The Community of the Holy Name of Jesus May 10, 2015 Sixth Sunday of Easter 11000 W 133rd Avenue Cedar Lake, IN 46303 219-374-7160 Holy Name Parish Cedar Lake, Indiana Liturgical Schedule Saturday, May 9 7:00 AM 5:00 PM At Friary Mary J. Poirier Gloria M. Larson George & Barbara Jung Sunday, May 10 Sixth Sunday of Easter 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM Bertha Huppenthal Rosemary Kleine The People of Holy Name Parish Baptism Louise Foreman Louise Kleine Baptism Monday, May 11 7:00 AM At Friary ~ Mickey Hasse Tuesday, May 12 7:00 AM At Friary ~ Harvey Baessler Wednesday, May 13 7:00 AM At Friary ~ Anna Baessler Thursday, May 14 7:00 AM A Friary ~ Tom Manning Friday, May 15 7:00 AM At Friary ~ Adam Csikos Saturday, May 16 7:00 AM 5:00 PM At Friary Joseph O’Dea Bob Torrence Joey McClymont Sunday, May 17 Ascension of the Lord 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM PEK Alpha Omega Sorority Henry J. Huppenthal Robert McCormick Mickey Hasse The People of Holy Name Parish Baptism May 10, 2015 Sixth Sunday of Easter Gospel Reflection May 10, 2015 6th Sunday of Easter Acts 10:25–26, 34–35, 44–48; Ps 98:1, 2–3, 3–4 1 Jn 4:7–10; Jn 15:9–17 With the story of the baptism of Cornelius and his household, the church takes a significant step forward in its development. By accepting gentiles as members without requiring them to embrace Judaism first, Peter opens the doors of faith to the whole world. But the emphasis continues to remain on the fact that it is God at work in the hearts of the disciples and those coming into the faith. God has brought them together, and Peter announces that “God shows no partiality”, accepting “whoever fears him and acts uprightly”. Because Cornelius and his household are given the gift of “the Holy Spirit”, Peter realizes it would be wrong to “withhold the water for baptizing these people”. The author of First John exhorts us to “love one another, because love is of God”. He goes on to say that God’s love for us is revealed in Jesus, God’s “only Son,” sent “into the world so that we might have life through him”. God’s love initiates this relationship between the human and the divine, and we are called to respond to this love by loving God and each other. In the Gospel, Jesus also calls us to “love one another as I love you”. As the Father has loved Jesus, so Jesus loves us. This text, taken from John’s Last Supper narrative, provides us with Jesus’s final words to his disciples before his death. He anticipates his death as an example of this love when he tells them, “No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends”. The word “love” occurs 10 times in this chapter. The example of love was key to Jesus’s understanding of his mission and the mission of his disciples. For Reflection: Is my view of church more inclusive or exclusive? Does knowing that I was loved by God first make it easier to live the commandment of love? Events for the Month May 2015 9~ 10 ~ 11 ~ 12 ~ 13 ~ 14 ~ 15 ~ 16 ~ 17 ~ 18 ~ 19 ~ 20 ~ 21 ~ 9 AM AA (CR2) Mothers Day bouquets available from Parish Life Mother’s Day Mothers Day bouquets available from Parish Life 9 AM Baptism 10 AM RCIA (CR1) 10:15 AM 8th Graders Final Test 11 AM Baptism Catholic Services Appeal 6:30 PM Pastoral Council Meeting (CR1) 7 PM RCIA (CR1) 8 PM AA (CB) 8 PM Alanon (CR2) 5 PM St. Clare Kitchen (CB) 7 PM 8th Graders Final Test 8:30 AM Morning Prayer (C) 5-7 PM Parish Office open\ 6:30-8 PM Youth Group (Gym) 9:15 AM Adult Faith Sharing (FFO) 10 AM AA (CB) 6 PM St. Vincent de Paul Meeting (CR1) 6:30 PM Music Ministry 6 PM Wedding Rehearsal 9 AM AA (CR2) Garden Planting Day 2 PM Kulerski ~ Ciaccio Wedding Ascension Celebrated 10 AM RCIA (CR1) 10:15 AM Generations of