FIFTH SUNDAY IN LENT (YEAR B) 22nd March 2015 LENTEN / EASTER TIMETABLE Monday night Lenten Prayer in the Anchor (Pls note: enter from Florence St) 8pm, 16th Feb-30th March—Program “Rich in Mercy” Trinity Parish Vanuatu Caritas Appeal Fund raiser/Social Sunday, 12th April, 2-5pm, St. Paul’s Hall, Bentleigh Music, Live Band, bring your own drinks and nibbles, tea/coffee provided. Sign up sheets at Easter. Entry: $10 pp to go to Appeal. ALL WELCOME (They need our help!) Second Conversation in Faith Following our recent ‘Conversation with Jane Phelan’, our second Conversation in Faith will be with the newly consecrated auxiliary bishop for Melbourne, Bishop Mark Edwards, O.M.I. Thurs. April 16th at 7.30 pm in the McKenna Centre, see Page 6 for more details. Communal Rite of Forgiveness St. Peter’s– Tuesday, 24th March, 7pm Anointing Masses—10am St. Paul’s—Tues. 24th March, St. Peter’s—Fri. 27th March Holy Thursday, 2nd April, 7:30pm—all three churches Good Friday, 3rd April: 10am—Stations of the Cross at St. Catherine’s & St. Paul’s 11:30am - Ecumenical Way of the Cross, Virginia Park, East Boundary Road -Followed by soup & Rolls @ St. Peter’s Lighthouse Hall, Bignell Road, 3:00pm—Commemoration of the Lord’s Passion— all three churches 8pm—Taize Prayer at St. Peter’s Easter Saturday, Vigil: 7:00pm—Outside around the fire— All three churches. EASTER SUNDAY: St. Peter’s—8:30am & 10:30am St. Paul’s—9:30am REFLECTION: What strikes me as simply profound is that in approximately 627BC Jeremiah prophesied a new covenant for God’s people – one in which God will have a personal relationship with His people, so personal that it will be written on their hearts – not stone tablets or scrolls that can be destroyed. Those many years before Jesus was even born, this promise of sins being forgiven and having direct contact with God was foretold – this truly amazes me. When Jesus came, this prophecy was fulfilled. The metaphor of the grain of wheat having to die before it can produce a plentiful harvest is a vivid portrayal of what had to happen to Jesus before his mission was accomplished. His mission to change the world and destroy evil, through his suffering and death gave us the opportunity to directly receive God’s love, forgiveness and salvation. This fifth Sunday in Lent before we move into Palm Sunday and Holy Week and recall the events of Jesus suffering death and resurrection, keeping in mind, that this was a sacrifice made personally for each one of us. Jesus is the culmination of God’s covenant with us, His people. A personal covenant written deep within our hearts that God will draw us up to Himself, away from all evil. Just as the people standing there heard God’s voice not for anyone else’s sake but for their own, we too should perhaps, try and hear and respond to that voice for our own sakes. Cynthia White—Pastoral Leadership Team We support the endeavours of the Royal Commission to bring healing to the victims of abuse. Church's website: OUR MASS TIMETABLE OUR PEOPLE & OUR CONTACT DETAILS (Subject to change) DAY TIME SERVICE COMMUNITY WEEK COMMENCING 23rd March, 2015 HOLY TRINITY PARISH WEB PAGE: EMAIL: Priests: Michael Sierakowski, Paul Gurry, Clem Cafarella, Cyril Blake Pastoral Associates: Matilde Chia, Margaret Pinzone, Carmel Dyt, Delia Donahoe (OLSH), June Kellar, Liz Liston Catherine Green (Arrowsmith Program) Parish Manager: Libby Thomas St. Peter’s East Bentleigh OFFICE HOURS (Mon - Fri) 9am - 3pm St. Paul’s Bentleigh OFFICE HOURS (Mon - Fri) 9am - 3pm 844 Centre Road, East Bentleigh 3165 Ph: 9579 4255 Fax: 9570 4288 122 Jasper Road, Bentleigh 3204 Ph: 