March 29, 2015 ALTAR SERVERS MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY VIGIL, MARCH 28TH 6:00 pm Garrett McCloskey, Aidan O’Connor PALM SUNDAY, MARCH 29TH 7:30 am Ned Burke, Joseph McCabe 9:00 am Sean Clark, John Boyle 10:30 am Peter Dugery, Liam McHale 12:00 pm Mairead O’Hara, Kaitlyn Powel MTW 8:00 am Mark Figge, John McCabe Wednesday (Stations) 7:00 pm Olivia Knott, Emma McGrath, Mackenzie Lee HOLY THURSDAY 7:30 pm Mary Kate Kearney, Grace DelPizzo, Teresa Hegarty, Mairead O’Hara GOOD FRIDAY 3:00 pm Sean Clark, John Bodner HOLY SATURDAY, EASTER VIGIL, APRIL 4TH 7:00 pm John Boyle, Matt Monteleone, Frankie Nieves, Liam McMahon EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 5TH 7:30 am Ned Burke, Joseph McCabe 9:00 am Joseph Dugery, Sean McCarthy 10:30 am Aidan O’Connor, Joseph Schanne 12:00 pm Cameron Zuccarini, Kathryn Gleeson SATURDAY VIGIL, MARCH 28TH 6:00 pm Philomena & James Rotandaro PALM SUNDAY, MARCH 29TH 7:30 am Living & Deceased Members of St. John Neumann Parish 9:00 am Nicholas F. Trotto 10:30 am Herbert & Eileen Roebuck 12:00 pm Alex Tarsi MONDAY 6:45 am Special Intention 8:00 am Mary Grace Toscani TUESDAY 6:45 am Gloria Vadapalas 8:00 am Peggy Collins WEDNESDAY 6:45 am James Fitzgerald 8:00 am Josephine Dina HOLY THURSDAY 7:30 pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper GOOD FRIDAY 3:00 pm Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion HOLY SATURDAY, APRIL 4TH 7:00 pm Easter Vigil EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 5TH 7:30 am Living & Deceased Members of St. John Neumann Parish 9:00 am Margaret Finley 10:30 am David Shalome 12:00 pm Richard Schwarz Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist SATURDAY VIGIL, MARCH 28TH 6:00 pm Kay Frissora, Susan & Rich Bannister PALM SUNDAY, MARCH 29TH 7:30 am Maryann & Ron Ratigan, Barb Heath 9:00 am John Seykora, Al Wolanin, Chris Cush 10:30 am Leslie Cyr, Emily Petrosky, Karen Fay 12:00 pm Barb, Craig & Hannah Callaghan HOLY THURSDAY 7:30 pm Sister Carol, Joe Micucci, Tom Lavin GOOD FRIDAY 3:00 pm Pat O’Donnell, Theresa Bogue O’Donnell, Adele Samples HOLY SATURDAY, EASTER VIGIL 7:00 pm Julie & Dave Dougherty, Kevin Momenee EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 5TH 7:30 am Maryann & Ron Ratigan, Joan Burke 9:00 am Rich Pfeiffer, Pauline Bell, Maureen Wynne 10:30 am Gene Bernicker, Larry & Diane Freedman 12:00 pm Susan Stinson, Annette Pennoni, Michelle Hartigan LECTORS SATURDAY VIGIL, MARCH 28TH 6:00 pm Joan Hadden—Richard Galli PALM SUNDAY, MARCH 29TH 7:30 am Jean M. DiDominic—Kevin Judy 9:00 am Jim Rowley—Al Phelan 10:30 am Craig Callaghan—Joe Schanne 12:00 pm Virginia LiVolsi—Chris Pushaw HOLY THURSDAY 7:30 pm Joe Reitano GOOD FRIDAY 3:00 pm Sister Carol—Joan Hadden HOLY SATURDAY, EASTER VIGIL 7:00 pm Chris Pushaw—Sister Carol EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 5TH 7:30 am Larry Paulausky 9:00 am Mike Gormley 10:30 am Joe Schanne 12:00 pm Anthony Tanzola 153 - 2 This Week at St. John Neumann Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Little Church School Rosary for Peace—7:00 pm Adult Bible Study—7 pm Prayer & Scripture—9:30 am Stations & Confession—7 pm Patricia Adams Dottie Berry Dr. Mariel Briones Maryrose Campbell Mary Canavan Diana Caron Timothy Doring Charles Dougherty Barbara Johnson Jeff Leighton Brenda Logan Agnes McLaughlin Passion (Palm) Sunday March 29th William Miller Zachary Miller Sarah Murnaghan Cynthia O’Connor Barbara O’Neill Joe Parente Ted Peters Bob Pushaw Sandy Shea Michael Shelly Kennedy Snyder Dan Sullivan Paul Troy Palm will be distributed at all the Masses Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday Mass at 6:45 and 8:00 am Wednesday Stations of the Cross: 7:00 pm Followed by Sacrament of Reconciliation Please Pray for the Deceased Holy Thursday Graham Shafer Deacon Bill Radezski Mass of the Lord’s Supper: 7:30 pm May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. Good Friday Meditation and Prayer on the Lord’s Seven Last Words 1:00 to 2:00 pm Prayer for Peace Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion 3:00pm For peace in the world and an end to terrorism and all war, we pray to the Lord. Holy Saturday For the safety of our military serving all over the world, we pray to the Lord. Easter Vigil Mass: 7:00 pm For all Christians who are persecuted and martyred because of their faith, we pray to the Lord. Masses: 7:30, 9:00 and 10:30 am and 12 noon Easter Sunday 153 - 3 SCJN SCHOOL NEWS Good Friday Collection for the Holy Places in Palestine The Good Friday Collection is requested by our Holy Father, Pope Francis, to support Christians in the Holy Land. Franciscans and others in the Holy Land are housing and feeding the poor, providing religious formation and education, maintaining shrines and parishes, and conducting pastoral ministry. Please be generous. Fast and Abstinence on Good Friday 14 years of age and older—abstain from meat. 18 to 60 years of age—limit themselves to a full meal on Good Friday, while the other two meals are to be light. Monday 3/30 Spring Plant sale pickup 3-6pm 3-4:30pm Girls on the Run Tuesday 3/31 Gr ade 1 Class tr ip-NJ Aquarium Final day to file for BLOCS AOH non-perishable food drive ends No play practice Wednesday 4/1 Spr ing unifor m begins Grandparents/Special Friends Day 4/400 Drawing 11am Dismissal— No transportation home Thursday 4/2 Holy Thursday—No school Friday 4/3 Good Friday –-No school Easter Flowers If you would like to donate Easter flowers in memory of a loved one, Offering envelopes are on the windowsills in Church. Your intentions will remain on the Altar throughout the Easter season. 