The Community of the Holy Name of Jesus February 22, 2015 First Sunday of Lent 11000 W 133rd Avenue Cedar Lake, IN 46303 219-374-7160 Holy Name Parish Cedar Lake, Indiana Liturgical Schedule Saturday, February 21 7:00 AM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM At Friary Confessions Rick Linz Paul & Marge Willy (50th Anniversary) Sunday, February 22 First Sunday of Lent 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM Beloved Deceased Helen Zientara Anna Mager Richard Johnson Yolanda Torres The People of Holy Name Parish Monday, February 23 7:00 AM At Friary ~ Beloved Deceased Tuesday, February 24 7:00 AM At Friary ~ Beloved Deceased Wednesday, February 25 7:00 AM At Friary ~ Beloved Deceased Thursday, February 26 7:00 AM At Friary ~ Beloved Deceased Friday, February 27 7:00 AM At Friary ~ Beloved Deceased Saturday, February 28 7:00 AM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM At Friary Confessions Eva Rahn Leo Szumski Sunday, March 1 Second Sunday of Lent 7:00 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM Barney Wornhoff Mickey Hasse The People of Holy Name Parish February 22, 2015 First Sunday of Lent Gospel Reflection February 22, 2015 1st Sunday of Lent Gn 9:8–15; Ps 25:4–5, 6–7, 8–9 1 Pt 3:18–22; Mk 1:12–15 In Genesis God establishes a covenant with Noah and his family and, by extension, all future humanity. It is a covenant of promise: “never again shall all bodily creatures be destroyed”. This covenant binds God and creation and is symbolized by the bow in the sky. For the ancients, this bow, reminiscent of a hunter’s bow, is a sign of God’s promise to sustain life even in the face of sin. In First Peter we are reminded that “Christ suffered for sins … that he might lead you to God”. Jesus’s suffering reconciles us with God. The writer goes on to say that Jesus “went to preach to the spirits in prison, who had been disobedient … in the days of Noah”. This ties in with the ancient belief that between the time of his death and resurrection, Jesus “descended into hell,” which the Catechism of the Catholic Church interprets as “Christ went down to the realm of the dead. He opened heaven’s gates for the just who had gone before him”. Mark’s presentation of Jesus’s temptation is minimal, as was his description of Jesus’s baptism. For Mark, these two episodes provide a transition to Jesus’s public ministry. He does not narrate individual temptations, as we find in Matthew and Luke, but tells us that Jesus “remained in the desert for forty days, tempted by Satan”. Perhaps Mark does not detail the temptations because his Gospel contains many other encounters between Jesus and the devil, beginning with the exorcism in the Capernaum synagogue several verses later. What Mark’s text emphasizes is that though Jesus was threatened “among wild beasts,” he was protected: “angels ministered to him”. This serves as a reminder to us that God watches over us as well. For Reflection: Do I understand Jesus’s temptation to be a once-in-a-lifetime event or something that happened more than once? How does this shape my understanding of Jesus and temptation? Events for the Month Faith Formation February 2015 Planning to Marry? 22 ~ The Diocese requires that couples planning to marry begin their preparation with the church at least six months in advance. Couples must contact Father Ed to begin 232-2713. 23 ~ 24 ~ 25 ~ 26 ~ 27 ~ 28 ~ First Sunday of Lent 10 AM RCIA (CR1) 10:15 AM Confirmation Class with Parents Eucharist Prep Class 3 PM Chaplet of Divine Mercy 6:30 PM First Reconciliation 6:30 PM Pastoral Council Meeting (CR1) 7 PM RCIA at St. John 8 PM AA (CB) 8 PM Alanon (CR2) Faith Formation Meeting at 6:30 PM (FFO) 9 AM Newsletter (CR1) 2 PM Staff Meeting (CR1) 5 PM St. Clare Kitchen (CB) 7 PM Confirmation Class 8:30 AM Morning Prayer (C) 5-7 PM Parish Office open 6 PM Parish Renewal 6:30 PM Peace & Justice Meeting (CR1) 6:30-8 PM Youth Group (Gym) 9:15 AM Adult Faith Sharing (FFO) 10 AM AA (CB) 7 PM Spirituality & Worship Commission Meeting (CR2) Stations of the Cross 6 PM Spanish/ 7 PM English 9 AM AA (CR2) All-Day Marriage Preparation sessions will be offered in the parish. Couples may contact Jody and Dan Bohney to register for one of the sessions: 219-696-4030. You have prepared for Lent—Have you prepared for EASTER? Join us for the March Generations of Faith sessions on Sunday, March 22 at 10:15 AM or Monday, March 23 at 6 PM to break open the feast of Easter. There just may be an Easter Egg hunt!! Generations of Faith is for all ages– young and old and everyone in between. Joining us for the first time? The first session is free! March 2015 1~ 2~ 3~ Second Sunday of Lent Eucharist Prep Class 10 AM RCIA (CR1) 10:15 AM Confirmation Class 3 PM Chaplet of Divine Mercy 11 AM Prayer Shawl Ministry Meeting (CR1) 7 PM RCIA at St. John 8 PM AA (CB) 8 PM Alanon (CR2) 5 PM St. Clare Kitchen (CB) 6:30-8 PM Grief Support (Living Room) 7 PM Parish Life Meeting (CR1) Location for Events: PC Parish Center CB Church Basement FFO Faith Formation Office ~ Parish Center G Gym LR Living Room DR Dining Room CR1 New addition upstairs conference room CR2 New addition downstairs conference room The Conversation Continues. . . Join us on Thursday mornings for conversation, fellowship and coffee. We cover current events, hot topic issues in the church, new (and old) DVD releases on church topics and never is there any such thing as a