ALL SAINTS, OLD GLOSSOP AND ST MARY CROWNED, GLOSSOP THE ROMAN CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF NOTTINGHAM EGISTERED OFFICE: WILLSON HOUSE, 25 DERBY ROAD, NOTTINGHAM. NG1 5AW COMPANY NUMBER 7151646 CHARITY NUMBER 1134449 FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 2015 Sunday 26th April 2015 Fr Philip Bailey RIP – Please remember in your Masses and Prayers Fr Philip Bailey who died peacefully this week. He was for many years PP of Market Rasen (Lincolnshire) before enjoying a few years retirement. May he rest in peace. Amen (FG) Robert Hawke RIP – Please remember in your Masses & Prayers Robert who died this week. Our thoughts and Prayers are with his Wife Margot, and sons Leslie & Grant. His funeral will be at Dukinfield Crematorium on Thursday 7th May at 11am. (FG) Today is Good Shepherd Sunday which is always a day of Prayer for an increase in Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious life. Please use the prayercard gifted to you today. On the front is a picture of the statue of Our Blessed Lady in our Diocesan Mother Church - St Barnabas’ Cathedral, Nottingham. Mgr Tom McGovern writes to us “…..Today, we pray particularly for our priests and vocations to the priesthood. But we must not forget our deacons, who do so much in our parishes as ministers of the word, of the Altar and of charity, and our men and women religious. During this Year of Consecrated Life, we remember the great debt of gratitude that we owe our religious for their presence among us. By their prayer and their apostolate, whether contemplative or active, they enrich the life of our Diocese in ways known ultimately to God alone. We also pray for married couples, that they may be true to their vocation and build up families of love, welcome and peace, and for single people, whose vocation is so often forgotten and yet who witness to God creatively in their daily lives. So this Good Shepherd Sunday, and in the weeks and months ahead, I invite us all to pray ardently for an increase in vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and religious life – not just in a generic way, but in our own families and communities. May Mary Immaculate, St Hugh of Lincoln and all the saints of our Diocese pray for us, so that we may continue the life, mission and ministry of Jesus, ‘for of all the names in the world given to us, this is the only one by which we can be saved’ (Acts 4:12). We also pray that the Lord will soon send us a new Bishop of Nottingham to guide us in our task. With my prayers and every good wish for you and your families, Rev Mgr Canon Thomas McGovern ProtAp Diocesan Administrator of the Diocese Nottingham of Starting next Friday, (Mayday), I thought we would say the rosary together daily before the weekday Mass at 9.40am. Then of course we will have our 2 May Processions, St Marys on the 3rd May, and All Saints on the 10th May, both after the Sunday Masses. Please prepare the old traditions and splendours of these occasions, and make them memorable events for our children and Young People. (FG) Around the Schools: News from All Saints Primary School: On Wednesday the children in Class 3 and 4 welcomed parents and parishioners into school to celebrate Mass with Father Greg. There are six children who are preparing for their First Holy Communion on 31 May. Please remember Niamh, Annabelle, Matthew, Lily, Oscar and Emma in your prayers. The Federation of All Saints and St Margaret’s schools are trialling a new Wrap Around Care scheme next week, offering Breakfast and After Schools Clubs for the children from both schools. It is hoped that this will be a new provision that can be offered to parents & carers from the start of the Autumn Term. News from St Mary’s Primary School: Last Saturday Mr Groarke swam 5km (200 lengths in total) in order to raise funds for Marie Curie Cancer Care. He completed the challenge in 1hr 53 mins. If you wish to donate to the fundraising please see him at Mass or at school. The Reception Class visited Glossop Garden Centre this week as