SUNDAY: 19 APRIL: 3RD SUNDAY OF EASTER YOU’RE INVITED TO AN OPEN HOUSE APRIL IS CHILD ABUSE IN OBSERVANCE OF THE YEAR OF CONSECRATED LIFE PREVENTION MONTH OUR LADY OF SORROWS RETREAT CENTER In a diocesan effort to support this 103 RAILROAD AVE., ST. MARTINVILLE, LA cause, on behalf of Bishop Jarrell, SUNDAYS: April 26, May 24, June 28, July 26, Aug. 30 the Office of Safe Environment has Sept. 27, Oct. 18, Nov. 22, Dec. 27 provided a blue ribbon and sign Get a close-up view of the Consecrated Life and gain a Plenary to our church to be placed in a Indulgence prominent location. Pray Midday Prayer and Evening Prayer with the Community of Jesus Through this blue ribbon message, Crucified we hope to convey that every child (Midday Prayer 11:45am • Evening Prayer 6:15pm • Holy Mass 12 noon) deserves the chance to be raised The Gate and Chapel will open from 8:30am till 6:30pm. in a healthy, safe and nurturing For More Information, call Fr. Michael Champagne at environment. Mark 10:14, Let the (337) 394-6550 children come to me and do not PLENARY INDULGENCE DURING THE YEAR hinder them, for the kingdom of OF CONSECRATED LIFE! God belongs to such as these. For more information you can go On the occasion of this special Year, Pope Francis has conceded plenary indulgences, under the customary conditions: the individual be in the state to of grace by the completion of the acts, have complete detachment from sin, NECROLOGY: and pray for the Pope’s intentions. The person must also sacramentally confess Please remember the souls of their sins and receive Communion, up to about twenty days before or after the these departed Priests, Deacons, indulgenced act. Bishops, and other religious who The period for gaining this indulgence began on the First Sunday of Advent have served our Diocese: Monday, 2014 and will conclude on February 2, 2016, the day of the closure of the Year of Consecrated Life. In the Diocese of Lafayette a plenary indulgence may be April 20: Rev. Cornelius J. Van Merrianboer (+1960), Thursday, obtained during those days devoted to consecrated life and during diocesan celebrations organized for the Year of Consecrated Life (by participating in any April 23: Deacon Paul Leonard Votive Mass for Consecrated or Religious Life, Vocations Awareness, Jubilarian Meynard (+2000), Saturday, April Mass, etc) or by visiting any of the following designated places: 25: Deacon Carl J. Conrad (+1997) • Cathedral of Saint John the Evangelist, Lafayette Requiem aeternam dona eis, • Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Lafayette Domine et lux perpetua luceat eis. • Saint Charles Borromeo Church, Grand Coteau • Saint Martin de Tours, St. Martinville MASS FOR ELDERLY • Mother of the Redeemer Monastery, * Plaisance Sunday, May 31, 2015, 2 p.m. • Carmelite Monastery, * Lafayette Immaculate Chapel, • Mater Dolorosa Chapel, *St. Martinville 1408 Carmel Drive, Lafayette, LA In order to obtain the plenary indulgence, one must publicly recite the Liturgy of the Hours (please note places that are marked with an asterisk all have public Time to honor all Senior Citizens recitation of the Divine Office; please contact them for times) or devote a with Bishop Michael Jarrell suitable period of time for devout reflection, concluding with the Lord’s Prayer, celebrating Mass Reception immediately following in the Creed, and pious invocation of the Virgin Mary. Marian Hall PRAYER FOR THE YEAR OF CONSECRATED LIFE Provided by Ladies of Grace of the O God, throughout the ages you have called women and men to pursue lives Knights of Peter Claver of perfect charity through the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and Families are encouraged to bring obedience. During this Year of Consecrated Life, we give you thanks for these their elderly loved ones! courageous witnesses of Faith and models of inspiration. Their pursuit of holy Sacred Heart First Holy Communion lives teaches us to make a more perfect offering of ourselves to you. Continue to enrich your Church by calling forth sons and daughters who, having found will be Saturday, April 25th at 10 a.m. Practice will be held in church the pearl of great price, treasure the Kingdom of Heaven above all things. on Wednesday, April 22nd at 6 p.m. