March 29, 2015 - St Margaret Mary Parish

NEENAH, WI 54956
Mass Intentions
Monday, March 30
6:30 AM Liturgy of the Word with Communion
Tuesday, March 31
5:15 PM No Mass this Evening
Wednesday, April 1
6:30 AM John Fung
Thursday, April 2: Holy Thursday
7:00 PM Gerald Engeldinger
Friday, April 3: Good Friday
1:00 PM Service
Saturday, April 4
NO Reconciliation Today
7:30 PM Harry Johnson
Sunday, April 5: Easter Sunday
7:30 AM Ervin & Grace Mucha
9:30 AM Marge Easton
Could You Not Watch One Hour With Me"
A Special Time for Family Prayer —We are offering families a
special time and place to pray together in our Perpetual Adoration Chapel. There are several hours "open" and conducive to
this arrangement. The idea has been suggested that with a designated hour, communicated to all, a family can choose what
prayer form they might like and comfortably pray and praise
Suggested times are:
Noon or 1:00 Sunday and 5:00 pm Saturday.
Please contact Scanlans with interest: 722-2967
Confession Times
All Neenah-Menasha Parishes
St. John
Wed. & Thurs. 7:00-7:15 AM
Saturdays 3:00-3:45 PM
St. Mary
Tues. & Fri. 7:45-8:00 AM
Saturdays 5:30-5:50 PM
St. Margaret Mary
Saturdays 4:00-4:30 PM
St. Gabriel
Wednesdays 6:00-6:45 PM
St. Patrick’s
Sundays 9:45-10:15 AM
Renew Sunday Worship and
Reclaim Sunday as a day of holy rest.
The Sabbath was made for [people], not
[people] for the Sabbath. The ideal of setting
aside a holy day goes back to the story of creation,
when God rested on the seventh day and called it holy.
For those of us who think our worth is measured by
how busy we are, observing a day of rest seems lazy.
But our never-ending days of going and working and
spending take a toll on our bodies and our spirits. We
forget that “Remember the Sabbath” is a commandment
on the same list as “You shall not steal” and “You shall
not murder.” Taking a day - or even an hour - to rest in
God’s presence is a gift of rest and freedom and renewal, a way to say no to other things: no to work, to the
computer, to the car, to the voices that constantly encourage us to by and do more. O God, help us to remember that saying yes to you means saying no to other
Jeanne Lischer
Thank You From Noon Meal Outreach
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the meal out parish
hosted at Fox Valley Community Table on March 3. Together
we served 73 guests a delicious meal of chicken divan, dinner
rolls, baby carrots, milk and brownies with vanilla ice cream.
The food was enjoyed by all. No matter what your contribution, your love and generosity were experienced by all. Thank
If you have not already done so, please return your “2015 Estimate of Giving Card”. Providing this information helps us to
better plan for the financial challenges and opportunities of the
parish. At this time, only about 20 percent of parishioners
have returned their cards. Contact the parish office if you
need a card to complete.
Holy Thursday, April 2 - 7:00 PM
Good Friday, April 3 - 1:00 PM
Easter Vigil, April 4 - 7:30 PM
(please note change from last year)
Easter Sunday, April 5 - 7:30 AM and 9:30 AM
Collection Update: We hope your Lenten journey will continue to feed
your sacred soul. Just as a reminder there will be marked collection bins
out for the collection of the money for the Rice Bowls to benefit Catholic
Relief Services starting Holy Thursday (April 2) and continue until Sunday, April 12th. If you wish to just make a donation and not hand in the
rice bowls you may submit cash or a check made out to St. Margaret
Mary with Rice Bowls written in the memo line, so the money will be
counted correctly.
Sponsored by the Human Concerns Committee
Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday
6:55 Rosary
7:30 Mass
9:30 Mass
Easter Basket
March 29, 2015
6:30 Liturgy
12-2:00 Parish Nurse
2:00 Legion of Mary
6:00 Catechist
Prayer Class 5
10-11:00 AA Group
4:00 BFI Mtg
NO Mass Today
6:30 Mass
9-10:00 Bible Study
& Book Discussion
12-2:00 Parish Nurse
5:15 Cub Scout Den Mtg
6:30 Cantor Practice
7:00 Choir Practice
10-11:00 AA Group
3:30 SVDP Mtg
Easter Reflection
Booklets Distributed
Easter Sunday
6:55 Rosary
7:30 Mass
9:30 Mass
6-7:00 PM
Holy Thursday
Good Friday
Holy Saturday
9:30-11:30 RCIA
Retreat & Practice
7:00 PM Mass
1:00 PM Service
7:30 PM
Easter Vigil
Holy Land Collection
6:30 Liturgy
Parish Nurse …..
