PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD (YEAR B) 29th March 2015 REFLECTION I find myself almost in disbelief that it is a year since we were last at this point in time…. Here we are at the beginning of Holy Week the most sacred of weeks in our Catholic faith tradition. Where did the year go!!! So now, I am forced to STOP from the hectic pace the world inflicts upon me and finally I get to reflect. It is the time to truly look deep within ourselves and bring together the past five weeks and review those conversations I had with God during this time we name LENT. We as people of faith are blessed with owning and living out the ancient rituals, symbols, liturgy and scripture passed down to us from our communion of saints. We the 2015 spiritual beings are the living communion of saints – custodians of bringing to life for ourselves and for each other the meaning and purpose of our Christian faith. In our local faith community of Holy Trinity Fr Michael looking after his flock, shared a part of himself with us last week and this touched the hearts and souls of many parishioners. Tears ran down many faces because he spoke about a universal truth… he spoke about us as people and how we are human and spiritual beings and about the core basis of our faith in God………..about DEATH and NEW LIFE. We enter HOLY WEEK where we have the opportunity to get closer to GOD to better understand ourselves, others and the meaning and purpose of our lives. When Jesus stopped breathing on the cross and gave over his life……God gave breath to us for our life now and forevermore. Julie Binstead – Parish Leadership Team- Holy Trinity LENTEN / EASTER TIMETABLE Monday night Lenten Prayer in the Anchor (Pls note: enter from Florence St) 8pm, 16th Feb-30th March—Program “Rich in Mercy” Holy Thursday, 2nd April, 7:30pm—all three churches Good Friday, 3rd April: 10am—Stations of the Cross at St. Catherine’s & St Paul’s 11:30am - Ecumenical Way of the Cross, Virginia Park, East Boundary Road -Followed by soup & Rolls @ St. Peter’s Lighthouse Hall, Bignell Road, 3:00pm—Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion— all three churches 8pm—Taize Prayer at St. Peter’s Easter Saturday, Vigil: 7:00pm—Outside around the fire— All three churches. EASTER SUNDAY: St. Peter’s—8:30am & 10:30am St. Paul’s—9:30am, St. Catherine’s—9:30am Trinity Parish Vanuatu Caritas Appeal Fundraiser/Social Sunday, 12th April, 2-5pm, St. Paul’s Hall, Bentleigh Music, Live Band, bring your own drinks and nibbles, tea/coffee provided. Sign up sheets at Easter. Entry: $10 pp to go to Appeal. ALL WELCOME (They need our help!) We support the endeavours of the Royal Commission to bring healing to the victims of abuse. Church's website: OUR MASS TIMETABLE OUR PEOPLE & OUR CONTACT DETAILS (Subject to change) DAY TIME SERVICE COMMUNITY WEEK COMMENCING 30th March, 2015 9:15am Communion St. Paul’s 10:00am Mass St. Peter’s 10:00am Mass St. Paul’s Mon HOLY TRINITY PARISH WEB PAGE: EMAIL: Priests: Michael Sierakowski, Paul Gurry, Clem Cafarella, Cyril Blake Pastoral Associates: Matilde Chia, Margaret Pinzone, Carmel Dyt, Delia Donahoe (OLSH), June Kellar, Liz Liston Catherine Green (Arrowsmith Program) Parish Manager: Libby Thomas 10:am Tues 1:30pm St. Paul’s Bentleigh OFFICE HOURS (Mon - Fri) 9am - 3pm 844 Centre Road, East Bentleigh 3165 Ph: 9579 4255 Fax: 9570 4288 122 Jasper Road, Bentleigh 3204 Ph: 9557 1165 Fax: 9503 4575 Pastoral Associates: Carmel Dyt, Delia Donahoe, June Kellar Liz Liston Secretaries: Marion Quinn Trish Richards Sacramental Teachers Lidia Boschini Betty DeMarco Stewardship Program: Keith Gonsalvez Adult Faith Education: Chris Pearson Holy Thurs Good Friday Pastoral Associates: Matilde Chia Secretary: Libby Thomas Primary School Ann Cooper – Principal Margaret Smith - REC 9557 7130 St. Catherine’s Moorabbin 2 Buchan