March 22, 2015 Fifth Sunday of L ent The Community

The Community of the
Holy Name of Jesus
March 22, 2015
Fifth Sunday of Lent
11000 W 133rd Avenue
Cedar Lake, IN 46303
Holy Name Parish
Cedar Lake, Indiana
Liturgical Schedule
Saturday, March 21
7:00 AM
4:00 PM
5:00 PM
At Friary
Thomas Duffy
Sunday, March 22
Fifth Sunday of Lent
7:00 AM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
The People of Holy Name Parish
Richard Johnson
Wilbur & Mary Jane Stoll
Monday, March 23
7:00 AM
At Friary ~ James Murphy
Tuesday, March 24
7:00 AM
At Friary ~ Mary Murphy
Wednesday, March 25
7:00 AM
At Friary ~ Larry Eaton
Thursday, March 26
7:00 AM
At Friary ~ Louise Kleine
Friday, March 27
7:00 AM
At Friary ~ Richard Johnson
Saturday, March 28
7:00 AM
4:00 PM
5:00 PM
At Friary
Javier Garibay
Knights of Columbus
Sunday, March 29
Palm Sunday
7:00 AM
9:00 AM
11:00 AM
The People of Holy Name Parish
Anna Mager
Carlene Jen
Louise Foreman
1st Banns
Lauren Kuhn & Jonathan Bateman
March 22, 2015
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Gospel Reflection
March 22, 2015
5th Sunday of Lent
Jer 31:31–34; Ps 51:3–4, 12–13, 14–15
Heb 5:7–9; Jn 12:20–33
Jeremiah, living during some of Israel’s darkest days,
the Babylonian Exile, prophesies a time when God
will renew the earth and its people: “Days are coming
… when [the Lord] will make a new covenant”. In the
prior covenant, God’s law was written on stone tablets, but “they broke my covenant”. Now God’s law
will be written “upon their hearts”; it will be internalized. The prophet anticipates that God will once
again lead them back to the Promised Land and renew their relationship: “I will be their God, and they
shall be my people”.
The author of Hebrews speaks of Christ’s sacrifice as
the “source of eternal salvation for all who obey him”.
In light of the sacrifice of his death, Jesus is
“declared by God high priest”, whose task is to offer
sacrifices on behalf of the people. But unlike the other high priests, who repeatedly offer sacrifices for the
sins of the people, Jesus offered himself as a sacrifice once and for all. Through his death, he reconciled us with God and established the new and eternal covenant. In Jesus’s death and resurrection, the
new covenant foreseen by Jeremiah is established.
In today’s Gospel some Greek-speaking Jews ask
Philip to introduce them to Jesus. Our evangelist
does not narrate a mere meeting but uses this request to introduce the beginning of Jesus’s “hour,”
his kairos: “The hour has come for the Son of Man to
be glorified,” Jesus says. Earlier in the Gospel, Jesus
had anticipated this hour, but from this point he embraces it. It is a time of significance, the time he has
waited for and the reason he came into the world. In
this “hour” Jesus will experience death and then resurrection, inaugurating the new covenant that binds
the people to God in a new way, leading to our salvation.
For Reflection: How does having God’s law written
on my heart help me in my spiritual life? Has this
Lent been a time of renewal for me? How can I best
make use of these last weeks to grow spiritually?
