Sunday 22 March 2015 (week 4) 10.10 10.30 10.30 17.00 18.10 18.30 Prayer Morning Service until 11.45 (including Communion) Explorers and Creche Music group set up Prayer Evening Service – Paul Taylor Monday 09.30 19.30 Volleyball Keep Fit Prayer for Tracey Lumley please, she is still in hospital. Prayer also for Joel Coulter, his operation is now tomorrow at 7.30am David Jack is taking the thanksgiving service for Miss Lucy Weeks at Eckling Grange on Thursday 26th March at 3.00 pm. Miss Weeks was 99 years and 11 months old when she went to be with the Lord!! Tuesday Wednesday 10.00 18.30 20.00 Home from Home High Street Kids Care Groups Thursday 09.30 Earlybirds Friday 19.30 The Lounge Please remember to pray for Cathy & Josh Hooker in Namibia this month. Josh Hooker's book about grace called "Priority One" is now available in the chapel library. There will be a dedication service for Gabi, Florence, Verity and Hattie on Sunday 12 April at 10.30am. This will be followed by a 'bring and share' lunch. Nearer the time there will be a form on the foyer notice board to enable you to state which dish(es) you are able to bring. Thanks Nathan Wallace and Lauren Thomas are both being baptised at The Forge, New Green Centre, Thurston today at 4pm, everyone is welcome to attend this outside baptism ! Saturday All Day Ignite Easter Activity Sunday 29 March 2015 10.10 10.30 10.30 17.00 18.10 18.30 Prayer Morning Service with communion Creche (no Explorers) Music Group set up Prayer Evening Service – Andrew Yuill Mark Voller is not being baptised this morning at Felixstowe, if you would like more details please speak to Phil Banks. Please continue to pray for Mark. Please continue to pray for the opening of The Well Coffee Shop Dates for your diary – Tuesday 21 April in the evening, we are holding a 'Thrive or Survive' supper and we will have a guest from the Leprosy Mission to speak. We are delighted and greatly encouraged by the donations we have had for Amanda Kirk to take to the new Mums and babies in Zambia. A BIG thank you to you all! We aim to send the first load off in mid - late April, so if you're in the middle of a knitting or crochet project you have a bit more time!! Currently we have enough hats & bootees but are still in need of cardigans and blankets, please. We also need more flannels, toothpaste, talc and vests. With thanks for your practical support. Paula, Sheila & Tracy Lumley. Duty Teams: Week 1 Neil, John & Christine, Mary, Barrie, Martin, David R, Brian & Val Week 2 Tony, Peter & Tracy, Nic, Eric and Wendy, Ivan, Phil, Linda Week 3 Mark, Tim & Heather, Lyn, Pam, Mike Goodwin, Ray and Maureen Week 4 Mike, Andy Clarke, Dave Brown, Tim & Joanne, Lucy, Matthew, Sam & Paul Week 5 Myles, Alan, Andy Hart, Ann, Teresa, Keith & Sue
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