Holy Rosary Church 405 S. Main St. Monroe City, MO March 29, 2015 Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion Very Reverend Michael W. Penn, V.F., Pastor Deacon Mike Long Rectory Office: 573-735-4718 Fax: 573-735-0713 Email: hrosarymc@gmail.com Website: www.holyrosarymc.org Mass Times Daily Mass: Tuesday & Wednesday @ 7:30am Holy Thursday : 7:00pm @ Holy Rosary Good Friday Service: 7:00pm @ Holy Rosary Holy Rosary: Sat. @ 8:00pm - Sun. @ 9:45am St. Stephen: Sun. @ 8:00am Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 4:30pm - 5:00pm at Holy Rosary Sunday 7:30am – 7:55am at St. Stephen or anytime by appointment <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mass Schedule & Intentions Monday, March 30, 2015 7:30am: Scripture Service – Rose McNally Tuesday, March 31, 2015 7:30am: Purgatorial Society Wednesday, April 1, 2015 7:30am: Daughters of Isabella (living & deceased) Thursday, April 2, 2015 7:00pm: Greg Mudd Friday, April 3, 2015 7:00pm: Service Saturday, April 4, 2015 8:00pm: The Hancock Family Sunday, April 5, 2015 8:00 am: Families of Holy Rosary & St. Stephen 9:45 am: Manning, Emily, & Richard Thompson Servers: Daily Mass, March 31- April 1, 2015 Alex DeLaporte / Ryan Kendrick Holy Thursday, April 2, 2015 Bailee Hays / Lila Yager / Hunter Yager / Everett Pangborn Good Friday Service April 3, 2015 Matthew Berry / Emma Berry Holy Saturday, April 4, 2015 Gatlin Bichsel / Ethan Breid / Danny Dennison / Connor Pfaff / Trace Greiman Easter Sunday, April 5, 2015 Rachel Smith / Lauren Smith / Emma Berry /Natalie Bichsel YOUR STEWARDSHIP TITHE GOD’S PLAN FOR CHURCH SUPPORT JULY 1, 2014- JUNE 30, 2015 Total Church Budget $ 831,743.00 Total Parish Income YTD $ 661,636.80 Budget Needed YTD $ 543,831.70 Offertory Budget $ 432,793.00 Offertory Received YTD $ 286,042.13 Offertory Needed YTD $ 282,979.96 Much of our annual income is received in the first half of the fiscal th year. The school income particularly is lowest in the 4 fiscal quarter. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Stewardship Alleluia! Christ is risen and is victorious over sin and death! We are good stewards of our faith if, like St. Paul, we share this good news whenever and wherever we can. Religious Education Grade School- No Class Wed. Apr. 1 @ 3:15pm Pre-School – No Class Sun. Apr. 5 @ 9:15am 7th - High School – No Class Sun. Apr. 5 @ 10:30am From the Pastor’s Desk: 29 March 2015 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord We begin these holiest of days, commemorating the passion of the Lord, with the solemn celebration of the Lord’s entrance into Jerusalem. Hailed as King on that first Palm Sunday, Jesus would triumphantly enter into the holy city of Jerusalem accompanied by loud cries of “Hosanna.” Just days after this procession in triumph, another procession would lead Jesus out of Jerusalem, jeered and mocked by loud cries of “crucify Him.” But just as the days are holy, the days are filled with irony as well. What seems to be triumph actually proceeds the triumphant moment of glory that the world does not recognize in the enthronement of Jesus on the Cross. What seems to be defeat is in reality a great victory, for God’s Will conquers sin and death as Jesus willingly and lovingly embraces His Cross. Holy Week is not a dramatization of the historical events leading to Jesus’ death. Nor is it meant to be a theatrical presentation of His Resurrection. These holy days invite us to participate fully—spiritually and physically—in the paschal mystery of Jesus Christ in order that we might more completely enter into relationship with our heavenly Father, seeking to accomplish His will as did His Son, Jesus, by His Paschal Mystery. May we become what we celebrate, so that as members of Christ’s Body, we who unite our lives and our sufferings with Him will also be united with Him in resurrection by our faithfulness. May each of us experience a prayerful and blessed Holy Week. The schedule for Holy Week is again included in this week’s bulletin. The Parish Office will be closed in observation of the Easter Triduum and the Solemnity of Easter from 12:00 noon on Holy Thursday, April 2nd until Tuesday morning, April 7th. At the Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday, a collection will be taken up at the Mass to support the Monroe City Ministerial Alliance and the Monroe City Food Bank. At the Masses of Easter, the collection will be the annual Infirm Priest Fund and Priest Retirement. This annual