The Community of the Holy Name of Jesus May 24, 2015 Pentecost Sunday 11000 W 133rd Avenue Cedar Lake, IN 46303 219-374-7160 Holy Name Parish Cedar Lake, Indiana Liturgical Schedule Saturday, May 23 7:00 AM 5:00 PM At Friary Intention of Jay & Kay Sheehy (50th Anniversary) Sunday, May 24 Pentecost Sunday 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM Arthur & Josephine Michaels Sue Landske Sylvester Redar Walter Grosam Delmer Foreman Antonie F. Tlapak Monday, May 25 7:00 AM At Friary ~ Mickey Hasse Tuesday, May 26 7:00 AM At Friary ~ Harvey Baessler Wednesday, May 27 7:00 AM At Friary ~ Tom Manning Thursday, May 28 7:00 AM A Friary ~ Anna Baessler Friday, May 29 7:00 AM At Friary ~ James Murphy Saturday, May 30 7:00 AM 5:00 PM At Friary Ray & Betty Krupa Sunday, May 31 Holy Trinity Sunday 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM Chester & Harriet Cabaj Tom Manning Louis Mata Knights of Columbus Intention of Parishioners May 24, 2015 Pentecost Sunday Gospel Reflection May 24, 2015 Pentecost Sunday Acts 2:1–11; Ps 104:1, 24, 29–30, 31, 34 1 Cor 12:3b–7, 12–13 or Gal 5:16–25 Sequence: Veni, Sancte Spiritus Jn 20:19–23 or 15:26–27; 16:12–15 Luke tells us that the disciples “were all in one place” on Pentecost. Their continued presence in Jerusalem is in obedience to Jesus’s command to wait in the holy city until they receive the Holy Spirit. In Hebrew, the word for “wind,” ruah, is also the word for “spirit” and “breath.” It was God’s ruah that hovered over the waters of creation and was breathed into Adam. God’s Spirit comes to rest on the disciples, and they are “filled with the Holy Spirit”; they begin speaking “in different tongues” so that their message is heard by the Pentecost pilgrims in Jerusalem, “devout Jews from every nation under heaven”. Paul tells us that it is only “by the Holy Spirit” that we can proclaim the Lordship of Jesus; that is God’s Spirit at work in us. The gifts of the Spirit are many and produce different fruits, but they come from “the same God”. Cyril of Jerusalem compares the Spirit to the rain: the same rain falls on different plants, but the flowers they produce depend on their own identity, whether lily or rose or violet or hyacinth. Each of us is called to do our part with what we have been given for the good of others. Jesus’s Easter evening appearance to the apostles in today’s Gospel is unexpected. They are hiding behind locked doors “for fear of the Jews,” but he “came and stood in their midst”. Showing them “his hands and his side” confirms his identity as the one who was crucified and had his side pierced. Their response is to rejoice. He now gives them “the Holy Spirit” promised at the Last Supper. For our evangelist, Easter inaugurates the era of the Spirit-led church. For Reflection: Is my experience of God’s Spirit more like a strong wind or a gentle whisper? How have I experienced God’s Spirit in the lives of others? Events for the Month May 2015 23 ~ 24 ~ 25 ~ 26 ~ 27 ~ 28 ~ 29 ~ 30 ~ 31 ~ 9 AM AA (CR2) Pentecost Memorial Day ~ Office Closed 8 PM AA (CB) 8 PM Alanon (CR2) 9 AM Newsletter Volunteers (CR1) 5 PM St. Clare Kitchen (CB) 8:30 AM Morning Prayer (C) 5-7 PM Parish Office open 6:30 PM Peace & Justice Meeting (CR1) 6:30-8 PM Youth Group (Gym) 9:15 AM Adult Faith Sharing (FFO) 10 AM AA (CB) 6 PM Grand Tots Graduation (Gym) 6:30 PM Hispanic Prayer Service (C) 7 PM Spirituality & Worship Meeting (CR2) 6 PM Wedding Rehearsal 9 AM AA (CR2) 2 PM Puente~McMenamy Wedding Holy Trinity Sunday Basement Rental June 2015 1~ 2~ 3~ 4~ 5~ 6~ 7~ 11 AM Prayer Shawl Ministry Meeting (CR1) 8 PM AA (CB) 8 PM Alanon (CR2) 5 PM St. Clare Kitchen (CB) 6:30-8 PM Grief Support (Living Room) 7 