Street, Moorabbin 3189 Ph: 9555 4242 Robert (Bob) Hill Funeral Mass Angelo Cappadona St Peter’s St Peter’s 9:15am Communion St. Paul’s 10:00am Communion St Peter’s 10:00am Mass St Catherine’s 7:30pm Mass All Churches 10:00am Stations of the Cross St. Paul’s & 11:30am Ecumenical Way of the Cross Virginia Park 3:00pm Lord’s Passion All Churches Easter Vigil All Churches Mass St. Peter’s Mass St. Catherine’s Mass St. Paul’s Mass St. Peter’s Mass St. Catherine’s Wed St. Peter’s East Bentleigh OFFICE HOURS (Mon - Fri) 9am - 3pm Funeral Mass Holy Sat 7.00pm St Catherine’s 8.30am Easter Sun 9.30am 10.30am PLEASE NOTE NO 5.30 MASS EASTER SUNDAY Pastoral Associate: Margaret Pinzone Primary School Michael Juliff - Principal Secretary: Judi Fisher 9575 0909 Primary School Mrs Maria Angliss– Principal Ms Carmel Donlon - REC 9555 7200 RECONCILIATION: 1/2 hr before each mass Emergency: Please call St. Peter’s and leave a message as we regularly attend this phone—03 9579 4255 GOOD FRIDAY APPEAL: The annual collection for the support of the church in the Holy Lands at the 3pm service. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Please also pray for peace and harmony in these lands. Collections: Last weekend 21st & 22nd March 2015 Community Stewardship Presbytery St. Peter’s $5,029 $1,618 St. Paul’s $1,113,50 $703.60 $1,015 $582 St. Catherine’s ST. CATHERINE’S NOTICES EASTER FELLOWSHIP CRAFTY LADIES: The Craft Group will meet Please join us after mass NEXT SATURDAY EVENING tomorrow at 1.00pm in the Sweeney Centre. New OR SUNDAY MORNING, to celebrate Easter with a cup of members and ideas always welcome. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Next meeting on March 30th at 7pm, in the Sweeney Centre at St Catherine’s. All welcome. tea or coffee and hot cross buns. New parishioners and visitors to our parish will be especially welcome. CONGRATULATIONS to Carmen & Henry Buxton who are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. They were married at St Joseph’s Church, Elsternwick on April 3rd, 1965 by Father Brian Walsh. We congratulate them on achieving this golden milestone and pray that they will enjoy many more years of good health and happiness together. FAMILY MASS Thank you to all our families and parishioners who came and supported our Family Mass where the children took active part in the welcome, choir and readings. We welcome children who want to join us for the next mass by contacting Marg Pinzone at the St. Catherine's office. All Children welcome! ST. PETER’S NOTICES Easter Sunday 10.30am Mass. We invite all Prep Students to sing “Alleluia He is Risen” at this Mass. Please see Carmel before Mass. MEETINGS/FUNCTIONS THIS WEEK Mon. 30th Mar 7:30pm St V de P Conference Meeting—Green Room. 8:00pm Charismatic Group Lenten Program—Anchor Wed 1st April 4:00pm Sacramental Program— Easter Liturgies Thank you to all who have volunteered for Easter Liturgies. You’ll be contacted in the next few days. ‘Called to Discipleship’ Thank you to those who signed up as Eucharist Ministers/Lectors. We are offering training for new and old Eucharist Ministers after each mass April 18th/19th and Lectors new and old after each mass May 2nd and 3rd. Green Room & Lounge Room Thurs 2nd April 7.30pm Pastoral Leadership Team Meeting–Green Room Fri 3rd April 8:00pm Taize Prayer—Church Baptisms This Weekend We welcome Eloise Wood-Bradley, Elena Simonetta & Alexia Davis into our community through Baptism. St Peter’s School is 150 years old this year. Yes the first little wooden school house was erected in 1865 on Centre Road near the site of the current hospital. We are looking for photographs (and memorabilia) pertaining to the history of the School that we could borrow for the 150th Anniversary. If anyone has any please contact the School Office on 9575 0909. Thanking you in anticipation Michael Juliff Loganville Easter Raffle Tickets on sale after Masses this weekend Good Friday Ecumenical lunch, soup and rolls in See McKenna Notice Board & Pamphlet Stand the Lighthouse following the way of the Cross in ∗ St. Peter’s Newsletter : 26th March. 