The Community of the Holy Name of Jesus 11000 W 133rd Avenue Cedar Lake, IN 46303 219-374-7160 April 12, 2015 Second Sunday of Easter We have seen the Lord! John 24:25 Holy Name Parish Cedar Lake, Indiana Liturgical Schedule Saturday, April 11 7:00 AM 2:00 PM 5:00 PM At Friary Kuhn ~ Bateman Wedding Baptism Joseph ODea Rosemary Kleine Bernie Kenning Sunday, April 12 Second Sunday of Easter 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM Bob Grega Henry J. Huppenthal Anne & Irvin Brown Jama Fields Sr. Helen Therese Salus The People of Holy Name Parish Baptism Monday, April 13 7:00 AM At Friary ~ Lee Garza Tuesday, April 14 7:00 AM At Friary ~ Melissa Heflin Wednesday, April 15 7:00 AM At Friary ~ Tom Manning Thursday, April 16 7:00 AM A Friary ~ Barney Wornhoff Friday, April 17 7:00 AM At Friary ~ Ann Lang Saturday, April 18 7:00 AM 5:00 PM At Friary Baptism Thomas Duffy Mary Lehn Sunday, April 19 Third Sunday of Easter 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM Chester & Harriet Cabaj Fred Voychak Baptism Henry J. Huppenthal Louise Kleine The People of Holy Name Parish First Eucharist April 12, 2015 Second Sunday of Easter Gospel Reflection April 12, 2015 2nd Sunday of Easter Acts 4:32–35; Ps 118:2–4, 13–15, 22–24 1 Jn 5:1–6; Jn 20:19–31 Our first reading today paints an idealized picture of life in the early Jerusalem church. In the Acts of the Apostles, Luke shows us what life can be like among a community of believers open to the Holy Spirit. The example of the early church serves as a lesson for us. Luke stresses two things in his description of the community: they “bore witness to the resurrection”, and they looked out for each other — “there was no needy person among them”. Our text calls us to be “of one heart and mind” as we strive to live out our faith. The reading from First John reinforces this message as it calls us to live our love for God by keeping “his commandments,” which “are not burdensome”. Our author reminds us that our faith in Jesus Christ is evidence that we are “begotten by God”. And with God’s help we are able to conquer the world and live as light in the midst of darkness. The battle between good and evil is not finished, but the outcome has been guaranteed. John’s Gospel is originally thought to have ended with chapter 20. Its last two verses read like a conclusion. Our author tells us that “Jesus did many other signs in the presence of his disciples that are not written in this book”. Looking at the other canonical Gospels, we find many other signs or miracles. In fact, in John 21 we have another collection of stories about Jesus, probably added to the text by a later editor. Our original evangelist tells us that the purpose of his text is to provide material to either inspire or reinforce faith so “that through this belief you may have life in his name”. This dynamic of revelation leading to faith leading to salvation is found throughout John’s text. For Reflection: How do I bear witness to the resurrection? What gospel stories in particular inspire my faith? Events for the Month Faith Formation April 2015 Generations of Faith 11 ~ The April Generations of Faith sessions will be on April 12 (Sunday) at 10:15 AM and April 13 (Monday) at 6 PM. Our topic will be the Rosary. Come join us as we learn this prayer devotion, its history and the how to incorporate it into our daily lives. 12 ~ 13 ~ 14 ~ 15 ~ 16 ~ 17 ~ 18 ~ 19 ~ 20 ~ 21 ~ 22 ~ 9 AM AA (CR2) 2 PM Kuhn~Bateman Wedding 5 PM Baptism Prayer Shawls in Church Prayer Shawls in Church 10 AM RCIA (CR1) 10 AM Generations of Faith (Gym) 11 AM Baptism 6 PM Generations of Faith (Gym) 6:30 PM Pastoral Council Meeting (CR1) 7 PM RCIA (Dining Room) 8 PM AA (CB) 8 PM Alanon (CR2) 5 PM St. Clare Kitchen (CB) 8:30 AM Morning Prayer (C) 5-7 PM Parish Office open 9:15 AM Adult Faith Sharing (FFO) 10 AM AA (ICB) 6:30 PM Finance Committee Meeting (CR1) 6:30 PM Paint the Town (Gym) First Eucharist Retreat (CB) 9 AM AA (CR2 9 AM Garden Planning Meeting (CR1) First Eucharist Retreat (CB) 5 PM Baptism 6:30 PM Acoustic Night (Gym) 9 AM Baptism 10 AM RCIA (CR1) 10:15 AM 7th Grade Confirmation Student/ Parent Progress Meeting 11 AM First Eucharist Basement Rental 7 PM RCIA (CR1) 8 PM AA (CB) 8 PM Alanon (CR2) 2 PM Staff Meeting (CR1) 5 PM St. Clare Kitchen (CB) 6:30-8 PM Grief Support (Living Room) 7 PM Confirmation Class 8:30 AM Morning Prayer (C) 5-7 PM Parish Office open 6:30-8 PM Youth Group (Gym) 6:30 PM Peace & Justice Meeting (CR1) Location for Events: PC Parish Center CB Church Basement FFO Faith Formation Office ~ Parish Center G Gym LR Living Room DR Dining Room CR1 New addition upstairs conference room CR2 New addition downstairs conference room The Conversation Continues. . . Join us on Thursday mornings for conversation, fellowship and coffee. We cover current events, hot topic issues in the church, new (and old) DVD releases on church topics and never is there any such thing as a stupid question! We meet in the Faith Formation Office in the school building around 9:15 AM. All adults in the parish are welcome! Planning to Marry? The Diocese requires that couples planning to marry begin their preparation with the church at least six months in advance. Couples must contact Father Ed to begin 232-2713. All-Day Marriage Preparation sessions will be offered in the parish on June 21st. Couples may contact Jody and Dan Bohney to register for one of the sessions: 219-6964030. 