HOLY TRINITY PARISH 429 E. Allen St. – P. O. Box 323, Hudson, NY PHONE: (518) 828–1334 WEBSITE: www.holytrinityhudson.org E-MAIL: holytrinityhudson@gmail.com WORSHIP SITES: ST. MARY’S CHURCH 429 East Allen St.- P.O. Box 323 Hudson, New York 12534 (518) 828-1334 MASS SCHEDULES: Hudson: Saturday Vigil Mass: 4:00 PM Sunday Mass: 9:00 AM Daily Mass: 7:15 AM (Monday – Friday) Holy Days: As Announced Germantown: Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:30 PM (Nativity, Linlithgo) Sunday Mass: 11:00 AM (Resurrection, Germantown) Daily Mass: Fridays, 9:00 a.m. Holy Days: As Announced CONFESSIONS IN HUDSON: Saturday: 2:30 - 3:45 PM; 7:15 - 7:45 PM Anytime by appointment CONFESSIONS IN GERMANTOWN: 15 minutes prior to all Masses Anytime by appointment NATIVITY CHAPEL Cty. Rt.31 & Cty. Rt. 10 Linlithgo, New York STAFF Rev. Winston Bath, Pastor Rev. Mr. Richard H. A. Washburn, Deacon Mrs. Arlene Liepshutz, Business & Finance Mrs. Sally Hotaling, Office Manager Mrs. Maura Nedwell, Administrator of Religious Education, Hudson Mr. Michael W. Van Allen, Sacristan Mrs. Rita Koeppel, Director of Music, Hudson Mrs. Linda Meicht, Pastoral Care Mr. Orville Maxwell, Maintenance WELCOME We are always happy to welcome people into our parish community. Visitors or those who are new to our parish are cordially invited to make their presence known by introducing themselves to the priest or deacon after Mass. RESURRECTION CHURCH 9 Church Ave.- P.O. Box 96 Germantown, New York 12526 (518) 537-6136 Please contact the Rectory Office during the week to register so that we can be of better service to you. BAPTISM Please call the Parish Office at 8281334 to initiate the process. MARRIAGE Arrangements should begin eight months to a year in advance to allow sufficient time for instruction and preparation. MINISTRY TO THE HOMEBOUND We gladly serve anyone who cannot celebrate Mass with us in Church because of illness, handicap, or age. For the sacraments at home, hospital, or nursing home, please call the Parish Office. ANNOINTING OF THE SICK When there is a need, call for a priest. PASTOR’S INFORMATION If any of the following items pertain to you or your family, please check the box by that item. This information will be a great help. (Please tear off and put in the collection basket, or mail to the rectory.) Your Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone Number: _________________________________________ e-mail: ____________________________________________ Previous Address, if changing: ___________________________________________________________________________________ New in Parish; would like to register at St. Mary’s Church, Hudson Resurrection Church, Germantown Change of Address Moving out of Parish Request collection envelopes Nativity Chapel, Linlithgo, Need information, please phone Request free subscription to The Evangelist, our diocesan newspaper New telephone number: ______________________ HOLY TRINITY PARISH GERMANTOWN & HUDSON, NEW YORK READINGS AND HYMNS (HUDSON) Reading: p.177 ; Opening Hymn: #263 ; Closing: # 266 MASSES FOR THIS WEEK MONDAY: Weekday (April 20) 7:15 AM Florence Krisniski - Husband Vincent Pili - Antinette DeLaurentis & Family TUESDAY: Weekday (April 21) 7:15 AM Marguerite Macher - Barbara Van Allen Karen Garland - Beatrice Waldron WEDNESDAY: Weekday (April 22) 7:15 AM Arline Rogers - Fontaine Family Terrence F. McCoy - Christian Service Committee THURSDAY Weekday (April 23) 7:15 AM Marguerite Macher - Christian Service Committee Jean West - Mary & Jack Decker FRIDAY: Weekday (April 24) 7:15 AM Rudy DeLaurentis - Wife & Family (HUD) Sean McDonnell - Tom DeGaray 9:00 AM THE WEEK AHEAD SUNDAY, April 19 Confirmation This Sunday, April 19th, at 4:00 p.m., Bishop Howard J. Hubbard will be in Hudson to confirm 75 young people from Columbia County (20 of whom belong to Holy Trinity Parish). The Mass is open to anyone who would like to attend. We extend our prayers and best wishes to those who are being confirmed; and we pray that God’s grace and guidance may be with them for the remainder of their earthly journey. T UE S DAY, Ap ri l 21 All Benefactors of Holy Trinity Parish (G’TWN) St. Anthony Novena: 7:00 p.m. St. Mary’s FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER SATURDAY VIGIL MASS: (April 25) 4:00 PM Marguerite Goodrich - Brian