stupid question! We meet in the Faith Formation Office in the school building around 9:15 AM. All adults in the parish are welcome! Parish Life Those who need our prayers… Phil Allan Florence Armstrong Bob & Lida Barney Mary Bixenman Bill Bradtke Marcia Cepko Josephine Chmielewski Robert Clark Mary Lou Deno Bob Eberle Tom & Linda Foreman Ann Gadomski Gail Gold Marie Govert Bob Grega Joey Guerrero Rebecca Guess Rosemarie Haberlin Karen Hathaway Mary Hays Dave Hilt Rosalie Hoffman Amalia Hutchins Bob Keilman Bruce Kitchell Jeff Kubiak Monica & Fred Kujawa Dale Laking James Larson Debbie Longfellow Tom Manning Jo Manes Lois Martinez Joy Marzynski Mary Jane & Jim Molnar Dan & Dodie Nolan Jeff Obarski Robert O’Donnell Stacey Previs Ray Radzinski Cecelia Rahaw Bob Reeves Michael & Carol Rowe Lucille Shroka Barb Stuart Judy Tokarz Gerry Thiel Marian Weger Pat & Rich Wisniewski Matthew Yakubik Cathy Zajac Download Our New Parish App! At Holy Name we are pursuing new opportunities to foster a stronger parish life and better engage the New Evangelization. As a part of these efforts we are happy to announce that Holy Name now has it’s own App for Apple and Android phones. Our new App will allow us to send you useful and important messages throughout the week regarding our parish life and events, and allow you to reply to messages or RSVP for events. There will be no need for parishioners with smart phones to remember to silence their phones before Mass. The App will send you a reminder to silence your phone 20 minutes before the Mass you select. Many more great features will be a help to all of us, such as, daily Mass readings, Catholic news, prayers and prayer reminders, Confession reminders, and our weekly bulletin. So, be sure to download the App after Mass today by visiting or searching for myparish on your phone’s App store, and stay connected with us all week long. Parish Life SPONSOR OF THE WEEK Mama D’s Pizza This bulletin is brought to us weekly, free of charge thanks to our sponsors. Please view this complete ad on the back of the bulletin and be sure to patronize our advertisers and let them know you saw their ad in the bulletin. Parish Life Stewardship Prayer Shawl Ministry Thanks to whom ever made the nice shawl that Anna Freeman brought to me when I was in the hospital. It was a nice, unexpected surprise. God bless all the ladies spending their time making these wonderful gifts. Belva Humpfer Thank You Thank you Holy Name family for the warm wishes at Christmas time and for the prayers and kind words at Richard’s passing. The Richard Johnson Family Thank You Thank you to Marge Willy for sewing additional money bags for the ushers. Living Stations of the Cross Living Stations of the Cross Friday, March 27 at 7 PM in the church All teens in the parish are invited to participate in leading the Stations of the Cross for the congregation. Rehearsal at 5 PM on the 27th and then we will feed you! Please contact Mercedes Austgen at if you would like to be a part of this very moving prayer experience. February 8, 2015 Regular Collection Children’s Envelopes Loose Collection Renovations School Support Defray Cost of Envelopes Northwest Indiana Catholic 8,717.00 7.55 751.45 265.00 112.00 5.00 446.00 Total 10,304.00 50/50 Raffle Results February 8, 2015 183 Players Winning Number 172 No Winner Drawn by: Mercedes Austgen Witnessed by: John Berenc Retrovaille: A Life Line for Married Couples On a Retrovaille weekend, spend time learning strategies for airing grievances and sustaining intimacy while free from everyday distractions. Follow-up Post Sessions held on 7 consecutive Sundays will build upon the communication skills of the weekend, All facets of the program are led by couples who have rebuilt their own relationship. For more information, call (708)802-1830. Confidentiality is guaranteed. The next Retrouvaille weekend begins February 13 in Chesterton. Call for additional dates and weekend locations or visit To view our Bulletin and Newsletter on line check out our website at Become a fan on Facebook. Holy Name Parish February 22, 2015 Holy Name Parish Staff Holy Name Mission Statement Holy Name Parish is a thriving Roman Catholic community that strives to create a welcoming atmosphere for many people from diverse cultures and various backgrounds. Using our time, talent and treasures, we are committed to responsible stewardship and financial accountability. We nourish our Catholic faith through our weekly sharing in the Eucharist; strengthened through intergenerational faith formation. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we dedicate ourselves to the service of those most in need, by being Disciples of Christ in the world. Reaffirmed November 13, 2012 2014 Pastoral Council Members Kim Boswell Gretchen Gerstenkorn Tomas Jaimes Ed King Pete Kozlowski Meg Lanham Brian Long Shirley Manning Tom McAdams Linda Slankard Ryan Steinberg John Tritschler Rose Mary Vicari Father Ed Tlucek, ofm 219-232-2713 Deacon Ed Kozub 219-942-0424 Deacon Tom Kubik 219-678-5434 Deacon John Bacon 219-365-2946 Mercedes Austgen 219-232-2778 Pastoral Associate Mary Joan Dickson 219-232-4994 Youth Minister Mary Kselman 219-232-2720 Office Manager Cindy Varenkamp 219-232-2781 Music Ministry Wanda Burdan 219-232-5006 Office Staff St. Vincent dePaul 219-374-8800 Volunteer Staff Member Sunday-Saturday 8 AM-6 PM
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