PM Parish Life Meeting (CR1) 8:30 AM Morning Prayer (C) Noon Charlene Club (CB) 5-7 PM Parish Office open 7 PM Hispanic Prayer Group (CR1) 9:15 AM Adult Faith Sharing (FFO) 10 AM AA (CB) 6 PM Wedding Rehearsal 9 AM AA (CR2) 2 PM Lionberger-Haverstock Wedding Prayer Shawls in Church Body & Blood of Christ Prayer Shawls in Church 11 AM Baptism Location for Events: PC Parish Center CB Church Basement FFO Faith Formation Office ~ Parish Center G Gym LR Living Room DR Dining Room CR1 New addition upstairs conference room CR2 New addition downstairs conference room Faith Formation VBS Vacation Bible School Coming to Holy Name “Sons Spark Science Lab” Our summer vacation bible school will be June 22 -26th from 9 AM to 11:30 AM in the school building. Children 3 years old to 6th grade are welcome to join us. The fee is $15 per child if registration is received by June 15th, after June 15th the fee is $20. Registrations will be available in the church lobby or register on line by emailing and requesting a form. Anyone who would like to help out should contact Mary Joan Dickson at the above email or call 219306-2919. All volunteers over 18 years of age must have VIRTUS training. VIRTUS sessions are available. Contact Mary Joan Dickson for details. Planning to Marry? The Diocese requires that couples planning to marry begin their preparation with the church at least six months in advance. Couples must contact Father Ed to begin 232-2713. All-Day Marriage Preparation sessions will be offered in the parish on June 21st. Couples may contact Jody and Dan Bohney to register for one of the sessions: 219-6964030. The Conversation Continues. . . Join us on Thursday mornings for conversation, fellowship and coffee. We cover current events, hot topic issues in the church, new (and old) DVD releases on church topics and never is there any such thing as a stupid question! We meet in the Faith Formation Office in the school building around 9:15 AM. All adults in the parish are welcome! Parish Life Those who need our prayers… Phil Allan Florence Armstrong Rene Baker Bob & Lida Barney Rita Berg Mary Bixenman Bill Bradtke Marcia Cepko Josephine Chmielewski Robert Clark Jerry Dalton Mary Lou Deno Bob Eberle Tom & Linda Foreman Ann Gadomski Marie Govert Joey Guerrero Rebecca Guess Rosemarie Haberlin Angela Haskell Karen Hathaway Mary Hays Dave Hilt Rosalie Hoffman Amalia Hutchins Bob Keilman Bruce Kitchell Jeff Kubiak Monica & Fred Kujawa Dale Laking James Larson Debbie Longfellow Jo Manes Lois Martinez Joy Marzynski Mary Jane & Jim Molnar Dan & Dodie Nolan Jeff Obarski Robert O’Donnell Stacey Previs Ray Radzinski Cecelia Rahaw Bob Reeves Lela Riordan Michael & Carol Rowe Lucille Shroka Lisa Sonntag Bev Sparacio Barb Stuart Judy Tokarz Gerry Thiel Kim VanHoose Marian Weger Pat & Rich Wisniewski Matthew Yakubik Cathy Zajac Camp Lawrence Summer 2015 Camping Season June 14th - July 25th Come visit Camp at our OPEN HOUSE Saturday, June 13th 2015 from 10 AM— 2 PM. Open to children ages 7-14, this resident camp has enabled youth to experience the wonders of the great outdoors in a Catholic Christian environment. Through the guidance of trained counselors, the youth grow physically, intellectually and spiritually as they share adventures sitting by the campfire, going on a nature hike, swimming, creating works of art, plus playing sports and so much more. For more information call Mary Joan Dickson 219-306 -2919. CYX 2015 is coming!!!! 