10-11:00 AA Group
5:15 Mass
5:30 FE Meeting
No RCIA this week
7:00 K of C
@ St. Gabriel
6:30 Mass
9-10:00 Bible Study
9:30 Mass at VNA
12-2:00 Parish Nurse
6:30 RF Gr 1-8
7:00 Choir Practice
6:30 Mass
10-11:00 AA Group
6:15 RF Board Mtg
8:00 Mass
9-11:00 First
4:00 Reconciliation
5:00 Mass
& Baptism
Appointment ONLY
2:30 Legion of Mary
3:45 RF Gr 1-5
6:00 AHG
6:30 Bible Study
TCCES - Easter Break
SVDP Collection
Here’s what’s happening at your TCCES schools:
SMC: Congratulations to Sophomore Erik Meier, who medaled in the Freshman/Sophomore division in the March 16th Math Meet at FVL. Erik
also made the All-Conference, 2nd team. The
team placed 3rd in their division at the meet and for the season.
Great job SMC Mathletes!
March 30 & April 1
---No Religious Formation due to Holy Week.
Please participate in Holy Week Masses as scheduled.
Seton: Seton physical education students had the opportunity
to learn about a fun racquet/paddle game called Pickleball. Each
student was paired up with another student and competed in a
class tournament over the course of 2-3 weeks. The students
love this game because of the quick pace and the ease of the
game. Ask our students how the game got its name, which is
almost as fun as the game itself!
On behalf of the Religious Formation Department we pray that
you and your family have a blessed Holy Week.
St. Mary Elementary: The second grade students at St. Mary
Elementary have been very busy this school year writing and
illustration their very own book. The students learned how to
gather detailed ideas to develop a story as well as learned how to
edit, and re-write sections of the book. Last week the students
shared their stories at our Meet the Author event. All students
read their books to parents, grandparents and friends of the
school. It was amazing to watch the process from beginning to
end. These students are considered true Authors.
April 11
---1st Communion Retreat from 9:00am-11:00am
in Friendship Hall & Church
St. Margaret Mary: Our Kindergarten students participated in
a unit called “Our Earth, Landforms and Bodies of Water.” Pictures were sorted into groups to complete a Landforms booklet
and a Bodies of Water booklet. Demonstrations showed the
different ways our earth’s surface is changed by people, wind,
water, glaciers, earthquakes and volcanoes. The unit ended by
watching Magic School Bus Blows It’s Top!
St. Gabriel: In third grade we have discussed how small acts
of kindness can go a long way. We created a “shout-out box”
where students can anonymously praise another student for doing something respectful, responsible or safe. It has helped create a sense of community where students feel supported by their
fellow classmates.
April 6 & 8
---Religious Formation classes as scheduled
Bible Study at 6:30pm
April 9
---Religious Formation Board Meeting at 6:30pm
Clothing Drive for St. Vincent DePaul
Thinking Ahead to Spring!
Our Parish Youth Ministry and the Human Concerns Committee
are joining efforts again this year to sponsor a clothing drive for
our friends at St. Vincent DePaul.
St. Vincent DePaul is an organization whose mission is to provide
gently used clothing for those in need. Volunteers have been collecting and distributing clothing donated by the community.
We will be collecting new and gently used clothing, sheets, and
blankets. St. Vincent DePaul happily takes anything in all conditions but would appreciate children’s and men’s clothing, including
socks and underwear. All donations are welcome.
April 11-12 and April 18-19
Zephyrfest 2015 Key Club Raffle
Zephyrfest will be celebrating its 30th anniversary this year! One
of the most talked about features of Zephyrfest is the opportunity to
walk away from the event with a new car. This year’s Key Club is raffling off three fabulous vehicles: 2015 BMW 228i xDrive Convertible,
2015 Lexus NX and a 2015 Chevrolet Colorado. The goal is to have all
600 key club memberships bought before the event on May 9, 2015.
Keep in mind, there will only be 600 total Key Club memberships
sold, so your chances are great, but the memberships will sell quickly. Once you have your Key Club membership purchased, all you will
have to think about is which fabulous vehicle you will choose!
Without question, having the chance to be a winner in the Zephyrfest
car raffle is exciting! However, the true excitement is in knowing that
your contribution helps support the outstanding Catholic education
and quest for academic excellence for so many students within the St.