Events for the Month
March 2015
21 ~
22 ~
23 ~
24 ~
25 ~
26 ~
27 ~
28 ~
29 ~
30 ~
31 ~
9 AM AA (CR2)
Fifth Sunday of Lent
9 AM ~ 4 PM Marriage Prep (CR1)
10 AM RCIA (Dining Room)
10 AM Generations of Faith (Gym)
3 PM Chaplet of Divine Mercy
9 AM Volunteers needed to clean church
6 PM Generations of Faith (Gym)
7 PM RCIA at St. John
8 PM Alanon (CR2)
2 PM Staff Meeting
5 PM St. Clare Kitchen (CB)
7 PM St. Mary’s Lenten Penance Service
Crown Point
8:30 AM Morning Prayer (C)
5-7 Parish Office open
6 PM Parish Renewal
6:30 PM Peace & Justice Meeting (CR1)
6:30-8 PM Youth Group (Gym)
9:15 AM Adult Faith Sharing (FFO)
10 AM AA (CB)
7 PM Spirituality & Worship Commission
Meeting (CR2)
6 PM Spanish/7 PM English
Station of the Cross
9 AM AA (CR2)
Breakfast with the Bunny (Gym)
Palm Sunday
10 AM RCIA (CR1)
3 PM Chaplet of Divine Mercy
6:30 PM Faith Formation Meeting (FFO)
8 PM AA (CB)
8 PM Alanon (CR2)
9 AM Newsletter (CR1)
5 PM St Clare Kitchen (CB)
7 PM Parish Life Meeting (CR1)
7 PM Ecumenical Service at Cedar Lake
United Methodist Church
Location for Events:
Parish Center
Church Basement
Faith Formation Office ~ Parish Center
Living Room
Dining Room
New addition upstairs conference room
New addition downstairs conference room
Faith Formation
You have prepared for Lent—Have you prepared
Join us for the March
Generations of Faith sessions on
Sunday, March 22 at 10:15 AM or
Monday, March 23 at 6 PM to break
open the feast of Easter.
There just may be an Easter Egg hunt!!
Generations of Faith is for all ages– young and old
and everyone in between.
Joining us for the first time?
The first session is free!
The Conversation Continues. .
Join us on Thursday mornings
for conversation, fellowship and coffee.
We cover current events, hot topic issues in the
church, new (and old) DVD releases on church
topics and never is there any such thing as a stupid question!
We meet in the Faith Formation Office in the
school building around 9:15 AM. All adults in the
parish are welcome!
Planning to Marry?
The Diocese requires that
couples planning to marry
begin their preparation with
the church at least six months in advance. Couples must contact Father Ed to begin 232-2713.
All-Day Marriage Preparation sessions will be offered in the parish on June 21st. Couples may
contact Jody and Dan Bohney to register for one
of the sessions: 219-6964030.
Those who need
our prayers…
Phil Allan
Florence Armstrong
Bob & Lida Barney
Rita Berg
Mary Bixenman
Bill Bradtke
Marcia Cepko
Josephine Chmielewski
Robert Clark
Jerry Dalton
Mary Lou Deno
Bob Eberle
Tom & Linda Foreman
Ann Gadomski
Gail Gold
Marie Govert
Joey Guerrero
Rebecca Guess
Rosemarie Haberlin
Karen Hathaway
Mary Hays
Dave Hilt
Rosalie Hoffman
Amalia Hutchins
Bob Keilman
Bruce Kitchell
Jeff Kubiak
Monica & Fred Kujawa
Dale Laking
James Larson
Debbie Longfellow
Jo Manes
Lois Martinez
Joy Marzynski
Mary Jane & Jim Molnar
Dan & Dodie Nolan
Jeff Obarski
Robert O’Donnell
Bill Peterson
Stacey Previs
Ray Radzinski
Cecelia Rahaw
Bob Reeves
Michael & Carol Rowe
Lucille Shroka
Evonne Smith
Barb Stuart
Judy Tokarz
Gerry Thiel
Marian Weger
Pat & Rich Wisniewski
Matthew Yakubik
Cathy Zajac
Youth Council News
Parish Life
Living Stations of the Cross
Living Stations
of the Cross
Friday, March 27 at 7 PM
in the church
All teens in the parish
are invited to participate
in leading the Stations of the Cross
for the congregation.
Rehearsal at 5 PM on the 27th and
then we will feed you!
Please contact Mercedes Austgen at if you would like to be a part of this
very moving prayer experience.
First Eucharist
Please keep our young people in your prayers
who are preparing for the sacrament of
Eucharist on April 19th at the 11 AM Mass:
Charlize Bais
Gabi Comia
Gianna D'Apice
Savannah Ferry
Eric Juszczak
Jacob Mish
Gabriella Morache
Noah Pollachek
Brody Snyder
Luis Carrillo
Jared Comia
Skylar Ferry
Paige Jermolowicz
Joey Krumdieck
Ella Moon
Trey Mueller
Nathaniel Schickel
Jack Wright
I would like to say Thank you to everyone for your
many prayers, thoughts and cards throughout the
last five years and especially your expressions of
sympathy on the passing of Tom. To Father Ed,
Mercedes and Cindy thank you for the beautiful service on March 2nd – Tom’s birthday. You made it a
special day in my memories of Tom and the wonderful people of Holy Name. I’d also like to Thank Father Tony Janek, Father Bert, Father Tony Chojnacki ,Father Sergius and Larry for their participation in the beautiful service.