9557 1165 Fax: 9503 4575 Pastoral Associates: Carmel Dyt, Delia Donahoe, June Kellar Liz Liston Secretaries: Marion Quinn Trish Richards Sacramental Teachers Lidia Boschini Betty DeMarco Tues Communion St. Paul’s 10:00am Mass St. Peter’s 10:00am Anointing Mass St. Paul’s 7:00pm Communal Rite of Forgiveness St. Peter’s 9:15am Communion St. Paul’s 10:00am Communion St Peter’s 10:00am Mass St Catherine’s 10:00am Mass St. Paul’s Communion St. Paul’s Anointing Mass St. Peter’s Mass St. Catherine’s 8:00am Communion St. Peter’s 9:30-10am Reconciliation St. Paul’s 6.00pm Mass St. Paul’s 6.30pm Mass St. Peter’s Mass St. Peter’s Mass St. Catherine’s Mass St. Paul’s Mass St. Peter’s Mass St. Catherine’s Mass St. Peter’s Wed Thurs 9:15am Fri 10:00am Pastoral Associates: Matilde Chia 8.30am Secretary: Libby Thomas Primary School Ann Cooper – Principal Margaret Smith - REC 9557 7130 9:15am Mon Sat St. Catherine’s Moorabbin Stewardship Program: Keith Gonsalvez 2 Buchan Street, Moorabbin 3189 Ph: 9555 4242 Adult Faith Education: Chris Pearson Pastoral Associate: Margaret Pinzone Primary School Michael Juliff - Principal Secretary: Judi Fisher 9575 0909 Primary School Mrs Maria Angliss– Principal Ms Carmel Donlon - REC 9555 7200 RECONCILIATION: 1/2 hr before each mass Emergency: Please call St. Peter’s and leave a message as we regularly attend this phone—03 9579 4255 8.30am 9.30am Sun 10.30am 5.30pm Collections: Last weekend 14th & 15th March 2015 Community Stewardship Presbytery St. Peter’s $5,713 $1,326 St. Paul’s $1,114.70 $719.40 $2,226 $638 St. Catherine’s ST. CATHERINE’S NOTICES ST CATHERINE’S FETE A BIG THANK YOU to the school, parish and local community for supporting the school fete last Saturday. We were blessed with superb weather and an inviting atmosphere! The crowd was unprecedented as was the record profit. Winners of our raffle were; 1. Bridget Danaher 3. Bowen-Wheatley Family 5. Elaine Moore 7. Rupert D”Cruze 9. Sherine Vanderputt 2. Chris Speers 4. Jo Shannon 6. Lida Palamara 8. Judi Fisher 10. Jason Anstee CRAFTY LADIES Craft Group will meet tomorrow at 1pm in the Sweeney Centre. New members and ideas always welcome. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Next meeting on March 30th at 7pm, in the Sweeney Centre at St Catherine’s. All welcome. VOCATION VIEW Unless a seed first dries out and dies, it cannot be planted in the earth to grow. Unless we first dry out and die to our selfish ways, we can never expect to be people who will 'lay down their lives for their friends.' ST. PETER’S NOTICES MEETINGS/FUNCTIONS THIS WEEK Mon. 23rd Mar 7:30pm St V de P Conference Meeting—Green Room. 8:00pm Charismatic Group Lenten Program—Anchor Wed 25th Mar 4:00pm Sacramental Program— Green Room & Lounge Room Thurs 26th Mar 7.30pm Liturgy Team Meeting— Green Room Sacrament This Weekend We welcome Alessia Di Paolo, Alexander Morawski, Natalia Morawska & Emilia Morawska into our community through Baptism. Palms for Palm Sunday We would welcome donations of palms, olive, cypress for all masses on Palm Sunday CELEBRATING EASTER SIGN UP SHEETS FOR EASTER LITURIGES on sacristy windows this week. You are all encouraged to take an active role in Easter Liturgies. A special invitation to anyone who has not taken an active role before, but would like to be involved in a speaking or non-speaking part. Please put your name on sign-up sheets. We welcome all volunteers. Good Friday Ecumenical lunch, soup and rolls in the Lighthouse following the way of the Cross in Virginia Park (starting 11:30am at Curtin Street) We are asking St. Peter’s to donate vegetable soup, and their