Parish Bulletin Parish Bulletin

The Challenge of Palm Sunday
As Jesus surveyed Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives, the knowledge of what
would happen to him at the hands of the authorities must have weighed heavily
on him. He could have turned his back on Jerusalem and chosen a different
path. But at a deeper level, like Noah’s seeking of solitude, Jesus’ decision to
enter the city was a confirmation of his mission and identity. To turn his back
on Jerusalem at this time would deny all his previous acts of love, and mark a
betrayal of his very self. The decision to descend the Mount of Olives was
bound up in Christ’s commitment to his identity, that of love. Palm Sunday is
Christ’s ultimate confrontation against those who hated him. He rode in on a
donkey and changed the world forever.
Parish Bulletin
Palm Sunday of The Lord’s Passion
29th March, 2015
The Gospel challenges us to reflect on our Christian identity, and the living out
of our Christian commitment in daily life. Do we have the courage to put our
faith into practice? How do we stand in relation to the poor and their struggle
to survive? How do we treat those who come to live in our community? How
do we care for those who are sick or bereaved? What is our attitude to the
plight of immigrant workers seeking fair pay and equal rights?
Christ wore his badge of identity in a spirit of freedom and bravery, and we are
being called to do the same. While Palm Sunday is often a time we reflect on
the crosses in our lives, it is also worth reflecting on Christ’s decision to enter
Jerusalem and take a stand against the authorities. Like Christ we are called to
live in the spirit of courage and love. Palm Sunday is an opportunity to pray
for the ability to do so. It’s important that we be people of joy, even when
faced with suffering. Let us celebrate the joy exclusively, when the occasion
merits it. Palm Sunday is one such occasion.
Readings for Next Sunday
Acts 10: 34,
37 - 43
A synopsis of the life and ministry of Jesus. God’s plan for the whole of
Col. 3: 1 - 4
St. Paul calls on the people to seek Christ who is now seated at the right
hand of God.
John 20: 1: 9
Mary Magdalene’s reaction to the empty tomb might represent what our
Response would have been.
INTERNET BROADCASTING. Mass and other services will be broadcast each day over
the internet. The operator of the system is Fr. Paul Byrne, P.P., Parochial House, Coalisland,
tel. 028 8774 0221, to whom queries should be referred.
Fr. Paul Byrne
The Sisters
8774 0221
8774 6418
Fr. Eugene O’Neill
8774 0302
My God, my God, why have you
forsaken me?
Bulletin sponsored by Francis J. Madden & Co.
Solicitors, 14 The Square, Coalisland.
Telephone 028 8774 8840 Fax 028 8774 9846
Holy Week joins the foretelling of Christ’s regal triumph and the proclamation of the
Passion. Christ’s Cross, the ultimate symbol of human suffering, gathers us today as we
turn to face Calvary.
ROSARY at Our Lady’s Grotto on Sunday at 7 p.m., and Monday to Friday at 8 p.m.
THE DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET continues on Wednesday at 7 p.m. in Holy Family
THE DIVINE MERCY NOVENA will commence on Friday 3rd April in Holy Family
Church at 7 p.m.
DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY. On Sunday 12th April the Divine Mercy Holy Hour will be
held in Holy Family Church at 7 p.m. There will be an opportunity to venerate a First Class
Relic of St Faustina. All are welcome.
Palm Sunday:
Palms blessed at all Masses. Please assemble in the church car park.
Mon., Tues., Wed.: Mass at 7.30 a.m. and 10 a.m. Confessions after 10 a.m. Mass on
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Holy Thursday:
Children’s Liturgy at 5 p.m. Please note this is Children’s Liturgy.
Mass of The Last Supper at 8 p.m.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will continue until 10 p.m.,
concluding with Night Prayer.
Please note: No morning Masses on Holy Thursday or Good Friday.
Good Friday:
Stations of The Cross at 2.30 p.m. at St. Mary & St. Joseph’s Church,
proceeding through the town to Holy Family Church, followed by
Veneration of The Cross. Please assemble at St. Mary & St. Joseph’s
Church at 2.15 p.m.
