ALL SAINTS, OLD GLOSSOP AND ST MARY CROWNED, GLOSSOP THE ROMAN CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF NOTTINGHAM EGISTERED OFFICE: WILLSON HOUSE, 25 DERBY ROAD, NOTTINGHAM. NG1 5AW COMPANY NUMBER 7151646 CHARITY NUMBER 1134449 PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD 2015 Sunday 29th March 2015 Not many people call it Holy Week anymore. That’s why I’m asking you to take a ‘This is Holy Week’ poster after Mass today, and display it. Fold the ‘He has Risen’ part so it cannot be seen until Sunday. Glossop is a town with a tradition of great faith, and when I look at the photos of the past, especially the processions, and hear the stories of needing a ticket to get into the major Religious feast days at St Mary’s, and see the sheer numbers of people involved, it leads me to think that people in the town still have the faith of their ancestors in their genes & in their blood. So put the poster up in your window, and be ready to tell people when and where the services are throughout the week. (FG) Thank You to all section leaders for all the preparation and hard work you’ve put into this Holy Week. May the Lord bless your efforts and may they bear good and abundant fruit. Also a word of appreciation and encouragement, to all those who work and hold positions of responsibility on the Governing Bodies of our local Catholic Schools. It has been a challenging and hard term. I hope that you enjoy the Easter holidays and come back to your stations fully refreshed. For now though, THIS IS HOLY WEEK! - It’s going to be a great week! (FG) A special invitation is extended to the youngest members of our community to come together on Good Friday for the Stations of the Cross. This interactive prayer service is for primary school children and involves the children moving around the church reflecting on Jesus' journey to the Cross. Please join us at St Mary's Church on Good Friday, 10:30am until approx. 11:30am. Hot cross buns and juice will be shared afterwards. For further information please ask Mrs Rachel Hall or Mrs Liz Haggart. A Musical Evening for the MS Society The Tameside & Glossop branch of the Multiple Sclerosis Society are organising a Musical Evening on Saturday 11th April, to be held at Saint Margaret's Primary School in Gamesley. Doors open at 7.30 pm for an 8 pm start. There will be several acts including our very own "The Prodigal Sons" fresh from their triumph at our St. Patrick's event. Tickets are £5 (£3.50 concs), available from Bay Tree Books, Christine James & Tom Travis, and on sale after all Palm Sunday Masses. Please do support this cause....&, of course, our own band!!! Around the Schools: News from St Mary’s Primary School: The children & their families have been very creative over the last few weeks: Firstly Mrs Boardley's class have been busy making models, devising booklets and PowerPoint presentations about the Ancient Egyptians as seen in the photo. Secondly, there has been an array of hats and egg decorations made for the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party this week. There were some creations worthy of being seen at Ascot! Many thanks to the PFA for organising a great social event. It was very well attended with lots of goodies to buy. The total raised in just one hour was £325. Thanks also go to our local business sponsors “Yoga for All” and “Dandelion” Children’s Boutique for generously donating prizes for the raffle. School Mass and Easter Liturgy Father Greg Tobin celebrated Mass yesterday in school. As always the children responded well and sang beautifully. Today, Mrs Kenyon’s class brought together all the work they have been leading into a powerful Easter Liturgy, telling the story of the events leading to Jesus being crucified. The class prepared prayers, readings and drama for each class, took charge of the practices & then today coordinated all the various parts together. Well done, Mrs Kenyon’s class: – that took some effort and it certainly paid off! Wishing you all a very Happy Easter from Saint Mary's children and staff. * * * * * Reflection - Sin Makes Us Sad: Sin makes us sad; we see this with Judas. Yet evil exists and we all have a shadow side. So this is why we pray: ‘Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil’. Sin is- the lack of love, the unwillingness to be of service, to share with the poor, to embrace the forgotten, to forgive our past