4/400 Club Have you purchased the winning ticket yet? The drawing is Wednesday, April 1st at Grandparents Day. Winner need not be present to win. Tickets are available after weekend Masses, at school, or by calling Sue Cush at 610-547-1814. Morning Person Wanted Try your luck! Tickets cost $100 and only 400 tickets will be sold. 4 prizes awarded: 1st $8,000 2nd $ 800 3rd $ 500 4th $ 300 Proceeds benefit SCJN School Lent is coming to an end and the time for returning the contents of your Rice Bowls is here. Please be kind enough to write a check for your family’s Lenten sacrifices, mark it Rice Bowl, and drop it in the Collection basket. Thank You. 153 - 4 For St. John Neumann Rectory 8:30am to 2:00pm, Mon-Fri, Responsibilities – weekly shopping, light housekeeping, laundry, prepare breakfast and lunch Call rectory office: 610-525-3100 33 Days to Morning Glory Garage Sale—April 11th & 12th 33 Days to Morning Glory is a life-changing 33-day program in which participants consecrate themselves to Jesus through Mary. The program will begin the week of April 6. It consists of a short daily reading, reflection questions, and a weekly meeting. The meeting includes prayer, small group discussion on the week’s readings, and DVD presentation. Consecration date is May 13, the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima. There will be two meeting times to choose from: Wednesday evenings 7:00-8:30 PM – start date April 8. Saturday mornings 8:45-10:15 (after the 8:00 AM Mass) – start date April 11. Cost: $19 per person for materials (If this is a burden, a donor has agreed to cover the cost) For those who can’t attend meetings, materials may be purchased for participation from home. For more information or to sign up, please contact Mike Gormley at 610-246-1639 or We need lots of “accomplices” to help with setting up and cleaning up our Garage Sale. Volunteer slips can be dropped in the box in the back of church or just come! Drop-offs and pick-ups begin this Wednesday, April 1st, at 1:30 pm. See enclosed flyer for all the details! LENT 2015 SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION LOCAL PARISHES Penance Services St. Thomas of Villanova (on University Campus) Monday, March 30 7:30 pm St. Pius X Tuesday, March 31 7:00 pm St. Anastasia Wednesday, April 1 7:00 pm Wednesday, April 1 7:30 pm Confessions St. John Neumann 153 - 5 SJN Adult Group Pope Francis alluded to the TV news, which we may take more generally as raising the issue of mass media, Internet social media and other forms of popular culture. Engaging these forms of culture is not something that should happen on autopilot; to engage these forms of culture constructively also requires discernment. The Catechism of the Catholic Church, in discussing the domestic church, notes that the world today is “often alien and even hostile to faith.” In a fragmented culture, where the social and media environment may undermine parental authority in general, and Catholic parenting in particular, parents and children need to reflect on their family’s way of being in the world without belonging to the world. When any of us—but especially children— encounter culture, it shapes our imaginations and ambitions. In large part, all of us—but especially children—learn our expectations for a good life in part from the images, films, music, and stories in our lives It is therefore up to parents, the extended family, godparents, adult mentors, and educators to monitor this exposure, and to ensure children’s imaginations are fortified and fed with wholesome food, with material that protects their innocence, gives them an appetite for the adventure of Christian living, and evokes a vocational approach to life. Beauty and contemplation should be part of a child's ordinary environment so that children can learn to perceive the sacramental dimension to reality. Parents, elders, godparents, relatives, fellow parishioners, catechists, and teachers need to model these attitudes for children. The formation of young people necessarily includes “book knowledge.” Spiritual literacy means knowing the facts of the faith. But it is even more vital to teach children how to pray, and to give children role models, adult examples for them to witness and aspire toward. Older children and adolescents can become appropriately self-conscious and reflective about the ambient culture, as well as beginning to form a more mature perspective on prayer and vocational discernment. These important themes should be part of preparing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation which itself gives grace to enable faithful discipleship on these questions. 153 - 6 Mark Your Calendars! Cocktail Party LaLocanda Restaurant Newtown Square, PA Tuesday, April 28th, 5 pm to 7 pm (heavy appetizers will be included for the full two hours free). Beverages will have to be purchased at a SJN reduced rate. Cost will be $10 per person. This affair will benefit our Adult Group. Checks to be made out to SJN Adult Group. Send to Jeanne McDonnell, 140 Clemson Rd., Bryn Mawr, PA 19010. Please have all checks in by April 24th. Anyone wishing to have dinner at the restaurant after the cocktail party, telephone for reservations 610-353-7033. SAVE THE DATES! Garage Sale—April 11th & 12th Confirmation—April 18th IHN—April 19th First Holy Communion—April 26th “Godspell” - May 1st & 2nd SJN Adult Group Trip to NYC to 9/11 Exhibit— June 16th
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