Easter collection helps to maintain a reserve fund for out-of-theordinary health needs of priests not covered by health insurance and funds retirement needs of our older priests who gave decades of service to our parishes throughout the Diocese of Jefferson City. This year’s assessment is $6,770.00. Any short-fall of this assessment must be taken from our operational budget, so I especially request your participation in this appeal. This will be the only collection at the Easter Masses. This week you should have received a mailing invitation to our parish for the Holy Week liturgies. This was invitation was proposed, designed and mailed by the Stewardship Committee of our parish. I thank them for their efforts of welcoming and evangelizing the local community to worship with us this Easter Triduum. School News Easter Break - classes will not be held on Holy Thursday, Good Friday or Easter Monday as the Easter holidays are celebrated. Student Choir - some dedicated students from grades 5,6,7,8 have volunteered to lead the singing at the Eucharistic celebration on Holy Thursday. Track Meet - Tues., Mar. 31, at Paris - 4:00. Enrollment for the Preschool Socialization Class is now open for any child that will be three years of age by July 31, 2015. Please call Donna Walker at 735-1016 or 735-4986 to enroll your child. Kindergarten Registration will be held on Thursday, April 9, at 6:30 at Holy Rosary School. Easter Triduum Holy Thursday of the Lord’s Supper The Adoration Chapel will close at 12:00 noon and remain closed until following the Mass on Easter Sunday morning Thursday, April 2nd:Reception of the Holy Oils-6:45 p.m. (Holy Rosary) Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper-7:00 p.m. (Holy Rosary) Solemn Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will continue until 11:00 p.m. Friday of the Passion of the Lord (Good Friday) Friday, April 3rd: Celebration of the Lord’s Passion-7:00 p.m. (Holy Rosary) On Good Friday, the Paschal Fast continues until the Easter Vigil to honor the suffering and death of the Lord Jesus, and to prepare ourselves to celebrate more deeply in His resurrection. Saturday, April 4th:Confessions-11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night 8:00 p.m. (Holy Rosary) Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Sunday, April 5th: Mass-8:00 a.m. (St. Stephen) Mass-9:45 a.m. (Holy Rosary) April 5, 2015 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord Acts of the Apostles 10:34a, 37-43 Peter preached about Jesus’ baptism, the anointing with the Holy Spirit, and his crucifixion and resurrection from the dead. Psalm 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23 This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad. Colossians 3: 1-4 Think about what is above. When Christ appears, then you shall appear with him in glory. John 20: 1-9 Mary Magdalene and the disciples went to the tomb and found it empty. They did not yet understand that Jesus would rise from the dead. SCHEDULE OF THINGS TO COME Mar. 29 – 7:30pm – Live Station of the Cross Apr. 9 – 7:00pm Daughters of Isabella Meeting Apr. 17 9:00am - 6:00pm – Monroe City Food Bank Apr. 19 – 9:30am - First Communion June 13 – Holy Rosary School Fundraiser 5K run/walk Scripture Service – Monroe City Manor – Sundays April 5 – Howard & Linda Willard April 12 – Jim & Sheryl Underhill April 19 – John & Connie Kendrick May 3 – Mark Yager May 17 – Howard & Linda Willard May 31 – Jim & Sheryl Underhill Retrouvaille June 5-7, 2015 For more information please call 1-800-470-2230 Cursillo Dates April 23-26 – Karen Meehan, Rectora June 25-28 – Joe Haubrich, Rector July 16-19 – Naomi Egbert, Rectora September 24-27 – Tom Holck, Rector November 5-8 – Joan Broyles, Rectora Adoration Chapel Hours Adoration hours that are open: Monday 12:00(noon) -1:00pm Monday 3:00pm – 4:00pm Thursday 12:00(noon) – 1:00pm Saturday 12:00pm(noon) -1:00pm We are in need of more substitute Adorers. Several of our regulars have some health issues but will return in a few weeks. Anyone who would like to sub for these hours, please give Phyllis Campbell a call. 573-795-2290. If you do not have long-distance service, please call Howard & Linda Willard, 735-4552. Refer to schedule in Adoration Chapel if you need a substitute for your regular hour. Remember in your prayers: Jim Hunt Troy Ritter Dede Yager Arlie Shaw Jeremy Smith Alfred Timbrook JD Underhill Rose Mary Evans Robert Walz Joe Kendrick Phyllis Taylor Sue Gilbert Jim Gamble