15 Gatehouse Dr. Cambridge, ON HOLY SPIRIT CATHOLIC SCHOOL N1P 1C7 519-621-8973 P AGE SCHOOL WEBSITE 1 P R INC IP AL: M R . K. HE R OD VI C E P R I NC IP AL: M R S. C. KU N TZ APRIL NEWSLETTER HTTP:// HOLYSP IRIT.WCDSB. Administration’s Message CA/P AGES/ It is hard to believe that we are close to entering the month of April. Spring is definitely in the air. We remind our students to continue to work hard and to do their best. Now is the ideal time for our students to examine areas they would like to improve and to identify the goals which can lead to success. DEFAU LT. ASP X We continue to have a prayerful Lent as we prepare for the death and resurrection of our Lord. The Easter Triduum (i.e. the celebration of the Lord’s last supper Holy Thursday, His Passion and Death Good Friday and His Resurrection Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday) is the most sacred liturgy of our Church year. This liturgy celebrates the love our Saviour has offered to us and reminds us of our life in Christ. At our school we are renewed by God’s unconditional love and forgiveness as we celebrate the Gospel message in all that we say and do every day. EQAO Please note that our school will be writing the EQAO assessments on the following dates: Gr. 3—May 25-29 Gr. 6—June 1-5 Please keep these days open for your child to participate if they are in Gr. 3 or 6. The staff and students would like to offer our prayers and warmest wishes to our Grade 2 and Grade 7 students who will be receiving Sacraments this month. The Grade 2’s received First Reconciliation on March 9 in preparation for First Holy Eucharist on Saturday, April 18th at 1:00 p.m. at St. Ambrose Catholic Church. Our Gr. 7 students will receive Confirmation on Monday, April 27th @ 7:00 PM with Bishop Miehm. We would like to offer a special thank you to our Gr. 7 & Gr. 2 teachers and Father Irek and Jacek for helping prepare our students for these special occasions. Next month we are celebrating Catholic Education Week. This includes some special events. Please keep reading information sent home to find out what we have planned. Please accept our warmest wishes for a blessed Easter with friends and family as we celebrate Christ’s passion on the cross and his rising from the grave. Sincerely, Mr. K. Herod & Mrs. C. Kuntz Mr. Sub Luncheon Days We continue to work with www.lunchboxorders.com for our hot lunches. Please consider going online and look to order subs for the next month. Below are the Hot Lunch dates: Wednesday, April 8 Wednesday, May 13 Wednesday, June 3 Easter Prayer Lord, You have arisen forever in my Heart! May the sunrise remind me to shine in Your light. May the caress of a gentle breeze remind me of Your compassion. May the fragrance of a flower remind me to blossom in Your love. May the singing of birds bring a song of joy to my lips. And in the closing of each day may I remember to quietly pray. Wherever I am, whatever I do may my thoughts in joy return to You! Amen PAGE HOLY SPIRIT NEWSLETTER—APRIL 2015 2 Street Safety Waterloo Regional Police are asking that you review the important street safety precautions with your child(ren) discussed in school, in order to help support and reinforce school safety program; Play safe and play together. Do not play in remote areas of parks or take short cuts through the woods. Do not wander on the way to or from school. Do not go ANYWHERE with a stranger and do not accept rides for any reason. Do not be afraid to say “NO” to any request and run away quickly. Advise an adult of any suspicious strangers right away. Do not accept any treats i.e. candies, toys or money from a stranger for any reason. Always notify your parent where you are and where you are going, especially if it is a change in routine. Earth Week 2013 Earth Week is the week of April 21 to 27 and Mother Nature is looking for a little bit of TLC. We will be celebrating in a variety of ways. Daily announcements will encourage all of us to remember environmental issues. We plan to run a few activities, including cleaning our school grounds, litter-less lunches, Earth Day posters and recycling challenges in the classroom Spring Reminders With the warmer weather arriving soon, it is appropriate to remind our students about school policies related to recreational equipment. Roller blades, wheelies, skateboards, and scooters are not allowed at school or on school busses. This is a safety consideration for all our students. Students are recommended to bring only types of balls that are not hard construction. This again is a safety consideration for all our students playing on the yard. Please have the students continue to wear boots during this weather. The children play outside and the field is wet and muddy. Safe and Secure Schools To ensure the safety and well-being of all students these procedures MUST be followed by all who visit our school. 