3 on 3 Summer Basketball League This summer we will be offering a Basketball league for High School and Middle School students. Games will be played on Thursday evenings from June 11 through August 13th (8 games). Games will be played in the School Gym. Each team may carry 6 on their roster. Fee: $40 per team. For information pertaining to rules, schedule and registration call 219-306-2919 or email: July 17-19, 2015 Watch for details in future bulletins and Newsletters. Due to the overwhelming interest in the Diocesan pilgrimage to Philadelphia, we have extended the deadline. Please call 219-888-3549 EX303 TODAY. Parish Life Summerfest 2015 Graduation Mass July 2-5 Cedar Lake Town Grounds Holy Name is looking for help at our Summerfest food booth. This is our third year and we continue to grow. Please consider a few hours, an afternoon or an evening to help out at the booth. Contact Tomas Jaimes for more information or to sign up for a time 219-765-0685 or Parish Life Bowling League We are looking now for more teams to join us for next year. Each team will consist of 4 bowlers. This league will bowl every other Sunday at 4:50 p.m. from mid-September through April. If you cannot bowl on the appointed evening, you can either have a substitute bowl for you or you can "bowl out" any time before the next game. If you are interested please call Maureen Steinberg at 374-6634 or email at Annual Diocesan May Crowning Sunday, May 31st at 7 PM St. Thomas More Church Munster, IN Candlelight procession Call Rose Marie at 219-836-9779 for details Do you have a relative of Holy Name graduating from Junior High, High School or College? Our Parish would like to recognize their accomplishment at our Graduation Mass, Sunday, June 14th at 9 AM. At this Mass, we will also be remembering the souls of the deceased in the class of 2015. Graduates are asked to report to the back of the church at 8:45 AM with or without your graduation regalia. Questions, please call Roberta Allan at 3747836. Knights of Columbus News Knights of Columbus Corporate Communion on Sunday, May 31, at the 9 AM Mass here at Holy Name. Parish Life Stewardship May 10, 2015 Regular Collection Children’s Envelopes Loose Collection Renovations School Support Haiti Collection 9,612.15 9.00 1,131.85 315.00 65.00 100.00 Total 11,233.00 50/50 Raffle Results May 10, 2015 187 Players Winning Number 930 No Winner Drawn by: Wanda Burdan Witnessed by: John Berenc 2nd Banns Michael Haverstock & Ashley Lionberger 1st Banns Andy Nacke & Victoria Platek Marisol Puente & Ryan McMenamy Wedding Date May 30, 2015 Holy Name Parish May 24, 2015 Holy Name Parish Staff Holy Name Mission Statement Holy Name Parish is a thriving Roman Catholic community that strives to create a welcoming atmosphere for many people from diverse cultures and various backgrounds. Father Ed Tlucek, ofm 219-232-2713 Deacon Ed Kozub 219-942-0424 Using our time, talent and treasures, we are committed to responsible stewardship and financial accountability. Deacon Tom Kubik 219-678-5434 We nourish our Catholic faith through our weekly sharing in the Eucharist; strengthened through intergenerational faith formation. Deacon John Bacon 219-365-2946 Mercedes Austgen 219-232-2778 Pastoral Associate Mary Joan Dickson 219-232-4994 Youth Minister Mary Kselman 219-232-2720 Office Manager Cindy Varenkamp 219-232-2781 Music Ministry Wanda Burdan 219-232-5006 Office Staff St. Vincent dePaul 219-374-8800 Volunteer Staff Member Sunday-Saturday 8 AM-6 PM Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we dedicate ourselves to the service of those most in need, by being Disciples of Christ in the world. Reaffirmed November 13, 2012 2014 Pastoral Council Members Kim Boswell Gretchen Gerstenkorn Tomas Jaimes Ed King Pete Kozlowski Meg Lanham Brian Long Shirley Manning Tom McAdams Linda Slankard Ryan Steinberg John Tritschler Rose Mary Vicari
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