Deborah Thomas Baumann Don & Liz Gander Trevor Lagle For all who are ill, especially those who are awaiting, or recovering from, surgery, or seriously ill and for their caretakers & their families; and for those who have died. ~ We pray to the Lord. First Communion The Mass for those making their First Holy Communion will be th held on Sunday April 19 , 2015 at Holy Rosary Church during the 9:30am Mass. This year First Communion will be held as a group. Charitable Contribution Letters Charitable Contribution Letters are available for 2014. To obtain yours please call the rectory between 9am and 5pm at 735-4718. Rice Bowls Lenten rice bowls will be accepted next weekend. Please make sure that if you would like credit for your donation that your name is clearly marked on the bowl when it is returned. Easter Lilies For anyone who would like to donate an Easter Lily in memory or honor of a loved one we ask that they be at the church no later than April 2nd so that the altar can be decorated after Good Friday services. New Knights of Columbus Knights of Columbus meeting is scheduled for Tuesday April 7, starting at 7 pm. We have an interesting & possibly controversial rental prospect to discuss, so come to the discussion. Also, we hope to introduce our 4 new First Degree members at this meeting. Knights of Columbus th March 29 following Mass the St. Stephen K of C will be hosting their annual Palm Sunday Breakfast for all brother Knights and their families. Ed Thomas will be our speaker this year, please join us for food and fellowship. Daughters of Isabella The Daughters of Isabella meeting is scheduled for April 9th at 7:00. The Social Committee is Cele Kendrick, Tiffany Greiman, Laurie Assell, Beverly Walker, Carol Hays, Loree Quinn. Altar Society Needed couple to assist altar society. The altar society at Holy Rosary is actively seeking a couple to assist them with some parish events. Please contact the parish office or Laurie Assell at 217-257-7705 if interested. CENTERING PRAYER WORKSHOP Holy Rosary Parish and Contemplative Outreach of Central MO will host an Introduction to Centering Prayer Program on April 25, 2015 from 9:00 am-1:00 pm in the KC Parish Hall. A $25.00 donation will be appreciated for the entire seven part program. Call Jane Wilson, (573) 735-2542 or Email jkwilson662010@hotmail.com for more information or a registration form—or—call Fr. Matthew Flatley of Contemplative Outreach of Central MO (573) 864-1097 for more information about Centering Prayer. Hospice in need of Volunteers Hospice Compassus is seeking compassionate, non-medical volunteers to provide support for terminally ill patients and their families in your community. Through friendly visits to the patient’s home or care center, volunteers offer companionship and a caring presence. Training is provided. For more information or to register for the next training class, call Dale Willis, Volunteer Coordinator, at 573-424-8219 Benedictine Sisters The Benedictine Sisters of Perpetual Adoration in Clyde, Missouri, will host a Come and See monastic weekend for women discerning a religious vocation. The event is scheduled for Friday, April 10, through Sunday, April 12. Participants will enter into the rhythm of contemplative life, experience the time and place for listening to God, share with others who might also be discerning a religious vocation and ask vowed religious about monastic life. Those who would like to participate should be single Catholic women between the ages of 18 and 45. The event is free for those participating, and there is not commitment involved to attend. For more information, please contact Sister Ruth Elaine Starman, OSB at (660) 944-2221 or vocation@benedictinesisters.org. Information is also available online at www.BenedictineSisters.org. Thank You Thanks to the team and candidates of CRHP #17 for saying “YES” when Christ called them to be a part of this weekend. Thanks to the team under the leadership of Beth Whelan; Lay Director and Debbie Kendrick; Spiritual Director for their hard work and dedication in seeing that the weekend was a success. Team members. Tina Hadfield, Chrissy Doolin, Acacia Hagan, Dana Cole, Joanie Fuemmeler, Therese Long, Becky Buckman, Dee Bichsel, and Riss Hays. Candidates: Lorie Watson, Lacy Seward, Cathy Jo Pfaff, Kristyn Moses, Keriann Brandt, Amber Hays, Courtney Benson, Alex Edris, Laura Lucas, Lindsey Thome, Alisa Willingham, Jaymee Quinn
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