Faith (Gym) 11 AM Baptism 6 PM Generations of Faith (Gym) 8 PM AA (CB) 8 PM Alanon (CR2) 2 PM Staff Meeting 5 PM St. Clare Kitchen (CB) 6:30-8 PM Grief Support (Living Room) 8:30 AM Morning Prayer (C) 5-7 PM Parish Office open 9:15 AM Adult Faith Sharing (FFO) 10 AM AA (CB) 6:30 PM Finance Committee Meeting (CR1) Location for Events: PC Parish Center CB Church Basement FFO Faith Formation Office ~ Parish Center G Gym LR Living Room DR Dining Room CR1 New addition upstairs conference room CR2 New addition downstairs conference room Faith Formation Exploring the Trinity Join us for the final Generations of Faith session of the season on the Trinity on May 17th at 10 AM or May 18th at 6 PM in the Gym. We will be taking a look at modern theologians and what they have to say about this topic and looking at the history that got us to where we are today. All in the parish are welcome. We open with a meal and opening presentation, then we discuss the topic in a more hands on manner in age group break outs. If this is your first session, we wave the fee. Planning to Marry? The Diocese requires that couples planning to marry begin their preparation with the church at least six months in advance. Couples must contact Father Ed to begin 232-2713. All-Day Marriage Preparation sessions will be offered in the parish on June 21st. Couples may contact Jody and Dan Bohney to register for one of the sessions: 219-6964030. The Conversation Continues. . . Join us on Thursday mornings for conversation, fellowship and coffee. We cover current events, hot topic issues in the church, new (and old) DVD releases on church topics and never is there any such thing as a stupid question! We meet in the Faith Formation Office in the school building around 9:15 AM. All adults in the parish are welcome! Those who need our prayers… Phil Allan Florence Armstrong Rene Baker Bob & Lida Barney Rita Berg Mary Bixenman Bill Bradtke Marcia Cepko Josephine Chmielewski Robert Clark Jerry Dalton Mary Lou Deno Bob Eberle Tom & Linda Foreman Ann Gadomski Marie Govert Joey Guerrero Rebecca Guess Rosemarie Haberlin Angela Haskell Karen Hathaway Mary Hays Dave Hilt Rosalie Hoffman Amalia Hutchins Bob Keilman Bruce Kitchell Jeff Kubiak Monica & Fred Kujawa Dale Laking James Larson Debbie Longfellow Jo Manes Lois Martinez Joy Marzynski Mary Jane & Jim Molnar Dan & Dodie Nolan Jeff Obarski Robert O’Donnell Stacey Previs Ray Radzinski Cecelia Rahaw Bob Reeves Michael & Carol Rowe Fran Salvador Lucille Shroka Lisa Sonntag Bev Sparacio Barb Stuart Judy Tokarz Gerry Thiel Kim VanHoose Marian Weger Pat & Rich Wisniewski Matthew Yakubik Cathy Zajac Parish Life Massive Earthquake in Nepal Catholic Relief Services Youth Council Upcoming Events for Teens in May Open Gym Wednesdays, May 13th and 27th from 6:30~8 PM VBS (Vacation Bible School) All (Teens) interested in volunteering please attend our planning meeting, Sunday, May 3rd at 6:30 to 8 PM. We make a big deal of passing out Rice Bowls each Lent, and then collecting them. Here is an example of what your donation can do: CRS (Catholic Relief Services) and our partner Caritas Nepal plan to support 10,000 families with emergency shelter, blankets, water treatment kits and hygiene kits. Because this region is known for earthquakes, CRS had prepositioned emergency aid in nearby Bihar, India. Temporary shelter kits, water purification kits and hygiene kits for 2,000 families–are being transported to Nepal for immediate distribution. An additional 3,000 tarpaulins will be flown from a hub in Dubai within the next couple days. CRS is also procuring emergency supplies in India. And more emergency personnel are on the way. CRS has made an initial commitment of $825,000 to relief