1. Visitors, parents, high-school students, and others must report to the main office and obtain a Visitor’s Identification badge if you wish to proceed beyond the main office area of our school. A pass can be obtained by checking and signing in at the office. 2. During recess and lunch-break parents, visitors or any other adults are NOT permitted to be on our school playground. Please report to the office. 3. Any parent who wishes to contact his/her child during the school day must proceed to the main office and inform the Admin Assistant / Principal. 4. Any individuals who do not follow the above requests will be asked to leave school property immediately. HOLY SPIRIT CATHOLIC SCHOOL PAGE HOLY SPIRIT NEWSLETTER—APRIL 2015 3 NO ELECTRONIC DEVICES… “GO FLAMES GO” HOLY …FOR PERSONAL USE, ARE TO BE BROUGHT TO SCHOOL. THIS INCLUDES ALL HAND HELD GAMES AND CELL PHONES. PLEASE KEEP THEM FOR USE AT HOME. APPROVED COMPUTERS FOR CLASS USE ARE ACCEPTABLE. Paint a Bright Future with Us! The Waterloo Catholic District School Board is pleased to offer a fee based Extended Day Program for children from JK to grade 6. We…. Provide before and after-school learning for children in Grades JK to 6 with a Full/Part-time recurring schedule Are available from as early as 7:00 a.m. to as late as 6:00 p.m. Incorporate the same play-based, inquiry and exploration approach taken in the regular school day. Offer parents a convenient school location and a safe and healthy environment for young children with no wait lists Are run by knowledgeable Early Childhood Educators Allow for consistency and security for parents and children Are available for an affordable fee offering a variety of payment methods including most major credit cards Are eligible for Region of Waterloo child care subsidy To register visit www.wcdsb.ca Extended Day Programs will operate only at sites with sufficient parent demand. Program location will be announced by May 15, 2014. 2015-16 Transportation Eligibility Please go online to www.stswr.ca and check your child’s transportation eligibility for next year. There are step by step instructions on the website. This is especially important for students moving from Grade 3 to Grade 4 as the walking distance changes from 0.8 km to 1.6 km. Thank you! SPIRIT CATHOLIC SCHOOL PAGE 4 HOLY SPIRIT NEWSLETTER—APRIL 2015 Thank you Waterloo Catholic School Foundation The Intermediate Staff and Students of Holy Spirit School are grateful to the Waterloo Catholic Schools Foundation for having donated $1500.00 towards the 2014 Ballroom Dance Program. Their partnership and generosity are very much appreciated by all staff and students and the money has helped to defer the cost of the lessons for each student. The students learned the ChaCha, Merengue and the Salsa. At the end of the sessions, the students performed in a friendly ballroom competition or as we say here at Holy Spirit...Joy Day!. The winners of the competition are scheduled to compete at the Regional Competition this spring. Administrative Professional Day On April 22nd we will celebrate Administrative Professionals’ Day at Holy Spirit. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs. Falsetto & Mrs. Lubaska’s for all they do to keep Holy Spirit’s School office in top notch working order. With changes again this year it has been wonderful working with these competent ladies. We would not be able to manage without their continuous support working so carefully with our staff, students and parents. Please be sure to stop by the office that day and thank them for all their effort to keep our school running well! Family Information—Changes for next year? Please notify the school office of any changes in your work/home/cell telephone numbers, place of employment, change of sitter or any such pertinent information. It is very distressing, as you can well imagine, to have to make contact in times of medical emergency, illness or school closure. Also if you are planning to move and your children will not be attending our school in September, please notify the office as we will begin organizing for next year in May. EQAO Primary and Junior Assessments Our Grade 3 students will write the test from May 25th to the 29th. Our Grade 6 students will write their provincial test from June 1th to the 5th. Consistent attendance during the testing period will help make it a positive experience. It is very important that students be in full attendance during each of the days when the test is being written. We hope that advance notice of specific assessment dates will help you to schedule medical appointments for your child(ren) outside of assessment dates. WCDSB Intent to be Absent Form If you are planning a vacation or absence for more than 5 consecutive days please request an Intent to be Absent Form Temporary Student withdrawal from the office to be completed and returned to the office prior to your leaving. Dropping off Lunches If it is your intention to drop off your children’s lunch, or water bottles at the office, we have (outside of the office) a lunch table we ask that all