Goodrich (HUD) Gerard Hart - Norma Hart & Family Frank J. Drew-Anne Drew 5:30 PM Roger Proper - Mary Jane Fuchs & Family (G’TWN) SUNDAY MORNING MASS: (April 26) 9:00 AM John Campeta - The Family (HUD) Mary Bell - Marlene (niece) & Charles Polisky John & Mildred Roetina - James & Kelly Schermerhorn 11:00 AM Living & Deceased of the Parish (G’TWN) LITURGICAL ROLES APRIL 25-26 LECTORS: EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: CH: Deacon PH: G. Malchow OC: M. Anuska SUN. 9 AM OH: T. Malak CH: Deacon CB: D. Teegarden †M: M. Van Allen PH: B. Meyer OH: A. Merlos PC: D. Meyer OC: M.E. Pierro C I: S. Macheski CB: L. Rees F. Rees ■ Parish Pastoral Council will meet at 5;30 p.m. at St. Mary’s Academy. All Council members are asked to attend; and anyone interested in the work of the Council is most welcome to attend as well. T H U R S D A Y A p r i l 23 ■ 6:00 Holy parwith tion Our Lady of Grace Prayer Group will meet at p.m. in Church. Please join them to pray for the Father, all priests and religious, for the needs of our ishes, for peace in our hearts and all nations, along prayers for personal petitions. For further informacall Linda or Charlie Meicht at 828-3435. Bible Study: 7:00 p.m. St. Mary’s Rectory SERVERS: SAT. 4 PM R. Gabriele PC: D. Hoffman WEDNESDAY April 22 †M: T. Pultz C I: M. Osuch LECTORS: SAT. 5:30 PM GREETERS: SERVERS: T. Snyder SUN. 11 AM S. Hotaling T. Snyder Y. Crawford D. Brown Angelo Castello A FAMILY PERSPECTIVE by Bud Ozar The apostles were afraid of Jesus until he ate with them and they touched him. In your family the ordinary acts of eating together, touching, embracing not only confirm our love for each other, but also celebrate God’s presence in your family. These ‘ordinary’ moments contain the ‘Extraordinary.” Monday, May 11 – Thursday, May 14 at the College of St. Rose, Albany This past June, Pope Francis said that “to speak of the Church is to speak of our mother, of our family....The Church is all of us.... the whole family....She is founded by Jesus, a people with a long history on her shoulders and a preparation that began long before Christ himself....If we believe, if we are able to pray, if we know the Lord and can listen to His Word, if we can feel Him close and recognize Him in the brethren, it is because others, before us, lived the faith and transmitted it....This is the Church: a great family, in which we are received and learn to live as believers and disciples of the Lord Jesus.” These sentiments have been echoed by our own Bishop, Most Rev. Edward B. Scharfenberger, who has written that “the Church is a family of families, and family for those without family.” Because we have been here for so long, it takes a long time to tell who we are, to pass on the story of our life as a people. The story continues to grow each day, as people around the world live out their lives of faith in large and small ways. Then, and now, and following, after us, are martyrs, ascetics, pilgrims, warriors, mystics, theologians, artists, humanists, activists, outsiders, saints and even sinners – the whole family. And what a story we have to tell: the story of the God who loves the world so much that God will carry all of the brokenness up onto the cross, so that all of those things die with God. A story that goes from sadness to joy, from sorrow to redemption. Come. Enter the story. Join us for a family reunion of sorts. “The Church: our Family, our Story” is the theme of this year’s Spring Enrichment. Participants will have ample opportunities to join with their brothers and sisters, to deepen their knowledge of the faith, find out how they can better share the Good News with others, and renew their relationship with the Lord Jesus and His Church. Spring Enrichment offers a wide variety of courses on the faith (some introductory and others more advanced) on various ministries such as liturgy, pastoral care and parish leadership and also offers many sessions that would be of interest to anyone seeking to learn more about their faith. There is something for everyone at Spring Enrichment, even you! For more information about all the interesting presentations, please call the Rectory at 828-1334, or Mrs. Maura Nedwell at 8513688. S a c ri f i c i a l Gi v i n g Generosity is a practice that can change the world. HUDSON Regular Offertory (Apr. 12)……………………..... Heat and Fuel……………..