time to set up, pack up and serve. Sign up sheets this weekend Loganville Easter Raffle Tickets on sale after Masses This weekend 21st/22nd & next 28th/29th March ‘Called to Disipleship’ Thank you to those who signed up as Eucharist Ministers/Lectors. We are offering training for new and old Eucharist Ministers after each mass April 18th/19th and Lectors new and old after each mass May 2nd and 3rd. ROSTERS FOR READERS Please collect rosters from the back of the church. Those not collected will be posted. Please notify the parish office if yours does not arrive. Thank you St Peter’s School is 150 years old this year. Yes the first little wooden school house was erected in 1865 on Centre Road near the site of the current hospital. We are looking for photographs (and memorabilia) pertaining to the history of the School that we could borrow for the 150th Anniversary. If anyone has any please contact the School Office on 9575 0909. Thanking you in anticipation. Michael Juliff Invitation to celebrate Australia's Neighbour Day With a yummy morning tea at Moongala Women’s Community House on Monday 23 March from 10.30-12pm. Come along and meet the neighbours! All welcome!! RSVP Jules or Jude 9570 3468 See McKenna Notice Board & Pamphlet Stand ∗ St. Peter’s Newsletter : 19th March. 2015 ∗ Archdiocese of Melb. Parish Update: 18th March ∗ Palm Sunday, 29th March—Prayer Service, 1pm, St. Patrick’s Cath. and Walk for Justice for Refugees, 2pm, State Library. ∗ Rental Property Dingley: Leanne 9995 2469 ∗ Employment Wanted: Cleaning/Shopping Kristine 9503 8341. ∗ Accommodation required for retired man, room or granny flat, John 0400 133 914 Rich in Mercy This Gospel passage begins with a request from some Greeks “to see Jesus”. They were trying to perceive what this Jesus was really all about, trying to get an insight into his personality, imagining a possible future, hoping for a response. And there was a response full of allusions to the future. Jesus was as a grain of wheat. He died and was buried in the earth and that death was fruitful for the whole of humankind. He foresaw being nailed to the cross which would be dropped upright into a hole in the ground. In every death, there is life - this is the big message of Lent and of Easter. The grain of wheat will die and will through death nourish us with food. In the death of relationships, of health, of faith and all that may be dear to us there is always the invitation to deeper life. In our final death is the call to everlasting life. Reflection What might have to ‘die’ in you in order for something new to take root and grow? How do you understand the call to be a servant to others? With Pope Francis we open our hearts to God’s mercy: Today and always, the poor are the privileged recipients of the Gospel. We have to state, without mincing words, that there is an inseparable bond between our faith and the poor. ( The Joy of the Gospel, 48) Do I ask who the poor really are in our society? Do I seek them out, or do I avoid them? Enfold us in your mercy O God. Practice: This week the Works of Mercy are: Bury the dead, console the bereaved — It can be difficult for all of us when faced with the intense grief suffered by someone who has lost a child, parent, grand-parent, wife or husband. Just be there for someone who is grieving ... Forgive yourself and others — This week take some time to prepare more deeply for the coming Easter liturgies by attending our Communal Rite of Forgiveness. Prayer: Jesus, in this time of prayer I imagine you putting a grain of wheat into my hand. You and I chat about what it can mean. When I