MAY 24, 2015 PENTECOST SUNDAY ST. ANTHONY’S ALTAR SOCIETY The Altar Society ladies will be meeting on Friday, June 5, 2015 at 11:30am for a luncheon at the Cork ‘n Barrel (the old Michael’s restaurant on Washington St.). MAY BIRTHDAY ‘S Chris O’Brien…...……..May 1 Amy Jean Hilland...…....May 6 Victor Blazovich…..…..May 8 Thomas Johnson..…......May 8 JULY 4TH YARD SALE St. Bernard’s in Ione will once again host their annual on Saturday, July 4, 2015. Doors open at 9am and close at 4pm. Donations welcome from June 29 & 30, July 1 & 2 from 10am until noon and on Friday, July 3, from 10am till 3pm. Call Carrie Hare at 442-2300 if another time is necessary. PLEASE REMEMBER NO CLOTHES! We just don’t have the room to display them. Harry Tefft.…………....May 8 Johnathan Wagar……….May 9 Colleen Larkoski…..……May 11 Madeline Waterman…....May 15 Catherine Johnson….…..May 21 Felicia Sedbrook…….….May 22 Kathy Busskohl………...May 25 Fred Lenhart……….......May 27 Prayer for the Year of Consecrated Life O God, throughout the ages you have called women and men to pursue lives of perfect charity through the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience. During this Year of Consecrated Life, we give you thanks for these courageous witnesses of faith and models of inspiration. Their pursuit of holy lives teaches us to make a more perfect offering of ourselves to you. Continue to enrich your Church by calling forth sons and daughters who, having found the pearl of great price, treasure the kingdom of heaven above all things. Through our Lord, Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. Pope Francis's Intentions for the month of May: Universal Intention: Care for the Suffering;. That, rejecting the culture of indifference, we may care for our neighbors who suffer, especially the sick and poor. Evangelization: Christians in Secularized Cultures. That Mary’s intercession may help Christians in secularized cultures be open to proclaiming Jesus. PRAYER CHAIN CONTACT Gail Davaz @ 509-292-2601 Nellie Graham @ 509-447-2670 Prayers for the Ill To better facilitate this list it will be completely deleted on June 7th unless you contact the office at 447-2685 and ask for your loved one to remain. Mary Boisen Carl Burrell Johnnee Curtis Clifford Doty Barb & Dave Floyd Rose Kirby Scott Krika Lois Langdon Darlene Lindquist Richard Lindquist Spencer Lowell Jack Sampson Yesenia Sandoval John Savage Donna Thompson Tom Thompson Roman Vasquez Rosie Yepez Please see the Diocese Bulletin Board for all information about each of the following: IMMACULATE HEART RETREAT CENTER— IHRC website for May RETREAT ON MARRIAGE AND PARENTING FOR PARENTS OR GRANDPARENTS— May 29, 6:30pm—May 31, 2015, 1:00pm “You’re Not Alone: Keeping Your Kids Safe and Strong in a Secure and Faithful Marriage” with Fr. David Kuttner. Whether you have ‘Tweens, Teens or College-aged children, this retreat is for you! Cost $195 p/person/$294 p/couple/$125 p/commuter. DAY OF PRAYER ON THE MASS "The Source and Summit" (Lumen Gentium) Wednesday, June 3, 2015, 9am—3pm. Mother Kathryn Joseph, SMMC & Sister Mary Elizabeth SMMC Ever find yourself fidgeting during Mass, waiting for it to be finished? This Day of Prayer will give participants keys to open understandings of the transcendent event throbbing in our midst at Mass. (Conferences inspired by the book, What Happens at Mass by Fr. Jeremy Driscoll, O.S.B, and also by the contemplative artwork of Elizabeth Wang of Radiant Light) Days of Prayer include the Rosary, two conferences, Reconciliation, Mass. lunch and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Cost is $37 (A room for the day is available for $10 additional) CATHOLIC PARISHES OF PEND OREILLE COUNTY CHANGES IN THE WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE become effective on Tuesday, May 26 and Friday, May 29, 2015. SATURDAY NIGHT MASSES AT ST. ANTHONY’S will begin on Saturday, July 4, 2015 and continue through August 29, 2015 at 7:00pm. See bulletin front for both changes. K of C YOUTH SCHOLARSHIP FUND The Knights of Columbus are awarding a $500.00 Scholarship to a qualified Senior Catholic student. The applicant shall have been accepted to a University, College or trade school. The applicant shall be a practicing Catholic and registered in parish in Pend Oreille County. To obtain an application, for submission by June 1, 2015, please call Ed Zupich at 509-447-3943. MIDWIFE KIT PROJECT All information on this project is posted on St. Anthony’s bulletin boards. Samples and lists are available in the “cry room” during the month of May. These kits will be shipped with packaged meals and medical supplies and sent to Tanzania. The organization is Outreach Inc. Pentecost St. Paul reminds us today that all of our gifts have their source in the Holy Spirit and that those gifts are given “for the common good.” What gifts are mine to share?
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