……………………..... Easter…..………………………….………………. Good Friday…….…………………………………. $4,450.00 $ 690.00 $ 705.00 $ 30.00 GERMANTOWN Regular Offertory (Apr. 12)……………………..... Heat and Fuel……………..……………………..... Easter…..………………………….………………. $1,407.00 $ 215.00 $ 145.00 OPERATION RICE BOWL Hudson and Germantown…………………………. $1,755.00 Everybody knows how to raise children, except the people who have them. Did you know that more than 50% of all people at the time of their death do not have a will or living trust? A simple notation in your will is all that is necessary to leave a lasting legacy, a timeless gift. Through your will, you can be sure the assets you worked a lifetime to acquire are used to help our Church, an organization meaningful to you and your family. Gifts of this nature can include a designated monetary amount, a portion of an estate, or other property of value. You could leave a bequest to Holy Trinity Parish of Hudson and Germantown, or to St. Mary's Church of Hudson, or to Resurrection Church of Germantown. Our 2015 Bishop’s Appeal How one office serves: Provided consultation and resourcing on family enrichment for parish leaders, including down loadable resources for families and those who minister to them. Provided ongoing resourcing to 130 leaders and team members in adult faith formation. Assisted the Diocese to initiate the directives of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People by providing resources, training and support to parishes for safe environment training to implement the Diocesan sexual abuse awareness curriculum and prepare for the 2014 Diocesan compliance audit. The Office of Evangelization, Catechesis, and Family Life Conducted a week long S.A.L.T – Service Action Learning Team – program of social justice immersion for 10 youth and 3 adults in the Schenectady are in the summer of 2014. Part Two Provided orientation and formation for 12 new catechetical and youth ministry leaders from 13 parishes through our Becoming a Minister of Faith Formation Program. Provided ongoing resourcing to 141 parish leaders and team leaders in adult faith formation. In addition to the services listed in last week’s bulletin, The Office of Evangelization, Catechesis, and Family Life also: Provided preparation for the Sacrament of Marriage to over 500 couples through the diocesan Pre Cana Program. Planned and celebrated the Marriage Jubilee at the Cathedral on November 8. 2014 for over 109 couples celebrating special wedding anniversaries. Initiated directed the program “Detours on the Journey” - a support experience of prayer and sharing for those who have been divorced or separated. Began the development of pastoral outreach to those who are LGBT and their families to insure through hospitality and caring that they are a valuable part of our Church. Provided Diocesan wide in-services for catechetical and youth ministry leaders in parishes and schools, clergy, and diocesan and parish staffs on spirituality, boundary issues in ministry, and the impact of culture and technology on children, youth and families. Welcomed over 800 adults and youth from every deanery in the Diocese to the 2014 Spring Enrichment in the Diocese of Albany. Conducted 2 basic certification retreats for 40 new catechists and youth ministers. Certified 161 catechists and Catholic School teachers. Collaborated with the Catholic School Office to organize their Faith formation Day for all Catholic School Provided resourcing and consultation to 14 parishes on intergenerational programming and trained 1 new parish team. Provided a one week long Christian Leadership Institutes (CLI) for 46 youth and 16 youth and adult staff at Pyramid Lake in the summer of 2014.to give them the skills to be active leaders in our Church. Planned and conducted Confirmation retreats in the fall of 2014 for 60 youth. The retreats were led by the Associate Director for Youth Ministry and peer leaders. Provided formation, resources, and support for youth ministry leaders through monthly gatherings. Provided consultations to parents, catechists and parish leaders for people with disabilities on faith formation, sacramental formation, access to liturgy, inclusion in music ministry and outreach to community residences. Collaborated with Catholic Charities Disability Services to improve access to liturgy for their residents so that these members of our faith community can be active members of the Church. Provided workshops on teaching strategies for people with autism and other disabilities. Facilitated a support group for catechists working with people with disabilities to share resources and techniques. Organized a Holy Hour for Religious Liberty and Freedom with Bishop Scharfenberger at the Shrine of Our Lady of Martyrs in Auriesville as part of the diocese’s observance of the Fortnight for Freedom. 