next eat bread, it will have a deeper significance for me. When I share in the Eucharist, I will try to be aware that it means your own life, which is blessed, broken, shared out and consumed for the life of the world. Lord, help me to see you more clearly, love you more dearly, and follow you more nearly, each day. May I die to myself in Jesus so that through him I may have new life. Amen FAMILY MASS: ST. PAUL’S NOTICES ANOINTING OF THE SICK MASS: Thank you to our families who supported our Family Mass with our Year 3 children taking leadership roles. We, as always, are most grateful to our Youth/School choir for their music and singing. They certainly bring energy and life to our celebrations. ORGAN CHOIR: Practises for Easter Vigil are Mondays, 23rd and 30th March. Please attend if possible. PALM LEAVES: once again we ask parishioners who have small palm leaves, olive or cypress trees to bring in cuttings for Palm Sunday 28th/29th March. If these could be dropped off at the church on Fri. 27th or Sat. 28th at the side door of the Church (closest to the school gates) or Parishioners could please bring their own branch to Palm Sunday Masses. CAN YOU HELP: We are currently Looking for Volunteers for , Readers/ Leaders, Offertory/Gift Procession, Sacristans, Computer Operators, Liturgy Groups, Eucharistic Ministers, Communion to the Sick, Alter Society/Cleaning and Sacristan (help with setting up and closing up for Masses). Sign up sheets are available in front of Our Lady’s Altar. St. Paul’s anointing Mass on Tuesday, 24th March at 10am Mass, followed by morning tea in the hall. All welcome. If anyone needs transport to and from this Mass Please contact the Office 9557 1165. CELEBRATING EASTER: *** VOLUNTEERS FOR OUR EASTER CEREMONIES:: All available ministers (readers, leaders and Ministers of Holy Communion) are encouraged to have an active role in the Easter ceremonies. In addition to the usual ministries we need people on Holy Thursday to: 1. bring in the holy oil; and 2. for the washing of the feet. Additional ‘behind the scenes’ support would also be appreciated. Please look at the tasks on the lists for Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil and Easter Sunday and write your name wherever you would be happy to help. Sign up sheets are available in front of Our Lady’s Altar. A member of the Liturgy team will then be in contact. Project compassion boxes can be brought to the Church on Holy Thursday. Parishioners will be invited to come forward during the Mass to place them in the basket. Boxes are still available from the stands at the doors for those who still wish to collect one. KAIROS: New issue No 4 now available Please place $2 in the St. Vincent De Paul box. ADORATION: CHILD CARE: A local St. Pauls parishioner has some vacancies in her home based child care. If interested please check the notice board for more details. Stations of the Cross: Friday 9.40am after Communion Service. Children’s Liturgy: At both Masses Sat. & Sun. Wednesday 3 — 4pm, Friday 8.15 — 9.15am GENERAL NOTICES Conversation with Bishop Mark Edwards, O.M.I. Thurs. April 16th at 7.30 pm in McKenna Centre Born in Indonesia; educated at Mazenod College; graduated Bachelor of Science from Monash University; then entered the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate (Oblates) on 1980. He made his final profession as an Oblate in 1984 and was ordained in 1986. He continued his studies at Monash obtaining Bachelor of Letters and a Doctorate in Philosophy. He has been a teacher, a Novice Master, a Lecturer at CTU and various other formation posts within his