1st Banns Abbey Houx & Bradley Bodine Youth Council News Those who need our prayers… Phil Allan Florence Armstrong Rene Baker Bob & Lida Barney Rita Berg Mary Bixenman Bill Bradtke Marcia Cepko Josephine Chmielewski Robert Clark Jerry Dalton Mary Lou Deno Bob Eberle Tom & Linda Foreman Ann Gadomski Gail Gold Marie Govert Joey Guerrero Rebecca Guess Rosemarie Haberlin Angela Haskell Karen Hathaway Mary Hays Dave Hilt Rosalie Hoffman Amalia Hutchins Bob Keilman Bruce Kitchell Jeff Kubiak Monica & Fred Kujawa Dale Laking James Larson Debbie Longfellow Jo Manes Lois Martinez Joy Marzynski Mary Jane & Jim Molnar Dan & Dodie Nolan Jeff Obarski Robert O’Donnell Bill Peterson Stacey Previs Ray Radzinski Cecelia Rahaw Bob Reeves Michael & Carol Rowe Fran Salvador Lucille Shroka Evonne Smith Lisa Sonntag Bev Sparacio Barb Stuart Judy Tokarz Gerry Thiel Marian Weger Pat & Rich Wisniewski Matthew Yakubik Cathy Zajac 8 1 l ri Ap On Palm Sunday, Hannah Gerstenkorn and Madison Polak received the I Live My Faith Catholic Girls Award from Bishop Donald Hying, Emily Polak received the Marian Girls Participation Award. Mary Therese Polak received the St. Anne Award. Mary Therese Polak and Gretchen Gerstenkorn were consultants for the girls award programs. Pictured left to right: Mary Therese Polak, Madison Polak, Bishop Donald Hying, Hannah Gerstenkorn, Emily Polak and Gretchen Parish Life There will be babysitting available the night of Ladies Night Out Painting Party in Holy Name School in the Faith Formation Room. This is a FREE service provided by the Holy Name Youth Group sitters. Simply register when you purchase your ticket for the painting party after Mass or call Roberta Allan at 3747836. Questions, please call Mary Reynolds at 3659207. A BIG Thank You to the ladies who helped clean church for Easter. We are grateful to: Sandy Lewis Lorrie Sheehy Carol Hoffman Kate Carr And the organizer, Barbara Hoeckelberg Parish Life Stewardship March 29, 2015 Regular Collection Children’s Envelopes Loose Collection Renovations School Support Catholic Relief Services Easter Donations Seasonal Decorations Total 8,607.20 13.75 1,094.76 260.00 110.00 25.00 220.00 10.00 10,340.71 50/50 Raffle Results March 29, 2015 197 Players Winning Number 20 No Winner Drawn by: John Schutz & Anita Wandishin Witnessed by: John Berenc Corrected Address for Jerry Dalton c/o Aperion Care Center 10352 N. 600 E County Line Road Demotte, IN 46310 SPONSOR OF THE WEEK Sheehy Well Drilling This bulletin is brought to us weekly, free of charge thanks to our sponsors. Please view this complete ad on the back of the bulletin and be sure to patronize our advertisers and let them know you saw their ad in the bulletin. The annual Catholic services Appeal will be held in all parishes in the Diocese of Gary beginning the weekend of April 25-26. The CSA is an opportunity for the people of the diocese to give witness to their faith and to affirm their unity as the People of God by responding to one another’s needs. The participation of all our parishioners is essential in order for our diocese to continue Jesus’ mission of peace, love and justice here on earth. Please support the 2015 CSA Holy Name Parish April 12, 2015 Holy Name Parish Staff Holy Name Mission Statement Holy Name Parish is a thriving Roman Catholic community that strives to create a welcoming atmosphere for many people from diverse cultures and various backgrounds. Using our time, talent and treasures, we are committed to responsible stewardship and financial accountability. We nourish our Catholic faith through our weekly sharing in the Eucharist; strengthened through intergenerational faith formation. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we dedicate ourselves to the service of those most in need, by being Disciples of Christ in the world. Reaffirmed November 13, 2012 2014 Pastoral Council Members Kim Boswell Gretchen Gerstenkorn Tomas Jaimes Ed King Pete Kozlowski Meg Lanham Brian Long Shirley Manning Tom McAdams Linda Slankard Ryan Steinberg John Tritschler Rose Mary Vicari Father Ed Tlucek, ofm 219-232-2713 Deacon Ed Kozub 219-942-0424 Deacon Tom Kubik 219-678-5434 Deacon John Bacon 219-365-2946 Mercedes Austgen 219-232-2778 Pastoral Associate Mary Joan Dickson 219-232-4994 Youth Minister Mary Kselman 219-232-2720 Office Manager Cindy Varenkamp 219-232-2781 Music Ministry Wanda Burdan 219-232-5006 Office Staff St. Vincent dePaul 219-374-8800 Volunteer Staff Member Sunday-Saturday 8 AM-6 PM
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