300 people attended the service. THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER APRIL 19, 2015 Mother’s Day Masses On Mother’s Day, May 10th, we will remember mothers, (living and deceased) of our parishioners. Please hand in the Mother’s Day Envelopes over the next couple of weekends, so they can be on the Altar for Mother’s Day. Trash & Treasure Donations Our next Trash and Treasure sale is scheduled for the weekend, of June 6 and June 7. We are now accepting new and lightly used household items and furnishings. If you have items that you would like to drop off at the Academy, please call St. Mary’s Rectory at 828-1334 to arrange a convenient drop off time. The receptacles for your Operation Rice Bowl contributions are now in the Church vestibules. Your gifts should be placed in them in the near future. Having thoughts of becoming a Catholic? At some point in their lives, many people find themselves interested in the Catholic Church. Whatever your reason, know there are many like yourself who desire a closer relationship with Christ and a community in which to thrive and worship to help deepen the relationship. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults helps individuals journey to a deeper understanding of Jesus and the Catholic faith. It is a life-changing journey. To find out if this is right for you, or for more information, please call Michael Van Allen at the Rectory Office: 518-828-1334. Or email him at holytrinityhudson.org. Reflections on today’s Scriptures Third Sunday of Easter “He stood in their midst and said to them, ‘Peace be with you.’ But they were startled and terrified.” What was so terrifying about being wished peace? How ironic that the disciples were so scared right at the moment that Jesus was offering them peace. The fact is that they didn't understand what was going on. They were already aware at this point that Jesus had risen from the dead, and two of them had just had a powerful encounter with him on the road to Emmaus. But now, he suddenly appeared before them, in a manner that was not only totally unexpected, but also apparently physically impossible. This is why they thought they were seeing a ghost. It just didn't make sense. Jesus reassured them with concrete actions. He told them to look at him and to touch him. He wanted his disciples to be comforted by his real physical presence among them. He wanted them to come into contact with his entire being, not just the abstract idea of his presence. Once they did this, they were "incredulous for joy and were amazed." The peace that he wished for them was now complemented by great joy. It just took a while to sink in. This may be the case for us at times too. We may not understand the mysterious ways in which Jesus is present in our lives. Sometimes he is hidden in what Mother Teresa called "the distressing disguise." His Spirit may be present, wishing to bring us peace right in the midst of stress, sickness, anguish, or pain, but we may not recognize him at first. But just because he may not "show up" in the way we expect doesn't mean he isn't with us. The risen Christ also wants to give us the gift of peace. –– Gina Loehr Be grateful your pets can’t talk. They all know way too much. Readings for the Week of April 19 Sunday (Apr. 19): Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday (Apr. 26): Acts 3:13-15, 17-19/1 Jn 2:1-5a/Lk Acts 6:8-15/Jn 6:22-29 Acts 7:51--8:1a/Jn 6:30-35 Acts 8:1b-8/Jn 6:35-40 Acts 8:26-40/Jn 6:44-51 Acts 9:1-20/Jn 6:52-59 1Pt 5:5b-14/Mk 16:15-20 Acts 4:8-12/1 Jn 3:1-2/Jn 10:11-18 24:35-48 WE ARE ALL THE CHURCH OUR 61ST ANNUAL BISHOP’S APPEAL My dear Friends, It is hard to believe that already a year has passed since I was appointed Bishop of Albany. Since then, in my travels around the diocese, I have seen