injuries, to accept others as our brothers and sisters. Pope Francis reminds us that the church exists – ‘to heal wounds and to warm the hearts of the faithful’. PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD 2015 Parish Clergy Postal address Parish Newsletter Fr Gregory Tobin PP Royle House, Church St, Editor Website Liz Nash Tel: 01457 852113 Glossop, Derbyshire, SK13 7RJ Sub-Editor Maddy Brown Our offerings last week: All Saints Loose £158.80 Envelopes £131.40 S/O £116.00 Total £406.20 St Mary’s £154.61 £186.00 £221.00 £561.61 Thank you for your generosity Easter Triduum Services, Service Liturgy & Readings: Maundy Thursday: Mass Book p. 196 Good Friday: Mass Book p. 201 Easter Vigil Mass: Mass Book p. 220 Parish Rotas: Weekend of 4th / 5th April Sacristans: All Saints, 7pm Easter Vigil: TBA; 11am TBA; St Mary’s, Chris Hulley Welcomers: All Saints, 7pm Easter Vigil: Eilish + TBA; 11am, Natalie & Tracey; St Mary’s, Paddy Campbell & David Havilland; Ministers: All Saints, 7pm Easter Vigil: Jan Holland + TBA; 11am, Ann, Jane & Peter G; St Mary’s, John, Eileen & Rob; Readers: All Saints: 7pm Easter Vigil: Chris Hulley, C McMylor + TBA; 11am, J Tyrrell; St Mary’s: Katie, Louise & Megan Jones; Bidding Prayers: Peter G (following week – Andrew Elliott) CAFOD: Thank you to everyone involved for helping to raise funds for CAFOD during Lent; the amazing final total is £ 1642.50. Thank you!! This year -the |Whitfield Parish High Street Mission Area Team are organising a very simple act of witness, a flash mob style drama in Norfolk Square, at 11-11.30am on Holy Saturday. To be really effective this requires a crowd gathered around Norfolk Square who will shout "Crucify Him" and sing ‘When I survey the Wondrous Cross’ and ‘O Happy Day’ at the appropriate time. They need as many Christians as possible to join in this impromptu presentation of the Easter Story. Secondly, there is the traditional Easter Sunday Sunrise Service on The Nab at 6.30am, followed by breakfast in the Vineyard, and all are very welcome to join this. The slightly fitter may want to walk to that service, in which case they need to be at St James' lych-gate at 6am. The New Luncheon Club are having lunch in the Hall on Thursday 23rd April at 12.30pm. Details of the menu and cost are at the back of SM Church, people can put their names on the list if they would like to have lunch. All are welcome. Easter Choir Rehearsal: Tues 31st March, 7.30pm, at All Saints. All Saints Easter Egg Raffle raised £115, many thanks to all who donated Easter Eggs, and to the two tireless ticket sellers. Each year Chernobyl Children's Project charity brings 6 Belarusian children in remission from various cancers for a recuperative holiday in our area. They are aged under 8 years and accompanied by their mothers. They will be here on 11th July for three weeks shared by 2 host families. Days out and events are organised for when they are here. Host families are urgently needed. If you want to know more, please contact Mags Whiting. Confessions: Saturday 10.05am at St Mary’s, and 5.00pm – 5.45pm at All Saints Parish Mass Book: This Sunday: Gloria - ; Readings, p.187; Creed p.11; Preface, p.73; Eucharistic Prayer, p.24 All Saints Saturday 28th March 6.00 pm Vigil Mass Doris Chipchase RIP Sunday 29th March 11.00 am Mass Golden Wedding Anniversary – Sheila & Peter Mitcheson – Congratulations! Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Eucharistic Prayer No 2 Monday 30th Monday of Holy Week Tuesday 31st (Red) March (Violet) No Service today Wednesday of Holy Week (Violet) April MAUNDY THURSDAY Friday 3rd Saturday 4th (Red) April HOLY SATURDAY Sunday 5th (White) April GOOD FRIDAY (White) 11.30 am Chrism Mass at St Barnabas’ Cathedral Nottingham Private Intention 7.30 pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper Brian Tighe RIP Watching until 10.00 pm 10.30 am Children’s Stations of the Cross 3.00 pm Good Friday Service 7.00 pm Stations of the Cross 7.00 pm Easter Vigil Mass People of the Parish 11.00 am Mass Intentions of Mgr J Moore April EASTER SUNDAY Eucharistic Prayer No 1 9.30 am Mass People of the Parish 9.30 am Morning Prayer of the Church 10.00 am Mass Vierj Wood RIP March Wednesday 1st April Thursday 2nd St Mary’s 9.30 am Mass The Booth and Mannion Families (White) PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD 2015
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