efforts in Nepal, a figure that is expected to rise as needs become clearer. As you can see, CRS works with the people of the region who are struggling, plans ahead to ensure that a faster response is possible when tragedy does strike and commits to rebuilding side by side with government and other relief based agencies. Here is a link if you would like more information or to make a donation: Massive Earthquake in Nepal - Catholic Relief Services Parish Life Graduation Mass Do you have a relative of Holy Name graduating from Junior High, High School or College? Our Parish would like to recognize their accomplishment at our Graduation Mass, Sunday, June 14th at 9 AM. We will also be remembering the soul of Alton Bradley at this Mass. Graduates are asked to report to the back of the church at 8:45 AM with or without your graduation regalia. Questions, please call Roberta Allan at 3747836. Knights of Columbus News Knights of Columbus #3840 Relay For Life team is sponsoring a rummage, craft and bake sale at the K. of C. hall on Friday May 15 from 10 a.m. until 7 p.m. and Saturday May 16 from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. Donated goods can be accepted at the hall on Wednesday and Thursday. Call 374-6622 or 7818889 (LouAnn) for information. All proceeds go to American Cancer Society Relay For Life. The Knights of Columbus express their deepest gratitude to their brothers and sisters in Christ here at Holy Name for their generous support of our Tootsie Roll Drive. Through your generosity we raised $551 to help fund South Lake County Special Olympics, Fr. Blaney's Share foundation, and ARC. Summerfest 2015 July 2-5 Cedar Lake Town Grounds Holy Name is looking for help at our Summerfest food booth. This is our third year and we continue to grow. Please consider a few hours, an afternoon or an evening to help out at the booth. Contact Tomas Jaimes for more information or to sign up for a time 219-765-0685 or Parish Life Stewardship April 26, 2015 Regular Collection Children’s Envelopes Loose Collection Renovations School Support Easter Donations Rice Bowls 8,101.15 15.75 439.94 1,217.00 90.00 30.00 46.00 Total 9,939.84 50/50 Raffle Results April 26, 2015 195 Players Winning Number 133 No Winner Drawn by: Roxann Wickhorst & John Schutz Witnessed by: John Berenc Amy Kulerski and Frank Ciaccio Wedding Date May 16, 2015 Holy Name Parish May 10, 2015 Holy Name Parish Staff Holy Name Mission Statement Holy Name Parish is a thriving Roman Catholic community that strives to create a welcoming atmosphere for many people from diverse cultures and various backgrounds. Father Ed Tlucek, ofm 219-232-2713 Deacon Ed Kozub 219-942-0424 Using our time, talent and treasures, we are committed to responsible stewardship and financial accountability. Deacon Tom Kubik 219-678-5434 We nourish our Catholic faith through our weekly sharing in the Eucharist; strengthened through intergenerational faith formation. Deacon John Bacon 219-365-2946 Mercedes Austgen 219-232-2778 Pastoral Associate Mary Joan Dickson 219-232-4994 Youth Minister Mary Kselman 219-232-2720 Office Manager Cindy Varenkamp 219-232-2781 Music Ministry Wanda Burdan 219-232-5006 Office Staff St. Vincent dePaul 219-374-8800 Volunteer Staff Member Sunday-Saturday 8 AM-6 PM Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we dedicate ourselves to the service of those most in need, by being Disciples of Christ in the world. Reaffirmed November 13, 2012 2014 Pastoral Council Members Kim Boswell Gretchen Gerstenkorn Tomas Jaimes Ed King Pete Kozlowski Meg Lanham Brian Long Shirley Manning Tom McAdams Linda Slankard Ryan Steinberg John Tritschler Rose Mary Vicari
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