order, until he was consecrated a bishop in Dec. 2014. We wish to welcome Bishop Mark to our community; invite him to share something of his faith journey; and to allow us to respond in a conversation with him. Palm Sunday, 29th March– Justice for Refugees—Seeking Asylum is a Human Right—Close Manus, Close Nauru Prayer Service– 1-1:30pm—St. Patrick’s Cathedral Walk– 2pm—State Library OLSH COLLEGE REUNIONS—2015 Sat. 16 May – 40th Reunion for the Class of 1975 At the College from 2-5pm. Email Anne (Geehman) Oxlade check Facebook events page OLSH College Class of 75 Reunion. Sat. 23 May – 30th Reunion for the Class of 1985: Email and check Facebook OLSH Bentleigh Class of 1985. Sat. 23 May – 10th Reunion for the Class of 2005: At the College 2- 5pm. Contact Catherine (Patterson) Millwood on Facebook OLSH Class of 2005. Sun. 13 Sept. – 20th Reunion for the Class of 1995:U Time 3pm onwards, venue TBA. Email with your updated details. Tanya (Robbins) Sawtell and Liz (Telfer) Tregoning. TRINITY BOOK CLUB Trinity Book Club meeting – 2 April – Sweeney Centre 1.30pm – “When the Night Comes” by Favel Parrett. Retirement Accommodation available. St. John’s Church, Bentleigh Retirement Village Inspect 11am-11:30am, Sat & Sun. Tom: 9557 4715 ST. PETER’S ROSTER PARISHIONERS DATE LECTORS 6.30pm—Ronald Miranda, Martha Morrow 8.30am—Donna Monaghan, Maree Slater 10.30am—Aprille Thiedeman, Shane Thiedeman 5.30pm—Volunteer, Annie Herbison 28th & 29th March PRESBYTERY COUNTERS GRP 1: Barry Linton, Liz Coyne, Brian McKernan, Tina Virgona Sun 29th March THANKSGIVING COUNTERS GRP 11: Brian Gwynn, Angelo Taranto, John Lillis, Ray Nielsen Sun 29th March SACRISTAN GRP 9: Patricia Culliver, Margaret Courtney, Kate Robert, Geraldine Savage Sat 28th March FATIMA STATUE Aldersey Family—Glenmer Street, Bentleigh Sun 22nd March Suhr Family—Blamey Street Sun 29th March Eileen Darby (Sun) Helen Heal (Sun) 22nd March 29th Mar & 5th Apr Sr Delia (Wed) Liz Liston (Wed) 25th Mar & 1st April 8th & 15th April MOORABBIN HOSPITAL VISIT ST. PAUL’S ROSTER COUNTERS VOCATIONS / CHALICE PARISHIONERS DATE Marie Nath Peggy Davis Lilian Vella Sun 22nd March Michael Renwick Herbert Saldanha Jaycinthe Jansz Sun 29th March Pat Raju (Sun) Chris Renwick (Sun) Mario Mirabile Heather Aldred (L) (L) Claire Stanley Patricia Baxter (R) (Sat) (R) (Sun) Peggy Davis Sr. Nora (L) (L) Brindyl Madhusudan (R) (Sat) Glynn Mayne (R) (Sun) 28th & 29th March 22nd & 29th March 21st & 22nd March LECTORS COMPUTER OPERATORS: GIFTS EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS: De Losa Family (Sat) Peter Whitelaw (Sun) 21st & 22nd Mar De Losa Family (Sat) Lanh Forrest (Sun) 28th & 29th Mar Uytenbogaardt Family (Sat) Maria Demarchi & Angie Jones (Sun) 21st & 22nd Mar Peggie & Paul Davis 27th & 29th Mar (Sat) O’Halloran Family (Sun) Station 1: Kyle Uytenbogaardt, Volunteer Needed Station 2: Amanda Bonso, 2 Volunteers Needed, Station 3: Ida Surjadi, Volunteer Needed Saturday Station 1: Libby Thomas, Volunteer Needed Station 2: Rosa Lettieri, 2 Volunteers Needed Station 3: Fiona Howard, Volunteer Needed Sunday March Peter & Ilona Harty 22nd March Diana & Garnet Fernandez and Bev & Les Claudius 29th March 1: Willie Chenhall 3: 22nd March PARISHIONERS DATE MORNING TEA (HALL) COMMUNION TO THE SICK 2: Kim Loh ST. CATHERINE’S ROSTER COUNTERS Garry & Maureen Clynes, Bernadette Farrell Mon 30th Mar ALTAR SOCIETY Maureen Gill, Katrina Gill Sat 28th Mar LECTORS 8.30am: Judi Fisher 10.30am: Marta Nowak Sun 29th Mar EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS 8.30am: Sheelagh Connors 10.30am: Mary Gill Sun 29th Mar COMPUTER OPERATORS 8.30am: Phillip Connors 10.30am: Garry Clynes Sun 29th Mar FATIMA STATUE Collins Family Mon 30th Mar FOURTH SUNDAY IN LENT (YEAR B) GOSPEL John 12: 20-30 Among those who went up to worship at the festival were some Greeks. These approached Philip, who came from Bethsaida in Galilee, and put this request to him, ‘Sir, we should like to see Jesus.’ Philip went to tell Andrew, and Andrew and Philip together went to tell Jesus. Jesus replied to them: ‘Now the hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. I tell you most solemnly, unless a wheat grain falls on the ground and dies, it remains only a single grain; but if it dies, it yields a rich harvest. Anyone who loves his life loses it; anyone who hates his life in this world will keep it for the eternal life. If a man serves me, he must follow me, wherever I am, my servant will be there too. If anyone serves me, my Father will honour him. Now my soul is troubled. What shall I say: Father, save me from this hour? But it was for this very reason that I have come to this hour. Father, glorify your name!’ A voice came from heaven, ‘I have glorified it, and I will glorify it again.’ People standing by, who heard this, said it was a clap of thunder; others said, ‘It was an angel speaking to him.’ Jesus answered, ‘It was not for my sake that this voice came, but for yours. ‘Now sentence is being passed on this world; now the prince of this world is to be overthrown. And when I am lifted up from the earth, I shall draw all men to myself.’ By these words he indicated the kind of death he would die. Recently Deceased: Lord, we commend to you people in need: Those who are sick: St Peter’s: Paul Nielsen, Pat Callanan, Stanley Wright, Jane Wheelahan, Solange Ibriham, Bruce Armstrong, Fr. Lauri Leonard, Peter Carr, Doug Willans, Moira Bugg, Simon Trinh, Doreen Brown, Anna Marteon, Peter & Marie Bergin, Sheryl Martin, Aurora Cubero, Pat Huggins, Michael Griffin, Christina Andersen, Sarah, Elisa D’Elia, John Madden, Paul Houston, Rachael Hailstone, Roland Fernandez, Ann Dodd, Merle Milner, Cresencia Elchico, John Jackson, June Jackson, Maria-Elena De Sa, Valmai Rogers, Matt Milanovic, Joan Clarke, Dorotea Moniz, Alfio Pappalardo, Claude Darga, Stephanie & Amelie Francois, Rae Hill, Maria Kyunghee Chu, Duncan McMillan, Melissa Jovanovic, Bill Tilley, Dorothy Nolan, Cathy Davies, Guiseppe Mase, Cathy Hogan, Nigel Harbach, Kathleen Murphy, Abby, Jacqui Slattery, Sherine Vanderputt, Daniel Pintado, St Paul’s: Fr. Chris Reay, Anne Taylor, Elizabeth Wort, Peter Morck, Camile Riley, Judith Westcott, Sharon Boyd, Elisa D’Elia, Sandy Bruce, Harry Malatsis, Tanya Wall, St Catherine’s: Marion Hickey, Sue Saddler, Marie Rivalland, Jean Sutton, Paul McKay, Paul Madden, Joan Clarke, Joanne Barry, Robert Boileau, Paul Dwyer, Tony Infanti, Minna Beer, Trenna Scanlon St. Peter’s: Yvonne Dey (In India), Malcolm Fraser St Paul’s: Bob LaGreca One Month Remembrance: St Catherine’s: Margaret Murtagh 1st Anniversary Remembrance: St Peter’s: Crispia Didulo Anniversaries occurring at this time: St Peter’s: Ilona Probyn (4yrs), Vonda Lipinski (5yrs), Joe, Mark & Rebecca Mifsud, Joe Ebejer, Alfio Munforte, St Paul’s: Maisie Thompson, Gerard Decker, Norma Rawlings St Catherine’s: Armando Gamba (2yrs), Arthur Menezes, William Cogley, Therese Sullivan, Aaron Smith, Vito Amalfitano BULLETIN NOTICES DEADLINES St. Peter’s Trish Richards & Marion Quinn, 9579 4255, Thursday St. Paul’s Libby Thomas, 9557 1165, Thursday 9am St. Catherine’s Judi Fisher - or in letterbox at Presbytery Thursday 9am
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