lunches/water bottles are placed on the table and ensure students are instructed before they come to school to pick it up at 11:55am and that you will ensure your child’s name is marked on it. This will eliminate the necessity of having to call students to the office individually during learning time. Kindergarten Registration Have you registered your child yet for Kindergarten? Please call Holy Spirit School at 519-621-8973 to book an appointment. This also applies to students going into Senior Kindergarten who have not attended Junior Kindergarten. Students who are presently in JK do not need to register for classes in September. All classes in September are full day and every day for all students. Junior Kindergarten: a child born before December 31, 2011. Senior Kindergarten: a child born before December 31, 2010. Please visit https://www.wcdsb.ca/ on the main webpage click Kindergarten Registration for 2015-2016. Click view details. What is required to register and all forms are listed for parents. Parents/Visitors at the School All parents and visitors must sign in at the office. Anyone in the school without a pass will be asked to report to the office immediately. PAGE 5 HOLY SPIRIT NEWSLETTER—APRIL 2015 April Math Bit: The evolution of math class (Pt. 2) The way your child(ren) learn math has probably changed quite a bit since you were in school! Now, students have opportunities to work with problems that are “open-ended.” This means that there is more than one answer, thus an ‘open end’ result. These questions promote flexibility in thinking and creative thinking skills. Examples: * The answer is 42. What might the question be? * A shape has 4 sides. What might it be? * I have $10.70. What coins and/or bills might I have? * A fraction is between 1/8 and 3/6. What might the fraction be? * When you add 3 numbers together, the result is close to 800. What might the numbers be? * A tree is taller than 1 m, but less than 350 cm. How tall might the tree measure? Consider being a partner in exploring open-ended questions together. Think about asking your own open-ended questions and discussing possible answers together. You might ask, “What else could the solution be? How did you figure that out?” Share ideas and be playful with the math! PAGE 6 HOLY SPIRIT NEWSLETTER—APRIL 2015 Brought to you by Lunchbox Orders: Fluid and Kids! – What you need to know Amy Skeoch, MHSc, RD Spring and summer are just around the corner, so it’s important to remind ourselves that with warmer weather comes an increased risk of becoming dehydrated. Getting enough fluid is important for our bodies because it helps to: Move nutrients and waste through the body; Maintain proper blood pressure and body temperature; Protect and cushion joints and organs. How much fluid do kids need? Age / Cups per day (approximate amount; 1 cup = 250 mL)* 0–12 months / 3 1–3 years / 3½ 4–8 years / 5 9–13 years (girls) / 6½ 9–13 years (boys)/ 7 *Dietary reference intakes for fluid What counts as fluid? Milk, 100% real juice and water. But remember to also count items your child may have as meals, such as soups, or milk on cereal – these all count toward your child’s fluid intake. Tips to meet fluid needs: Keep a pitcher of water in the fridge at home so it’s cold and ready to go. Ensure your child has one cup of fluid with each meal. Freeze 100% juice in Popsicle forms for a cool treat between meals. How do I know if they are getting enough? One of the best indicators of fluid status is urine colour. If your child’s urine is dark yellow and has a strong smell, they may need more fluid. Urine that is light yellow or clear in colour usually means they are well-hydrated. Thirst is, of course, another indicator – encourage your children to listen to their bodies and drink when they are thirsty. References: http://www.eatrightontario.ca/en/Articles/Water/Facts-on-Fluids---How-to-stay-hydrated American College of Sports Medicine, Sawka MN, Burke LM, et al. American College of Sports Medicine position stand. Exercise and fluid replacement. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2007 Naughton GA, Carlson JS. Reducing the risk of heat-related decrements to physical activity in young people. J Sci Med Sport. 2008 [cited 2008 11 Aug];11(1):5865. http://www2.ca.uky.edu/enri/pubs/enri129.pdf PAGE 7 HOLY SPIRIT NEWSLETTER—APRIL 2015 PAGE 8 HOLY SPIRIT NEWSLETTER—APRIL 2015 PAGE 9 HOLY SPIRIT NEWSLETTER—APRIL 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 Thursday 2 Friday 3 Saturday 4 9 AM Gr. 8 Graduation Photos 1:00 Stations of the Cross 5 6 Easter Monday (No School) 7 8 9 Good Friday (No School) 10 11 17 18 P.A. Day 1:00 pm (No School) First Commu nion 24 25 Gr. 2 First Communion retreat 6:00 PM Parent Math Workshop 12 19 13 20 14 15 9:30 Easter Mass at School Gr. 8 Youth Symposium 21 22 Earth Day 16 23 Walk to School Day 26 27 Confirmation With Bishop Miehm 28 29 30 Gr. 3 Fire Safety visit
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