help with the cost of ordering supplies for next
year. If you wish to donate, you may also send it to the Parish Office or drop it in the collection basket. Be sure to mark it clearly for: EASTER BASKET PROJECT. This project couldn’t exist
without you! Thank you, Holy Rosary Parishioners!
BLEACHERS: We need to replace the bleachers in the gym, which are 35 years old. They no longer meet code. If a
person had an accident on them, we would have problems with our insurance. So far we have saved $40,000 toward a
$60,000 bill to replace them. If you would like to make a contribution toward the replacement of them, you may drop it
off at the Parish Office. Please mark the envelope “Bleacher replacement”.
School News
March 28 and 29, 2015
Holy Rosary students raised $3,124.00
for the American Heart Association
doing Jump Rope and Hoops for
Heart, which is honoring Father Petosa
this year. We will have a Jump Rope and Hoops
for Heart Assembly in April.
March 30th is free dress for March birthdays.
Reconciliation for the school students is on
Tuesday, March 31st.
The 5th grade is doing a re-enactment of the Last
Supper on Holy Thursday, April 2nd at about 2PM
in the school cafeteria.
The 6th grade is doing Stations of the Cross in the
Church on Friday, April 3rd in the church, at
School is dismissed at noon on Good Friday for
Spring Break.
Spring Break is the week of April 6-10.
PARISH STAFF: PHONE: 425-778-3122
no ext.
Simply Living - “Redefining Success”: Ignatian
Spirituality for Men. Saturday, April 11, 2015, 9AM
Gathering/Social, 9:30-noon Program, Don Manning
and Denny Duffell, presenters. How do you define
“success”? Does it depend on money? Your Job?
Relationships? Faith? Or even trying to “save the
world”? St. James Outreach Center, Seattle. Free
will offering. RSVP to Andrea Fontana, at or 206.329.4824. More
information at
Days of Contemplative Prayer—for Women and
Men, led by Kathleen Pruitt, CSJP and Kwan
Wong, Oblate OSB Cam. Saturday, April 11,
2015 from 9AM-12 Noon. If you are coming for the
first time to Contemplative Prayer, please arrive at
8:30AM for an introduction.
Peace Days for Women, “Surprised by Joy”, led
by Sr. Elizabeth Tiernan, SNDdeN, Wednesday,
April 15, 2015, 9:30AM-2PM.
Both at St. Mary-on-the-Lake Peace and Spirituality Center, 1663 Killarney Way, Bellevue, WA.
Sponsored by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace. To
register or for more information contact Diane
Figaro at 425-635-3603 or
Carpooling is encouraged.
ext. 258
ext. 257
ext. 223
no e-mail-you may leave a confidential voice mail
ext. 226
Around the Archdiocese
Pg. 7
ext. 249
ext. 225
ext. 281
ext. 227
ext. 222
8:30 AM TO 4:30 PM.
PHONE: 425-778-3197
ext. 230
ext. 231
Pg. 8
INFANT BAPTISM - Parents attend two sessions to prepare to celebrate this sacrament. We encourage parents to
attend before the birth or adoption of their child. Baptisms are normally celebrated at a weekend liturgy on the
first weekend of the month. Next preparation sessions are on Monday evenings, April 20th and 27th, 2015,
7-8:30PM in the Parish Office. The next baptisms are on April 5th (Easter) at 11AM (no baptisms during Lent),
May 3rd at 11AM, June 6th at 5PM, July 5th at 11AM and August 1st at 5PM. Please call the Parish Office to
MARRIAGE - Couples wishing to celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage should contact the parish at least 6
months prior to the desired date. Preparation for celebrating and living the sacrament is required.
ANOINTING OF THE SICK - is celebrated any time there is a serious illness or health crisis. Contact the parish
office to make arrangements. The sacrament is also celebrated periodically at a Sunday liturgy and on weekdays.
FUNERALS - Please contact the parish after a death, and before making arrangements with a funeral home.
CONFIRMATION - The Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated yearly for those who are high school juniors or
seniors. Attendance at preparation sessions is required.
Adults who have not been confirmed may also celebrate the sacrament. Contact the Parish Office for
information about preparation.
FIRST RECONCILIATION/FIRST EUCHARIST - Children are prepared for these sacraments after completing a
year of remote preparation in either the school or religious education program. Parents attend preparation
sessions for each sacrament.
ADULT INITIATION - Adults who wish to join the Catholic Faith participate in sessions of the Rite of Christian
Initiation of Adults (R.C.I.A.) Contact the parish for further information.