Celebration of The Lord’s Passion & Veneration of the Cross at 8 p.m.
Outside Candle-light Stations of the Cross ceremony at 10 p.m.
Please note: Good Friday is a day of Fast and Abstinence.
Holy Saturday:
Morning Prayer at 10 a.m.
The Easter Vigil commences at 9 p.m. with the Lighting of the Easter
Candle. Please assemble in the car park at 8.45 p.m.
Easter Sunday:
Masses at 10 a.m., 12 noon.
Palm Sunday:
Blessing of Palms at 10.30 a.m. Mass.
Novena Mass at 7 p.m.
Tues., Wed.:
Prayer at 10 a.m.
Good Friday:
Ecumenical Service commencing at 4 p.m. followed by Procession of
the Cross to the Church of Ireland church.
Holy Saturday:
Vigil Mass at 9 p.m.
Easter Sunday:
Mass at 11 a.m.
Bernadette Glackin, Colette McBennett, Ann Campbell
READER for 5th April: Ann Kennedy
CHURCH CLEANING for April: Helena Lowe
FIRST FRIDAY occurs this week. The sick and housebound of the parish will be visited
as usual. CONFESSIONS on Thursday evening 6-7 p.m.
COLLECTION for Sunday, 22nd March
Envelope £1,513. 23
Offertory £1,348. 00
LATELY DECEASED. Please pray for Frank Gervin, Joan Laverty, Hugh Dillon,
Peggy Carberry.
MONTH’S MINDS: Hugh Dillon– Tuesday at 7.30 p.m. St Mary & St Joseph’s,
Peggy Carberry– Wednesday at 7.30 p.m. St Mary & St Joseph’s.
FIRST ANNIVERSARY: Aidan O’Rourke– Wednesday at 10 a.m. in Holy Family.
NEW WEEKLY ENVELOPES. If you have not received your new envelopes, please
contact the Parish Office. Please note your first envelope in your new box is for
Trócaire on Thursday 2nd April.
PILGRIMAGE TO SHRINES OF ITALY 15-22 September 2015. Visiting Venice,
Verona, the city of Padua - famous for its Franciscan monk, St Anthony, the medieval town
of Assisi - the birthplace of Saints Francis and Clare and also the site of the Holy House of
the Holy Family in the lovely hill town of Loreto. Price includes flights, transfers, taxes,
insurance, assistance of pilgrimage representative and accommodation. Spiritual Director:
Fr Peter McAnenly. Further details and booking at Armagh Parish Office (028 37522813)
Friday 17th April at 8.15 p.m. Tickets are £18, and are available from any member of the
Coalisland Pioneer Council.
ST MARY’S PAROCHIAL HALL, STEWARTSTOWN is now taking bookings. Please
contact Bernie on 07773661412. There will be a grand bazaar in the hall on Psalm Sunday
(29th March).
HOLY FAMILY CHURCH CHOIR would like to thank all who supported their recent
Coffee Morning. £1540 was raised and this will help fund their forthcoming trip to
Lourdes in May, when they lead the Armagh Diocesan Pilgrimage. Many thanks.
COALISLAND YOUNG STARS are running a First Kicks Easter Camp on Monday 6th
April at Gortgonis Sports Complex small sided pitch for all boys and girls in the 7-14 age
group who would like to come along and see what the club is all about. It will be an afternoon packed with fun games beginning at 12.00 noon for the boys and 2 pm for the girls.
So if you think you would like to try out for our soccer team or are just curious then why
not come along admission is free.
PARENT/TODDLER GROUP meets every Wednesday, 10.30 a.m.—12.30 p.m. in the
Parochial Centre.
NOTICES FOR THE PARISH BULLETIN should be left in the parish office or sent by
e-mail to: before 10.30 a.m. on Wednesday, for inclusion
in that week’s bulletin, subject to availability of space.
TWITTER. Follow the parish on twitter: @Coalparish