part of their topic on Growing. They picked a perfect day to go to enjoy their time there. Year 3 and 4 welcomed the Dental Nurse in to show them how to clean their teeth effectively. They had an interesting talk about healthy diet and dentistry. Armed with new toothbrushes and toothpaste each they should now all have gleaming smiles every day! FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 2015 Parish Clergy Fr Gregory Tobin PP Tel: 01457 852113 Royle House, Church St, Glossop, Derbyshire, Postal address Parish Newsletter Editor Liz Nash Website SK13 7RJ Sub-Editor Maddy Brown Our offerings last week: All Saints St Mary’s Loose Envelopes S/O Total £161.03 £138.18 £119.98 £196.30 £116.00 £221.00 £397.01 £555.48 Thank you for your generosity • * * * * * * * * Second Collection this weekend: Second collection this weekend for the Clergy Formation Fund. Parish Rotas: Weekend of 2nd / 3rd May Sacristans: All Saints, 6pm Margaret McC & Barbara P; 11am Sandra & Natalie; St Mary’s, Liz Nash Welcomers: All Saints, 6pm Angie, 11am Sue Barker; St Mary’s, Eileen Tagg & Liz Haggart; Ministers: All Saints, 6pm: Maddy & Peter B; 11am, Ann, Jane & Peter G; St Mary’s, Vernon, Christine & Barbara; Readers: All Saints TBA; St Mary’s: Wynn, Mick & Gervase; Bidding Prayers: Liz (following week – Maddy) GIFT AID:- As |you are aware our parishes always need funds. Many of you already use Offertory envelopes or pay by standing order and also ‘Gift Aid’ your contribution. Your parish receives an extra 25p for every £1 you ‘Gift Aid’, making a considerable difference to the parish’s income. If you are not already in the Gift Aid scheme and would like to find out more, please contact Eileen Tagg at St Mary’s church. Any interested parishioners at All Saints should give their name & phone number to David Townend who will pass these to Eileen. Thank you. St Charles’ Nostell Priory Trip: There are just a couple of seats remaining for the trip on 13th May, so if you are interested contact Ann Black or Nuala Shepley. Parish Notices: Coffee Morning: Saturday 23rd May, at Bradbury House, 10am – 12noon, entrance 50p; Donations gratefully received for the stalls: Tombola, Raffle, Bric-a Brac, Jewellery, and lots of cakes on the day!! Prayer of Saint Catherine of Siena O blessed Virgin, pray to God for us always, that He may pardon us and give us grace, pray to God for us always, that He may grant us peace in this life pray to God for us always, that He may reward us with paradise and eternal life. Amen. When grief torments us may your peace enfold us. When memories haunt us may your presence heal us. Confessions: Saturday 10.05am at St Mary’s, and 5.00pm – 5.45pm at All Saints (Or see table below) Parish Mass Book: Sunday: Gloria p.9 ; Readings, p.265; Creed p.11; Preface, p.74; Eucharistic Prayer, p.31 All Saints Saturday 25th 6.00 pm April St Mary’s Vigil Mass Rita Dowling RIP 26th Sunday April Fourth Sunday of Easter, Good Shepherd Sunday Eucharistic Prayer No 4 Monday 27th (White) (Violet) Tuesday 28th 9.30 am Mass Muriel Doyle Barnes RIP 10.30 am Funeral Service David Hinchliffe RIP No Service today April Wednesday 29th April St Catherine of Siena, Virgin & Doctor, Patron of Europe (White) Thursday 30th 10.00 am Mass Special Intention (FL) 9.30 am Mass Mabel Hinchliffe RIP April St Pius V, Pope (White) St Athansius, Bishop & Doctor (Red) 9.40 am Rosary 10.00 am Mass Deceased members of the Ashbrook, Partis & Dunn Families 6.00 pm Vigil Mass Chris Cowley RIP Sunday 11.00 am Friday 1st May St Joseph the Worker Saturday 2nd 3rd (White) May May Fifth Sunday of Easter Eucharistic Prayer No 1 9.30 am Mass Muriel Doyle Barnes RIP (White) April Easter Feria 11.00 am Mass Anthony Mellor RIP Antonio Martin RIP Mass Intentions of Jenny and Emma (White) FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 2015 10.00 am Exposition & Confessions 10.45 am Benediction 11.00 am Mass Deceased members of the Redfern & Hammond Families 9.30 am Mass & May Procession People of the Parish
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