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen SUNDAY: 19 APRIL: 3RD SUNDAY OF EASTER From the Pastor READINGS FOR THE WEEK “My heart’s desire and prayer to God for them is MONDAY, Apr. 20: Acts 6:8-15, Jn 6:22-29, TUESDAY, Apr. that they may be saved.” Romans 10:1 21: Acts 7:51 – 8:1a, Jn 6:30-35, WEDNESDAY, Apr. 22: Acts Mes chers amis, On this Third Sunday of Easter, we continue to hear about the Resurrection appearances of Our Lord Jesus Christ. It was on the lakeshore that the Risen Jesus brings His Divine Mercy to St. Peter. In that setting, he brought healing to the heart of Peter, to whom He had entrusted His Church. While St. Peter professes his love for our Lord, Jesus tells him the truth that he may not want to hear: that the shepherding of His Church will not be easy…that it will include suffering. It is only in view of love that the difficult mission of being a Shepherd who suffers can make sense. Through the Lord’s grace, St. Peter is up to the challenge. This Gospel passage is very relevant in our times as we witness the successor of St. Peter, Pope Francis, faced with the same trials Jesus promised to St. Peter: the trials of the Shepherd of the Church. Upon our Holy Father’s shoulders rests the weight of the Church, with all of her members - both courageous saints and weak sinners. At the current time, many in the media are acting as vicious wolves out to destroy the Church. Their erroneous reporting is most often filled with much more than inaccuracies and ignorant statementswhat underlies it is hatred for the Church and the truth she safeguards and proclaims. However, let us not be foolish…the Pope knew what his “yes” in love to the Lord would entail. Pope Benedict XVI made a plea for prayer during the homily for his inauguration on April 24, 2005: One of the basic characteristics of a shepherd must be to love the people entrusted to him, even as he loves Christ whom he serves. “Feed my sheep”, says Christ to Peter, and now, at this moment, he says it to me as well. Feeding means loving, and loving also means being ready to suffer. Loving means giving the sheep what is truly good, the nourishment of God’s truth, of God’s word, the nourishment of his presence, which he gives us in the Blessed Sacrament. My dear friends – at this moment I can only say: pray for me, that I may learn to love the Lord more and more. Pray for m me, that I may learn to love his flock more and more – in other words, you, the holy Church, each one of you and all of you together. Pray for me, that I may not flee for fear of the wolves. Let us pray for one another, that the Lord will carry us and that we will learn to carry one another. In your charity, please remember our Holy Father, Pope Francis, in prayer. The Risen Lord continues to be present to us through him. Dans le Sacré Cœur du Christ, 8:1b-8, Jn 6:35-40, THURSDAY, Apr. 23: Acts 8:26-40, Jn 6: 44-51, FRIDAY, Apr. 24: Acts 9:1-20, Jn 6:52-59, SATURDAY, Apr. 25: 1 Pt 5:5b-14, Mk 16:15-20 Sunday, April 26, readings for Holy Mass: Worship hymnal page 1086 PLEASE REMEMBER THE SICK IN YOUR PRAYERS: Elden Chapman, Kristen Smith Fontenot, Theresa Fontenot, J. Guillory, Johnny Perrodin, Mary Ella Soileau, and Harry West. STEWARDSHIP OF FINANCES SACRED HEART $7,028.00 BELAIRE COVE $546.00 Advertiser of the Week L May we suggest that you regularly flip over the back page of our bulletin and check our sponsors and advertisers. Through their generosity, our bulletin is made possible. We would like to express our tahnks to them for their ongoing support. SUNDAY: 19 APRIL: 3RD SUNDAY OF EASTER ALTAR SERVERS FOR THE WEEKEND OF 25 APRIL - 26 APRIL Sat., 4 p.m. (BC) Evan Miller Sat., 4 p.m. Morgan Fontenot Sun., 7 a.m. Cade Fontenot Sun., 10 a.m Tre & Dreu Fontenot, Gabe Fontenot, Vic Parks, Connor Fontenot Sun., 5 p.m. The Bellow READERS FOR THE WEEKEND OF 25 APRIL - 26 APRIL Sat., 4 p.m. (BC) Albert & Keitha LeJeune Sat., 4 p.m. Dot Estilette Sun., 7 a.m. Chris Stromer Sun., 10 a.m Annette Fontenot Sun., 5 p.m. Dennis Fontenot EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION FOR THE WEEKEND OF 25 APRIL - 26 APRIL Sat., 4 p.m. (BC) Faye Lafleur Sat., 4 p.m. JoEl Guillory, Barbara Vidrine Sun., 7 a.m. Winston Lafleur, Carlton Manuel Sun., 10 a.m Pierre Vidrine, Liz Lafleur Sun., 5 p.m. Tony Marks, Sybil Vidrine ALTAR SERVERS FOR THE WEEK OF 20 APRIL - 24 APRIL Mon. Apr. 20, 6:30 a.m. Laura Manuel Tues. Apr. 21, 6:30 