Our Lady of Lebanon Maronite Catholic Church SUNDAY OF THE MOST HOLY TRINITY Rev. Assaad ElBasha, M.L.M., Pastor Mass Schedule Sunday 8:30 A.M. English 11:00 A.M. Bilingual; English/Lebanese Altar Boys: Joseph Marincel 817-491-0763 Adoration: Sheila Hughes 817-430-3066 Choir: 8:30 A.M. Helen Marincel 817-491-0763 Library: Sharon Wood 214-497-0783 Choir: 11:00 A.M. Roula Vasquez 972-824-5000 Respect Life: Michele Kleiner 972-446-9898 RCIA: Mark Omvig 214-346-0300 Youth Ministry: Mark Loyet 972-742-1002 Lectors: 8:30 AM Mark Caputo 469-230-1533 Religious Education Safe Environment 817-491-0763 Sue Marincel 503-701-2236 Ushers Robert Kramer 214-488-5635 Legion of Mary Rose Onoh 214-289-4300 Monday No Mass Tuesday - Friday 9:00 A.M. English Saturday 5:30 P.M. English Reconciliation Saturday - 4:00 - 5:00 P.M. Eucharistic Adoration Sunday: 2:00 P.M -7:00 P.M. Lectors: 11:00 AM Trevor Rask Monday - Friday: 9:00 A.M. - 7:00 P.M. Parish Council Saturday: 9:00 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. Week of May 31st - June 6th, 2015 719 University Place - Lewisville, TX 75067 Phone: (972) 436-7617 or (972) 221-7705 • Fax: (972) 221-3430 website: www.ourladylebanon.com email: ladyofl@verizon.net Daily Scripture Readings & Mass Intentions Sunday, 05-31-15 8:30 am Rom 11:25-36 Mt 28:16-20 Acts 4:5-12 Jn 15:1-8 Tuesday, 06-02-15 Acts 4:13-22 Jn 15:9-14 9:00 am Joseph Family Joseph Family Wednesday,06-03-15 Acts 4:23-31 Jn 15:15-17 Thursday 06-04-15 1 Cor 10:14-21 Jn 6:47-63 9:00 am BDay: Mandy Rolley Mattye Thompson Friday, 06-05-15 Acts 5:12-21a Jn 15:22-27 Acts 5:21b-33 Jn 16:1-4 11:00 am Monday, 06-01-15 No Mass 9:00 am 9:00 am Saturday, 06-06-15 5:30pm †James & Rosadell Jackie Cucinotta Fanning † To help you prepare during the week to hear the Word of God as He speaks to us at Mass, next Sunday’s reading are: Sunday, 06-07-15 1 Cor 2:1-10 Jn 14:21-27 Liturgical Roles Saturday, June 6 5:30 PM Mass Lector: Tony Cucinotta Altar Servers: Nicholas Anderson, Eli Shults, Cillian Smith Ushers: Bob Kramer & Daniel Shults Sunday, June 7 8:30 AM Mass Lector: Rachael Fraser Altar Servers: Michael Marincel, Luke Hawbaker, Gabriel Medina Ushers: Andre Nicholas & Armen Fraser Sunday, June 7 11:00 AM Mass Lector: Renee Adam Altar Servers: Andrew Farhat, Anthony Farhat, Stephen Wood Ushers: Sammer Mati & George Semaan Quotes on Pentecost by Saint Pope John Paul II The Church of Christ is always, so to speak, in a situation of Pentecost: she is always gathered in the Upper Room in prayer, and at the same time, driven by the powerful wind of the Spirit, she is always on the streets preaching. Mary Most Holy, since Pentecost you have kept watch with the Church as she prays for the Holy Spirit: remain with us at the center of our extraordinary Upper Room. To you, whom we venerate as Our Lady of Divine Love, we entrust the fruits of the City Mission, so that through your intercession the Diocese of Rome may offer the world a convinced witness to Christ our Savior.” Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Novena to the Two Sacred Hearts June 3rd—June 12th O Heart of Jesus pierced for our sins and giving us your Mother on Calvary! O Heart of Mary pierced by sorrow and sharing in the sufferings of your divine Son for our redemption! O sacred union of these Two Hearts! Praised be the God of Love who united them together! May we unite our hearts and every heart so that all hearts may live in unity in imitation of that sacred unity which exists in these Two Hearts. Triumph, O Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary! Reign, O Most Sacred Heart of Jesus! – in our hearts, in our homes and families, in the hearts of those who as yet do not know you, and in all nations of the world. Establish in the hearts of all mankind the sovereign triumph and reign of your Two Hearts so that the earth may resound from pole to pole with one cry: Blessed forever be the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary! Obtain for me a greater purity of heart and a fervent love of the spiritual life. May all my actions be done for the greater glory of God in unions with the divine heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Hear and answer our prayers and intentions (mention your petition) according to your most merciful will. Amen. Three famous men of God met on a street corner in Rome. They were Friar Dominic, busy gathering recruits to a new Religious Order of Preachers (Dominicans); Brother Francis, the friend of birds and beasts and especially dear to the poor (Franciscans); and Angelus, who had been invited to Rome from Mount Carmel (Carmelites), in Palestine, because of his fame as a preacher. At their chance meeting, by the light of the Holy Spirit each of the three men recognized each other and, in the course of their conversation (as recorded by various followers who were present), they made prophecies to each other. Saint Angelus