2015 Virginia Park (starting 11:30am at Curtin Street) ∗ Archdiocese of Melb. Parish Update: 18th March We are asking St. Peter’s to donate vegetable soup, ∗ Palm Sunday, 29th March—Prayer Service, 1pm, and their time to set up, pack up and serve. St. Patrick’s Cath. and Walk for Justice for Sign up sheets this weekend Refugees, 2pm, State Library. GENERAL NOTICES MELBOURNE IS CHANGING-When was the last time you took a tour of Melbourne city? Are you interested in a day in the city? Train in - Red visitors’ shuttle bus around the city (90 mins)-$5 Lunch somewhere- Home by train. Cost – your myki which must be active + $5 + lunch. April 24.Contact Tricia 9555 7663, (or leave a message). ANZAC COMMEMORATION SERVICE The City of Glen Eira will hold its traditional Anzac Day Service at the Cenotaph (north-west side, near Hawthorn Rd) in Caulfield Park on Sunday 19th April commencing at 2.30pm. ANZAC DAY – Saturday 25th April: Catholic War Veterans' Association Mass The Catholic War Veterans invite all ex-personnel, spouses, relatives and Parish friends to celebrate Anzac Day with Mass and a flag raising ceremony followed by breakfast at Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church, 9 Centre Dandenong Road, Cheltenham, entry from Wilson Street, Mass commences at 9.15am. Breakfast will follow in Exodus Hall—cost $15 (Children half price) Bookings essential for catering purposes. Contact Ted Donovan on 9583 5683 or or Frances North on 9583 6161 or Rich in Mercy As our Lenten journey comes to a close, it is apt that we reflect on the person of Jesus as depicted by Mark. .. Jesus, who became one of us, to show us how to live; Jesus, who willingly offered himself; Jesus, who continues to offer himself to us as an example to follow… The best way to enter Holy Week with him is in the company of those with whom he has identified himself: the poor and the broken; the humiliated and the marginalised; those who suffer the abuse of others; those who never use rank to force their will. We are called to go where salvation takes place: in our streets and in our homes where violence rages; in the dark corners of life where despair seems to hold sway; wherever the innocent are abused or the needy are neglected; wherever there is misunderstanding or fear or jealousy. We are called to go wherever Christ empties himself for us. .. With Pope Francis we open our hearts to God’s mercy: A missionary heart … never closes itself off, never retreats into its own security, never opts for rigidity and defensiveness. ( The Joy of the Gospel, 45) ! Do I have a missionary heart? Or do I give into individualism, preferring to retire into my own security …? Am I too rigid in my convictions … unwilling to listen to another point of view? Prayer: Save us, Saviour of the world, for by your cross and resurrection, you have set us free. Practice: This week the Works of Mercy are: Visit the sick and imprisoned— On 10 September 2014, Pope Francis spoke about visiting the imprisoned. Read what he had to say at audiences/ 2014/documents/papa-francesco_20140910_udienza-generale.html Comfort those in pain and encourage the discouraged — This week find the time to reach out to someone in pain ... ST. PAUL’S NOTICES BAPTISMS WELCOMES: This weekend at our Masses we welcome Tahlia Lyons daughter of Mitchell and Samantha, Nash Quinn son of Anthony & Rochelle, Finn Last son of George and Camille, Charlie Skinner son of Ben and Helen and Isabel Logan daughter of Benn and Sarah, who will be baptised after Easter. Also Flora and Bryan Yang who will be Baptised during the Easter