Mary Central High School and TCCES community.
Key Club raffle flyers are available in your school office or simply go
to , click Zephyrfest and print an opportunity from
your home. For more information, please contact Robin Gallucci at
SMC at 920-722-7796 ext. 803 or email at Thank
you for your support!
Help Wanted
TCCES is looking for licensed teachers or substitute teachers who may be interested in being put on our calling list.
TCCES is also looking for licensed bus drivers. Please contact Jennifer Miller at or 722-7796 ext
Global Outreach Catholic Student Exchange Program
is in need of host families.
Global Outreach’s mission is to help young Catholics from six former
communist countries, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania,
Poland, and Slovakia, develop into true servant leaders. Our students
study in U.S. Catholic high schools during their junior year and return to
their countries to make a difference in their schools, in the Church, and in
their society. Please open the door of your home and heart and host a student for the 2015-2016 school year. Please contact Barbara TotaBoryczka, Executive Director, at (920) 540-3085 or email at or contact Fr. Larry Seidl, Spiritual Director,
at (920) 412-0320 or email at .
Spring Fest
April 17-18-19
Spring Fest will be held at the St. John's site, 516 DePere St.,
Menasha. There will be Cash Raffles, Theme Baskets, etc. A Fish
Fry will be held on Friday from 4:30 - 7 PM. For carry-outs, call
722-4830. A Dart Tournament will follow at 7 PM. On Saturday,
luncheon will be served between 4:30 - 7 PM with Doubles Cribbage Tournament beginning at 6:30 PM. Then on Sunday, there
will be Chicken Dinner, 10:30 AM - 1 PM; Children's Games from
11:30 AM - 2 PM; Sandwiches 2:30 - 5 PM. On Sunday also there
will be a 3 on 3 Grade School Basketball Tournament for which
forms can be picked up in the church vestibule, Parish Office or St.
Mary Elementary School Office. Depending on the # of teams, this
may also be held on Saturday. For more info, please contact noting 3 on 3 in the subject line.
Many Ways to Pray
Saturday, April 18, 2015
St Matthew Parish
130 Saint Matthews St
Green Bay, WI 54301
9:00 am to 12:00 noon
Registration opens at 8:30 am with
Continental Breakfast
Gather with us for a morning of quiet, reflection, and prayer. Together we will experience different prayer forms,
perhaps some you have not yet experienced. You may
also gain a deeper personal connection with meaningful
Praying as a relationship
Praying all ways - multiple intelligence in prayer
Every Weekend! Just for Children!
(for any age but generally appealing to ages 7-12)
Word games and puzzles that expand understanding
of the readings of the Mass
You may pick one up either--at the Reed Street entrance--in a red box on the table --or-- in the Gathering Space in one of the display pockets in the kiosk near the kitchenette.
We also welcome children to hand out the bulletins
to other children as they leave church! NO SIGN UP
NECESSARY-- just hold the red basket or the pack
of Children's Worship Bulletins and be ready to
hand them to children as they pass you. (This is a
great way for children to help at church without the
need to have a schedule.)
Finding God in Ourselves and Through Others
For more information contact Stewardship & Pastoral Services at or (920) 272-8312 or (920)
Baptism Two months in advance
Marriage Four to six months in advance
Sacrament of the Sick Call to schedule
Reconciliation 4:00 PM Sat. or by Appt.
Registration of adults over 18;
Address changes appreciated.
please call 729-4571
Kyle Barriger…………
Peter Geniesse…………
Jay Marti…………………
Kristina Nelson………
Jesse Ostrom………
Ron Schreier……………
Michele Sliwicki………
Cindy Sypek…………
Howard Healy ............
Margie Weiss.......
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Adoration and Confessions-4:30 p.m
Mass with Anointing-5:30 p.m.
Confessions-6:30 p.m.
All who desire healing of body, mind, and soul are encouraged to receive the healing of our Lord, Jesus.
Evening Prayer for Healing
Tuesday, April 7; 7-8 p.m.: Healing is a movement inside
of us when we are able to open our tightened hands from
pain and allow the Holy Spirit to touch our heart with
compassion. With peaceful music, Sr. Roselyn Heil will
lead us in a reflection to create a sacred space for us to
express our desires for wholeness that God may gently
touch us with healing love. Free will offering.
St. Anthony Spirituality Center in Marathon
Contact: 715-443-2236, Go to to register for an upcoming event.
Day 2015
May 7, 2015
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
St. Joseph Parish