first-hand the good works undertaken by the ministries and programs made possible by your generosity to the annual Bishop’s Appeal, and how the love and healing presence of Jesus is extended in so many wonderful ways. I recently heard from a parishioner who said, “Bishop, the problem with the Bishop’s Appeal is there is never anything new about it. Its message is tired, and always the same old, same old, year in and year out.” I went home and thought about it, and prayed about it, and then it dawned on me. The Bishop’s Appeal over the course of sixty-one years, has been about bringing the Gospel to life through the good works and combined generosity of our diocesan family. The message of the Gospel is to love and serve God and each other. How then is that message ever old and tired? Never as much as now in our troubled world do we need to hear that message repeated over and over. So if there is anything new to the Bishop’s Appeal in 2015, it is for me to propose that we go back to the very beginnings of the Church at Pentecost and commit ourselves to living the Gospel message as faith-filled disciples, and not just distant followers of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The theme I chose this year for our annual Bishop’s Appeal, “We are all the Church,” is taken from an address given last year by our Holy Father, Pope Francis. “To speak of the Church,” Pope Francis said, “is to speak of our Mother, of our family. The Church is not a private association, or restricted to bishops, priests, and the Vatican.” How the Pope’s words ring true when speaking about our own diocesan family, the Church of Albany. We, as member of this family of faith, have a responsibility to sustain and grow the work of the Church in caring for God’s people. As disciples of the Gospel we must shine the light, love and kindness of Christ on those living in darkness and despair. Remember, every gift, regardless of the amount, makes a difference. I thank you and ask God to abundantly bless you and those you love. Let us pray to Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, as patroness of our diocese and nation, for each other and for the success of our 2015 Bishop’s Appeal. Sincerely yours in Christ, Edward B. Scharfenberger, D.D. OUR 61ST BISHOP’S APPEAL 2015 Advance Notice Weekend A note from Father Bath... Next weekend in every parish of the diocese, another chapter of the long tradition of generosity begun by our forebears in faith will unfold as we are asked to make our annual gift to the Bishop’s Appeal. In making your gift , I ask that you think about what positives occur from making a generous commitment. Think of all the lives that can be touched: the hungry fed, young people taught, the homeless housed, the sick healed, the aged cared for, and faith of thousands nourished, all because you said yes to the call of Jesus to love and to serve others. A successful Bishop's Appeal is vital to the continued health of this parish and our Diocesan Church. As our parish and diocese are one, comprising the Body of Christ, neither can exist without the other and both need your support. I am asking that every family within this parish join me in support of Our 61 st Annual Bishop's Appeal. During this week, I would ask you to reflect upon my call for support. I would ask you to consider what contributing to this Appeal really means – your support of this Appeal ensures that our schools and our religious education programs remain vital sources of learning and support for the young people who will one day lead our Church. It ensures that the profound needs of the sick, the troubled and elderly are continuously met by the various offices of Catholic Charities, it ensures continuous and essential training for all those who are called to ministry within our diocese, and it ensures that your diocese remains a vital, faith driven community. May God bless you and Our 61 st Bishop's Appeal. So many people depend on its success and your generosity. You may make your gift at Mass next weekend, or online at www.thebishopsappeal.org. You may also make a pledge which is payable in eight monthly installments. I pray that God will guide your hearts in making a gift to support Holy Trinity’s contribution to the 2015 Bishop’s Appeal.
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