Ceremony. We thank their families for bringing these children to Baptism and support them as they commence their journey of faith. THANK YOU: Mitchell and Rob would like to thank Fr. Michael and the St. Paul’s Parishioners for their support and generosity towards their De La Salle School Mission project which is raising money to support communities in India and Papua New Guinea. At the completion of year 12 this year Rob will be going over to India with a group of students from, De La Salle College Malvern, to assist with building projects at one of these missions. They raised a total of $672.00 which is greatly appreciated. Project compassion boxes can be brought to the Church on Holy Thursday and all over Easter. Boxes will be available in front of Our Lady’s altar. REMEMBER: Next weekend is the end of Day Light Saving and to change your clock back before you go to bed next Saturday, Easter Saturday. ADORATION: CAN YOU HELP: We are currently Looking for Volunteers for , Readers/ Leaders, Offertory/Gift Procession, Sacristans, Computer Operators, Liturgy Groups, Eucharistic Ministers, Communion to the Sick, Alter Society/Cleaning and Sacristan (help with setting up and closing up for Masses). Sign up sheets are available in front of Our Lady’s Altar. ORGAN CHOIR: Practise for Easter Vigil is Monday, 30th March. Please attend if possible. CHILD CARE: A St. Pauls parishioner has some vacancies in her home based child care. If interested please check the notice board for more details. INFORMATION AVAILABLE ON NOTICE BOARDS • • • • • • Box Cottage Museum: Open to the Public last Sunday of the month Feb to Nov, 2pm-4pm St. Patrick’s Choral Scholarships 2016. Passion Play 29th March at 1.30pm Ruffey Lake Park. World Youth Day 2016 notices. Divine Mercy notices. Turkey & Greece Pilgrimage 30/8/2015 In the Boxes at the doors: • St. Paul’s School Newsletter KAIROS: New issue No. 4 now available $2. Wednesday 3 — 4pm, Friday 8.15 — 9.15am GENERAL NOTICES PROJECT COMPASSION BOXES Thanks to everyone who has taken a project compassion box home. Boxes are due back on Holy Thursday and over Easter. St. Peter’s Cancer Support Group, Thurs. 2nd April, 10:30am at Bentleigh Bayside Community Health Pls phone 9579 4255. ALL WELCOME Palm Sunday, 29th March– Justice for Refugees— Seeking Asylum is a Human Right— Close Manus, Close Nauru Prayer Service– 1-1:30pm—St. Patrick’s Cathedral Walk– 2pm—State Library Second Conversation in Faith—Following our recent ‘Conversation with Jane Phelan’, our second Conversation in Faith will be with the newly consecrated auxiliary bishop for Melbourne, Bishop Mark Edwards, O.M.I. Thurs. April 16th at 7.30 pm in the McKenna Centre. Retirement Accommodation available. St. John’s Church, Bentleigh Retirement Village Inspect 11am-11:30am, Sat & Sun. Tom: 9557 4715 TRINITY BOOK CLUB Trinity Book Club meeting – 2 April – Sweeney Centre 1.30pm – “When the Night Comes” by Favel Parrett. Conversation with Bishop Mark Edwards, O.M.I. Thurs. April 16th at 7.30 pm in McKenna Centre Born in Indonesia; educated at Mazenod College; graduated Bachelor of Science from Monash University; then entered the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate (Oblates) on 1980. He made his final profession as an Oblate in 1984 and was ordained in 1986. He continued his studies at Monash obtaining Bachelor of Letters and a Doctorate in Philosophy. He has been a teacher, a Novice Master, a Lecturer at CTU and various other formation posts within his order, until he was consecrated a bishop in Dec. 2014. We wish to welcome Bishop Mark to our community; invite him to share something of his faith journey; and to allow us to respond in a conversation with him. ST. PETER’S ROSTER PARISHIONERS DATE LECTORS VOLUNTEERS AT ALL MASSES 4th & 5th April PRESBYTERY COUNTERS GRP 2: Jennifer Honey, Helen