Thank you again and God Bless,
Shirley Manning
The Family of Casimir Urbanski would like to thank
Holy Name for the generous donations for the funeral
Jerry Dalton wishes to express his appreciation and
thanks for all the gifts, cards, and visits to all those
parishioners who sent them. He especially wanted to
thank Linda Slankard for the hair cut and beard.
Parish Life
March 23
9 AM
to clean church
for Easter
Come for an hour or all morning.
All help will be appreciated.
March 1, 2015
Regular Collection
Children’s Envelopes
Loose Collection
School Support
Catholic Relief Services
Northwest Indiana Catholic
Eastern Europe
Seasonal Decorations
St. Mary’s Catholic Community School
St. Mary’s Catholic Community School is now accepting new students for the 2015-2016 school year. Visit to learn more about our school.
Our academics are top notch, our technology is cutting edge, and we have clubs and activities available
for students of all interests. Most importantly, our students, parents, faculty and staff members, pastor, parish leadership, and community support are what
makes St. Mary’s the special place it is. Your child or
grandchild deserves the best; a faith-filled environment where children are academically challenged and
treated with respect and kindness. Call today to set up
a tour 663-0676.
March 8, 2015
Regular Collection
Children’s Envelopes
Loose Collection
School Support
Catholic Relief Services
Northwest Indiana Catholic
Eastern Europe
Seasonal Decorations
50/50 Raffle Results
March 8, 2015
Dear Students of the Intergenerational Faith
Formation Program:
Congratulations! Because of your generosity and
thoughtfulness, you have been chosen as the Franciscan Alliance Foundation’s “Donor of the Month of
January”. We truly appreciate your support in helping
us fulfill our mission of “Continuing Christ’s Ministry in
our Franciscan Tradition”.
On behalf of the entire staff of Franciscan St. Anthony
Health, I thank you for your gift of $758.22 to Franciscan St. Anthony Health—Crown Point. This gift will
help many children in need.
Thank you again for supporting our mission. You
should all be very proud of yourselves. Please do not
hesitate to contact me if there is every anything I can
do for you. In the meantime, keep up the good work.
Tony Englert, Executive Director
185 Players
Winning Number 52
No Winner
Drawn by: Wanda Burdan
Witnessed by: John Berenc
Meyer’s Companies
This bulletin is brought to us weekly, free of charge
thanks to our sponsors. Please view this complete ad
on the back of the bulletin and be sure to patronize
our advertisers and let them know you saw their ad in
the bulletin.
Holy Name Parish
March 22, 2015
Holy Name Parish Staff
Holy Name Mission Statement
Holy Name Parish is a thriving Roman Catholic community
that strives to create a welcoming atmosphere for many
people from diverse cultures and various backgrounds.
Using our time, talent and treasures, we are committed to
responsible stewardship and financial accountability.
We nourish our Catholic faith through our weekly sharing in
the Eucharist; strengthened through intergenerational faith
Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we dedicate ourselves to
the service of those most in need, by being Disciples of
Christ in the world.
Reaffirmed November 13, 2012
2014 Pastoral Council Members
Kim Boswell
Gretchen Gerstenkorn
Tomas Jaimes
Ed King
Pete Kozlowski
Meg Lanham
Brian Long
Shirley Manning
Tom McAdams
Linda Slankard
Ryan Steinberg
John Tritschler
Rose Mary Vicari
Father Ed Tlucek, ofm
Deacon Ed Kozub
Deacon Tom Kubik
Deacon John Bacon
Mercedes Austgen
Pastoral Associate
Mary Joan Dickson
Youth Minister
Mary Kselman
Office Manager
Cindy Varenkamp
Music Ministry
Wanda Burdan
Office Staff
St. Vincent dePaul
Volunteer Staff Member
Sunday-Saturday 8 AM-6 PM