foretold the stigmata of Saint Francis, and Saint Dominic said: "One day, Brother Angelus, to your Order of Carmel the Most Blessed Virgin Mary will give a devotion to be known as the Brown Scapular, and to my Order of Preachers she will give a devotion to be known as the Rosary...One day, through the Rosary and the Scapular, SHE WILL SAVE THE WORLD." PARISH COMMUNITY LIFE Bulletin: Vol. 25 No 22 May 31st - June 6th, 2015 Holy Trinity Sunday “Remain here and keep watch with me.” Won’t you keep watch with our Lord? We need Adorers to sign up and commit to keep watch over Him and His tabernacle for one set hour each week. Adoration of the Holy Eucharist Monday thru Friday 9:00am—7:00pm Saturday 9:00am—5:30pm Sunday 1:00pm—7:00pm Contact Sheila Hughes @ 817-430-3066 NAM brings people together to unify and strengthen the Maronite Church. Basic Membership Information: Category Fee Student $10.00 Start Now! www.namnews.org You Can Make A Difference! Keep the Flame Burning! Individual $20.00 Family $35.00 Lay Carmelites Accepting New Candidates: The Maronite Church rests upon the Apostles and the love of the Virgin Mary. Every Maronite honors Mary morning and evening, and with every difficulty sighs Ya Adra (Oh Blessed Virgin). Carmelites also have a deep love and devotion to Mary, and know that God wants all of us to have a deeper prayer life and a more intimate relationship with Him. Do you feel God calling you closer to Jesus and Mary? Becoming a Third Order Lay Carmelite can offer you the opportunity to answer this call. Lay Carmelites live as mothers, fathers, students, and single people, while reaching out to everyone through prayer and charity. We follow the rule of life of the Carmelite order, with its trifold charism of contemplative prayer, community, and service. The prophet Elijah and Mary model for us zeal for the Lord and contemplative prayer. By seeking God’s will in all circumstances, we live the Gospels in our daily lives, and study together for mutual support. Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Lay OCarm Community meets in Richardson, and is now accepting candidates into the first year formation program. To visit or to learn more, call Celine Powers (903) 962-0351 or Mattye Thompson (469) 500-1508. Second Collections: Our Second Collection today will benefit Catholic Communications. THANK YOU for supporting this worthy cause! 5:30 PM Mass $1,096.00 8:30 AM Mass $1,677.00 11:00 AM Mass $1,166.00 May 10th, 2015 - Total $3,939.00 Stewardship is about spending time with God in prayer. Prayer on behalf of others is a gift of tremendous value that you can give no matter what your circumstances. Rejoice always. Pray without ceasing. [1 Thessalonians 5:16-17] Fr. Assaad Welcome to our Parish Wherever we meet in Prayer, there is God. Thank you to our Amazing Confirmation Team! Joe Marincel & Kathy Medina Men’s ACTS Retreat: June 4;6:00pm--June 7,2015 11:30am Attain a deeper relationship with our Lord! What is ACTS all about? Adoration, Community, Theology & Service. People have credited ACTS with saving their lives, saving their marriages, convincing them to be ordained as priests or deacons, or leading them to the religious life, simply by opening their eyes and their hearts to God's word. This retreat is being hosted by men of St. Mark’s parish in Denton, TX and will be held at the Lone Oak Retreat Center in Gainesville, TX. Cost: $190.00 (all meals & lodging included). Contact Robert Cunningham @ 972-561-0146; David Laubacher @ 940-300-0323 or Tom Harrington @ 940-594-6579 to sign up. Registration forms are also in the lobby and are currently being accepted for this retreat! Please Join Us in Prayer for Baby Arjun His family has requested one of the Sanctuary candles be lit for him to be lifted up in prayer by our community while he undergoes developmental testing. Please pray for him and his family this month. God Bless! VOCATIONS: COME AND SEE This Vocation Awareness Program scheduled for June 26-28, 2015 will be held at the University of Dallas in Irving, TX. Visit vapinfo.org for more information. Application deadline will be June 15th. The Holy Family Icon This week the Holy Family icon will go home with: Diego & Pia Pena Our Lady of Lebanon community is celebrating 2015 as year of prayer for our parish families. You may take the Holy Family icon home during your week of family prayer. Our Legion of Mary meets every Monday night at 7:00PM to pray the rosary, the litanies, and to honor our Blessed Mother. Come and join us for an evening of fellowship and prayer. Contact Rose Onoh: 214-289-4300 Plans are well underway for our 20th Annual Lebanese Food Festival Oct 2-4, 2015!! Fun for Everyone! Get INVOLVED!! We are planning and need YOUR helping hands for: Food Preparation, Talent Show Dabke Dancers, Children’s Play Area Silent Auction Artists & Artisans & MORE!!!! 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