Nodrum, Margaret Lucas, Gerry Lambourne Sun 4th & 5th April THANKSGIVING COUNTERS GRP 12: Rob & Marise Henderson, Suzanne Will, Loretta & Clem Conheady Sun 5th April SACRISTAN GRP 10: Veronica McAlroy, Nora Atkinson, Margaret Rocha, Noreen Hassett Sat 4th April FATIMA STATUE Suhr Family—Blamey Street Sun 29th March Kelly Family—Vera Street Sun 5th April Helen Heal (Sun) Pri Fernando (Sun) 29th Mar & 5th Apr 12th & 19th April Sr Delia (Wed) Liz Liston (Wed) 1st April 8th & 15th April MOORABBIN HOSPITAL VISIT ST. PAUL’S ROSTER PARISHIONERS DATE Sun 29th March COUNTERS Sun 5th April VOCATIONS / CHALICE Chris Renwick (Sun) Peggy Davis Sr. Nora (L) (L) Cafasso Family (Sat) Brindyl Madhusudan (R) (Sat) Glynn Mayne (R) (Sun) 29th Mar & 4th Apr 28th & 29th March LECTORS Easter Vigil Easter Sunday COMPUTER OPERATORS: GIFTS EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: 4th & 5th April De Losa Family (Sat) Lanh Forrest (Sun) 28th & 29th Mar De Losa Family (Sat) Teresa Meyer (Sun) 4th & 5th April Peggie & Paul Davis (Sat) O’Halloran Family (Sun) 27th & 29th Mar Easter Vigil (Sat) Easter Sunday (Sun) 4th & 5th April Station 1: Kyle Uytenbogaardt, Volunteer Needed Station 2: Amanda Bonso, 2 Volunteers Needed, Station 3: Ida Surjadi, Volunteer Needed Saturday March Station 1: Libby Thomas, Volunteer Needed Station 2: Rosa Lettieri, 2 Volunteers Needed Sunday Diana & Garnet Fernandez and Bev & Les Claudius 29th March No Sunday Cuppa: School Holidays 5th MORNING TEA (HALL) COMMUNION TO THE SICK 1: Rosemary Green 2: Marie Laville ST. CATHERINE’S ROSTER PARISHIONERS 3: April 29th March DATE COUNTERS Pat Baird, Bernadette Jennings Mon 6th Apr ALTAR SOCIETY Pauline Buckley, Mary Gill Sat 4th April LECTORS 8.30am: TBA 10.30am: TBA Sun 5th April EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS 8.30am: TBA 10.30am: TBA Sun 5th April COMPUTER OPERATORS 8.30am: TBA 10.30am: TBA Sun 5th April FATIMA STATUE Cooper Family Mon 6th April PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD (YEAR B) GOSPEL Mark 15: 1-39 The passion of our Lord Jesus Christ according to Mark First thing in the morning, the chief priests together with the elders and the scribes, in short the whole Sanhedrin, had their plan ready. They had Jesus bound and took him away and handed him over to Pilate. Pilate questioned him, ‘Are you the king of the Jews?’ ‘It is you who say it’ he answered. And the chief priests brought many accusations against him. Pilate questioned him again, ‘Have you no reply at all? See how many accusations they are bringing against you!’ But to Pilate’s amazement, Jesus made no further reply. At festival time Pilate used to release a prisoner for them, anyone they asked for. Now a man called Barabbas was then in prison with the rioters who had committed murder during the uprising. When the crowd went up and began to ask Pilate the customary favour, Pilate answered them, ‘Do you want me to release for you the king of the Jews?’ For he realised it was out of jealousy that the chief priests had handed Jesus over. The chief priests, however, had incited the crowd to demand that he should release Barabbas for them instead. The Pilate spoke again. ‘But in that case,’ he said to them ‘what am I to do with the man you call king of the Jews?’ They shouted back, ‘Crucify him!’ ‘Why?’ Pilate asked them ‘What harm has he done?’ But they shouted all the louder, ‘Crucify him!’ So Pilate, anxious to placate the crowd, released Barabbas for them and, having ordered Jesus to be scourged, handed him over to be crucified. The soldiers led him away to the inner part of the palace, that is, the Praetorium, and called the whole cohort together. They dressed him in purple, twisted some thorns into a crown and put it on him. And they began saluting him, ‘Hail, king of the Jews!’ They struck his head with a reed and spat on him; and they went down on their knees to do him homage. And when they had finished making fun of him, they took off the purple and dressed him in his own clothes. They led him out to crucify him. They enlisted a passer-by, Simon of Cyrene, father of Alexander and Rufus, who was coming in from the country, to carry his cross. They brought Jesus to the place called Golgotha, which means the place of the skull. They offered him wine mixed with myrrh, but he refused it. Then they crucified him, and shared out his clothing, casting lots to decide what each should get. It was the third hour when they crucified him. The inscription giving the charge against him read: ‘The King of the Jews.’ And they crucified two robbers with him, one on his right and one on his left. The passers-by jeered at him; they shook their heads and said, ‘Aha! So you would destroy the Temple and rebuild it in three days! Then save yourself: come down from the cross!’ The chief priests and the scribes mocked him among themselves in the same way. ‘He saved others,’ they said ‘he cannot save himself. Let the Christ, the king of Israel, come down from the cross now, for us to see it and believe.’ Even those who were crucified with him taunted him. When the sixth hour came there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour. And at the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice, ‘Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?’ which means, ‘My God, my God, why have you deserted me?’ When some of those who stood by heard this they said, ‘Listen, he is calling on Elijah’. Someone ran and soaked a sponge in vinegar and, putting it on a reed, gave it him to drink saying, ‘Wait and see if Elijah will come to take him down.’ But Jesus gave a loud cry and breathed his last. And the veil of the Temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The centurion, who was standing in front of him, had seen how he had died, and he said, ‘In truth this man was a son of God.’ Lord, we commend to you people in need: Those who are sick: Recently Deceased: St Peter’s: Paul Nielsen, Pat Callanan, Stanley Wright, Jane Wheelahan, Solange Ibriham, Bruce Armstrong, Fr. Lauri Leonard, Peter Carr, Doug Willans, Moira Bugg, Simon Trinh, Doreen Brown, Anna Marteon, Peter & Marie Bergin, Sheryl Martin, Aurora Cubero, Pat Huggins, Michael Griffin, Christina Andersen, Sarah, Elisa D’Elia, John Madden, Paul Houston, Rachael Hailstone, Roland Fernandez, Ann Dodd, Merle Milner, Cresencia Elchico, John Jackson, June Jackson, Maria-Elena De Sa, Valmai Rogers, Matt Milanovic, Joan Clarke, Dorotea Moniz, Alfio Pappalardo, Claude Darga, Stephanie & Amelie Francois, Rae Hill, Maria Kyunghee Chu, Duncan McMillan, Melissa Jovanovic, Bill Tilley, Dorothy Nolan, Cathy Davies, Guiseppe Mase, Cathy Hogan, Nigel Harbach, Kathleen Murphy, Abby, Jacqui Slattery, Sherine Vanderputt, Daniel Pintado, St Paul’s: Fr. Chris Reay, Anne Taylor, Elizabeth Wort, Camile Riley, Judith Westcott, Sharon Boyd, Elisa D’Elia, Sandy Bruce, Harry Malatsis, Tanya Wall, St. Peter’s: Robert (Bob) Hill, Angelo Cappadona Fred Boehmer (brother of Gudrun Bergman) Vlado Naprelic St Catherine’s: Marion Hickey Anniversaries occurring at this time: St Peter’s: Carmel Jones (2yrs) St Paul’s: Geoffrey Flanagan, Bertram Pereira, St Catherine’s: Carmel Jones, Norman Adams, Fiorino Mercuri, Thelma Butts, Anthony Younes, James Clynes Jnr St Catherine’s: Sue Saddler, Marie Rivalland, Jean Sutton, Paul McKay, Paul Madden, Joan Clarke, Joanne Barry, Robert Boileau, Paul Dwyer, Tony Infanti, Minna Beer, Trenna Scanlon BULLETIN NOTICES DEADLINES St. Peter’s Trish Richards & Marion Quinn, 9579 4255, Thursday St. Paul’s Libby Thomas, 9557 1165, Thursday 9am St. Catherine’s Judi Fisher - or in letterbox at Presbytery Thursday 9am
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