a.m. Jami Fontenot Wed. Apr. 22, 6:30 a.m. Thur. Apr. 23, 6:30 a.m. The Bellows Fri. Apr. 24, 6:30 a.m. INTENTIONS OF POPE FRANCIS FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL: • Universal: That people may learn to respect creation and care for it as a gift of God • Evangelization: That persecuted Christians may feel the consoling presence of the Risen Lord and the solidarity of all the Church PRAYERS FOR OUR DIOCESAN PRIESTS: Each day, please remember the following Priests in prayer: Sunday, Apr. 19: Rev. Clyde LeBlanc, SJ, Monday, Apr. 20: Rev. Steven LeBlanc, Tuesday, Apr. 21: Rev. Louis Ledoux, Wednesday, Apr. 22: Rev. Mark Ledoux, Thursday, Apr. 23: Rev. Austin Leger, Friday, Apr. 24: Rev. Lambert Lein, SVD, Saturday, Apr. 25: Rev. Roland Lesseps, SJ, Sunday, Apr. 26: Rev. James Liprie, OSB Eternal Father, we lift up to You these and all the priests of the world. Sanctify them. Heal and guide them. Mold them into the likeness of Your Son, Jesus, the Eternal High Priest. May their lives be pleasing to You. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. Lectures Honoring the 500th Birthday of St. Teresa of Avila Our Lady of Sorrows Retreat Center • St. Martinville • Mater Dolorosa Chapel No Cost and No Registration Required FRIDAYS • 7:00 - 8:30 PM May 8 An Introduction to the Life of St. Teresa of Avila May 15 The Book of Her Life May 22 The Interior Castle June 12 The Way of Perfection June 26 Other Writings of St. Teresa of Avila Parking 103 Railroad Ave. • St. Martinville For More Information, Call Fr. Champagne at (337) 3946550 PARKING LOT: Please leave the traffic cones in the spaces that are placed in the NO PARKING areas. We ask that you DO NOT REMOVE OR RELOCATE THESE CONES. SUNDAY: 19 APRIL: 3RD SUNDAY OF EASTER SATURDAY, 18 APRIL 2015 4 p.m. BC: ALEX REED, SAM MATTE, MARK KRASNOFF, MR. & MRS. WILBUR REED Also remembered in prayer: Lee Fuselier, Peggy & Brady Hudspeth, Dale Sittig, Lena Williams TUESDAY, 21 APRIL 2015 6:30 a.m.: AUDREY GUILLORY (BIRTHDAY), ESSIE & CALVIN FONTENOT, RICHARD FONTENOT Also remembered in prayer: J. H. Vidrine & Family, Rudy Guillory, Margaret Ray, Peggy & Brady Hudspeth, Dale Sittig, Lena Williams 4 p.m.: CLIFF & AMY WAGLEY Also remembered in prayer: Floyd Dupre, Rosa Holmes, Yvette Soileau, Betty Ann Guillory, Joseph Calvin Soileau, Robert L. Jones, Percy David (Birthday), Jeanette Bordelon, Alvin Bordelon Family, Valentine & Dolicia Ardoin, Lamar & Marie May WEDNESDAY, 22 APRIL 2015 6:30 a.m.: MARY JANE REILLY Also remembered in prayer: Peggy & Brady Hudspeth, Dale Sittig, Lena Williams, Percy David SUNDAY, 19 APRIL 2015 7 a.m.: DEAN SOILEAU & FAMILY, MR. & MRS. CLAUDE FONTENOT & FAMILY, VIVIAN SOILEAU, JESSIE SOILEAU Also remembered in prayer: Felton & Edna Carrier, Winston & Glenda Foret, Sheran M. Fontenot, Bernita F. Soileau & Family, Jessie Brown, Rogers Brown, Adam Corona, David Sebastien, Emily & George Catoire THURSDAY, 23 APRIL 2015 6:30 a.m.: ALICE & CLIFTON SOILEAU, ADAM, ROSS & MATTHEW GUILLORY Also remembered in prayer: Yvette Soileau, Betty Guillory, Rudy Guillory, Bonnie Deshotels (1st Anniversary), Patsy Stelly, Una Sylvester, Greta Brown, Glenda Nicholas, Peggy & Brady Hudspeth, Dale Sittig, Lena Williams 10 a.m.: SALLY DUPLECHIN, MARY ARDEN DUPLECHIN, HARRY & LEAVANA VIDRINE, BRETT FONTENOT Also remembered in prayer: Gloria Ardoin, Robert L. Jones, Melba R. Deshotel, Lessie Deshotel, Emily Deshotel, Albert Deshotel, Eldridge Deshotel, Linda Montelaro & Family, Lionel Roberie & Family, Lora Dean Soileau & family, Lanix Fuselier & Family, Peggy & Brady Hudspeth, Dale Sittig, Lena Williams, Rynell B. Fontenot, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Sebastien, Mr. & Mrs. Ned B. Fontenot, Raynard Sebastien, Chris Morales FRIDAY, 24 APRIL 2015 6:30 a.m.: ALL SOULS LIST Also remembered in prayer: Mr. & Mrs. Joe Tuminaro Jr. (In thanksgiving for 50 years of marriage), Peggy & Brady Hudspeth, Dale Sittig, Lena Williams 8:10 a.m.: 8:10 a.m.: EVA S. & RAY J. LAFLEUR, EUNICE, VERNON & MARLA PRUDHOMME SATURDAY, 25 APRIL 2015 5 P.M.: DON & LENA FRANKS, ELDRIDGE & CHRISTINE 8 a.m.: FOSTER VIDRINE LANDRENEAU, LUIS CANTU MONDAY, 20 APRIL 2015 6:30 a.m.: MARY JANE REILLY Also remembered in prayer: Peggy & Brady Hudspeth, Dale Sittig, Lena Williams
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